Yeah, that is true. I don't think I am a target or anything; besides, in this scenario of a coffee shop, it is very unlikely someone would attack me or try anything. It is more like being extra cautious. When it comes to crime, I believe that women are far more terryfing than men. Because both genders expect men to be the perpetuators in any given situation. However, I recently read an article that stated that women are more likely to make first contact when attempting to kidnap children or other women. People are more likely to let down their guard around women. Now, I realise the chances of this happening to me are extremely slim, but I believe it is more about not trusting strangers easily. You never know how quickly someone can, say, drug you, etc.
Haha, I probably will never take a break from anime, or maybe if I ever stop watching it. I don't know for how long more I will keep going but I never had a burnout or anything xD Oh, it is a shame I don't have a console. It might not be as fun on the PC. Some games can only be played multiplayer on consoles, not PCs.
Have you heard he is dismantling the education department? Now this is beyond messed up. It is no surprise that he wants to keep people ignorant. I guess entertaining in an awful way, unfortunately.
I see. I agree. I think you attract people with the same energy as you. Oh, Stormy is too busy trying to catch up with the Winx xD
Yes, one hundred percent. What a sad life if you have time to bully people online. And I mean generally, not only here.
They do have some catchy songs. I question if you're gonna reach all the way to season 8 lml
I watched 193 episodes of Boruto. Don't doubt me lol
Yeah, the OP song is pretty good. I liked the two first episodes. The vampire guy is pretty hot, lol. I bet he has a lot of fan girls. It will be a long watch, though. I am rotating among this, sailor moon r, hajime no ippo, serei no moribito, and Kodocha depending on my mood or whatever works on my illegal website xD
These questions are difficult xD
Which is more important to you Love or Respect?
It really depends on the context, but generally respect because not everyone is obliged to love you or even care about you, but I think you should respect all people to a certain extent.
What does it take for a person to be your friend ?
Time, I need to get to know a person, and I need them to get to know me, and if we vibe, then we can become friends. That is about it.
If you can erase one Ideology that men were taught at young ages,what would it be ? Same question for women
That men shouldn't cry or be vulnerable. That is actually pretty sad. And for women, they have to behave in a certain way and cannot do this or that because they are women. You?
What are some quotes and sayings you don't agree with? (I'll slightly start first. I hate when ppl say "I'd never wish jail on nobody " or "I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy"
and why do you think like that?
Hard work pays off—not always. I think life is not black and white. And working hard or putting effort into something will not always pay off. Sometimes you are focusing on the wrong things and do not even realise it, and the ''never giving up'' mentality can be more harmful than helpful.
Let's say if you was you in a coffee shop by yourself, would you like it if someone came up to talk with you ? Would the gender of the person matter 🤔 how would you react if they were shy or a little weird or Very Cocky.
Maybe in the past I would have been more receptive. However, growing up in a big city forces you to be constantly vigilant. With all of the crimes going on, it is not safe to trust anyone, let alone a stranger. So I would just walk away, even if the person was being genuine. I cannot really endanger my life over an interaction. lol I know I am too extra, but you never know. There are so many stories out there.
Also play Resident evil 6 ,that's also 2 players and its like 5$ Atm
Is it a PC game? Have you ever played Medal of Honour on the console? The screen was divided into two, and you have to find the other person and kill them. One of the most thrilling games lol.
He also mentioned wanting to integrate Greenland into the U.S., despite it being part of Denmark, a NATO member. He’s playing with fire, fully aware that his country holds the greatest military power. Yet, his tendency to provoke conflict is deeply unsettling. Naturally, none of these politicians will be on the front lines of the wars they ignite. Many European nations are on high alert, and I’ve even heard that Poland is conducting special military training for all its male citizens. The tension is already high due to the ongoing war in Ukraine, but Trump is only adding fuel to the fire, and this is something I really dislike about him. His own country has enough problems; he should be dealing with them, but he is just causing more problems in other parts of the world.
Yeah, maybe, but at least personally, I don't care about interacting with others, mainly here. There are few nice people like you, but I don't think I would go out of my way to try interact with anyone here xD.
lol, yep, there are a couple of users I always seen on the forums who are a pain in the ass.
I will try to use it more, ig.
Haha, I am ready. That believix song is stuck in my head and I feel so stupid. lol I am literally working on something important and then it starts: believix, believix lol
Lol, sorry, I didn't mean in that way. But I think generally people don't tend to approach each other unless they are coworkers or taking the same classes, etc. Like, let's say if you sit in a coffee shop, most likely no one will approach and try to befriend you, generally speaking.
Yeah, that is him. Leon. I googled, and it seems I played R.E 4. Awwn, I don't have a console anymore. This was my brother's, but I would love to find out more co-op games. Have you heard or played overcooked? This game almost ruined my relationship lol
Wow, yeah. I heard stories about the situation over there. Honestly, I was flabbergasted by how your president interacted with the Ukrainian president last week or so. World leaders, regardless of their beliefs and political stances, typically maintain a level of courtesy. But he treated the Ukrainian president as if he were a spoiled child; that’s what I’d call bullying. And let’s be real, the US has plenty of issues, like the lack of free healthcare. I can’t imagine having to pay to give birth, yet abortion is illegal in some states. Here, I can call an ambulance for even minor sickness, and it won’t cost me a thing.
I am not really happy about your president at the moment. His actions are disrupting the stock market xD Well, we are far from perfect as well. but each country has its own problems.
Yeah, I think, to some degree, you are right. We all have certain shallow standards. I just don't think it is always about appearance. I think men tend to be much more visual than women. That is why you will see drop-dead gorgerous women dating below-average guys. But I haven't yet seen a super handsome guy date women who are considered ''ugly'' or not a beauty standard.
I think I might need to start with 3 minutes lol I used to meditate like many years ago, but it never felt authentic to me like journaling, for example. Maybe different methods work well for different people. But I should try to meditate again.
Yeah, I also never felt like sending many friend requests in here because even if I think someone might have a similar taste to mine, that is just weird to ask them to interact with me lol Introverted core.
Then, you should make more threads there, because lately it is quite bad xD
I made that list one day and never logged in again lol
Hahaha, yeah, I am almost done with my Sailor Moon rewatch, so I can finally watch SMR. It has been fun; now that all the guardians are together.
I see. Do you mean generally or on the internet? I hate this saying, but you have to put yourself out there if you want to meet new people. Go out and do things. I don't think the internet is the best place to meet people. In my opinion, real-life interactions are always preferable. It is important to go out and try to enjoy yourself, and I am confident that people will come into your life.
It was a blond boy. I can't remember his name.
Lol that's the funny thing about graphics ,as when we're young we think a certain game has the best graphics and it couldn't improve any more than what was shown, then if you live for the next 10-20 years you'll see that those graphics were horrible compared to what they have today lml.
I completely understand that things are different over there. I know that getting a degree in the USA tends to be more expensive. Here in the UK, anyone can apply for a student loan, and you only start paying it back once you earn above a certain threshold. So, the situation varies depending on where you are. Also, many European countries have free universities and free healthcare. So it does make life easier ultimately.
"you need to be this certain height or taller" ,"you need to make this amount of money or more"
I hear you. It’s frustrating when people judge based on things like height or salary instead of who you actually are. It feels unfair, and it’s tough when society places so much weight on these shallow standards. But this is just how it is.
I must be a really good person then. 😇😇😇
If you're gonna try it again, what do you wanna manifest this time ?
That is a secret xD That is great. I can be in silence, but my mind is still going on. There is not even a second where my brain isn't thinking about something, so it has been difficult to be mindful and connect to the universe these days. I also have a stressful job, so every day I am stressed. I wish I could meditate more often, but I struggle with it.
