Philosophy and Politics
Final Thoughts
Attack on Titan was one of my favourite productions of all time. Unfortunately it divulges into a degenerate spiral of sensationalism and everyone edging on Eren’s basement.
S1 Eren is a chad, S2&3 Eren is a pussy, and then in S4 he’s a genocidal psycho?
Levi, Erwin and Mikasa are the only sensible characters.
Everyone eating up Season 4’s playstation 1 graphics.
Zeke is a certified pdf.file
Reiner and his squad are unapologetic war criminals, and we must sympathise with them.
Eren can see the past, the present, and the future. He can even see Jean releasing over 5 years of tension into his life long lover.
Eren with his omnipotent powers of deduction decides that indiscriminate murder of the entire planet is a productive move forward.
But he couldn’t even hold Mikasa’s hand. Show. Ruined.
From 9/10 to 2/10 in the span of 10 years, and people huff it in all-the-same. The things producers/writers do for money, and the things people consume for sensationalism, it baffles me. There’s plenty to enjoy about the show, but I just couldn’t look past everything else.
Fair warning: this is 5000 words
(just skip to 'Philosophy and Politics' and 'Final Thoughts' for my main opinions)
When I write this: “S1E5M10S7” I mean Season 1, Episode 5, 10 minutes, 7 seconds (10:07).
Hajime is the mangaka. The manga artist and author.
No, I haven't read the manga. But I watched the (entire) anime 3 times over.
I’m not a philosopher, a psychologist or a political scientist of any sort, but neither is anyone that praises this show. And that gives me absolute free reign.
There’s a few reasons I'm writing this, one of them is because I think very highly of the world that was created by Hajime. The idea of living within such vast walls, surrounding a lush and fertile land, the mystery of a forgotten history, the terror of the titans, the creativity of the ODM gear, the bravery of the Scout regiment and the determination of Eren make for one of my favourite shows of all time.
The foundation of the AOT story is very strong, combined with one of the best animations I’ve ever seen, a powerful soundtrack, and no fan service. Season 1 shapes up incredibly.
However, the main reason I’m writing this is because of the lacklustre following seasons.
Regressive characters, a poorly explained story, a lesser animation quality (not just the cg) (lower frame rate, lower details), and in general just worse production quality; it’s in the finer details too; the pacing, the reused and mis-timed soundtracks, inappropriate facial expressions and inappropriate emotions, odd character interactions. These are symptoms of either a rushed production or incompetent producers.
I figured I needed to rip into the show for at least a good 10 pages to balance out all the people soy-ing out over how good the final seasons are.
I say comprehensive overview, but honestly it’s such a vast show, and I don’t think anyone has time to cover literally everything, but I cover what I believe to be all the important parts of the story. I have some rough bullet points for each season, then onto the characters and then close out my thoughts overall.
Every character had unique and interesting quirks.
The foreshadowing that links back to season 1 is surprisingly extensive and well connected. Would have been more impactful if the show had more credibility as a whole.
Characters have genuine humour and genuine interactions, even if they are a little exaggerated and weird. This does not persist past S1.
Great use of still frames, but they get rid of these later.
Some characters were a little cliche, like the King.
Eren loses his passion to become a competent Scout when he receives his titan powers.
It’s always refreshing to have strong and inspiring characters like Levi, Erwin and Pixis. All the scouts in season 1 act senior and dependable too. Again inspiring characters like these dwindle later on.
Lady with short white hair and glasses was really hot.
S1E15M21 “Who do you think is the enemy.” one of my favourite scenes. Brilliant.
All the scenes with the female titan were perfectly executed; the animation, music, the suspense, everything. The chase scene was a little dragged out though.
S1E5M21 The usage of the soundtrack to create powerful scenes like this is amazing. Love it.
Monkey titan was difficult for me to take seriously. A giant monkey needed explaining for me and it never did get explained even in the end.
Nanaba was hot. Not debatable
Scouts are weirdly hopeless in Season 2 after all their hype in Season 1. They seem to get scared shitless by anything.
Far too much plot armour for the main characters.
Reiner’s psychotic rant to Eren before transforming was super weird and felt unrealistic.
There is no inspiring push through any struggle in S2. It’s just full of characters that are too incompetent to do what they need to do. It’s just despair upon despair, no push for something more, peace or understanding. It’s just kill or be killed.
E12 Mikasa getting erotic in the middle of a battle field is some wack ass writing.
