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Apr 23, 2018
Android Kikaider is another manga created by the master mangka Ishinomori Shoutaro, displaying his amazing skill in creating super hero stories, laying the basics to many that came after. This manga was based on the live action by the same name also created by Ishinomori.
Kikaider is a story about a robot with a human conscience, basically incomplete one because instead of being only good he can do also evil (much like the human heart). Firstly the story deals with the conflict of humans and robots, the difference between them and what it means to really be human. Ishinomori deals with such heavy themes very easily,
not diving too deep and keep it superficial, just enough to make you understand and think about them, but not giving us anything new or groundbreaking on the subject.
Although it is interesting to see the main character, Jiro, deals with his guilt as being an incomplete robot and learning to accept being who he is, the story quickly develops in a different direction, a more familiar ground for Ishinomori-Shapeshifting robots, poses, battle scenese and enemy who wants to rule the world. This change of tone is both weird and expected at the same time.
It's also where the story takes a nosedive in quality, being much like a regular super hero show, it has unexpected (bad) twists and villains without real ambition other than "be the ruler of the world". Robots fight each other, blow each other up and the subject of robots as humans and "the heart of robots" is barely brought up again. There is some comedy in the manga (mostly exaggerated facial expressions) but the comedy is the weak side and luckily, doesn't appear much.
The ending to the story is very interesting though, if only just because it is pretty weird and shocking, in a way.
The characters, much like the story, are pretty shallow and lose their edge after the first part of the series. The hero Jiro starts as an emotional robot, falling in love with the human girl Mitsuko and trying to deal with his incomplete nature, accepting it and seeing himself as he is, with all the good and bad traits. The story is kinda clumsy in his development but there is a real one there, advancing in his thoughts and emotions.
Later on, the characters become much more dull and one dimensional. Every one has some trait to them which define their characters-Jiro becomes even more righteous and typical "hero of justice", his brother Ichiro is a loud, quick to fight kind of character. His other brother Rei is the cool, strong type. It's the same as the villains-in the start the villain want to get ton of money, later on control of the whole world...
Let's talk about the best part of the manga. After saying these stuff on the plot and the characters you must think "why should I read it?". The art is definitely something you should read it for. Ishinomoro art is beautiful, with an amazing attention to details and paneling. Wether it's a forest, city, the sea, space there is great attention to the small details and to the texture of the objects. The explosions are vivid and feel so real, almost popping out the screen (or paper?). The character design is a weak point, looking like the general cartoon style made popular by Tezuka. But the robots design, customs are all really cool and good looking. I should emphasize the word "cool", as Ishinomori manage to make everything look cool, from the robots, to the poses and to the fighting itself.
Kikaider is a manga that is very fun to read. It's enjoyable, in a cartoon style, making you nostalgic for the morning cartoons. Powered up by it's amazing art and the great ability of the mangaka to suck you into the story, even if it's not so good, make the reading an enjoyable experience and something thats worth your time.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Jul 26, 2017
Ah yes, Destroy and Revolution, a story that gone horribly, horribly wrong.
For those of you who are not familiar with Mori Kouji works, he is the creator of two fantastic works-Holyland, the coming of age story of Kamishiro Yuu and Suicide Island about teens that try to survive on an abandoned island. Naturally, as a fan of his works I was excited to read Destroy and Revolution (will now be refereed as D&R). He already proved himself, twice! so what exactly went horribly wrong in this particular story?
Let's about the premise of the plot-we have our main character, Makoto, a timid shy guy who has
some sort of telepathic power named "Oneness". He becomes friend with popular guy at his school, Yuuki, which discover about this power and reveal to him that he wants to become a terrorist and change society by force. So far, all is good and well. Sure, the political talk of Yuuki is very juvenile in nature, very naive. And there is a slight feeling that the story will go to someplace positive or at least make the characters develop and see a wider perspective. Instead, it goes in the direction of some sort cheap, action movie. Aside from the explosions the boys causes with this superpower, we discover that the author made every human being (except Yuuki of course) stupid. Yuuki spouts some generic lines such as "society is bad, we need to change it" or "how can some humans live good while other suffer?" and people worldwide shocked as it is some huge discovery. It also made a clear point that Yuuki himself doesn't know the answer to the world problems, but he rely that after he blows building and terrorize the country people will find solutions. This is incredibly stupid because from the beginning he is basically saying that he doesn't have an actual plan but we suppose to support him.