Oh, I actually cleared my friend's list even more. 90 percent of these people sent me a friend request, and that is because I still had 40 requests that I hadn't replied to lol. I have no idea where they came from. Most likely from the forums since I used to post a lot. But I realised they were mostly people with over 1K friends, so that explains a lot; they just send friend requests to anyone basically. I always accepted everyone because it was not a big deal. xD Also, most of these people never sent me a message, so what is the point of adding me? Now I am only leaving the people with whom I have previously interacted.
I am also cleaning my threads now. I can't believe the amount of useless rubbish I wrote on this website lol
Not really, because it is always the same things over and over. Most of the time I spend here is reading reviews, looking for new shows, and organising my list lol
LOL, I will still finish it because I am too invested in their drama. I just watched the part they went to Earth and started flirting with a bunch of random guys, lol while their boyfriends watched, like, isn't this a kid's show? lol What type of BS is that? Yeah, I haven't forgotten. I will watch it after I finish the Winx.
Oh, I see. That is EXTREMELY difficult to deal with.
Hmm, I see. Have you tried to distance yourself from them? Is that something you could potentially do?
Well, that is the spirit.
Oh, I wouldn’t use MAL as the best reference point for this. lol But let’s be real, this is also about how you see yourself. Deep down, these are the ideas you hold about who you are. I get it; when life throws challenges our way, it’s easy to feel unworthy, invisible, or not good enough. But if you want people to see you as approachable, maybe start by believing that you actually are. Take me, for example; we’ve been chatting a lot, and it’s been fun! I don’t see you as unapproachable at all. So maybe it’s time to reframe the way you think about yourself.
Sorry, I am not very knowledgeable about the game. Now I am kinda confused about which one I played. It was on PS2 and early 2010s. I also played Rise of the Tomb Raider on the console, so good. And I played Tomb Raider 2 on PC when I was super young, which was released in 1997. You could lock the butler in the freezer lol. It is funny because I recall this game having the best graphics ever, and these days I looked up on YouTube and it was basically pixels, but in my mind it was peak graphics. xD
And I never said you said money was everything :p
So you believe education is the key to wealth ?
Yes, when it comes to basic wealth, higher education does correlate with higher earnings. If you look at the statistics, individuals with higher education tend to earn more on average than those without it. However, that’s a rather simplified view of the bigger picture. Having a degree or specialised knowledge generally provides better opportunities.
That said, education isn’t the only path to financial success. Many people build wealth through entrepreneurship, innovation, investments, or unique skill sets that don’t require formal education. But if we’re speaking generally, higher education does provide a more structured and statistically reliable path to financial security compared to not having it.
That is interesting. I have never had much karma in my life, at least not in an obvious way, but I do believe in it on occasion. At least in your life, you have had a lot of evidence regarding that.
Give it a try, but try to be in a good and positive mental state before doing it. ;) I need to try it myself again. It can be difficult for me to be in that mental state at times because I feel like I am constantly thinking about something.
Also P.S good job in clearing some of your friends list.
Well, yeah, I removed the people who have not been online in the last 3 years or so lol They are probably not coming back.
Yeah, I guess this was normal back then. Most people had many FB friends, etc., but I totally get it; it is pretty weird when you stop to think about it.
Edit: I didn't see the thread question. Oh, yes. I did, but they were mostly regarding specific series. I remember I did a Bleach thread about something I didn't understand when watching and people started fighting lol
BTW, I am back to watching WINX season 4. Believix gotta be one of the most retarded things I have seen in a while lol But still, this show is hilarious xD.
Do you mean your family personally? Do you have anyone in your family that you actually trust?
One thing I wanna learn how to do is let go. I never understood how to let go and forgive, bcuz just give crappy answers that don't rlly answer the question 😕.
That is a really good point! I don't think you necessarily need to forgive everyone who has caused you pain. Sometimes letting go is more about making peace with the situation itself. Acknowledging ''this person caused me harm, and I no longer want them in my life; they are no longer important.'' But, surely, it is not an easy thing to do.
some of those memories still haunt you.
Yes, you simply have to learn to live with these memories; even if they are painful, there is nothing you can do about them. I think you can always ''try'' to look forward because you can't erase the past and you are not the same person you were back in the day. I don't exactly know what happened to you in the past, but you can always think that from now on you won't let anyone take control of your life or harm you because now you know better and you can stand up for yourself.
That is rough. There's this quote: “Freedom is being disliked by other people.” At the end of the day, you should prioritise yourself; your values and peace of mind matter most. Accepting this is truly liberating. It’s also a vital part of recognising your worth and refusing to let anyone belittle or undermine you. Stand up for yourself because in your life you matter the most, and people who don't respect your boundaries should go.
•Which RE games you played and are your favorite?
I think I only played RE 3, but ultimately my brother finished the game for me because I couldn't do it the same thing with Tomb Raider \o Don't get me wrong, I was good enough to get to the final boss xD
I mean, it is quite clear that the other person doesn't want to engage, so what is the point, really?
Yeah, it makes sense. I completely agree.
Nah, money is not everything. Most girls do not care much about that. Today, women have a higher level of education than men (statistics). Women are out there making money too. Now, it is like taking a small percentage of women who are like that and saying it is the whole gender. The thing is as well: the women who date for money want to catch a big fish, not the average guy.
Here in the UK, gooners are Arsenal fans lol Yeah, I guess you are past salvation.
universe gave it you like a MCDonalds drive thru hot n rdy with no complaints.
These days, I feel pretty neutral about manifestation, but eight years ago, I was definitely one of those "crystal girls," lol. It’s not as simple as it seems. I read a lot of books on the topic, including Feeling is the Secret by Neville Goddard. I also watched countless YouTube videos.
The general advice is to start with something small. The core idea behind manifestation is believing that what you want to bring into your life is already yours. You need to align your energy with the feeling of having your wish fulfilled. It’s an energetic state where you know your desire has already materialised. If you doubt or feel anxious, it won’t happen. That’s the secret.
I was a bit sceptical, but I decided to try manifesting a few small things, this was eight years ago, lol. The first time, I thought to myself one morning, Wouldn’t it be nice to get a free hot drink? Then I forgot all about it. Later that day, I went to a coffee shop with my coworkers. Everyone paid for their drinks, and when it was my turn, the barista suddenly told me it was on the house, just like that, lol. Honestly, it was pretty crazy because it was such a specific thought, and it happened that very same day.
The second time, I did the same thing but thought, Wouldn’t it be nice if I got something for free today? A little while later, while I was on the underground, a woman randomly came up to me and handed me a bunch of expensive hair care products; the exact kind I would normally have to buy, lol. Then, with my partner, it was a similar experience. I thought, Wouldn’t it be nice to meet someone with these qualities? Then I simply carried on with my life. I was genuinely happy, never overthought it, and didn’t stress, and things just unfolded naturally.
From my perspective, it’s much easier to manifest things you don’t put on a pedestal. That’s why they say to start small. The more relaxed and confident you are, the easier it becomes. But if you’re desperate for something, it gets much harder because the anxiety kicks in and you start wondering how it will happen, which only creates resistance. Of course, if you were to ask for a million dollars today, it would probably feel impossible, because 99% of people wouldn’t truly believe they could receive that kind of money out of nowhere. The key is being able to let go. When you do, things tend to fall into place.
I saw db after I finished super and it ranked higher than dbs. DB did so much stiff that I think it's hard for others to replicate due to everyone being so powerful
Well, haha. I really liked DBS; I am one of the few people. But I loved the daily silly moments.