Eren is pathetic.
Erwin is a chad.
Part 1
Best op+ed. True. We rep Yoshiki out in these streets.
Eren first appears in the season as a bootlicker for Levi’s OCD tendencies instead of learning how to fight from him or anything of that sort. Really depressing character regression.
People just scream information at one another all the time and it’s unbearable.
A lot of bad guys from within the city walls act like cliche anime school bullies.
Erwin is a chad.
E7 Overcomplicated reason for why Eren thinks his father shouldn't have eaten the royal family, he thinks for some reason that the titan power could have stopped all the other titans. The fact that he believes Reiss over his own father is completely absurd.
The politics are very good, but they convey these politics by shouting at one another all the time. Gets exhausting with everything else going on.
E7 Production quality is clearly worse. At the end of the episode, the timing, the music and the animation is all clearly at a lower quality.
E9 Eren punches himself, best character progression yet in the season.
Reiss titan didn’t put up a fight, anticlimactic.
Using ODM gear to destroy fragments of the Reiss titan mid explosion is some crazy writing. Things like this really lessen the credibility of the show, making it hard to take the show seriously.
I feel like instead of aspiring to be like Erwin or Levi, all the main characters are more interested in being average people, even though they’ve had completely abnormal lives. They don’t seem to be very disciplined or strive for anything, they just kinda wander around aimlessly until titans are knocking on their door.
Reiner transferring his consciousness twice to avoid death was absolutely incredible, the plot armour titan strikes again.
Cart titan bails out Reiner and Zeke in the least convincing way possible. Just runs up and snatches them without anyone noticing its approach.
At this point I was CoMpLeTeLy mentally checked out of the show. From this point onwards I really didn’t care about literally any of the episodes to come. This lazy cop out story writing is just too egregious to me. I forced myself to watch the rest simply because I enjoyed season 1. And I rewatched it when I saw everyone giving this show a 10/10 so that I could write a review and ruin everyone’s day.
Flashback to the war criminal squad that would rather Marco get eaten alive than be executed. And we’re meant to sympathise with them in this scene. Garbage.
Bertholdt’s transformation is inconsistent, sometimes it does nothing and sometimes it’s a nuke.
The monkey titan throwing cluster bombs was an engaging scene, but he throws so many it becomes ridiculous, again over stepping on the tragedy aspect, becoming sensationalistic and over the top. We understood the impact of the cluster bomb the first time he threw it. We don’t need to see the same thing 10+ times, it waters down the scene and emotionally wears out the audience.
Hange pushing her blade into Reiners neck is too much, scenes like these are again too much and it desensitises the viewer. It’s a small detail but things like these are really important.
Everyone has the same emotions, everyone is in constant grief and shock. People don’t express their emotions like this, especially not battle hardened soldiers. If you want to convey these emotions to the viewer you don’t explicitly show it. If you want the audience to experience an emotion, you have to make the character withhold that very emotion in the face of a situation that warrants such emotion.
Zeke rats out his parents for a reason and is given a whole season later. I can’t stand this terrible story telling that constantly reshapes how you have to view all the different characters.
Grisha’s sister getting attacked by dogs seemed a little much, people can be very cruel, but doing that unprompted? It’s a bit of a stretch.
Colossal titan animation is terrible.
“The only truth is that there is no truth” - The Owl.
I cringed into a ball and died.
Grisha literally shaking and crying “I must atone for my sin”. Bitch what sin? Wanting to liberate your people from literal nazi germany? Oh yeah right on.
Part 1
No segway, no transition, just straight into ww2 style conflict. The story is very complex at this point, and it does a terrible job at explaining what’s really going on. This isn’t for a mystery factor, because these things were explained in the previous season, it's just hard to remember all the little details. I don’t know anyone that understood what was going on without constantly pausing+rewinding+going back to previous episodes/seasons, or just straight up rewatching the entire show.
S3E1 Again with the cliche anime-school-bully-type characters.
Changing an art studio on a show this big should be a criminal offence.
The kid characters are all completely insufferable, showing AOTs favourite tropes of constantly shouting/screaming/crying/gasping/panicking.
S4E1M17S10 terrible animation, something this dramatic would have been animated far better in S1.