Moving on America getting into the picture and they are presented in a ridiculous, stereotyped way. Their first solution is to kill the terrorists, and if it doesn't works out, they can just drop another atomic bomb on Japan. Yeah, this is super realistic.
Another thing that really bothers me with the story was the fact that no one actually tried to give a proper argument to Yuuki, they all treated him as some sort of all knowing wise elder. Which brings me to the characters.
Let's talk about Makoto, he is our main character. He is timid, powerful and 90% of the time stutters or can't refute even the most basic argument. Sometimes he suddenly gets angry and strong, like some sort of Hulk, but it doesn't fooling anyone. The main thing about the story is that Yuuki (and Makoto too) want to destroy and change society because how unfair and how much they hate it. But after meeting ONE nice girl in his class Makoto worldview changed. Five Minutes after meeting this girl he get seconds thoughts about that hey, maybe society isn't so evil!
He is also, of course, against killing people although in the beginning Yuuki tells him that yes, eventually he would probably kill people, later on-Makoto is surprised that Yuuki actually killing people! what a shock!
Makoto isn't important anyway, he is just the brawn. Let's talk about Yuuki shall we? Yuuki is perfect in any way. He is, basically, Jesus. Maybe it's just me, but I had the feeling that the author really really wanted us to root for him. I mean, how else can you explain the fact that he talks about very basic politics and it makes everyone think that he has a powerful charisma? In real life, he would have been a laughing stock. Imagine a 13 years old kid suddenly realize that the world isn't really fair and tells about it to adults, and the adults are shocked and can only say stuff like "yeah but this is the world we created so it's probably good!", this is how everyone reacts to Yuuki. As the story goes on he gets more and more power hungry and sees himself as a god but all the while he remains cool and calculated because the author doesn't want to hurt his image. He constantly does stupid stuff (because destroying US military bases somehow will save the world) but always PRESENTED as a calculated master mind.
We have some more characters, all of them are very boring. I use the word "boring" because most of them are one dimensional, show up for a very little amount of time or even downright stupid. We have the love interest of Makoto which, as all the females in this manga, is completely useless and only can cry and give motivational speeches to Makoto. We also have the task force against Yuuki, and their supervisors-the Americans, all presented as stupid hot headed trigger happy people of course.
The art. What can be said about it? the art in Mori's works is always very basic. It's good, but not something to brag about it. Still, things are details enough and pleasant to the eye. The backgrounds themselves are not really impressive, some explosions are drawn very good, some are disappointing. As always, the character design is really bad. He has only like, 2-3 models for all the characters, so a lot of them looks pretty much the same but with a different haircut (at least we can different between them), the females looks the same, very weak point.
So, was it an enjoyable read? no, not really. As the plot went on it felt more and more like a cheap action film, when I finished the manga I was positive that "directed by:Micheal Bay" would appear, but nope. It was real. The ending was kinda amusing (although again, very stupid). I think the story would have more potential if it wasn't so focused on this very basics politics and ideals. As I say-don't go political at all, it's boring, it's usually stupid and it's relies heavily on if you agree with the character or don't. Which is why I believe a lot of people did like (and still, would like) the manga. I've seen plenty of comments about people that agree with Yuuki and actually cheer him on. So I guess in some way the author succeeded in his job. If you still find the plot interesting enough you have my blessing to read it, thanks for suffering through my rant, and good day.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Nov 17, 2016
Oniisama e... is a famous shoujo manga from the 70's, written by the talented Ikeda Riyoko. Although the anime (which is also amazing by it's own) is probably more popular in the west, the manga is also incredible.
The story of Dear brother is focus on the first year adventure of Misonoo Nanako, a sweet innocent girl that just got into Seiran high school, an all girl private school. Sending letters to her former teacher (which she asks from to be her brother) about her life in school, she finds out that school life isn't all roses.
The manga deal with a lot of very real, and
even controversial themes (for the time of the publishing). With the elite sorority at the school, girls will do anything to get into it, resulting in broken friendship, jealousy, verbal bullying and gossiping behind the back. This atmosphere of competition and hatred fall on Nanako as she simply can't handle all of this. We also see some more darker stuff in the school-forbidden, sometimes even destructive love, that can ruin someone, and make her depressed to the point of self harm , the usage of drugs, family connections and secrets in the family such as betrayal, cheating and bastard children... all of this is shown in Dear brother, delivered excellently.