I see. That really sucks because your family is supposed to uplift you, especially as you grow up and need that parental support. I guess there is some truth to it, but I don't think I fully agree with that statement. xD
Sometimes, the wisest choice is to let go of certain people in your life. While there are many factors to consider, if someone is bringing you more harm than good, they don’t deserve a place in your life. Your well-being and peace of mind should always come first; it's a cliché, but true. If you don’t protect them, no one else will. The uncomfortable truth is that most people only look out for themselves, so you have to prioritise yourself too. Whatever they did to you reflects more on them than on you, and that’s their problem, not yours. It’s not worth carrying the weight of their actions. At the end of the day, you know yourself better than anyone. Ask yourself: Are they really telling the truth about me? You already answered ''unrightfully''. So why let their opinions define you? If they choose to believe something about you, that’s on them, not you. You don’t owe anyone an explanation or proof of who you are. I gotta a bit carried away, lol Sorry, I just hate when people act this way.
Yeah, I played resident evil. I get what you’re saying. It’s like being in a place that feels safe, but honestly, you should consider the worst-case scenario if you go after what you truly want. What’s the real risk? And more importantly, why give people so much power over you that they have the ability to hurt you? If you’re truly comfortable with yourself, no one can really hurt you.
There are so many good people out there who will connect with you in different ways. But I also know that just hearing this isn’t enough; it’s something deeply ingrained in your mind that you have to work through on your own. Everyone copes differently. For me, stoic philosophy helps; it works well for me. But you need to find what works for you, whether it’s a certain philosophy, a mindset shift, or an action that frees you from these feelings.
Oh rlly? Ppl often misuse the word "Preference" and use it as a excuse to discriminate certain things.
If he's rich and can always afford to pay ppl to do stuff ,that works too.
It is not the same; the guy has to do it himself lol
That is so sad. Your generation is so lost lol I have never felt so conservative before, but I am not saying we were prudes or anything, but at least people were ashamed and tried to hide it. Nowadays, it is like Okay and acceptable. No wonders; most relationships do not work. People really see each other as replaceable products.
I did something before I met him. Like a little ''manifestation''. I wrote down everything I wanted in a guy, the things I could tolerate, and my deal breakers, and then I met him, and he is exactly like I wished for \o So this manifestation process must be real, because it worked.
Great perspective. I've been playing this mobile game, Clash Royale. 🫣😭 I am so addicted, haha; it is really getting the worst out of me.
Wow! To have OGDB after dbs and GT is sooo disrespectful lmao.
🤣🤣🤣🤣 I know but it is what it is.
I think if DB had been my first one, then it would be different. When I watched DB, I already knew all transformations, so I couldn't see beyond that. \o
Yea like family, I wish schools were honest and talked about how toxic family can be growing up.
Indeed!! That should be addressed. Instead, we grew up listening to how much we needed to love our parents and family or how family is irreplaceable. Another thing schools should teach is finance lessons, tax lessons, and DIY lessons.
My mind often contradicts my beliefs and feelings
That is something you should work on, haha. Isn't your mind trying to show your real beliefs? Remember, we've all been conditioned to think in certain ways. Maybe you're trying to be someone you are not. That is something you should think about.
I kinda do want to want new friends and add certain more ppl into my life ,but I'm honestly very quick to get rid of someone. Sometimes my mind is like an intense duality of wanting to interact with others ,but not wanting ppl around me.
For me, it sounds like you are subconsciously afraid/worried about something. This reaction is triggered by something within you. Is it fear of being disliked? Fear of something that might happen when you give yourself to new challenges and friendships. These are questions you should ask yourself.
Alright I will answer in a hypothetical scenario because when you are already in love, your preferences kinda change to match your partner haha
TALL - I am sorry no one will reply differently. xD This is a controversial question, but it is what it is. On the positive side, most guys will always be taller than most girls. So look how easy it is.
BOTH hairs
MUSCULAR - LOL XD I have my personal reasons here.
INTROVERTED - I could never date an extrovert, lol It would be too conflicting cause I just want to be home and chill when I am not working, but even when I am working since I work from home lol
GENTLE - Who would choose an aggressive partner? Despite the gender, unless this person has a weird kinky or something xD
RESERVED - I am not an emotional person myself. I work with numbers, always logical thinking. That being said, I think it is okay to be vulnerable with a partner when it is needed. But not at all times.
I AM NOT RACIST - Every race has its own charms, but I would pick my partner race.
MIX OF BOTH - I like being adventurous when I travel abroad. But my notion of adventure is going on a hike.
FIX STUFF - 100 percent. I can't stress this enough. This is the most manly activity for a man, lol but I myself am pretty good at DIY. I can fix most issues myself. I can use a drill lol Hear me out; if you want to get a girl to like you, go to her house and start fixing stuff lol I am not even joking here lol xD
FLIRTY OR SHY - What does that even mean? In a relationship or before you started dating? I would prefer that a guy not be pushy with me, but if I am already dating this person. Then, by all means, be flirty? I don't know this question is weird lol
It is pretty bizarre to me. Even more because I am from a generation where we didn't spend all day in front of a screen. Boys used to hide this type of magazine under their beds, and if discovered, they were considered disgusting or something. Nowadays, it is so open to everyone. You go to Instagram, and there is so much of this content so easily attainable. I feel like a conservative grandma born in the 1940s hahaha. #kidsthesedays
Lol goku is gonna need to pull out ssj 500
lmao; trust me, he will lol somehow. Goku solos; no arguments here 😂 😂 😂
lol hahaha, every day I spend time on this website, I feel so old. I am not even 30, OK. xD But that is true, I can see some things clearly nowadays. Things I did not realise when I was younger. And in 10 years time, I probably will be able to see some stuff I couldn't see clearly today. That is the beauty of life; your experiences shape you and make you wiser over time.
I grew up with Bugs Life, such a nostalgic film. Haha, exactly. I hate losing; I am really competitive in games. I might spend hours memorising actor names and movie titles just so I can win the next trivia game. It is annoying because I get science and geography extremely fast (because these are my majors). Then I am fairly good at history. Sports after a few tries, and then I am stuck in the damn entertainment for hours until everyone catches up to me, and I want to cry. Hahaha it is so frustrating. #FIRSTWORLDPROBLEMS
I also enjoyed Daima. My ranking is pretty controversial, haha.
1) DBZ: Absolute here, no discussions.
2) DBS: Here is the controversy, lol I really like the first half of it. I think DBGT is better than the second half. I thought the tournament of power was extremely dragged on.
3) DBGT: It could take second place. I love this series. SSJ4 transformations. Gogeta SSJ4 against Baby. EPIC!!!!!
4) DGB: I only watched this series later on, after I had watched DBZ and DBGT. So it was not that impactful. Still good.
5) DBDAIMA: It is good, but 20 episodes can't really compete with over 100 episodes from the other series.
Yeah, I think the conflicting part of all this is that even if you make peace with yourself about it, society will still expect you to reach a certain status. Depending on your family dynamics and the people around you, true inner peace can feel impossible if others keep placing demands on you, especially when those people are ones you can’t easily avoid. And that’s the dilemma.
Same here, lol. People tend to find us strange, but honestly, I’ve never woken up feeling so lonely that I thought, Let me go out and make new friends. I have my people; the ones I love being around and feel comfortable with, but they’re a small group, and I’m not really interested in expanding it. I prefer deep, authentic friendships. If I can’t be completely myself around someone, then they were never really a friend to begin with.
I only played the normal version of the game.
