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Mar 17, 2024
From episode 1 I could tell this was nothing special. The comedy was bland and unoriginal usually resulting in Chidori getting mad at Souske and then hitting him. Are your laughing yet? NO.... well get used to it because that's at least half of the series. The other half is a military mech fighting show that barely scratches the surface of what it could be because it decided it wanted to focus on highschool comedy too. The writers did a terrible job with these two concepts because they don't mesh together at all. It doesn't help that the music is limited at well it has
like 4 soundtracks and they're generic.
I put this as background noise after episode 4 and I'm glad I did because my instincts were right. This anime is boring at straight up 5/10. Sousuke and Chidori are terrible main characters. Chidori is annoying and useless. Sousuke is as bland as flour. It took him 20 episodes to show genuine emotion where he wasn't taking like an unsalted cracker. The show also had a weird fascination with showing panty scenes in the first 7-8 episodes, ruining any serious moments.
The only reason people ever liked this show was because they're was literally limited options on what they could choose to enjoy. Times have changed we have like 50 new anime to choose from each coming season. Not to mention the internet gives people quick access to better older anime whether its from a legal or illegal site. There's a reason people don't talk about this show its just forgettable.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Jan 16, 2024
Seizure Warning: Don't watch this anime if your prone to seizures, they love to flash lights every fourth of a second in this anime to compensate that they had no budget or time to make this anime. It's prevalent throughout the entire series and especially in the final episode.
Record of the Lodoss War is not a hidden gem and the people who like it are talking with Rose-Tinted Glasses on. They story is all over the place and episodes skip context that would make the next episodes make sense. The narrator will say some important information non-chalantely and then move on with "more important
things." They were traveling for an entire episode to meet an important old wizard. Then the next episode hits and their in the castle, they skipped over the meeting with this important old wizard who's integral to the plot. He appears in like 4 episodes not directly with our main cast, and we don't feel the impact of it because his importance is so vague.
The animation is bad even for when it came out, its clear that they had no budget. Lots of stills and with zoom in, zoom out, pan to the left, and pan to the right shots. I can forgive bad animation if the story and characters are interesting. But like I said before the story is all over the place, we fight 4 villains in a short 13 episodes. The villains are propped up and then instantly defeated it makes them laughable. The characters are legit archetypes they have little to no personality. We have the standard brave knight, snooty elf, wise mage, and mischievous thief. Parn is our main character and he sucks. He's bad with a sword then gets slightly better with a sword. But the problem wasn't that he was bad with a sword. The problem was that he rushes into dangerous situations without thinking. He never stops doing this and he always gets his ass kicked. He survives 80% of the time on pure luck, or because his friends happen to be in the right place at the right time.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Dec 27, 2023
Tsubasa Chronicles started off strong but halfway through the series it loses what made it once special. The basic premise is a boy falls in love with a princess and has to rescue her by collecting her scattered memories via dimension hopping. Its a simple collectathon journey with a clear bad guy to defeat. The simplicity of the plot is very endearing as is all the main characters. They're simple but they all bounce off each other quite nicely. The premise of hopping to different dimension's or what we'd call them now "multiverses" was novel to me because this started in 2003 and ended in
2009. So I was wondering what kind of story potential laid in something created 20 years ago.
What went wrong was that it took too much story inspiration from Kingdom Hearts in the worst way possible. It became complicated for the sake of being complicated. All the actions the crew took were "obviously" planned out by the big bad villain way in advance. Another similar problem is that everyone seems to have a gotcha moment of I actually knew this was going to happen so I did this instead. Their is too many magic systems that seem albeit too convenient every time something is going to happen or planned to happen. Or someone finally reveals a big secret that they should have just told everyone else about because it clearly explains what's happening and gives you an idea on how to actually defeat the villain. When your battling a big powerful enemy more information is better than none. The more I think about it I've realized that the villain could have simply hired people across from dimensions to research magic for his ultimate wish versus making a convoluted plan that involves these four randoms people. He has the ability to travel dimensions with no problems and grants wishes as well. So he can give someone something and they can work for him for all of eternity. His wish would have been earned through hard work and not put all the dimensions in danger.
