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Feb 17, 2025
If you are the type who use their brain, you will see tons and tons of very questionable situations, because clearly the story was made to make things look good and not well though out.
Anyone who is a bad person: uses their brain and their connections
Anyone who is a good person, including the people who are powerful and have social power: … for whatever reason they are all not doing anything, just sacrificing themself, until MC rescue them, just to ensure to not bother anyone, neither MC nor the bad people, and of course, they don't use their brain, they don't use their connection (including
not asking MC for help), and their statues or whatever they have earned is non existing. Everything is solved by MC. And any character growth is: character has issues, can't do anything so just sits helplessly until MC saves them (aka there is no friends, no comrades, no families, no one who directly helps them, even if they might show up after MC save them), and once MC helps them, if woman, now fully in love with MC for no reason (or what, if next joe is helping her, she needs a reason to fall in love with the next joe, but with mc, just instantly? yeah....)
Other then looking nice here and there, the story and character build, are not good. None existing. To the degree that years pass and you don't see any changes except for MC growing physically.
Anime had some good part, so I kept watching, especially since season 2. But the more I watch, the more I realise that all the plot holes, all the issues in character decision and logic, where not a build up for later development, but really just a bad story that was not clear since the anime itself looked nice and it did have a lot of good moments
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Feb 2, 2025
This anime is more about being a good company employee. Aka a company drone.
While the context is about demon and so on, the MC (but not the whole cast) is a typical person who suffers from a mental illness knows as workaholic.
However, since this is a fictive work, of course the MC shows 0% issues of why workaholism is a mental illness. Well, at least not directly.
So what does indirectly mean?
1: lack of self ASIDE from "I want to be recognised by boss and make my company the best" that on it's own is of course, not an issue, but the idea is that
this is the only exception, nothing else.
2: While in the anime, the MC organize things to work as best as possible, if you where to ignore that the author intentionally made things to work out, you essentially have someone who constantly manipulate others in order to make them the increase their value as a company drone. Aka tons of anime have demon army and how to manage them. But they all have their ups and down, this anime? MC is trying to make everyone a company drone, while ignoring how those people are
3: A even more indirect indirect thing: Everyone is seen as a company drone or an inefficient company drone. This can been even better understood if, except for special instances (like monster who fly), you replace the "monster" you see with a human. Aka all non main characters are humans but look like monster, and when I say humans I actually mean company employees. Yep, this is the idea, almost non stop, everyone is simple company employees who look like monster but are no different from humans who are working for a company
4: Story is a massive lecture or training on how to be a better employee, manager, HR, and so on....
5: While the anime is not bad, it definitely is not good exactly because anything that could be good, are dismissed by MC exactly because they are not needed for a company to work, as such everyone needs to chill and think how to contribute better to the company called demon army.
At least it gives a good example how a good employee trainer should be. Even if in real life this isn't possible, heck the best part of the anime is when the non MC characters show how unrealistic and closed minded a workaholic's "plan" (manipulation strategies) are
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Jan 8, 2025
Spoiler Alert: Since my review is why I don’t recommend it. And while the 1st few episodes show a lot of promise, you'll realise later on, it's just the same episodes, they just replaced the characters, add a little varieties that could have been more story to make it interesting but no, and of course, repeat and repeat, the same pattern, but differently presented
Overall, it’s a very good anime at the start, but then either goes down on predictable clichés or simply does not go through with what it started. MC is a very strong demon lord... except he’s very weak during battles for whatever
reason it was, because later, he is very strong, only for this to repeat almost every episode. MC girl is a strong girl who wants to protect others but ends up being the one who gets hurt at every step and needs to be rescued, and so on and on. Both keep going on about their tragic past... Otherwise, their character is 0.
Story-wise, they are in a new area that is filled with new monster species who don’t matter at all because everything is because of the demon lord’s era enemies… aka they fight the demon lord’s enemy but 1,000 years later… From the first two episodes, you see a typical zero inspiration story where they have a scumbag (← see definition since, for whatever reason, people don’t realize scumbag exists and it’s not an insult but a description of someone) who controls slaves who are brainwashed. But no one is even bothered by this. Not even the MC girl, who is treated extremely vulgar by him, yet nothing, absolutely nothing.
Even when the girls are freed from brainwashing, you don’t see any execution or similar of the slave owner; they just don’t show him again. And of course, this pattern continues. An episode about kidnapping of royalty— so why? To sell her to sadistic perverts... but that’s all you will find out because the MC boy did not use his brain to follow the villain in secret to find and defeat those sadistic perverts who clearly are even more inhuman than the scumbag I mentioned. Oh no, this detail was mentioning was only to give a plot twist and than the author then forgot to follow up. He fought against foot soldiers while the ones in control of everything are completely unharmed. So justice to the rescue! A typical vomit-level plot.
