Although this is my favorite anime, I will try to ignore that fact as I review this.
So, here goes:
Story: 10
I think the story is great because of the villains. Mainly, Deep Blue (Diipu Buruu). He was wonderfully kept in the dark for most of the series to avoid spoilers, but when he was revealed he was almost like an X-Men villain (like Apocalypse). The overall plan of the aliens was to destroy the humans on Earth so they could take it for themselves, and, unless you watched the English dub, they had their own morals on the matter. Apparently, they were trying to 'reclaim' the
Earth for their species. Their species originated on Earth. The main three aliens, Pai, Kisshu, and Taruto, were enjoyable to watch, and they seemed to care for each other very much, the only thing throwing this off was their individual loyalty strength to their species.
The Mew Mews themselves were great, too. Unlike the manga, Ichigo was not the only focus. The gave character development to the other four. You even get to learn about some of their families. I did not think at any time that they were annoyingly obnoxious.
Ryou and Keiichirou were mysterious and funny at the same time. Ryou was, thankfully, less perverted than he was in the Manga. The mystery of his character was well-kept, too, I think.
Art: 6
Okay, so the art was not that great in the beginning of the show. It does get better as the story progresses (especially in the last 3 episodes). Look on the bright side! You get some great, funny in-between shots!
Sound: 8
I thought the background music was okay, I mean, I even downloaded almost all of it on my computer. There are some songs I prefer over others. The actual character songs are AMAZING, though.
The voice actors are some of the greatest, I believe. We have Canna Nobutoshi as Pai, and Sakaguchi Daisuke as Kisshu. They are one of the reasons I like this show so much, they fit their character roles so much!
Character: 10
I am pretty sure I already mentioned how great they are in the story section, but I will go over all the main characters here.
Ichigo; Cute and funny pink Mew Mew. She is the main character and following her in her story is very enjoyable and emotional at the same time. While she has a lot of guy problems, that is just what happens when you watch a magical girl show with romance. I completely agree with her when it comes to how she treated Kisshu (do not kill me!). I mean, I would want to avoid him, too, if he were stalking me, especially if I was in love with someone else.
Kisshu; This guy drives me crazy. I do not hate him: he is hilarious, adorable, and awesome, but he can be over the top. Despite what I said before, I do like him with Ichigo, but that is only because I think Masaya (Ichigo's boyfriend) is better with someone else. Kisshu, I think, is not sure how to handle his feelings and his loyalty at the same time, but I guess that is why he gets so much sympathy from his fangirls.
Masaya; He is adorable, in my opinion. He is so sweet, but the fandom seems to hate this guy. I do think he needs someone better than Ichigo, but I do like seeing how him and Ichigo react to each other in the anime. I dislike his manga counterpart (he is a little too forceful), but I will not let that ruin my thoughts on his anime version.
Ryou; A mysterious guy who seems to have a love for magical girls XD I like this character. So many secrets throughout the anime, but they are all answered pretty well, I believe. He is funny, too!
Minto (Mint): The blue Mew Mew. Snobby, rich, and a wonderful dancer, I ADORE this character. She is hilariously lazy, but at least she is serious about her job to save the Earth. She is one of the best written characters, in my opinion.
Retasu (Lettuce): The green Mew Mew. Besides Ichigo, she has the largest amount of love interests. She has a crush at the beginning of the series, she has a crush on Ryou later, she dances with Keiichirou at one point, and Pai seems to have a crush on her. Despite this, she (and Pai) is my favorite character. She is shy, but grows confidence as the show progresses, and her motherly instinct is adorable. Her love of books is awesome, too.
Bu-ling (Purin; Pudding); The orange/yellow Mew Mew. She is the youngest, but she has the canon ship that everyone likes. XD Her and Taruto have a little romance, yes. She is great, in that she is surprisingly responsible and silly at the same time.
Zakuro; The purple Mew Mew. She is more mysterious than Ryou; we never even learn her past! She is one of my favorite characters, though (but I like Retasu, Pai, and Minto more).
Pai; The eldest of the alien trio. This guy is very serious, but, surprisingly, he smiles at the most random times in the anime, but you have to squint to see it. His loyalty to both his brothers and his species tears him apart at times, it seems, but that is one of the reasons I love this guy. Also, his crush on Retasu is the most adorable thing, in my opinion! Anyway, this character is well-written.
Taruto; The youngest of the alien trio. He is very funny. He is very cute, but will try to beat you up if you ever tell him that. XD He and Bu-ling are adorable together, too.
Keiichirou; Ryou's best friend, and gentlemanly chef. He is so sweet, and nice to pretty much everybody. He has some scenes where he is action-packed, too.
Enjoyment: 9
I enjoyed it a lot! Only thing is Ichigo's boy-problems (Kisshu, especially), but I ignore that for the most part. However, this show is amazing, and I highly recommend it. A warning, though: there is some innuendo, but it is not as bad as the manga. Beware the last chimera anima, though. XD
Overall: 10
Jul 15, 2016
Tokyo Mew Mew
Although this is my favorite anime, I will try to ignore that fact as I review this.
So, here goes: Story: 10 I think the story is great because of the villains. Mainly, Deep Blue (Diipu Buruu). He was wonderfully kept in the dark for most of the series to avoid spoilers, but when he was revealed he was almost like an X-Men villain (like Apocalypse). The overall plan of the aliens was to destroy the humans on Earth so they could take it for themselves, and, unless you watched the English dub, they had their own morals on the matter. Apparently, they were trying to 'reclaim' the ... |