So as you can see the overcomplicating of the story leads to more plot holes. Because if you think more than five seconds you can think of tons of solutions that this bad time space wizard who coincidentally had all the time in the universe didn't think about.
In the last volume the villain's wish does get granted. A wish that the good Time Space Witch kept saying was impossible to grant. Sayoran and Sakura the main characters of the series get his wish granted in a way you didn't think about because we kept getting told its impossible. So the wish he wanted doesn't get granted to him but does to a couple of people he's been screwing over. So this entire journey caused by this bad Space Wizard is fucking pointless.
The simplicity was charming and the authors could have made a more serious second half work if they didn't complicate every detail. That was their greatest mistake. If they had succeeded I would have found a hidden gem but instead I found a dud.
There are two reasons for a 6/10. One is the first half of the story is good. Second the art is art is incredible. Specifically the flow and composition of the manga is done masterfully. Pretty art can't save a story only enhance it. So I can't with good conscious recommend this to anyone.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Dec 22, 2023
Shield Hero Season 3 is absolute garbage, it fails in making the main characters interesting and the plethora in side characters that it brings in. Naofumi is in a blank state this season he has absolutly no personality. He occasionally talks about money but meh that's it, his braincells have left him. He left a village full of defenseless children to almost get captured by slave traders. Slaves that he just bought, and he only bought them because they used to be part of Raphtalia's village. Naofumi feels more like a typical isekai mc. Girls will just fawn over him and he acts all confused
like wah, "what's she talking about." A young girl goes into his bed to sleep with him at night and he just acts so nan-chalant about it. Season 1 Naofumi would have pushed her out of the bed and scolded her. Where is that Naofumi? The side characters get the bare minimum of personality but they certainly level up way faster than they should have. It goes from night to day with them being very weak skin and bones to combat masters.
I also like to say the three heroes all have the same problem with Bitch. Bitch deceives them, steals they're money, leaves them in debt, and they unlock the curse series. Only to be saved by Naofumi who then takes them into the village to help them. Because he really really really needs them to fight the Pheonix (like the spirit turtle it will wake up soon and cause waves to happen.) The heroes are so flat as characters its not believable in any way that they're this stupid or untalented. It's all to make Naofumi look like a genius but he's just an adult among kindergarteners. With how powerful the side characters and how we see other heroes cross into Naofumi's world and how literal bandits from another world almost kill Naofumi, why do we need the other heroes. Naofumi killed the spirit tortise by himself, yeah it took him awhile but the other heroes didn't help at all. They were literally in the way.
The animation is standard but not nice looking however to its credit it does bring some budget to the fight scenes.
I'm really sad I liked this show and adore season 1 even if it isn't perfect but its not the same nor has it improved anything that was previously holding it back.
Reviewer’s Rating: 2
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Sep 11, 2023
A 4 is an honest score for this anime. He doesn't do much with making food or planning on how to make a food creating village until the last 4 episodes. Honestly the reason I checked out this anime was because I thought it was going to be a food battle isekai show. The trailers were incredibly misleading. Instead we got bland isekai "politics." I only stuck around with this show because I had to see if they were committed to not giving us "cooking with character moments." Thankfully like I said before the last four episodes delivered a little bit more but we still
had a lot politics every episode.
Pas is your basic main character isekai protagonist, he's incredibly gifted with knowledge from our world, gets a cheat skill, OP in everything, everyone is always impressed by him, everyone always loves him no matter what, and he never loses a single battle.