As for the set of characters, we have a few main ones, and Nanako being the main-est. Her personality is of a gentle, caring girl. But exposed to the harsh bullying and the sick sorority which basically serve as sort of a old fashioned "class system", being the most elite and beautiful, but ugly and empty inside, sometimes even downright cruel. She is changed and maturing faster by that, and also falling in love for the first time, having complex thought about if the love of her is right and if it's okay to love other girls.
Shinoubo Mariko is presented at the start as a jealous girl the fall in love with Nanako and will do anything to protect her and to have her for herself. She is a complex character that change a lot during the manga, suffering from her shameful family ties and her feelings toward others.
We see a lot of focus on the three most popular girls in the school. Fukiku Miya which is the head of the sorority is a very prideful woman, sometimes even to the point of being cruel. She has a lot of secret motives to her actions and put herself above all. Asaka Rei which is "saint just-sama" is presented as very cold at first but as we read we find out more and more about her and the reasons which drove her to drug usage and her past, suffering from being unaccepted by the only person she loved. And Kauro no kimi, which is presented as being the nicest and having the strongest sense of justice out of the three, resisting the existence of the sorority and having secrets of her own...
We have a few minor characters that serve to develop the story and the character change of the main ones, resulting in a character development for all the girls.
When you look at the art, well, can't say it's the best thing ever. For me this old shoujo art style (sparks and big eyes) is not really appealing. The lack of backgrounds can also be bothersome, but the great story cover for it. The author also has an excellent way to present character expressions and a sense for dramatic effects (effects of glass shattering with the character shocked face, the reactions of the characters are all very dramatic) this is fit perfectly with the tone of the manga. The character design itself is OK, I guess, although the author always had a preference for good looking girls that pretty much look like a man, which is not my thing. Other girls looks also okay, stuff like hair designed very good, in a smooth way.
Overall, this is an excellent manga, that manage to cover a lot of different real topics (even if some are kinda dramatic and not anyone can experience/relate to them) in a wonderful setting and dark atmosphere. Private high school for only girls make a truly magnificent setting, Yuri or not. The ending itself felt a bit lacking in my opinion, it is overall fit for this kind of manga, but it is too sudden, like "boom, end. Can't do nothing about it" and although it bothered me it didn't felt like it was too horrible, although I will leave that to your own judge. Enjoy the manga, enjoy the anime, all is great.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Oct 12, 2016
I will probably repeat a little of what was said before, but I decided KURO deserved more exposure for being so fun and unique manga.
From the beginning, we can enter the world of KURO and it's amazing atmosphere. We can see Coco and her cat Kuro living together alone in a huge mansion, and there is something off about the whole thing, especially about the cat...
From there, we discover more details about the world. The author expose more in a very masterful way, slowly teasing and showing in a perfect pace, as we learn more about the horror of the world and about the
miserable state of the humans of this world. As we discover more about the world using flashbacks and info dumps of other character, we can see that KURO is a more personal story-the story in focusing on Coco and her circumstances, and it's point is not solving every problem in this new, frighting world.
There are some problems in the story, don't be mistaken. Although it's pace is great, we never truly discover or understand everything, especially when talking about the end, which is definitely is a very weak point to the manga. The fact that we don't understand or solve the problem by the end can be forgiven, as it is a personal story of Coco and not of humans as a whole, but I believe the author could at least explain the ending properly.
The characters are also a weak point of the manga, as they don't really have any personality. You can understand why they behave in certain ways, or the mental state of Coco, but they are very bland and boring. The fact that we barely see any of them sometimes is also bothering because you really can't connect to any of them (besides Coco, and although being main character is very boring). The side stories really expand on some of the characters or why they act in a certain way, but it's not enough. The manga is without a doubt more story focused than character one.
The art is very pleasing. I've seen better and more unique art, but it's very nice to the eyes and the background are beautiful. The character design is also beautiful, and the design of the creatures in this manga is very eerie and fits the horror vibe that the manga give sometimes. The manga is also all color, and the coloring is excellent, feels very natural.
Overall, KURO is a very enjoyable manga. When I read manga I want some great atmosphere to really suck me in. It's a shame for the characters and the fact that we don't really know what will happen for the world, but the story itself is great enough, and the eerie atmosphere will keep you on the edge. Also, it's really short, so just go ahead and read it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Sep 30, 2016
Hot road is a popular shoujo series in the 80's which tells the story of Kazuki Miyachi and how she got to meet the "NIGHTS" motorcycle gang and a boy named Haruyama.