Did you watch one of his videos? lol Please give it a try :p
I dunno, I just find this notion weird. Like someone has their pictures out there and they can just show them to anyone. How do they even sleep at night? Like it could've been someone close to their families. I would always feel shameful. But well, there is also AI, and basically now everything is so dangerous.
That’s right, I agree. One thing I admire about this generation is that they don’t just accept things as they are, they question everything and are highly aware of their rights. I feel like we millennials were much more easily manipulated into accepting things without questioning them. Wait, are you Gen Z, right?
Oh, I haven't gotten to the part where they get super strong. Things will get more exciting once I watch Sailor Moon R, which will be new to me. Don't forget, Goku can always unlock the next transformation and solo everyone lol Alright, let me know what you think about it.
I think these are trauma responses. A lot of people act based on how they were conditioned; if you grew up watching your parents constantly fight, you might see that as normal and unknowingly recreate it in your own relationships. On top of that, many people are still figuring themselves out, so they might not recognise red flags early on. Most mistakes happen in first relationships when everything is new and uncertain. But if toxic patterns keep repeating, it could point to a deeper issue. Emotional dependence is also real, and once it develops, breaking free from a toxic relationship can be incredibly difficult. In a way, I’ve been there myself, so I can relate, it’s not easy. A lot of it comes down to your values and how your mind has been conditioned. That’s why I believe the most important thing is working on yourself and recognising that some beliefs were just imposed on you. In my first relationship, I stayed far too long because I genuinely believed leaving meant failure. I thought I had to make it work because I was supposed to marry my first boyfriend. It sounds funny now, but that belief was real, shaped by my mom’s idea that if a relationship fails, it must be the woman’s fault. In the end, it’s all about challenging your own beliefs and asking if they still align with who you are today.
I loved Inside Out. I need to watch the second one. I can honestly count how many movies I have seen. I have 0 cinema knowledge, which is something I would like to change for my quizzes. lol I love Trivial Pursuit, which is a British board game with different categories, and one of the categories is entertainment, which I can never get right because I guess anime is not considered part of it lol So it sucks. The amount of Star Wars questions is insane. I need to watch it one day :p
That reminds me of Schopenhauer's views on loneliness, which can be both a privilege and a burden depending on how the individual experiences it. “The more a man has in himself, the less he will need from the outside, and the less others can be to him.”
I personally enjoy solitude, which may seem strange, but I grew up as a very independent person, so I am content with my own company. It is normal for me. Obviously, I believe that people can always bring positive things into your life, but you should not rely on these feelings.
Lol this guy looks like he has the face of a model
I know, lol, but he is one of those people who brings you peace. I find his voice calming, and his message is also meaningful. I really enjoy listening to him. Some people have this effect on others.
But tbh I see nothing wrong with posting for money ,where in a world where we all need to "survive" ,so if you're given an opportunity to have a voice that can touch others ,why not get paid for it?
Totally!! I agree. I simply mean that he does not post for money or create any advertisements. I found him to be super authentic. He is genuinely doing that channel to talk about philosophy, and I love that, haha, but of course nothing wrong with getting paid for your work.
I know. I just mentioned OF as an example. It is pretty sad because their images and videos will always be on the internet FOREVER, and if one day they regret it, which they probably will. It will still be there. Yeah, there are many stupid reasons.
Hmm, I think every generation has its ups and downs. Older generations grew up with a strong sense of discipline and resilience due to difficult times, while younger generations are more adaptable and open to new ideas. Some struggle with change; others rely too much on technology, etc. In the end, no generation is perfect. So even if they didn’t buy as much stuff as we do now, they had their own struggles, just like we have ours. Some things were worse back then but have improved today, while other things might have gotten more complicated. My point is, there will always be something to fix, some challenge to work through.
Who can beat Goku, though? Talking about Goku, are you caught up with Daima? OMG EP19 was fire D:
Seneca is a stoic ancient philosopher! He is probably my current favourite authour.
Your point makes sense, but it could also explain why there are so many toxic relationships. I think there’s a thin line between good and bad in everything, including relationships. No one is perfect, and every relationship is a mix of actions, some good, some not so good. If someone has enough positive qualities and only a couple of flaws, that might be worth accepting. That’s why it’s so important to know yourself, understand your deal breakers, and be clear about what you truly want in a relationship.
Right, good points. I need to watch Coco. Yeah, I think about these things all the time. Ultimately, every day I try to just be thankful for all I have. I can't really complain about my life. I have a lot of good things going on for me.
Yuzuriha from Saint Seiya the Lost Canvas profile picture D: Nice!
Yeah, I understand. In this regard, I am very similar to you. I prefer quiet and peace. It is wonderful to be able to live with your own company. That is the best thing one can accomplish. When I was younger, I tried to be surrounded by people all the time, but now I find peace being alone.
The smarter we get, the more we realize we don't know anything. It's great to find ppl who add value to ur beliefs.
I agree. I came across a YouTuber who I believe is very wise. I don't even know if I should call him a YouTuber, as he doesn't post for money. He speaks to me on a deep level, and I love philosophy, so that helps. Check him out here
I think the reality is that most people are stuck in low-paying jobs and living paycheck to paycheck. The idea that sex work is a widespread option isn’t true for the majority of people. The top earners on OF are a very small percentage; most creators don’t make much, if anything, on the platform. I bring this up because I’ve seen a lot of comments online claiming women have it easier and can just become OF creators or whatever. But that’s far from the truth. Most women don’t go down that path, and yet the rise in hate towards women online is growing.
I see what you're saying, but I actually think we don’t have to completely disconnect to make a real change. Going off the grid sounds freeing, but I believe there’s power in working within the system to shift it. Small actions, like supporting ethical businesses or being more mindful of what we consume, can really add up. It’s not about completely stepping away, but changing the way we engage with the world in a way that feels better and more conscious. You don’t need to leave everything behind to make a difference, you know?
I thought the one piece ,dbz and toriko crossover was type cringe bcuz it didn't make any sense lmao.
I actually liked it lol but yeah, Goku solos everyone and everything. Recently, I watched a crossover between Ranma and InuYasha. It was pretty short but fun haha.
Definitely Ranma and InuYasha, because everything is so similar that it fits perfectly. I mean, even the art style is identical.
Right, Seneca is a blessing. You should read. He usually writes letters, so this is the type of reading you would do slowly. To be honest, once I started reading Seneca, my perspective on so many things shifted, and I learnt to stop overthinking and worrying about things. Just like we said above about challenging our own beliefs.
Yeah, all of that is pretty cool! Yeah, a farm in the countryside would be so nice.
Hmm this question you may have misunderstood me ,I meant what's a guilty pleasure you find attractive within a person lol. One thing that may be looked down upon to others or one that's not common amongst ppl.
Oh, got it. Oh God, I will be judged til my 6th generation for saying that, but I like when my partner is a bit possessive lol just a little bit, of course. I think it is cute. 🙃💀😅 Manhwa is working its magic on me.
I for sure need to deal with time management better. I have the skills ,but not so much of the drive to improve on it. Motivation is something I rlly lack and wonder what is something that could get me pushing.
That's interesting. Sometimes I wonder if we're supposed to always be motivated or if we're just wired that way. When you look at other animals, their purpose seems to be simply living day by day, and there's something really beautiful about that. But for us, there's this constant pressure to stay motivated, always hustling, or else we're labeled as "lazy" or a "loser." I can honestly say I’ve been much happier when I’ve lived more peacefully, appreciating each moment, rather than constantly pushing myself to get things done. In the end, I think the key is living according to your values. So many people end up overworking themselves or passing away without ever truly enjoying life, all because they believe happiness comes only after they achieve something. And I get you because I am also not always motivated, and I don't think we should always be.
but she's a damn miserable witch
lol is that Stormy? What is FG? Yeah, there is not much point. It is nice to interact from time to time, but some people go too far.