Nothing new I wouldn't waste your time with this show. Watch something better.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Jun 19, 2022
This is another isekai show that is aware its an isekai. The protagonist knows it, the world itself knows it, and the audience knows it. This guy gets reincarnated into a otome style game that goes for every genre under the sun. The world is full of floating islands, space tech, magic, in a medieval themed world, where half of the episodes take place in a preppy rich magic school and the other half takes place in a spaceship. Its such an odd combination of genres but the game itself is already weird to being with. The author basically just wanted to make fun of
weird genre-clashing otome games.
Leon himself is a trashy but fun to watch protagonist. Mainly because every other male around him is either stupid or subservient. The world around him is so bad that even by his terrible attitude he's constantly made out to look like a hero. From day one you see this is a ruthless matriarchy, where women have more power/status than men.
I'm going to be honest with you, the first episode is where Leon does all the work, and then he just piggybacks on the successful loot that he found. He has a robot butler that literally does the work for him for the rest of the series. What works for this series is the fact that Leon is such a terrible person because he doesn't give a shit. That's what's so entertaining in this series. The main two girls are okay, they're basic characters you'd find from an otome game. The real game "protgonist" Marie and her supposed to be "rival" Angie. Marie is a goody two shoes and Angie is an intelligent hard-ass that secretly a sweetheart. The princes which are Leon's rivals are super one note. Marie another rival of Leon is kinda interesting but we still don't get much info from her.
If your interested in a premise like this just read the manga/light novel, they're not going to skip over important details. Because this is a slightly above mid tier show. It has its moments but in the department of drama it falls flatter than pancake.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Jun 18, 2022
Yeah its more or less the same as the first season. I'm mean you'd really only be watching it if you liked the first season. Both seasons are fine mixed with a bit of meh. The otaku and loli are always the best part of the show. The main two scientists have the exact same dynamic but this time with a different relationship status. A few new characters get introduced. Himuro gets more backstory. So the season does expand on some necessary elements. It still executes them in a fine way.
The ending to this season is weird, not going to spoil anything but it hit
the direction in a weird left field area.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Jun 18, 2022
Jumpei is an brash, manly obsessed dance protagonist that finds that he's most true to himself when he's doing the on thing he's missed most, ballet. If you ever watched Ballroom e Youkoso, he is literally the opposite of that protagonist. If someone talks down to Jumpei he is going to talk down to them harder. I actually really respect a protagonist that's got guts from the start. He's really bold and brash but gives respect when its due.
The story is fine, not anything too out of the ordinary for a Shonen dance show, but done well. His rival Ruou is the complete opposite of
him and without a doubt the better dancer. The love interest is most prominent in the first few episodes and then forgotten about for the Jumpei/Ruou rivalry and and dance academy arc.
I would definitely recommend this show to anyone who loves dance, especially ballet.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Mar 23, 2022
I'm going to be honest this show isn't something super special. It's more like a palate cleanser show. Something that's not to bad but not to good, heck not even something that's memorable. But was it fun.... the more I think about it yeah it really was. Cayna's adventures in Leadale really grew on me. Leadale is a relaxing turn your brain off show and if you follow those instructions your going to have fun. Basically, don't think to hard about this show just go along with the adventure. If your looking for something super deep, thought provoking, and peak writing your not going
to find that here. Its an isekai pseudo-power fantasy that's actually relaxing.
The best way to watch this show is after coming home from a long day at work. Relax your brain and have a good time. Another good use is background noise once this gets its English Dub. If you really want to watch it take your sweet time with this show and enjoy it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Jan 30, 2022
Don't be fooled by people saying this is like KonoSuba. The only similarity is the art style. Princess Connect! Re:Dive doesn't have an ounce of the well written humor, story, characters, and pacing of KonoSuba. The only reason I watched this was because so many people were comparing it to Konosuba. Don't make the same mistake I made. Princess Connect! Re:Dive is a very ordinary fantasy anime. It's nothing special and doesn't say anything new. It's a listless show, Princess Connect doesn't know what wants to be and its frustrating to watch. If your honestly interested in the show give it a 3 episode watch
rule, and if it isn't hitting you then its not going to hit anytime soon.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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