And lastly, did you know? MC girl is a vampire. Why is this important? Because she is queen level, except she is so weak that you might think she is not a queen level but merely a half-vampire. And the best part: she needs to absorb mana to live, yet the author did not add the ability to absorb mana from enemies… so you guessed it—it’s once again a good idea that was executed very badly.... MC girl could have easily become one of the top, yet all she is, is a weak and fragile girl, who somehow and magically is very strong, but then it's as if she forgot how to use the previous strong skills and attacks.
So, for the last time, the anime has tons of good ideas, is very good, except it’s like halfway there is always someone who's in charge of the story, who takes over and ruins the idea (like how you have a strong demon lord but then gets a boner because he saw a girl’s skin...) or the very good story plot/idea that was never followed up and just forgotten as if it never existed. Just like how the title is about an academy to fight the void, but all the story is about the demon lord and his past enemies.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Jan 6, 2025
Another Anime that get low review because people who are not supposed to watch this anime picked it up.
Before that. The bad part:
- MC is the typical anime loser MC that get's freaked out if a girl trys to have a sexual relationship. And Japan wonders why they have birth rate issues.
- CG and various other animations are bad. Heck, for whatever reason, they where fast forwarded ruining the enjoyment even further
- Tons of Censorship because?????? This is one of those anime that should have had nudity and more.
- Is NOT for everyone. Not everyone can enjoys this anime. To make it very easy
to understand: Do you like gag humour? Do you like perverted jokes? Do you like explicit sex related scenes? If no, skip this anime.
So the good part:
- Tons of sex related jokes to the level you have no idea what in the world you just watched.
- Exactly because of what I just wrote, as well as other stuff, you have no way how to explain what you just watched.
- If you ever want to see how religious brainwashing works, this is a good anime (otherwise, no, it's not a good part since religious brainwashing)
- The pace is all over, you have no idea and no way to tell what in the world will happen next (usually).
- tons of humour, but only if you are ok with sex related jokes (otherwise, stay away since it's not for you)
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Dec 19, 2024
Since there are enough reviews, I will address why the score is low for this very good anime. But before that, season 1 is a must watch. The main reason is that the anime is inconsistent with its theme. I assume most viewers are teenagers, which contributes to the issue since this anime doesn’t really aling with their perspective. I don’t mean it’s unsuitable, but I can’t see them enjoying it as they might lack the life experience necessary to connect with it. Heck, the main "villain" essentially represents them, so, naturally, there’s little joy in watching an anime that feels like a lecture.
Regarding the
Nude Scenes:
In almost every episode, there are nude scenes. While explicit bits are not shown, it pushes the boundaries as far as possible.
Issue 1: Anyone who cannot stand censorship will feel irritated.
Issue 2: Anyone who doesn’t want to see nude scenes will feel irritated.
Issue 3: Those who fail to distinguish fiction from reality and equate nude flat-chested characters with encouraging exploitation will feel massively irritated.
Theme Mismatch:
The anime claims to focus on a slow life but regularly includes gruesome elements like humans being killed, decapitated heads, innocent monster slaughter just to level up, blood, and heartless murder and similar acts. It’s hard to reconcile such brutality with a show supposedly about "enjoying a quiet life with your lover".
The love aspect explores life after becoming lovers, a point where most stories end because audiences lose interest.
The action, on the other hand, is brief and followed by moralizing lectures, which alienates viewers passionate about combat-driven narratives.
Religious & duty VS own emotion & Free will... a theme that is essentially a repeat from season 1, but won' say more due to risk of spoiler
In summary, the extremes clash and undermine each other, leaving no aspect fully realized. Anyways, as a reminder, everything I’ve written here is to explain why the score is low, while trying to keep spoiler low. The anime is much more than this, but I wanted to clarify why a very good anime received such a low overall score. And hopefully, this prevents others from watching it if it’s not for them
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Dec 17, 2024
Anime is very misleading. Like they show MC with a blond girl who actually, is NOT a main character in any way or form.
So to cut corners: anime is great, however, there are some elements mixed into that ruints it (reason why I gave only an 8 and mixed feeling)
The anime starts extremly well, better then many others I saw. Sadly, it just gets stuck. It's like you started an anime that you are sure it will be an amazing one, but, from drama, mystery, advanture, it just becomes a slice of life, sometimes they talk about the world, but that's it. Nothing deep. And
this keep until a certain mouse character was introduce. You know... the mascot... something all children anime have..... Yep, this anime started as great, got stuck there, and became one for the whole family, slice of life...
I saw there is a season 2. I can but hope that will finally unstuck the story
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Dec 17, 2024
As someone who likes isekai, funny, idiotic jokes, perverted jokes, bla bla, I did enjoy 1st season. This one? sure, it's not a 1, but, it's not the same series.
It's like someone took over and did their own version while reusing the characters from 1st season
did I say reuse? actually, most of the girl are background characters despide showing up in every episodes. But absolutly 0 focuse, nothing.