Lol did you google these questions?
Obviously lol haha, but these were good ones. It was a complex google search to find them :O
I am the same, but most people are not. Silence can be uncomfortable for many people, which is why there are so many meaningless conversations, but in the end, I suppose it is fine. Sure, I dislike chit chatting, but it is harmless and adds nothing negative to your life. Furthermore, small talk can lead to more meaningful conversations and experiences.
That is a great mindset to have. Similarly, I believe that no matter where you are in your journey or how smart you are, there will always be someone who can add value to your beliefs and, in some cases, challenge them.
Oh, it was not personal. But I know many people who struggled a lot when they were 18, trying to figure everything out while working low-wage jobs, studying, and paying bills. I can tell they did not have it easy at all. Even paying for their driver's license was difficult because they had no support. To be honest, I cannot imagine what some people go through. But you are correct: if you can overcome these challenges, you will most likely advance in life.
I get it. ''Evil'' has taken root so deeply that it feels like we are too late to stop it. People are mostly concerned with their own matters, and that’s exactly how those in power want it. But as long as we're aware, it's not over. Change starts when people see through the illusion and push back, even in small ways. The real question is, how do we break free from this cycle? I am getting too philosophical here. I am going to stop lol
yea I always thought this. If stuff like black clover ,demon slayer and my hero came way earlier around the 2000s we would all love it.
Same hahaha
I do low-key miss crossovers (as long as they make sense and are in the same verse.)
There were so many good ones back in the day!
Well, everything is possible :D Tbh, being grateful for what you have is good. The changes you want will eventually happen. I see a lot of people complaining about their lives, which reminds me of Seneca's quote: "He who suffers before it is necessary suffers more than is necessary."
•If money was never an issue ,what are some stuff you would be doing ? (You alrdy told me once on how u looked up to some science guy)
Probably trying out more things; there are numerous classes for various purposes. I would try everything because why not? I would like to learn how to sew my own clothes, ceramics, martial arts, surfing, and have a work studio where I can display my drawings. I would also like to learn how to play the piano, learn more languages, and travel more, even though I already do. I would have 30 dogs, 20 cats, 10 horses, 5 bunnies, 3 chinchillas, 2 turtles, and 1 macaw. I would watch a lot more anime and read a lot more manga, hahaha. And of course I would work for a conservation NGO in Africa and work with African elephants, then maybe in Southeast Asia and work with Asian elephants and other animals. And you?
•Whats a guilty pleasure you actually like? (Personality wise)
Obvious answer: probably anime and manga. Given how much time I spent on these activities, I could have learnt or done far more valuable things in life, but I allow myself because I am very disciplined about everything else, so it is fine. But I try to manage my time if I spend too much time watching anime or responding to people on MAL. I do not use social media, for example. It also helps that I do these things while at ''work.'' lol It is not my fault I am too efficient. lol
- How do you deal with your time management? Do you have any habits? Mine is I always force myself to read 20 minutes as soon as I wake up lol It is the only way I know I am getting my reading done for sure.
ughh...Who is someone you always wanted to talk with on MAL but never had the chance too ?
No one really lol I only opened my MAL account to keep track of my stuff. I didn't know you could even ''make friends'' here, but it is pretty cool. I get to interact with some people and get their perspective on life or just simply on anime and manga. And you? You seem to be pretty active here. What do you like the most here?
Since you've been asking me lots of questions, now it is my turn:
- If life had a "reset" button, would you press it, knowing you'd lose everything you've learned so far? 🙃
- If emotions had a physical weight, which one do you think would be heaviest to carry? 🫢
- If you could ask the universe one question and get a truthful answer, what would it be? 😮
However, for most people, silence can be intimidating.
Well, yeah, to each their own. I believe that people should be free to do whatever they want as long as they do not harm others. I hate the idea of pushing my beliefs on others.
Though, each case is different. There are varying degrees of privilege. Sometimes it is extremely difficult. Especially when you are transitioning from a teen to a young adult. Without the support of your parents, life can be extremely difficult.
Right. That is the cruel reality.
Yeah, I get what you're saying. The whole yin and yang idea makes sense. Balance is a big part of how things work. But I guess the real question is, just because something is a certain way, does that mean we should just accept it? Like, yeah, good and bad will always exist, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn't try to tip the scales in a better direction.
I agree that without contrast, we wouldn’t even recognise what’s "good" or "bad," but does that mean we should be cool with unnecessary suffering or injustice just because it's part of the balance? I think the problem isn’t that evil exists; it’s how much space we allow it to take up. And if evil disguises itself as good, isn’t that more of a reason to expose it rather than just letting it do its thing?
Your point makes sense, though. The world is not supposed to be all good, but perhaps the goal is not to eradicate evil, but to prevent it from taking over everything. What do you think?
Yeah, I see your point. A lot of these extreme ideologies just keep men and women divided instead of solving anything. As for incels and femcels dating each other, it makes sense in theory, but the issue is mindset. Many in those groups hold resentment and unrealistic expectations, which would likely just reinforce negativity rather than help them grow. If they were open to self-improvement, they could support each other, but the real problem isn’t just being single; it’s how they see relationships and themselves. What do you think?
That’s exactly what I was thinking when I hear people say old anime is better. I think it’s more about how much you’ve already consumed; after hundreds of series, things start feeling repetitive. Take new shounen like Jujutsu Kaisen; maybe I’d love it more if I had seen it earlier. It’s not like Saint Seiya is objectively better; they all share similar tropes. But the more familiar you get with anime, the harder it is to find something that truly resonates.
Would you lower the difficulty on ur life? You know how in video games you choose a difficult level to play on , Easy-Normal-Hard-Very Hard , in life some peoples lives are harder than others or do you prefer to keep the level you're on
lol I feel like I’ve already gone through the difficult levels in my life. Right now, I’m in a good place. I’ve achieved a lot, and I'm happy to be where I am. I have this theory that we only "play" the levels we’re meant to. I'm not religious, but I believe in a higher self that guides us and wouldn't let us face challenges we aren't capable of overcoming. I'm grateful just to be alive and appreciate the little things every day, that alone feels like a victory. How about you?
All Comments (343) Comments
What kind of videos do you like watching usually?
How're you?? ^_^
Haha, I probably will never take a break from anime, or maybe if I ever stop watching it. I don't know for how long more I will keep going but I never had a burnout or anything xD Oh, it is a shame I don't have a console. It might not be as fun on the PC. Some games can only be played multiplayer on consoles, not PCs.
Have you heard he is dismantling the education department? Now this is beyond messed up. It is no surprise that he wants to keep people ignorant. I guess entertaining in an awful way, unfortunately.
I see. I agree. I think you attract people with the same energy as you. Oh, Stormy is too busy trying to catch up with the Winx xD
Yes, one hundred percent. What a sad life if you have time to bully people online. And I mean generally, not only here.
Yeah, the OP song is pretty good. I liked the two first episodes. The vampire guy is pretty hot, lol. I bet he has a lot of fan girls. It will be a long watch, though. I am rotating among this, sailor moon r, hajime no ippo, serei no moribito, and Kodocha depending on my mood or whatever works on my illegal website xD
These questions are difficult xD
Hard work pays off—not always. I think life is not black and white. And working hard or putting effort into something will not always pay off. Sometimes you are focusing on the wrong things and do not even realise it, and the ''never giving up'' mentality can be more harmful than helpful.
