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Feb 11, 2020
I just finished watching the OVA and I have to say that I wasn't overly impressed. The basic premise of the story had promise: either become immortal or a monster through eating mermaid flesh. What broke it for me were the characters. Or rather, the lack of characters. The only two that were halfway tolerable were Mana and the 'mother'. The rest were flat and dull in my opinion including the antagonist. The art style is pretty outdated even in my eyes with the static shots and the awkward pauses in conversations. The voice acting...again refer to above for my opinion. It could have been
a great story (haven't seen Mermaid Forest I will admit so I don't know if that's any good), but it needed better characters to help carry the story, and better dialogue.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Dec 29, 2016
I just finished the last episode and it left me...unsatisfied. With the way things were heading I thought for sure that Izetta wouldn't be, well, alright. It felt like a cop out to be honest and left less of an impact on me.
The art was nice and different from what I've seen with some very beautiful backgrounds, the sound and music was pretty nice but with the exception of a couple melodies it was pretty forgettable.
The characters and story were the weakest points for me. Not only does the story seem to degrade by the end, the characters range from likable to unbearable.
I would say it's a nice show if you want to watch something short with pretty backgrounds and little plot as it literally copies the second world war for just about everything once you get rid of the magic parts.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Jul 1, 2016
Ok, before I get pitch forks out vying for my head, let me explain a little why my score is a 6. There are two reasons why: The music and the art. The amount of stills did bring the number down a bit but it was fluid for the most part and the music....I can't complain about it. It brought the mood up or down depending on what it was suppose to do in the situation. The voice acting was...pretty good for some of the characters. Others (especially the one who tried to sound American or British), didn't work at all. Now the two big
things: the story and the characters.
Characters: Ikoma was a strong MC for the most part with the exception with whining (especially in the beginning), and was an inventor with a reason to hate the Karabane. Mumei was amazing...for the first half and then she fell off the band wagon for pretty much the rest of the season which annoyed me to pieces. Ayame was the biggest suprise to me ad who had, in my opinion, the most character development. She went from being an heiress with a carefree life without responsibility to being thrust into the leadership role. Sure, she had a couple of slips here and there but that's to be expected and the last couple episodes for her were amazing with how long she's come. Kurusu I didn't think I would like. In fact I hated him for the first few episodes. But then he grew on me and was terrified for him some episodes later. That normally doesn't happen. Biba for me was aggravating. He was just another typical villain which drove me nuts and wanted something different from him. Anything! The rest of the characters were pretty good. Takumi and Yukina were two that stood out. The twist with Takumi's character was surprising and was defiantly not expecting that. Yukina I just loved because of how bad ass she is. The rest were medicore and not very interesting (with a few more exceptions to the fellow steam smiths).
Story: It's because of how medicore some of these characters are really hurt the story. And then there's the story itself. I'll be honest and say that the first couple episodes were amazing. It was a different concept with some elements of AoT (even that dreaded one arm joke by the end), but there were some deviations. But by the end the story was a slight train wreak and the finale was just rushed which ruined it a bit with how everything was set up. Not to mention there are plot holes that weren't properly addressed in the show.
All in all, a half descent show if you want some mind numbing action and amazing music with pretty art.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Jun 8, 2016
EDIT: This is a couple years and many more anime seen between my original review and now so my score has dropped.
My brother was the one who introduced me to the show. I had no real inclination to actually watch this until we both sat down. The first couple episodes were awesome! A completely different concept with VMMORPG (I believe that's the name I'm looking for), and with the threat of everyone dying in the real world as they die in the game? Raise the suspense level! Then...there's the jump from floor 1 to floor 37 or something and I went wha...? Did I
miss something? Then there's all these side stories that I really couldn't care less about. I just wanted the main story!
The Black Cat's Guild was a good CD arc for Kirito but then he went back to being a little a** again. Then Ausuna...what can I say about Ausuna? She went from being a completely new player to being one of the best in a couple episodes from the audiences perspective. Where was the level upping? Where did all these guilds come from? There's so much that got left out for all these side stories! Than the game got beat. I cheered than looked at what episode I was on...I wasn't happy. Could they have done SAO and ALO in two separate seasons? YES! They actually should have in my opinion so we could have gotten more emotionally invested in these characters. Most of the secondary characters that barely had any screen time were very interesting and wanted to know more about them! But alas, we were stuck with Kirito and Ausuna. That was way too fast for me and that's all I'll say about that and I won't touch ALO or I would be here for hours.
