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Sword Art Online: Alicization - War of Underworld 2nd Season
Sep 19, 2020 8:17 AM
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But, since you took the time to approach me about this, I'll elaborate a little further so you know I'm not just throwing words on a paper without any thoughts behind them.
My problem with DomeKano's characterization in the final few chapters, and why I feel it's such a horrendous betrayal of the characters, is that everything they do is completely out of character.
Natsuo for instance knows Hina so well that if he acted in character, he would've turned Rui's proposal down and encouraged them to get married as that is what Hina would want.
Rui also knows this is what Hina would want as well. I can understand, say, putting the marriage on hold to let everyone emotionally cope first, but downright canceling it and having him marry Hina is a logical leap that goes beyond just jumping the shark.
However, and while I had to finish the manga to truly understand how irreparably Sasuga fubbed up Hina, Hina is by the most disrespected out of all of them when it comes to what the story did.
If Hina had actually acted in character, the moment she was approached by Natsuo and Rui about their agreement, she would've been furious. Not passively like the way it's shown in the manga, no, she would've scolded the two for doing such a silly, childish thing. And how patronizing and insulting it would be to her feelings to just throw away what they had as "compensation" for all of Hina's hardship. Hina would have never budged and inch on her refusal and we'd have another 50 chapters of Rui and Natsuo dealing with the fact that their brains turned to mush for 5 years over something so irreprehensible. Hina said she wouldn't stop fighting to have her second chance, but she would want it to be honest and true, not something petty and cheap. This kind of pity love would hurt her more than any of the heartbreak she had endured the entire rest of the series.
That's why I said what I said in the review.