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Dec 5, 2014
Usagi Drop (Anime) add
Like you, I didn't think I'd like this show, but then I realize what a great guide it is to growing your own girlfriend. Now here me out now, I only write reviews when I have a new take on a thing; this is a heartworming story about a very lonely man who is very clever, and it is a great social insite! Let me tell you about this awww-dorable show that captured my heart, get it!?

The story is about a very lonely loser, Daikatchi, who ends up buckling down and taking responsibility to adopt a cute, little perfect blonde girl that no one ...
Jun 12, 2014
Preliminary (7/24 eps)
Finally a show about man on man, like the old days! Jojos Bazaar Adventures: Stardust Crusaders will surprise you right from the start because it doesn't take place in a store or in space like youd be thinking from the name! Nope, this show is all about tongue in exploding chiek action and adventure!

The story hooks you at the start, with our protogonist getting in trouble and having to get saved by his grandpa, but he's not on a creepy school principle's lap. He's in jail trying to control a demon! Except it's not a creepy school principle demon, either, it's a Stand! No, ...
Apr 8, 2014
Mushishi (Anime) add
Disclamer: Let me be fully serious now: Mushi-shi is a crazy 420 weed show about an old man who has a big addiction and nobody tells him about it and is not safe for kids to watch. Nobody has seemingly to put this together but me, but I feel that for the children and their safety I have to say that first! Now, onto reviewing this crazy show!

The story is like a said, some dude keeps hittin the bong and sees freaky things called Mushy, and helps people come down from their high! I am never kidding, was this show made in Colorado or Hamsterdam!? ...
Apr 8, 2014
Kill la Kill (Anime) add
Mixed Feelings
Kill la kill is this season's biggest crazy hit by the producers of the fameos Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, but does it live up to the hype?! No, but if you don't care about no story, art, or characters, then you can still have some good time with all the girls in this show, and that's what the show is: is girls! Let me tell you about this crazy show.

I wont spoil past the first episode: the story centers on a girlfried who looks like a boyfriend who wants revenge on the person who killed her father in February of last year. It is no ...
Jun 17, 2013
Monster (Anime) add
Preliminary (73/74 eps)
This show Monster is about a whole bunch of humans who make scared faces at other people. Weird, right? I thought the same thing, but even more crazy is that it's still a good show of interesting characters and idea. Let me tell you about this monster of a long show,

The story is about the kind Christian Dr Tenma in his life where nothing goes right and he ends up medically revive a very evil person by accident, the devil Yohan Liebert. Yohan goes around committing murders and manipulating people, framing Tenma for them. Tenma must chase him down and find out just what ...
Jun 6, 2013
Mixed Feelings
Preliminary (7/25 eps)
Another show of the femenist agenda and japans' twisted view of the world. This is show about the huge naked men trying to eat all the people and the women who fight them. Also it has some stupid message about strong and weak people that makes no sense. Why do it make no sense? Let me tell you about this ridiculusly violent show.

The story is just what I said, bunch of naked giant and women acting like men. This is all it is, just humans fighting against naked guys. Lots of characters get eaten for dramatick effect. They force some message between strong and weak ...
Apr 24, 2013
Great Teacher Onisuka is a show about an teacher for sure, but this show leads people to think he is great and he is not. What this show didn't say was how funny it was! Now Great Comedian Onizuko would've been a better name! Its not all laughs. Let me tell you about this crazy show and all the negatives with their positivs attached.

For the story we have a Great Teacher Onizuka coming from a life of badness and crime (which doesn't sound funny write? Well wait till he starts making his faces)! Somehow in a crazy plot twist I wont spoil here he becomes ...
Oct 30, 2011
Mixed Feelings
This show is the second Gundam I have watched and its not very good, you know why? Its the same as Code Geass and Bleeach if they had a baby, only not as good! I am not sure where they hid the instruction manual for this thing. Let me tell you about this confused show!

First off its just like Code Geass because it starts off as if theres some back story your supposed to know! There were characters and events everywhere I didn't understand, but basically it's the story of revenge from a kid who's mad at other kids for killing his family in a ...
May 31, 2011
Fruits Basket (Anime) add
Mixed Feelings
The name Fruits Basket put me off from this thing and anyone thinking the same should listen to this review because you probably won't enjoy this show. This story is Anime Twilight and I didnt know this. There's no good action or story here. Still there is something here for the typical anime fan if you can walk through the generic Twilight overtones.

Story is pretty much all sexual tensen between two guys who want the girl who cant decide, but if you read the synopses you know they are animals, which make more like Twilight. Eventually you learn more about characters but there are loose ...
May 27, 2011
Mixed Feelings
This show needed some filler like Bleach, but this is still one of the best crazy shows I have ever seen. I only gave 9 and not 10 because this show was too much dude on dude and NO FILLER to get to know the dudes. Let me tell you all about this crazy show.

Story is pretty much a copy of Bleach and that one ninja show if you put super man in there. Big aliens from his past keep coming along to put him in his place, but he gets new powers just like Itchygo did. If you have narcolepsy dont watch this show ...

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