He also mentioned wanting to integrate Greenland into the U.S., despite it being part of Denmark, a NATO member. He’s playing with fire, fully aware that his country holds the greatest military power. Yet, his tendency to provoke conflict is deeply unsettling. Naturally, none of these politicians will be on the front lines of the wars they ignite. Many European nations are on high alert, and I’ve even heard that Poland is conducting special military training for all its male citizens. The tension is already high due to the ongoing war in Ukraine, but Trump is only adding fuel to the fire, and this is something I really dislike about him. His own country has enough problems; he should be dealing with them, but he is just causing more problems in other parts of the world.
Yeah, maybe, but at least personally, I don't care about interacting with others, mainly here. There are few nice people like you, but I don't think I would go out of my way to try interact with anyone here xD.
lol, yep, there are a couple of users I always seen on the forums who are a pain in the ass.
I will try to use it more, ig.
Haha, I am ready. That believix song is stuck in my head and I feel so stupid. lol I am literally working on something important and then it starts: believix, believix lol
I started Blood+ ;)
Yeah, that is him. Leon. I googled, and it seems I played R.E 4. Awwn, I don't have a console anymore. This was my brother's, but I would love to find out more co-op games. Have you heard or played overcooked? This game almost ruined my relationship lol
Wow, yeah. I heard stories about the situation over there. Honestly, I was flabbergasted by how your president interacted with the Ukrainian president last week or so. World leaders, regardless of their beliefs and political stances, typically maintain a level of courtesy. But he treated the Ukrainian president as if he were a spoiled child; that’s what I’d call bullying. And let’s be real, the US has plenty of issues, like the lack of free healthcare. I can’t imagine having to pay to give birth, yet abortion is illegal in some states. Here, I can call an ambulance for even minor sickness, and it won’t cost me a thing.
I am not really happy about your president at the moment. His actions are disrupting the stock market xD Well, we are far from perfect as well. but each country has its own problems.
Yeah, I think, to some degree, you are right. We all have certain shallow standards. I just don't think it is always about appearance. I think men tend to be much more visual than women. That is why you will see drop-dead gorgerous women dating below-average guys. But I haven't yet seen a super handsome guy date women who are considered ''ugly'' or not a beauty standard.
I think I might need to start with 3 minutes lol I used to meditate like many years ago, but it never felt authentic to me like journaling, for example. Maybe different methods work well for different people. But I should try to meditate again.
Yeah, I also never felt like sending many friend requests in here because even if I think someone might have a similar taste to mine, that is just weird to ask them to interact with me lol Introverted core.
Then, you should make more threads there, because lately it is quite bad xD
I made that list one day and never logged in again lol
Hahaha, yeah, I am almost done with my Sailor Moon rewatch, so I can finally watch SMR. It has been fun; now that all the guardians are together.
It was a blond boy. I can't remember his name.
I completely understand that things are different over there. I know that getting a degree in the USA tends to be more expensive. Here in the UK, anyone can apply for a student loan, and you only start paying it back once you earn above a certain threshold. So, the situation varies depending on where you are. Also, many European countries have free universities and free healthcare. So it does make life easier ultimately.
I must be a really good person then. 😇😇😇
Oh, I actually cleared my friend's list even more. 90 percent of these people sent me a friend request, and that is because I still had 40 requests that I hadn't replied to lol. I have no idea where they came from. Most likely from the forums since I used to post a lot. But I realised they were mostly people with over 1K friends, so that explains a lot; they just send friend requests to anyone basically. I always accepted everyone because it was not a big deal. xD Also, most of these people never sent me a message, so what is the point of adding me? Now I am only leaving the people with whom I have previously interacted.
I am also cleaning my threads now. I can't believe the amount of useless rubbish I wrote on this website lol
Not really, because it is always the same things over and over. Most of the time I spend here is reading reviews, looking for new shows, and organising my list lol
LOL, I will still finish it because I am too invested in their drama. I just watched the part they went to Earth and started flirting with a bunch of random guys, lol while their boyfriends watched, like, isn't this a kid's show? lol What type of BS is that? Yeah, I haven't forgotten. I will watch it after I finish the Winx.
Hmm, I see. Have you tried to distance yourself from them? Is that something you could potentially do?
Well, that is the spirit.
Oh, I wouldn’t use MAL as the best reference point for this. lol But let’s be real, this is also about how you see yourself. Deep down, these are the ideas you hold about who you are. I get it; when life throws challenges our way, it’s easy to feel unworthy, invisible, or not good enough. But if you want people to see you as approachable, maybe start by believing that you actually are. Take me, for example; we’ve been chatting a lot, and it’s been fun! I don’t see you as unapproachable at all. So maybe it’s time to reframe the way you think about yourself.
Sorry, I am not very knowledgeable about the game. Now I am kinda confused about which one I played. It was on PS2 and early 2010s. I also played Rise of the Tomb Raider on the console, so good. And I played Tomb Raider 2 on PC when I was super young, which was released in 1997. You could lock the butler in the freezer lol. It is funny because I recall this game having the best graphics ever, and these days I looked up on YouTube and it was basically pixels, but in my mind it was peak graphics. xD
And I never said you said money was everything :p
That said, education isn’t the only path to financial success. Many people build wealth through entrepreneurship, innovation, investments, or unique skill sets that don’t require formal education. But if we’re speaking generally, higher education does provide a more structured and statistically reliable path to financial security compared to not having it.
That is interesting. I have never had much karma in my life, at least not in an obvious way, but I do believe in it on occasion. At least in your life, you have had a lot of evidence regarding that.
Give it a try, but try to be in a good and positive mental state before doing it. ;) I need to try it myself again. It can be difficult for me to be in that mental state at times because I feel like I am constantly thinking about something.
Yeah, I guess this was normal back then. Most people had many FB friends, etc., but I totally get it; it is pretty weird when you stop to think about it.
Edit: I didn't see the thread question. Oh, yes. I did, but they were mostly regarding specific series. I remember I did a Bleach thread about something I didn't understand when watching and people started fighting lol
BTW, I am back to watching WINX season 4. Believix gotta be one of the most retarded things I have seen in a while lol But still, this show is hilarious xD.
That is rough. There's this quote: “Freedom is being disliked by other people.” At the end of the day, you should prioritise yourself; your values and peace of mind matter most. Accepting this is truly liberating. It’s also a vital part of recognising your worth and refusing to let anyone belittle or undermine you. Stand up for yourself because in your life you matter the most, and people who don't respect your boundaries should go.
I mean, it is quite clear that the other person doesn't want to engage, so what is the point, really?
Yeah, it makes sense. I completely agree.
Nah, money is not everything. Most girls do not care much about that. Today, women have a higher level of education than men (statistics). Women are out there making money too. Now, it is like taking a small percentage of women who are like that and saying it is the whole gender. The thing is as well: the women who date for money want to catch a big fish, not the average guy.
Here in the UK, gooners are Arsenal fans lol Yeah, I guess you are past salvation.
These days, I feel pretty neutral about manifestation, but eight years ago, I was definitely one of those "crystal girls," lol. It’s not as simple as it seems. I read a lot of books on the topic, including Feeling is the Secret by Neville Goddard. I also watched countless YouTube videos.
The general advice is to start with something small. The core idea behind manifestation is believing that what you want to bring into your life is already yours. You need to align your energy with the feeling of having your wish fulfilled. It’s an energetic state where you know your desire has already materialised. If you doubt or feel anxious, it won’t happen. That’s the secret.