S4E1 I really don’t understand this drawn out scene, are we meant to enjoy watching a bunch of genocidal maniacs take apart a fortress and battlefleet? They wanted to show the titans losing effectiveness and that they needed to press for the founding titan, but that doesn't give reason for this long and drawn out scene. Far more interesting ways to convey this rather than having to watch 1000s of characters we don’t know or care about, fighting for nations we don’t know or care about, getting blown to pieces. This could have been a 30 second montage with 1 or 2 minutes of verbal explanation afterwards.
S4E2M4S30 terrible animation.
S4E2M8S10 this whole scene is just terribly animated, emphasis on animated. I don’t mean still frames, the way everyone moves is so unnatural.
I find it sickening that we’re meant to constantly sympathise with Reiner.
S4E2M10S40 people don’t fkn cry like this what in the fk is wrong with this show.
S4E2M11S40 Reiner is such a disgusting Malian shill like Zeke, nothing honourable about these characters, they are both completely lost in the sauce when we’re meant to think they’re complex. No.
All the characters are constantly looking shell shocked, it's so exhausting, real people don’t act like this. Soldiers in WW2 were stoic and knew how to hold themselves together in the face of sheer terror. They weren’t constantly shaking and panicked after every last bullet being let loose.
Eren states “You had no choice, just like me”. What cop out garbage.
“You’re trying to save the world aren't you”? Says Eren to Reiner, what complete garbage, Malians are just trying to be the dominating global power. That's it. They don’t give a shit about the greater good.
The whole trapdoor thing on the cart and jaw titan is ridiculous.
E6 “They are devils we are devils” Between the Tybur guy and the Malian general. Why would you act with any moral conviction if that’s how you see things? People don’t think like this, unless they’re living completely selfishly.
E6M7S30 The animation here between the attack titan and hammer titan is unacceptably bad.
PART 2+3
Zeke is a certified POS.
It was never clearly expressed why Ymir devoted herself to a Tyrant.
I have more to say on the final episodes further on.
S1E4 Eren vs the Colossal titan is one of the best scenes in the show, even if Eren doesn’t achieve anything, he shows a crazy amount of bravery and resolve.
S1 Eren dies for Armin.
S1E13M7 The best scene in the whole show by a mile. Eren embodies Atlas. The symbolism behind this scene is actually incredible. The animation, the music, the timing. Chills.
Eren is basically a fkn baddass throughout S1, with a few floors, but nothing major.
He’s developing, right? Wrong. We hit season 2 and Eren is in a bed. Scouts are out fighting and dying and Eren is in a bed. Eren then fails at killing Reiner and Berthold, and gets captured instead. And further along in the season he regresses into this weird useless cry baby loser for no reason at all
I mentally checked out of AOT after S2E12 when Eren shies away from kissing Mikasa. Just everything leading up to it too, that was his last moment to redeem himself for me.
To be brief, Eren essentially achieves nothing from this point onwards without his titan powers, which just feels cheap and uninspiring for the most part.
In season 4 Eren appears with a sudden massive change in personality. Very convenient. They never showed how he went from a crybaby to an absolute king of edginess. Certainly he becomes a far more entertaining character. Though completely void of morals. But I have more to say on that under ‘Philosophy and Politics’.
Reiner was 12 years old when he attacked the wall. He was brainwashed by Malian propaganda into thinking that Eldians are devils, knowing that he and his family are Eldian. After breaching the wall he then spends the next 5 years growing up with the Eldians. In this time he makes friends and fights alongside them, he also learns that Eldians aren’t what the Malians propagandised, and that they aren’t devils.
Now at age 17 and the armoured titan at his fingertips, and as an Eldian, and living with Eldians, and in Eldia; he decides to betray these people once again. He continuously does this instead of atoning for the sin of killing 100s of thousands of innocents. His reasoning for this and for capturing Eren is to save the world from a potential rumbling. This reasoning is of course complete garbage, the Malians only wish to expand and conquer the world as much as possible, they have not shown any attempts at making peace, other than with other nations in order to unite to genocide the Eldians. I’m not sure why the fk Reiner would ever think these powers are better suited in the hands of the Malian government. Reiner, knowing of the outside world, had the opportunity to influence Eren to a path of understanding and peace without a rumbling. Reiner and his fellow recruits had the gift of seeing both sides, but none of them used this gift, and instead continued with their atrocities.
