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Jan 29, 2022
This is a solid six. At first, I was going to rate it a 5 because the art was good but the storyline was definitely a 3. Plus, the audio definitely was not the greatest. The first few episodes was definitely naff. I continued watching because I am a curious person and wanted to see what would happen in the end.
The more I watched, the more I got invested into the drama. There was one shocking death where a girl jumps off a building. And by the last two episodes I was so invested in the soap opera story line, I cried. I am
a sucker for a good love story and the renaissance premise that there is no greater love than this, than to lay down your life for a friend. Cute.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Jun 2, 2021
I was not expecting the plot twist in earlier episodes. Totally disturbing. I think it has to be the most disturbing thing I have watched so far. It definitely got me hooked. It was fun seeing the story unfold. It all added to the narrative. I love a good story. This definitely has been that for me so far.
I found great enjoyment when watching this anime. At first glance, the anime does not look like it has mature themes.
It is an old anime, so I will not criticise the art because I feel it was good for its time. The anime art is defo not
as sweet as it is today.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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May 21, 2021
So, I started watching the dubbed version on Hulu. Please don't come for me. I really enjoyed it. I do not think I have laughed so hard in a while.
I am only partway through the first season, and I enjoy it. I think that it is anime that everyone should watch. It is hilarious. Honestly, I am bummed that not all the episodes are dubbed, but it is no bother. I am going to have to watch the subbed version to finish the anime.
To be honest, I was not too enthusiastic about it at first. I dived right into season 2. It was just
so random, but my eyes were glued to the screen. So I thought, why not start from the beginning and keep giving it a try. Now I love it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Feb 15, 2021
This was actually really good. I feel like you would enjoy it if you like suspense and intelligent dramas. It definitely had me at the edge of my seat and asking so many questions that all got answered in the end. A good mystery drama.
I love it because they don't spoon feed you. So as a watcher I love the fact that my brain was engaged.
For me, this was definitely a classic. I loved the multiple plot twists. I read some of the other comments which were like the story was everywhere but the reality is it is a mystery. They don't spoon feed
you the plot. There are multiple flashbacks that help put the pieces of the puzzle together.
The story was amazing. At first, I was like what's going on, it was jam-packed with action. Then a few episodes in, I was like it makes sense and I realised that the scene was set really well. I was sat there like this is very good! The character development was in-depth. We viewed the story through the eyes of the main character... we share his confusion and see the plot unfold through his eyes. You have to be quick-thinking because there are so many characters that we are introduced too in a short time and there is an emotional attachment created. I think this is what adds to the dynamic action aspect.
The clan aspect stood out from others and it really highlighted the importance of compassion and friendship. It even goes as far as to highlight that greed, hatred and bitterness just consume you and leads to your own destruction. It had a very artistic way of portraying it without even putting it into a sentence. I was impressed.
I actually loved the sound and the music. Even though there is a lot of pop culture references, it is timeless in its own way. I loved how it pulled on the element from gang culture, to historical warfare, with a nod to the martial arts. I loved the nod to mental health and that the evil king actually had a split personality. I thought that was portrayed really well.
I felt that I was watching a modern-day, animated, sci-fi version of an Alfred Hitchcock movie.
What I love the most about it was that it was on the level. Down to earth. As much as a SiFi can be.
I loved how the plot developed. It kept me on my toes right to the end.
I really loved the art. Definitely recommend if you like an intelligent dramas/ suspense mysteries and not just looking for something to numb your mind.
It is a tear-jerker. It is very good. I am glad I watched it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Feb 9, 2021
Would I watch it again? yes.
Is it bad? No. Is it Good? No, not really.
It is interesting and engaging. It is light-hearted and not too dramatic. It moves at a good pace.
I loved how in the beginning it takes us back into the past. That was an excellent start. As the story progressed it very light.
The character development is really good.
I just did not find it gripping because it was not emotionally gripping or a comedy. Defo a slice of life and I like that. I normally go for a comedy and slice of life.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Feb 8, 2021
For me, this anime scores badly in the story, in character and in enjoyment.
I feel that the anime has the potential to be mind-blowingly amazing. BUT there was a lack of development. The first few episodes as far as plot development goes were slow. Despite it opening in the middle of a fight scene and I was sat there thinking what is going on? Are they demons?
It did pick up speed around the 5th episode.
The second season just has no plot development. The focus is on killing and the honour of death and death and more death. That's it. In every
episode, a handful of people die or are going to die and are definitely killed. They basically kill off every main character apart from the narrator because of this I want to put it in the category of Shakespeare's tragedies. However, the interpretation of the story teases plot development but does not actually achieve development. I feel the sequels seek to develop the plot of this season and season 2 and they should have just done that from the get-go.
I also have comments for the love story. It was very bad. Originally there were two love interests and all the way through you have this back and forth like they were not too sure who to make the lover. So much so, the guy who she ended up with was I love her like a sister in the begging and in the end was like I love you like a lover. Even though there were hints that he was the love interest. It was confusing. When they decided to kill the other lover guy with TB. It was like O so they decided to go with the other guy. It was just really odd. There was no development, so no emotional attachment as the watcher. It was like... so that just happened.
I hate the ending. I am still trying to work out if the main character died at the end or what. It was so vague.
Plot-wise there was definitely room to develop friendships and the story plot could have been developed so much more even in the battle scenes.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Feb 5, 2021
It is a romance. So the main love interest is in 5th grade but a full-grown adult which is super funny, kind of like the main character in Elf (my favourite Christmas movie of all time) ><. I don't think it supposed to be taken seriously. It like a parody of a classic romance which is very funny.
The animation was good I liked the art and the sound was good.
The character development is in-depth and at face value. This is a good thing because it is a comedy and it really helps each episode develop.
The story is more like a series of short
stories and scenarios that build the bigger picture. It is kind of like Alice in wonderland so full of nonsense it is actually good. I think my favourite part is the human-faced dog, I think that broke me. I love how the main character at the end expresses what we are all thinking in a fit of rage. She asks whats is going on, it is weird that the guys are supposed to be in 5th grade and are fully grown men and nothing makes sense.
I was so shocked because it is literally full of innuendos. I read in previous reviews that there was plenty of penis and butt jokes but I was not prepared for the inuendos. They fit so much in every episode. I was not prepared for that and I did not think it was possible to fit phallic inuendoes in an as much as they did. I can't decide if it is genius or just dirty humour, either way, I have to give them props for managing it.
It's the weirdest thing I ever watched. It was funny. It is full of adult and sexual humour. Nothing was serious. Purely comedic. I can't take it seriously. The story plot is weird but it is seriously funny.
I actually recommend this if you're looking for something light-hearted and shocking then I totally recommend 100%. It is not for the faint-hearted or for those sensitive to innuendos and sexual adult humour other than penis jokes. After, reading some of the other reviews I feel like a lot of people interpreted the relationship as a serious one. The reality is it is a parody.
It definitely is not for you if you are a righteous person looking for a moral compass in everything you watch. It is literally light-hearted and just for fun.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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