I was a bit sceptical, but I decided to try manifesting a few small things, this was eight years ago, lol. The first time, I thought to myself one morning, Wouldn’t it be nice to get a free hot drink? Then I forgot all about it. Later that day, I went to a coffee shop with my coworkers. Everyone paid for their drinks, and when it was my turn, the barista suddenly told me it was on the house, just like that, lol. Honestly, it was pretty crazy because it was such a specific thought, and it happened that very same day.
The second time, I did the same thing but thought, Wouldn’t it be nice if I got something for free today? A little while later, while I was on the underground, a woman randomly came up to me and handed me a bunch of expensive hair care products; the exact kind I would normally have to buy, lol. Then, with my partner, it was a similar experience. I thought, Wouldn’t it be nice to meet someone with these qualities? Then I simply carried on with my life. I was genuinely happy, never overthought it, and didn’t stress, and things just unfolded naturally.
From my perspective, it’s much easier to manifest things you don’t put on a pedestal. That’s why they say to start small. The more relaxed and confident you are, the easier it becomes. But if you’re desperate for something, it gets much harder because the anxiety kicks in and you start wondering how it will happen, which only creates resistance. Of course, if you were to ask for a million dollars today, it would probably feel impossible, because 99% of people wouldn’t truly believe they could receive that kind of money out of nowhere. The key is being able to let go. When you do, things tend to fall into place.
Sometimes, the wisest choice is to let go of certain people in your life. While there are many factors to consider, if someone is bringing you more harm than good, they don’t deserve a place in your life. Your well-being and peace of mind should always come first; it's a cliché, but true. If you don’t protect them, no one else will. The uncomfortable truth is that most people only look out for themselves, so you have to prioritise yourself too. Whatever they did to you reflects more on them than on you, and that’s their problem, not yours. It’s not worth carrying the weight of their actions. At the end of the day, you know yourself better than anyone. Ask yourself: Are they really telling the truth about me? You already answered ''unrightfully''. So why let their opinions define you? If they choose to believe something about you, that’s on them, not you. You don’t owe anyone an explanation or proof of who you are. I gotta a bit carried away, lol Sorry, I just hate when people act this way.
Yeah, I played resident evil. I get what you’re saying. It’s like being in a place that feels safe, but honestly, you should consider the worst-case scenario if you go after what you truly want. What’s the real risk? And more importantly, why give people so much power over you that they have the ability to hurt you? If you’re truly comfortable with yourself, no one can really hurt you.
There are so many good people out there who will connect with you in different ways. But I also know that just hearing this isn’t enough; it’s something deeply ingrained in your mind that you have to work through on your own. Everyone copes differently. For me, stoic philosophy helps; it works well for me. But you need to find what works for you, whether it’s a certain philosophy, a mindset shift, or an action that frees you from these feelings.
That is so sad. Your generation is so lost lol I have never felt so conservative before, but I am not saying we were prudes or anything, but at least people were ashamed and tried to hide it. Nowadays, it is like Okay and acceptable. No wonders; most relationships do not work. People really see each other as replaceable products.
I did something before I met him. Like a little ''manifestation''. I wrote down everything I wanted in a guy, the things I could tolerate, and my deal breakers, and then I met him, and he is exactly like I wished for \o So this manifestation process must be real, because it worked.
Great perspective. I've been playing this mobile game, Clash Royale. 🫣😭 I am so addicted, haha; it is really getting the worst out of me.
I think if DB had been my first one, then it would be different. When I watched DB, I already knew all transformations, so I couldn't see beyond that. \o
Alright I will answer in a hypothetical scenario because when you are already in love, your preferences kinda change to match your partner haha
TALL - I am sorry no one will reply differently. xD This is a controversial question, but it is what it is. On the positive side, most guys will always be taller than most girls. So look how easy it is.
BOTH hairs
MUSCULAR - LOL XD I have my personal reasons here.
INTROVERTED - I could never date an extrovert, lol It would be too conflicting cause I just want to be home and chill when I am not working, but even when I am working since I work from home lol
GENTLE - Who would choose an aggressive partner? Despite the gender, unless this person has a weird kinky or something xD
RESERVED - I am not an emotional person myself. I work with numbers, always logical thinking. That being said, I think it is okay to be vulnerable with a partner when it is needed. But not at all times.
I AM NOT RACIST - Every race has its own charms, but I would pick my partner race.
MIX OF BOTH - I like being adventurous when I travel abroad. But my notion of adventure is going on a hike.
FIX STUFF - 100 percent. I can't stress this enough. This is the most manly activity for a man, lol but I myself am pretty good at DIY. I can fix most issues myself. I can use a drill lol Hear me out; if you want to get a girl to like you, go to her house and start fixing stuff lol I am not even joking here lol xD
FLIRTY OR SHY - What does that even mean? In a relationship or before you started dating? I would prefer that a guy not be pushy with me, but if I am already dating this person. Then, by all means, be flirty? I don't know this question is weird lol
It is pretty bizarre to me. Even more because I am from a generation where we didn't spend all day in front of a screen. Boys used to hide this type of magazine under their beds, and if discovered, they were considered disgusting or something. Nowadays, it is so open to everyone. You go to Instagram, and there is so much of this content so easily attainable. I feel like a conservative grandma born in the 1940s hahaha. #kidsthesedays
lol hahaha, every day I spend time on this website, I feel so old. I am not even 30, OK. xD But that is true, I can see some things clearly nowadays. Things I did not realise when I was younger. And in 10 years time, I probably will be able to see some stuff I couldn't see clearly today. That is the beauty of life; your experiences shape you and make you wiser over time.
I grew up with Bugs Life, such a nostalgic film. Haha, exactly. I hate losing; I am really competitive in games. I might spend hours memorising actor names and movie titles just so I can win the next trivia game. It is annoying because I get science and geography extremely fast (because these are my majors). Then I am fairly good at history. Sports after a few tries, and then I am stuck in the damn entertainment for hours until everyone catches up to me, and I want to cry. Hahaha it is so frustrating. #FIRSTWORLDPROBLEMS
I also enjoyed Daima. My ranking is pretty controversial, haha.
1) DBZ: Absolute here, no discussions.
2) DBS: Here is the controversy, lol I really like the first half of it. I think DBGT is better than the second half. I thought the tournament of power was extremely dragged on.
3) DBGT: It could take second place. I love this series. SSJ4 transformations. Gogeta SSJ4 against Baby. EPIC!!!!!
4) DGB: I only watched this series later on, after I had watched DBZ and DBGT. So it was not that impactful. Still good.
5) DBDAIMA: It is good, but 20 episodes can't really compete with over 100 episodes from the other series.
Same here, lol. People tend to find us strange, but honestly, I’ve never woken up feeling so lonely that I thought, Let me go out and make new friends. I have my people; the ones I love being around and feel comfortable with, but they’re a small group, and I’m not really interested in expanding it. I prefer deep, authentic friendships. If I can’t be completely myself around someone, then they were never really a friend to begin with.
I only played the normal version of the game.
Did you watch one of his videos? lol Please give it a try :p
I dunno, I just find this notion weird. Like someone has their pictures out there and they can just show them to anyone. How do they even sleep at night? Like it could've been someone close to their families. I would always feel shameful. But well, there is also AI, and basically now everything is so dangerous.
That’s right, I agree. One thing I admire about this generation is that they don’t just accept things as they are, they question everything and are highly aware of their rights. I feel like we millennials were much more easily manipulated into accepting things without questioning them. Wait, are you Gen Z, right?
Oh, I haven't gotten to the part where they get super strong. Things will get more exciting once I watch Sailor Moon R, which will be new to me. Don't forget, Goku can always unlock the next transformation and solo everyone lol Alright, let me know what you think about it.