Apparently he simultaneously sees what he’s doing wrong but continues with it either way and begins his mental illness arc? This makes absolutely no sense. If what you’re doing is just; then you can justify it, and if you can justify it then you can avoid mental conflict. If he’s doing it for his family, it still doesn’t make sense, his family are enslaved by the Malians and treated like dogs, if he cared about his family he would want to liberate them from Malia. “If he opposed Malia they would kill his family”. No. Reiner can turn into fusion of Usain Bolt and a KF51 Panzer at the snap of his finger tips, furthermore he has the favour of the Malians. If anyone could perform a covert operation to liberate the Eldians trapped in Malia, it would be Reiner and his friends.
Reiner only chooses to help the Eldians once the entirety of Malia is destroyed (his mother is spared of course, the plot armour titan strikes again). What he fights for is to preserve the last remaining population on earth that will eventually attack the Eldians anyhow. So really he doesn’t ever do anything to atone for his sins against innocent Eldians, nor does he ever seem to acknowledge that he is Eldian and that his family is under oppression by the Malians.
This war criminal unapologetically killed over 100 thousand innocent civilians and we’re made to spend 3 seasons sympathising with him because he has a clean haircut. “I had no other choice”. Garbage.
Mikasa - One of the best characters. Loyal, loving and doesn’t let her man step out of line. Of course Hajime ruins all of that in the end credits.
You don’t do that to a friend, it’s an unwritten rule of life.
Armin - Using him as the smart guy when convenient for the story felt a little bit forced, but otherwise a great character. It’s a pity he never grows into becoming a leader like he absolutely could have in season 3 onwards, and could have made an extremely interesting rival to Eren instead of remaining the weak shy guy so Eren could have his spotlight.
Bertholdt - waste of oxygen. Another attempt at a grey character, bro is a straight up war criminal weasel, no one cares that he’s crying and sad for whatever stupid reason. Just refer to my yap about Reiner. I don’t understand why this show has such a disgusting case of Game of Thrones disease. Just make him a villian. Please. Such a simple way to fix his character and so many other characters in the show.
Annie - tramples soldiers and innocent civilians, locks herself in crystal for over 5 years, and then everyone wants to be chummy with her when she comes out. We get her cute backstory while Eren is crushing millions of innocents into pulp.
Zeke - Kills his own parents as a kid so he can live as a bootlicker. Yikes/10 and completely unbelievable.
Levi - The only consistent character in the whole show. Best character, no grey area bullshit. He just likes f-ing up mofos that mess with him and his squad. Gigachad. Based. Absolute unit. Slay king.
His only flaw is not hearing the cart titan approaching him on an open field, he was probably too busy wondering why he was given such a BS reason for not being allowed to kill Zeke.
Erwin - Fights for the liberation of his people, to ‘spread their wings of freedom beyond the walls’ that have become a prison.
Again though Hajime tries to ruin this character. For some reason Erwin is suddenly riddled with self doubt and loathing, thinking everything he did was selfish, stepping on the bodies of his soldiers for his own goals. There was never anything remotely selfish about anything Erwin strived for. Not today Hajime, I won’t let you ruin Erwin for me.
Gabi - Sasha killed many of Gabi’s fellow Malians, I don’t understand why anyone is upset that Gabi killed Sasha. That said, Gabi is an insufferable git, celebrates the death of her enemies and is clearly just unhinged in general. Her and that other kid are completely uninspiring, annoying and forced characters. Just why?
Grisha - Literally does nothing wrong, fights for the freedom of his people, gets a little crazy with his son Zeke, but never too abusive. Massacre of the royal family is debatable but I’m already knee deep here, I’m not going into all that. (help)
The idea that Eren couldn’t negotiate with any of the nations, dispel Eldias negative image, and come to a peace treaty is completely absurd to me.
Eldians living freely within their own lands is something any nation in this anime should be okay with, but also HAS to be okay with, because of the threat of the rumbling. S4E5 Eren has so many options, he has the attention of every major nation in the world. In their age of technology with limited communication; that was Eren’s golden opportunity. He could have sent a spokesperson to the stage to convey his peace treaty to the international nations, THEN transform and target the Malian military as he did. Eliminating the Malian military is completely understandable and logical, as they are hell bent on eradicating and torturing the Eldians. Not sure why he transformed inside a civilian building though, not sure what stopped him from just walking outside? This whole scene/decision from Eren is inexcusably stupid.
Eren can pass down the founding titan to Historia when he dies, and in the meantime Eldia can bring themselves up to speed with modern technologies, through trade deals, alliances, etc. It’s certainly an attractive deal to be on the good side of the Eldians. Once Eldia is modernised they can utilise a more controlled power to fight for freedom outside paradise on a fair footing if they wish. Just like we do today. We don’t just lob nukes at people we don’t like.