In it's base, Hot road is a very youthful story. It feels very rebellious and "punk". Aside from the motorcycle gang rivalry and business (which is pretty minor) we can see all sorts of experiences that a lot of teens can relate to and understand:stuff like rebelling, without cause sometimes, against parents and teachers. Feeling like no one understand you or your actions, and sometimes not understanding them yourself. Problem dealing and communicating with
the adults, and finding that friends are above all... even stuff like first love. All of that is not new in story telling, but Hot road bring it in a very authentic yet simple way. A lot of stuff feel dramatic, as teenagers often feel about things. The excellent way of understanding and getting across the mind of youths in what really amazing in the story. The thing that could only be a minor disappointed was the fact that there were drugs in the manga (very rare!) but the author never really dressed it or the problem properly, in my opinion.
As for the characters, a lot of them feel real. They have problems at home, especially our Heroine, which feels unwanted and unloved at home, finding comfort in the gatherings of the "NIGHTS", finding love from Haruyama. Haruyama is also case of "rebel without a cause", living apart from his parents and doesn't want to communicate with them, yet deep inside he blame himself for that. Although a lot of people love him and adore him, he has a case of self hating, which can lead to self harm.
This we see a lot in this manga. The characters usually do stuff that can lead to your own demise, because that's how teens are. They live, they laugh, and often they don't think things through the end. Getting in trouble and just enjoying the company of each other.
The art is... well, pretty bad to be honest. It's not just the matter of old fashioned art or something like that, the problem is character design. It's just not good, most of the time. A lot of characters are similar (same face) and it's really annoying when you try to figure exactly who is who. But, as said before here, the style is great. The perspective, the paneling and of course the zooming when we can see only the eyes and the mouth of the characters, adds a lot. What lacks in the art, the style is covering for that.
Overall, it's a great manga. It's young and fresh and as said multiple times-simple. It's not really hard to understand and it's short. The thing that may bother you (and bothered me, a little bit) was how dramatic the love story was-of course, it fits perfectly for the story, as teenagers often feel like their first love is the biggest love of their life, and that they could never love like that again. But still, I can usually never stand love stories like that. If you like good, realistic teen stories, I believe you would like Hot road.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Sep 22, 2016
Colored or Color of rage is another great historical manga written by Kazuo Koike, the man behind "Lone wolf and cub".
The story, set in Edo period Japan show the adventures of two escaped slaves by name of George and King, African and Japanese, and their encounters with injustice and brutality of the era. Being former slaves themselves, they rush to help to those in need, sometimes they succeed in their efforts, but sometimes they fail because in reality, you can't save everyone alone.
The story shows how peasants and generally weak people were treated by the more powerful, strong people. The treatment of the humans is
very harsh and this is the main theme of the manga-humans are free and given free will. Why should you bow to some one and (literally) eat mud just because he is richer than you? given that the main characters were slaves, this theme plays hard early on, about struggles of men to become free, to fight injustice of rich and successful people who use them, and to eradicate evil.
The story is also very immersive, fans of lone wolf and cub know it already but the author has a way to suck the reader in the era by using simple stuff like way of speaking and particular manners of the time.
As for the characters, we have two main ones. The first is George, a Japanese man that became a slave and escaped. He is very knowledgeable about the culture of Japan and how you should behave in situations, he is the more calculated of the two, and he is also a skilled sword fighter. George can appear to be more cold hearted, but this is the only more realistic approach to life-this is the way things are, and you can't always do something about it, especially when it's way bigger than just yourself. But in the end, he is always kind and helpful to his friend.
His friend is the African King. Being a foreign man in strange land he has a lot of troubles understanding the culture and the way things are. This theme could be played a little bit better, but the great effect from it is the way King affected from it. He is showing his personality, kind and hateful towards injustice. Suffering a lot in United states himself and huge discrimination against his kind he passionate about helping the weak and the innocent, and against all form of slavery.
The relationship of the two is very interesting as they are good friends bound by hard circumstances and painful past.
The art is good. Very good even, and fit the manga perfectly. I was surprised discovering that the artist is different from "Lone wolf and cub" as it so similar. Sure, there are same-face people over the manga, but the art itself is good, and the character design of the main characters is excellent.