I think these are trauma responses. A lot of people act based on how they were conditioned; if you grew up watching your parents constantly fight, you might see that as normal and unknowingly recreate it in your own relationships. On top of that, many people are still figuring themselves out, so they might not recognise red flags early on. Most mistakes happen in first relationships when everything is new and uncertain. But if toxic patterns keep repeating, it could point to a deeper issue. Emotional dependence is also real, and once it develops, breaking free from a toxic relationship can be incredibly difficult. In a way, I’ve been there myself, so I can relate, it’s not easy. A lot of it comes down to your values and how your mind has been conditioned. That’s why I believe the most important thing is working on yourself and recognising that some beliefs were just imposed on you. In my first relationship, I stayed far too long because I genuinely believed leaving meant failure. I thought I had to make it work because I was supposed to marry my first boyfriend. It sounds funny now, but that belief was real, shaped by my mom’s idea that if a relationship fails, it must be the woman’s fault. In the end, it’s all about challenging your own beliefs and asking if they still align with who you are today.
I loved Inside Out. I need to watch the second one. I can honestly count how many movies I have seen. I have 0 cinema knowledge, which is something I would like to change for my quizzes. lol I love Trivial Pursuit, which is a British board game with different categories, and one of the categories is entertainment, which I can never get right because I guess anime is not considered part of it lol So it sucks. The amount of Star Wars questions is insane. I need to watch it one day :p
I personally enjoy solitude, which may seem strange, but I grew up as a very independent person, so I am content with my own company. It is normal for me. Obviously, I believe that people can always bring positive things into your life, but you should not rely on these feelings.
I know. I just mentioned OF as an example. It is pretty sad because their images and videos will always be on the internet FOREVER, and if one day they regret it, which they probably will. It will still be there. Yeah, there are many stupid reasons.
Hmm, I think every generation has its ups and downs. Older generations grew up with a strong sense of discipline and resilience due to difficult times, while younger generations are more adaptable and open to new ideas. Some struggle with change; others rely too much on technology, etc. In the end, no generation is perfect. So even if they didn’t buy as much stuff as we do now, they had their own struggles, just like we have ours. Some things were worse back then but have improved today, while other things might have gotten more complicated. My point is, there will always be something to fix, some challenge to work through.
Who can beat Goku, though? Talking about Goku, are you caught up with Daima? OMG EP19 was fire D:
Seneca is a stoic ancient philosopher! He is probably my current favourite authour.
Your point makes sense, but it could also explain why there are so many toxic relationships. I think there’s a thin line between good and bad in everything, including relationships. No one is perfect, and every relationship is a mix of actions, some good, some not so good. If someone has enough positive qualities and only a couple of flaws, that might be worth accepting. That’s why it’s so important to know yourself, understand your deal breakers, and be clear about what you truly want in a relationship.
Right, good points. I need to watch Coco. Yeah, I think about these things all the time. Ultimately, every day I try to just be thankful for all I have. I can't really complain about my life. I have a lot of good things going on for me.
Yuzuriha from Saint Seiya the Lost Canvas profile picture D: Nice!
I think the reality is that most people are stuck in low-paying jobs and living paycheck to paycheck. The idea that sex work is a widespread option isn’t true for the majority of people. The top earners on OF are a very small percentage; most creators don’t make much, if anything, on the platform. I bring this up because I’ve seen a lot of comments online claiming women have it easier and can just become OF creators or whatever. But that’s far from the truth. Most women don’t go down that path, and yet the rise in hate towards women online is growing.
I see what you're saying, but I actually think we don’t have to completely disconnect to make a real change. Going off the grid sounds freeing, but I believe there’s power in working within the system to shift it. Small actions, like supporting ethical businesses or being more mindful of what we consume, can really add up. It’s not about completely stepping away, but changing the way we engage with the world in a way that feels better and more conscious. You don’t need to leave everything behind to make a difference, you know?
Definitely Ranma and InuYasha, because everything is so similar that it fits perfectly. I mean, even the art style is identical.
Right, Seneca is a blessing. You should read. He usually writes letters, so this is the type of reading you would do slowly. To be honest, once I started reading Seneca, my perspective on so many things shifted, and I learnt to stop overthinking and worrying about things. Just like we said above about challenging our own beliefs.
Yeah, all of that is pretty cool! Yeah, a farm in the countryside would be so nice.
Good answers.
That is a great mindset to have. Similarly, I believe that no matter where you are in your journey or how smart you are, there will always be someone who can add value to your beliefs and, in some cases, challenge them.
Oh, it was not personal. But I know many people who struggled a lot when they were 18, trying to figure everything out while working low-wage jobs, studying, and paying bills. I can tell they did not have it easy at all. Even paying for their driver's license was difficult because they had no support. To be honest, I cannot imagine what some people go through. But you are correct: if you can overcome these challenges, you will most likely advance in life.
I get it. ''Evil'' has taken root so deeply that it feels like we are too late to stop it. People are mostly concerned with their own matters, and that’s exactly how those in power want it. But as long as we're aware, it's not over. Change starts when people see through the illusion and push back, even in small ways. The real question is, how do we break free from this cycle? I am getting too philosophical here. I am going to stop lol
Well, everything is possible :D Tbh, being grateful for what you have is good. The changes you want will eventually happen. I see a lot of people complaining about their lives, which reminds me of Seneca's quote: "He who suffers before it is necessary suffers more than is necessary."
- How do you deal with your time management? Do you have any habits? Mine is I always force myself to read 20 minutes as soon as I wake up lol It is the only way I know I am getting my reading done for sure.
Since you've been asking me lots of questions, now it is my turn:
- If life had a "reset" button, would you press it, knowing you'd lose everything you've learned so far? 🙃
- If emotions had a physical weight, which one do you think would be heaviest to carry? 🫢
- If you could ask the universe one question and get a truthful answer, what would it be? 😮
Well, yeah, to each their own. I believe that people should be free to do whatever they want as long as they do not harm others. I hate the idea of pushing my beliefs on others.
Though, each case is different. There are varying degrees of privilege. Sometimes it is extremely difficult. Especially when you are transitioning from a teen to a young adult. Without the support of your parents, life can be extremely difficult.
Right. That is the cruel reality.
Yeah, I get what you're saying. The whole yin and yang idea makes sense. Balance is a big part of how things work. But I guess the real question is, just because something is a certain way, does that mean we should just accept it? Like, yeah, good and bad will always exist, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn't try to tip the scales in a better direction.
I agree that without contrast, we wouldn’t even recognise what’s "good" or "bad," but does that mean we should be cool with unnecessary suffering or injustice just because it's part of the balance? I think the problem isn’t that evil exists; it’s how much space we allow it to take up. And if evil disguises itself as good, isn’t that more of a reason to expose it rather than just letting it do its thing?
Your point makes sense, though. The world is not supposed to be all good, but perhaps the goal is not to eradicate evil, but to prevent it from taking over everything. What do you think?
Yeah, I see your point. A lot of these extreme ideologies just keep men and women divided instead of solving anything. As for incels and femcels dating each other, it makes sense in theory, but the issue is mindset. Many in those groups hold resentment and unrealistic expectations, which would likely just reinforce negativity rather than help them grow. If they were open to self-improvement, they could support each other, but the real problem isn’t just being single; it’s how they see relationships and themselves. What do you think?
That’s exactly what I was thinking when I hear people say old anime is better. I think it’s more about how much you’ve already consumed; after hundreds of series, things start feeling repetitive. Take new shounen like Jujutsu Kaisen; maybe I’d love it more if I had seen it earlier. It’s not like Saint Seiya is objectively better; they all share similar tropes. But the more familiar you get with anime, the harder it is to find something that truly resonates.