The stronger you are compared to your opposition, the less likely you’ll be to have to use your strength. You can threaten it but for goodness sakes you don’t actually go through with it. If you’re smart you can leverage the power of the rumbling for diplomacy, resources and hopefully freedom.
There’s a big sense of seeking freedom throughout the show, and in a way it seems the ultimate goal for Eren is ultimate freedom for his people. They want to interact and live with the outside world freely. Logically that would entail trading with and travelling between the various countries that encompass the world. What needs to be understood by the Eldians is the inherent powers that their people possess, and the trauma that their ancestors inflicted centuries ago. They shouldn't have to atone for their ancestors, but they certainly have to prove to the world that they are not tyrants like their ancestors were, and that they are not devils like the Malians propagandised.
Eren attempted to commit what I would call a ‘xenocide’(I just want to emphasise his actions with a fancier word), killing everything that is foreign, or in other words anyone that isn’t Eldian. As a side note; the rumbling would probably cause a global ecocide.
It’s very concerning to me that anyone can see genocide as ever being a viable option for any group of human beings, anime or not, fiction or otherwise. It’s not believable to me that Eren saw every possible future and thought this was the best one. Your enemies that survive will live to fight you, and your own people will suffer internally. A society cannot be proud of itself, flourish in any way, or even survive under the foundations of genocide, there would be no peace. Without diplomacy and rationality, this genocidal tendency will just as easily turn itself inward on its own people. One would genocide those who opposed the 1st genocide, and then genocide those who opposed the 2nd. The society would degenerate into a North Korean like state.
I don’t have a strong grasp of politics, but neither does anyone praising this show. And I think anyone with common sense and rational thought can analyse this anime and conclude that Eren is completely brain damaged.
Small tangent: notice I said analyse, not watch, because the show does a lazy job at leading you through the story properly. If you want to understand this overcomplicated story, you have to pause, rewind, rewatch, google, you name it.
I’m not sure how the Eldians defended themselves after the failed rumbling. They have no tanks, and they have no airforce, and lesser weaponry in general. I see no reason why Paradis wouldn’t be completely occupied by another nation within 1 to 2 years. They’re meant to be decades behind in technology.
A big gripe of mine is that people can’t seem to tell the clear difference between season 1 and every other season. To me the difference is glaringly obvious. The production value that went into season 1 is what drew everyone to the story and the characters that people are attached to in the following seasons. The show does very little past season 1 to draw you to the characters. Almost all of them have 0 development.
Season 1 is where they developed most of the soundtracks, where they developed all the main characters, had the highest frame rate animation, highest detail animation, highest detail backdrops.
It bothers me that a production team can put a lot less effort into something and it goes unnoticed, and of course that’s the viewers problem, not the production team’s. The reason I bother getting upset about this is the same reason we don’t have as many good movies, TV series, or animes anymore. Of course we get a good one once in a blue moon, but the point is; we are losing a sense of appreciation for good art in society. Good art often gets smeared with sensationalistic material until it’s indistinguishable from pure garbage.
Hajime states that he wants to make the reader feel pain, he states that a story will be more memorable when they are hurtful in this way. In order to do this he knew he had to build a world with characters that the audience will cherish before being able to tear it down with the desired effect. I think his pursuit to create this kind of cherishable world is what brought about the best side of AOT, and what brought out the most artfulness from Hajime.
So much potential for a meaningful story ruined by game of thrones style sensationalism. Let's make all the good characters grey, and sympathise with genocidal idealogues. Let’s also stain any virtuous thoughts, like Eren wanting to avenge his mother; being turned on its head as Eren was somehow the one that ended up sending that very titan to eat his mother. This kind of storytelling will riddle you with anxiety if you take it seriously.
There are absolutely people with virtuous thoughts, goals, and paths. And there are absolutely people that just want to cause harm or satisfy something personal without caring for anyone else it may harm in the process. You can argue there are no good or bad people in the world, but you can’t argue that there are no good and bad actions. It is absolutely a fact that there are good and bad actions. Yet every good deed in Attack on Titan needs to be smeared in some way. Erwin wanting to liberate his people, Grisha wanting the same, both smeared as potentially bad people in the end. Eren wanting to avenge the cruelty inflicted upon his community turns into some overblown, overcomplicated story and Eren somehow finds himself leading a genocide upon the world. Ridiculous, we are never shown how Eren becomes corrupted like this, as if his virtuous thoughts never truly were.
