I'm an autistic guy who watched his first anime in very early 2019, though only really started watching anime regularly in early 2020. My favorite genre (if you'd call it that) is probably isekai, but I don't really care for the ecchi stuff or mindless power fantasy that it's often associated with. I'm more just intrigued by the fantasy and video game-like elements, plus world-building. I could probably just say I like fantasy, but a big part of it for me is the element of the character discovering the world and characters for the first time together with the viewer. I also have to say I love mystery and sci-fi, with time travel probably being my absolute favorite theme. You could probably tell by my top 10 anime. In general though, I'm an all-things-anything kinda guy. I can enjoy just about any genre. As long as I understand the plot and can follow along, that's all I really need. It doesn't even have to have great animation (though that's definitely a big plus, and often the only saving factor if the story doesn't do it for me).
Since a lot of people don't seem to get my username right, I'll say right here that it's pronounced, step-by-step: "kyu" (like the letter Q), "air" (like what we breathe), then "rez"; with a typical 3-syllable pronunciation where the emphasis lies in the second syllable, like words like "ba𝙣𝙖na" or "ba𝙯𝙤𝙤ka". I'll also clarify that my name is not of Spanish origin or anything like that. It's literally just a mismash of "cool letters".
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