Name: Boku Dake ga Inai Machi / Erased / Desaparecido
🔴 Genre: Mystery / Suspense / Fantasy
🔴 Token: A-1 Pictures - 12 Episodes - 2016
🔴 Synopsis: Satoru is a frustrated young mangaka who works as a pizza delivery boy. He has a special kind of gift: every time a tragedy occurs nearby he is taken back in time a few minutes, allowing him to avoid it. However, there is a problem with this ability: after a terrible tragedy he is taken back in time once again, but this time to when he was 10 years old. Can he find a way to solve this?
🔴 Opinion:
Oct 29, 2021
Jujutsu Kaisen
🟣 Name: Jujutsu Kaisen / Wizard Warfare
🟣 Genre: Action / Drama / Comedy / Comedy / School / Dark Fantasy / Horror / Supernatural 🟣 Tab: MAPPA - 24 Episodes - 2020/21 🟣 Synopsis: Yuuji Itadori is a high school student who after some mysterious events ends up related to a group of sorcerers, with whom he will embark on new adventures and discover a new and dangerous world. 🟣 Opinion: To be honest, the series gave me the feeling of being a hybrid between Naruto and Bleach... but taking the best of both. All the staging, fighting, music, plot and so on are at a very good ... Oct 29, 2021
Uzaki-chan wa Asobitai!
Name: Uzaki-chan wa Asobitai! (S1) / Uzaki-chan Wants To Hang Out
🔴 Genre: Romantic Comedy / Ecchi / Life Stories 🔴 Token: ENGI - 12 Episodes - 2020 🔴 Synopsis: Shinichi Sakurai is a young man who is just looking to have some peace and quiet. However, his partner Hana Uzaki is not going to let him rest, as she keeps playing pranks on him and taking him out to party whenever she can. 🔴 Opinion: I came to the series because of the massive criticism regarding the "unreal" body of the main character (with people for and against, and even women showing that their body matches Uzaki's). What ... Oct 21, 2021
Hitoribocchi no Marumaru Seikatsu
Name: Hitori Bocchi no Marumaru Seikatsu (S1)
🟢 Genre: Comedy / Life stories 🟢 Token: C2C - 12 Episodes - 2019 🟢 Synopsis: Bocchi is a girl who suffers from a kind of social phobia, yet decides to take on the challenge of being friends with all her new high school classmates. 🟢 Opinion: Initially I expected it to be the funniest series of all, and although it is not, it has its strong points, mainly centred on the sympathy and tenderness of Bocchi and her classmates. It's impossible not to get attached to them. Recommended: Funny and tender, for the whole family. ... |