Heck, the 1st episode starts with a MAJOR SPOILER. Ruining everything since you know what happenver happens, the scenes from the 1st episode will soon follow
Most of the episodes are just very BADLY implemented parodies, ruining even what
was special about them
A lot of cartoon (aka not anime) elements... just because??????
A lot of times, you notice they show, whatever it is, even if it's a recap, that draaaaags, just to drain more time
A lot of elements from 1st season dissapeared, including characters that you asssumed will now be focused in this episode more then in 1st season, but no, they where all replaced with other villans
One of the characters became a JOKE via being a dog sniffer for MC.
As I mentioned, there is 0 focuse on the previous seson's girl, so of course all the that wonderfull build up, is invalided, at most, they throw golila jokes as a bad joke since it's neither funny nor relevent.
Most of the episodes feel like a filler. The plot is all over.
As I mentioned, i don't give it a 1, since it did had it's moment, espeicailly end, It feel like they where finally doing good again, but then again, ruined the next moment.
It's like any build up, get's intentionally ruined by inserting a OUT OF PLACE "joke". With no episode other then the very last, being the best exemple for this.
It's like someone had issues remebering what this anime is, and keep mixing it with other anime themes, and mutiple times in one episode.
Essentially you can watch this season without season 1 exactly because absolutly nothing from season 1 is even relevent here. Heck,I don't even remeber MC gaining any new skill or similar exactly because that element never occured in this season.
I don't know how the manga or whatever is, this one? it's like someone disliked this series, took over, and did their best to ruin it while not making it ovious that was their intention
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Dec 11, 2024
Typical anime that get's low score because:
- MC is a salari man insted of being an emo cringe loner rejected schoolboy who magically becomes special once he get's OP
- No flasy skills, moves, ability, or other visual effects
- Flat chest girls
- Harem for no resoan other then being kind, when in real life, such things are a turn off, and you get brotherzoned
- No melodrama
- Story is for children.... And for office workers? it's really wierd since it's for both and of course it's not possible to mix them
- MC's ability are gimmicks, so of course there is no real "Who is stronger" since MC's
gimmicks void any challange, issues, so on and on
- Slice of life, with little to no progress, adding new character every episode just to add variation
- No deep plot, mental issues, hidden ambitions, nothing more then wanting to be happy and have a peacefull life while doing dungeon's to earn an income.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Oct 18, 2024
Anime is about a 70+ wanting to marry a 15 year old. Something that many places in real life is a sad reality, especially 100+ year ago. But moving on from real life history
After that start, of cour the anime has other sexual fantasies of the autour, like said girl becoming a slave who is brough via money (very frecvent element in H games)
Student who is in a relationship with their teacher
Being who are clearly naked lolies <- no explicit stuff is shown, unless you count the rare moments when said femele are taking a position that are taken when having sex but otherwise, no
one make such positions, but whatever, what I wrote sound way wrose then it's actually happening, after all, this anime is NOT an ecchi anime. and while the list goes on, you need to pay attention to such things since, as you can guess, they are not clear at all, so don't worry to much if this if off putting out. And for thoes who are into such stuff, sorry, wrong anime, look somewhere else.
Overall there is nothing special in this anime since the character progresses aren't carried over to next episode via the "I'm not human/I am suicidel" patther reseting what progress was made in previours episode/s
And of course, tons of scenes, conflicts and so many more, that make no sense why they happen other then "oh non human, so of course we aren't human like" and next moment, they do exactly thoes human stuff....
And let me not start with all the conflicts that could have been prevented if they just talked and asked for help insted of making a scene.
So, if you read till now, I'm 100% you still can tell, so let me make it absolutly clear: The anime trys to be to many things and fails to stand out in a good way.
If story was focused on conflict, magic battle, so on, said scenes would have most likely have better quality. If it was Slice of Life, romance, and magic, again, anime would have been much better. However, if you combine them, you have this anime. Aka it's good, but I canonot give it a "very good" regadless how much I liked what I saw.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Oct 5, 2024
Anime is a mix of to many things that nothing stands out how it's intented. Feels rushed at time but the more you watch the more you realise the timing of everything is messed up. If this anime was a Gag humour anime, everything would make sense.... Like how shotting directly at them with guns, they evade like it's nothing happening (aka the impossible element from gag humour)
Main atraction are the girls. But since there are to many, of course you only see stereotipical stuff. Like them being the worse of thier class yet somehow they are talented in everything they do, making you wonder
how good the other in thier class are, or if this girls are very talented and it's just a personality issue. But like I said, regadless of the tag used, this is more a Gag anime, so of course such stuff have little to no importance why such impossible acts happen.... to that degree, that you can't help but laugh how absurd it looks
Essentially, if you like how the girls look, you will enjoy some degree of fan service. Gag anime typical "jokes" (aka it's so impossible it has to be a joke) that you should not think about since it just ruins the enjoyment. And lastly, don't have high expectations is the timing is a mess
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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