In conclusion, the more I think about the manga the more I realize how much I enjoyed it and wished for it to be longer. There are several problems about it, like unsatisfying ending as it just... ends. We could see more about the treatment towards blacks beside the first chapter, and if we knew more about the past of the two we could understand and connect them better. The real problem is that it's simply too short, and I wish for more. I recommend you to read this wonderful manga, it won't take a lot of your time, and if you enjoy historical stuff, I think you would enjoy it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Sep 21, 2016
No reviews? that should be fixed.
Ashizuri Suizokukan is a collection of short stories. Some of them are very short (7-10 pages) and some of them are one shot length (40-50 pages). All of them are interesting and show a bizarre world mixed in with our "normal" world.
The story doesn't really exist here. Most of the stories feature some kind of little girl that goes to an adventure or interact with the bizarre creatures of her world. The stories feel like everything is a dream, there isn't a clear distinction between reality and a dream. Is everything merely an illusion or it really happened?
Some stories have some vague massages about them (sometimes it's less vague) but the real interest is the amazing world that we can experience and see more aspects of it.
For example in the story "the complete shopping district" the girl need to find an item for her mom but cannot read her note. So she search for a man that can read it and overhear conversion about a shopping district that you can find there everything you want:stuff from the past, the future, stuff that disappeared already. Or the time when she go to the newseum, the museum where everything is new, and is in constant construction to continue being new.
The characters are also bizarre, sometimes has animal heads or star shaped body. In one of my favorite from the collection, "city of the dead", we can see a city will all kind of abnormal creatures that seem to roam the streets. And they would be very kind to you if you give them a small piece of baguette!
The main character itself is a great choice in my opinion. Being a little girl, she accept all that happen around her in a very neutral, childlike way. She is curios, and interested in the way the world works, and her interactions with the other characters are very amusing. We can see in "the complete shopping district" that she tries to find a man who can read the note from her mom, and one man suggest her that the note might be in Russian. In response to her question "where can I find a man who can speak Russian?" the man says "you just need to go to Russia."
And that she does.
Through her we discover the wonderful world in very accepting eyes, we can accept everything that happen thanks to her.
As for the art, without a doubt the strongest aspect of the manga. As written in the MAL page the artist use detailed background with simplistic characters. This contradiction is beautiful. We can see sometimes zoom shoots on the hands of the characters and suddenly it's very detailed. We have also sometimes very rough, sketch like art, contributing to the bizarre, dream like feeling. Sometimes the art looks like it was drawn in a pencil, like the story "The innocent world". The art complete the experience and without it the manga wouldn't be the same.
Overall, this is a great read. Very short one too. Just take a time off and try to read it, you will have fun with it, and you can take from it whatever you like-the manga is open to interpretations. And even if it doesn't have a deeper meaning, just take it as a wild journey in a brand new-old world.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Sep 21, 2016
Ashita Dorobou is a romance manga with sci-fi elements that talk mostly about getting together with the one you love and coming in terms with your feelings.
When talking about the story of the manga, we can separate the story in two aspects:the more sci-fi aspect, and the more romance one. I will separate them because in the sci-fi aspect the story fail horribly and in the romance aspect it succeed quite well. So let's dive in.
In the sci-fi parts we have an UFO that appear just above Tokyo, and just as it appears the main character meets with his ex-girlfriend and reunites with her. After
that we suddenly discover there are several versions of his ex and the one he met was actually is an alien. From there the plot get more complex (unnecessarily) as there are people that want to use her for their own good. The story fail hard early on because of unrealistic situations and reactions from people. Now I know what you will say "It's a sci-fi story, so it's okay for it to be unrealistic, right?"
While that might be true there are a lot of things that still need to remain realistic. For example the reactions of the people to the alien are very nonchalant, the "villain" of the story is a crazy soldier that you wonder why he is still a captain in the SDF. I mean, he shoots anti-tank missile on small target in the middle of Tokyo and no one in the government or the army gives a shit, apparently.
That's just the tip of the iceberg as there are sudden, random betrayal, plan to rule the world that is simply forgotten by everyone in the end, details that the bad guy knows just because and of course a skip in time that make us wonder "what the hell happened?" yeah, the story is just isn't that good.
Now for the romantic aspect, it is way better. The story begins with a love that already ended, and although the romance itself isn't the best thing ever, the themes behind it are great. Staying true to your emotions, not denying them, understanding how important something was to you. If the sci-fi part wasn't so serious, the manga would had been much better.
