Dec 5, 2012
Why do people love Guilty Crown? Why?
Score : 7,8
Popularity : #97
Ok, ok. It's not the worst anime I've ever seen, but... ehh.
[very low spoiler alert]
The list of negative things starts with the main character. You'll probably hate him. Shu. His first goal was to be unknown for his school years, and to live his little life as he wanted. But anyway, he has to be the "hero". After a while, when the storyline takes a turn, he gets used to his role. Maybe too much. He becomes a real dictator. Even if he just wants to do his best, to save as many lifes as
he could, he can't help everyone. -> he gets a group of haters.
First he was unlucky and lame, then he became a powerul leader, with no heart. Maaan.
AAAND. The worst point of it is, that probably I would have been done the same thing. Shu is realistic as hell. And in such a bad-bad place like Japan in the future, you can get easily mad.
Shu over.
The story is not that bad. I like the surival-animes, and there are some new things in this one.
Art & Sounds : Nice job. They're awesome.
(I'm in love with Inori's voice.... aaahh)
The Characters...umm. They show us the sad truth I think. They have their own personalites. There's also a girl in a wheelchair. huhu. But the sad atmostphere doesn't has a good effect on them. I felt on the most characters... something... letargic.
The only one in the anime I liked during the whole anime is Inori. She always did the right things.
- many characters died in the anime. there were some unnecessary deaths too. dreary god... :'(
Enjoyment. Hmm. Because of Shu's "crying" the anime was a pain. I felt the same as he. And the world is full with evil. And... nevermind what he did, he was hated. Sooo. This had a big effect on me. And that's why i couldn't really enjoy the story.
Pure sadness overload.
/Umm. This was my first review + English is my second language. So please don't kill me if I wrote something wrong\stupid/
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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