Don’t think that every action someone takes is grey in some way.
“Any time you do something good for someone - were you actually doing it for yourself?”
This line of thought is ridiculous and gets you nowhere in life. Wanting to avenge victims of injustice, wanting to liberate people that are trapped in whatever metaphorical or literal cage, helping someone weaker than you; these are virtuous things. And when you selflessly make these things a mission of yours, you are acting virtuously. And in the real world, people are highly praised and rewarded for such actions. These are black and white things, they don’t need to be stained in order to shock the viewer.
“Even though he’s so good…he’s so bad”. You’re not being deep, you’re being ridiculous and cringe.
When you look into anything ‘deep’ about the show you’ll find cheap writing everywhere. Characters make ridiculous decisions just to push a certain part of the story forward all the time. All the time. The cart titan incident is the golden standard. Meaningful stories reflect real life and don't need forced events to occur in order for the story to unfold itself. The show just gets you attached to certain ideas and rips those ideas away from you. The goal of Attack on Titan is to drive an emotion out of you, Hajime even admits it. Threading in foreshadowing everywhere throughout the story does not inherently give it meaning.
What is the meaning behind Eren’s rumbling?
- He went through everything he went through just to do something so absurdly stupid? Where is the meaning in that?
- That no matter how hard we strive for something we’ll still be capable of sin, is that it?
- Are we meant to believe the only way to achieve peace is to obliterate everyone?
The rumbling would have been a fantastic way to start the show, not end it. If you find meaning in flattening the planet then I suggest you go touch some grass, go for a hike and find yourself. I’m going to need a long hike after this. I’m going to start asking where my ODM gear is soon.
“It’s just an anime, don’t take it that seriously”. Sure, I don’t, but in order to review it I have to. Attack on Titan takes itself very seriously. I’m not reviewing K-On here, I’m reviewing “one of the best animes of all time”, with “the most complex characters in anime history”. And I’m sorry, but there’s nothing to be learned from Eren, Zeke, Ymir, the titan worm, Reiner, Annie, Bertold. These are all terrible characters that make terrible decisions. The average person will make better decisions then any of these chumps did. They would all make great villains, but none of them are, the show forces you to try and sympathise with every last one. Everyone in the real world has good and bad aspects to them, but not everyone has killed 100 000 innocent civilians.
Erwin, Levi and Mikasa, (and that one last song Mikasa sang) are holding up my last 2 points. Holding strong amongst the rubble, they dragged these 2 points across the line, all the way from season 1, and that is honestly an accomplishment.
Attack on Titan will reap what it sowed, and its fans will forget whatever they thought was meaningful about it within months.
Nov 23, 2023
TLDR Preface Opening S1 S2 S3 S4 Characters ... Dec 13, 2022
Chainsaw Man
Timing: just...TERRIBLE
Like...I didn't know it was possible, but the production is just that lazy. There's no build up for any of the emotions in the show, no hype, no appropriate tension. It's all done wrong. These are subtle things most people don't notice, but the other thing you won't notice is how you'll forget about this show in a years time, and that's because of the lack of impact from the timing. Animation: UNWATCHABLE fight scenes Opening is great...but the fight scenes and 50% of the rest of the show enter near Berserk 2016 levels of uncanny valley (really. go see for yourself). And the colouring is ... Sep 26, 2016
I don't take into account filler episodes (let's pretend they don't exist and move on with our lives).
TLDR: don't forget what you enjoyed as a kid, this was a good show. INTRO. With a show like this, people really like to pick it apart while dismissing some important factors. First and foremost, I would like to point out that this show was directed towards a young audience, so if you're watching this show as an adult or young adult, it most likely won't have it's desired effect, one needs to review this series with that in mind. To put it basically, the entire series is centred around a ... Jul 11, 2016
Koutetsujou no Kabaneri
(These are purely my opinions, i understand if you don't agree with them)
I would almost recommend not watching past the first episode since it was done so well, everything was hitting a 7/10 for me in the first episode, I was SO hyped. The show unfortunately never evolved past the first episode, in fact it devolves since the main character loses sight of his main goal of wanting to exterminate every last...uh, all the undead. I wasn't inspired or captured by any of the characters, they felt like hollow shells that could have been so much more. The art was really nice, a bit inconsistent and loses ... |