As for the characters, we have the main character which is a pretty bland guy. The main thing that affect him is Ashita, his ex. We have three versions of her in the story, two younger versions and one that is older. By being with her he can understand how much he loves her and how special their relationship. As for the minor characters, they are all carbon box that exist only to say how cute Ashita and some of them to advance the sci-fi plot.
The art is not bad, but not good either. It's pretty average. The only thing that I really loved about the art is the character design of Ashita herself. The artist gave her some nice lips. But that's about it.
All in all, that's a short manga that I think you should read if you care more about the romance and true love. Although the conclusion is pretty obvious it still nice to see how the manga present the regret and the passion to return to a love that lost.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Apr 8, 2016
Schwarzesmarken is an anime that focus about human rivalry and political tension in the middle of a war with alien invaders. I think this anime got ignored (maybe because of it being of muv luv universe or being mecha which a lot of people seem to dislike) but I want that people would give a chance to this great anime.
So as said Schwarzesmarken focus on the humans in Europe (east Germany to be precise) and about their on going war with the BETA, an alien invaders that took most of Asia in a very short time. Being the last defense line of Europe, the elite
unit of "Schwarzesmarken" need to defend their country while also dealing with secret police, political tension with west Germany and the UN and of course internal conflicts. The show does a great job showing us that even in the face of humanity fiercest enemy, humans still won't get along and fight each other, possibly risking everything to get their ambitions.
We see ideals clashes and political discussions which are very interesting, but we also get a good balance of action-mecha fights and military operations, whether it's against humans or against BETA. The story is without a doubt the strongest point of the story.
Unfortunately, it isn't the same for the characters. There is a large cast and we can't get enough focus about everyone. Sure, the main character Theodor Eberbach start as a schmuck and get a character development. But we can say it only about him. The rest are either without personality, or with one gimmick that make them who their are (one is a bitch, one is a strong head etc).
We have also Katia, which is a great character. While at first seems like a Moe blob that only cries, she is tough and have strong personality-but Katia being cool doesn't fix the rest of the characters-problems that could be fix with more episodes and more time to focus about them.
For example Beatrix brehme, which built up to be a big villain, was a cardboard character without nothing to make her stand out except her cool design, a shame, really.
The designs overall were good. There was a lot of doubt about it before it came out but the art and animation were good. Nothing that stands out, but good. The voice acting was excellent.
The music fit nicely to the show, and was pleasant to hear.
Overall, Schwarzesmarken is a great anime. I enjoyed every second of it. I think more people should give it a chance because it was mostly ignored when it aired. The only people who paid attention to it were fans of the franchise, and I believe that even if you don't know Muv Luv or don't want to play the visual novels, you will still enjoy it, as a solid series with war setting and great Mecha battles.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Sep 20, 2015
Bakemonogatari is part of the monogatari series written by nisio isin. I believe that a lot of people heard about this show and so I wanted to share my honest opinion.
We begin the show with our hero Araragi koyomi. Although firstly he seems as your regular harem hero we discover very fast that he is a part vampire, which show us the supernatural element of the series.
The story in monogatari is focused on how Araragi help girls who encountered supernatural beings and add them to his harem. This formula gets repetitive and tiring very fast-He sees a girl in trouble, help her (because as usual
our hero is very nice with high moral values) and add her to his harem. I got tired of this really fast and the ways to solve the problem, although sometimes original, wasn't very interesting. Except from one episode, the story was very weak (and this episode wasn't really connected to this story).
However, while the story is weak the main focus of this show is characters. It's very character driven and the real interest is the dialogue and the unique, fun conversations about basically nothing. Sometimes the show gets serious but quickly return to this silly tone, in a very natural way and good balance between them. The sad things is that in shows like that to have the maximum enjoyment from characters gags you need to get used to them, and bake only show you very little from them, so the real fun begins in the Sequels.
Aside from the characters the other strong point of this show is the art and visuals which I sure you all heard about. The fun, unique style of shaft, the pleasant character design and the general feeling are all enjoyable. The soundtrack is okay, I don't remember something that I really liked, but the openings are all nice and the great thing about them that each arc they change-so if you didn't liked one, you might like the others.
In conclusion I will say that I expected too much from this show. I heard so many good things on it and how much "deep" and "totally not about echii" that was, but it was my mistake to listen I guess. Another thing that had major effect on my enjoyment was the main girl, and although the best episode in the show centered around her I still disliked her and the fact she got a lot of screen time bothered me. So if you look for a deep story with a large focus on plot-don't look this way. If you want to see something that is fun to watch with great dialogue, go watch now.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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