The animation was decent but they did reuse some of the same animation a few times (especially noticeable in the ALO big fight with the different races) and it looked sloppy in a couple places. But for majority of it I will admit it was amazing, especially in the first OP.
The OP and ED's sound were amazing and everyone is right, the sound is amazing in the show. The voice actors...well...I just have a couple issues with some of the voices but that's neither here nor there just a personal preference.
The only other thing I have to say is that there was WAY too much fan service in this show. So much so that it was extremely obvious which got annoying after a while. If that could get knocked down about 10 knots than I would've enjoyed the show a bit more.
EDIT: So I would give this a 6.25 rounded down to 5. If you enjoy shows that have a lot of fan service and are about video games for the first couple episodes than go onto slice of life that has no concern for character development or a story that makes sense, than this show is for you. I did enjoy it and might possibly watch it again (SAO arc anyway), but there's no way I'm watching season 2.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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May 30, 2016
Ok, I knew this was an episodic anime going into it. I'm not the biggest fan of those but with everything I've heard about the show and how great it is I decided to give it a go. First couple episodes were pretty good so I thought 'I can get through this.' Cut to ep. 15 and now I'm struggling to finish it. The sound and dub are amazing, I'm not denying that but the story suffers majorly here. There's no real over arcing story line other than Faye's story and Spike's and even then they are really only mentioned in the second half with
everything else feeling like they're fillers. The animation was nice with it before the digitization age with it feeling dark and everything with no real noticeable flaws.
When we first see Julia and thereafter, I couldn't of cared less about her even after everything. I knew nothing about her or anything. Spike's backstory was jammed into the last two episodes with a couple hints throughout the anime so when the final two episodes happened it just seemed out of the blue which might be why I was so annoyed at the ending. I thought that something else was going to happen and it didn't.
I especially didn't care didn't care about Edward. When she left I couldn't help but cheer. What was the point to her character being on Bebop? I couldn't understand. Yes, she's a hacker but that's all. And the way she spoke rubbed me the wrong way and felt so childish and out of place in the show. Not to mention she wasn't there for very long so again, I wondered what her purpose there was.
Faye was amazing. I know some people don't like her but I enjoyed her character especially after we learn parts of her backstory which made her more intriguing in my mind. Her character was consistent through the show but there was some character development which was nice (unlike Edward). I couldn't help but laugh at her and Spike going back and forth.
Jet is an interesting one because even though he owns the ship Spike seemed to be the one in charge-most of the time. Jet will put his foot down and argue if he has to. There's a few other things that I can't think of right now but suffice to say I enjoyed him.
Spike...pretty much a walking contradiction until the last couple episodes but I won't grip about that here. He can be ruthless but compassionate. He tells Faye to stop living in the past when that's all he does and so forth.
The show down between him and Vicious felt cheap I'm not going to lie but it did. The very ending I wasn't expecting but again, I felt a but cheated with how quick everything went. If that story line was the over arcing one throughout the whole series and that finale was stretched to three episodes instead of two than I think it could have worked better and flesh out Vicious a bit more because I couldn't of care less when the fight was going on since he didn't really seem like a villain to me. Maybe it's because I didn't watch the movie but he didn't really do it for me as a bad guy.
Overall, if you like Bebop that's good. I had trouble with it because it was so light humoured until the last couple episodes so the tone was everywhere and it was purely episodic. Not to mention some of the characters did it in for me so I can gladly say I watched it but probably won't be one I'll rewatch.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Apr 12, 2016
I went into this show because I was told that it had kick ass vampires and was amazing to watch. I watched it and...slightly confused. There are plot holes, especially when the lunatic brothers showed up, Seras' hair kept switching colours and wouldn't stop whining and Alacard...he just pops up once in a while. The only characters I really enjoyed were Integra and Walter, mostly because of how intriguing they both are with the no-nonsense attitude. The main villain made no sense and was almost laughable and had the presence of a tree, and everything seemed to go by so fast that there was no
fleshing anything out. The art style was interesting although by the latter episodes I noticed a shift in the art style. The vampires are all almost laughable, especially the two ditz's near the beginning, they grated on my nerves. But it was interesting and is good background information on the characters for Ultimate which I'll go and watch. Hopefully it will be better than this one.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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