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Apr 6, 2014
After giving myself some time to think it over, I've finally decided to write another review, this time for Steins;Gate. I'll try to make it as clear as I can, and I'll start with the story.
Steins;Gate has an interesting topic to start with: time travel. I'll be blunt - time travel both confuses me and is not very interesting to me. This anime uses it in a more interesting way, and I actually kind of liked it. It's not a tale about, "Oh wow if I could go back and do one thing differently, I'd do this." It's about simple human curiosity leading to devastating
effects, with desperate attempts to fix everything. Not a bad premise, and it executes it well. However, I had to minus a few points for the anime starting out so boringly. If it takes me 6+ episodes to really even care about watching the rest of an anime, I have the feeling that some things are just not being done well. I was told that it was just setting up the story, which in hindsight maybe it was, but it was just done sooo...well, poorly. I felt no real interest in anything. And it seemed as though they tried to explain the science as well, which I feel average people like me just don't understand anyway. However, the story does pick up later (though can still be confusing since they still try to explain the science). The amount of twists near the end was sufficient enough to give this anime some points back. So I give it 7/10, good story.
I have to say that I was however, a little disappointed in the art. It wasn't very poor, but something about the style was just awkward and unlikeable to me. The proportions aren't usually right, and all the females are stick thin with huge tits. Almost half the anime is also way too dark to even be seen, even with max brightness on your screen. The background art was pretty good though, so I give it a 6/10, fair art.
As for sound, it seemed pretty average to me. The Japanese voice actors are really good, actually. Didn't care much for the opening or ending, though, and background music was just eh. 8/10, very good sound.
I think character was where I have the most problems. As I said earlier, I didn't really like the artistic style of any of the characters, but I also didn't really like any of their personalities, nor did I really empathize with them on any level. Besides going through this whole ordeal with Kyouma and seeing him change, all the characters just seem so plain and static. No one has any real redeeming traits, they're all just there to interact with each other. Makise is just a bitch sometimes and then all weird the next, while Mayuuri is just annoying all the time. Daru is simply a pervert. Feyris is also annoying, and Suzuha is even more a bitch. And what's-her-name Shining Finger is the absolute worst. Even at the end, the best any of the characters are is "okay" or "tolerable." 5/10, mediocre character.
As far as enjoyment, I did actually enjoy this anime, at least a little bit. I could have lived with or without seeing it and be just as happy. Really not my cup of tea here, but maybe there's just something that I'm missing, because everyone else seems to love this anime to no end. Overall, it gets a 7 from me, a good anime.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Mar 29, 2014
Let's get one thing straight here, this extra episode does not "tie up loose ends." It's simply an episode premiering Suzuha's mom, and reinforcing that yes, now Okabe and Makise are "together" again. Other than that, it is just a comedic relief episode, with almost no real content in it. It's not terrible by any means really, if you liked the series then yes, you will like this added episode, but this was not even close to needed.
Like I mentioned, there's almost no real content in here, and really no plot. They get to go to America, there's a couple funny scenes, we get to
meet Daru's wife, and then there's a romance scene. That's it. The art, music, and voices are the same, so there's not much to comment on there. If you want to watch an episode of Steins;Gate that isn't totally serious and drama ridden, then I'm sure you'll like this. It's just a light hearted little extra for people who like a side of romance, so I give it about a 5.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Sep 13, 2013
I remember when I read this online when it wasn't a manga, haha! I was kind of excited to revisit this and see what the manga had made it like, but since the last time I read it, it seems I've just lost most interest in shotas cross-dressing and acting all cute.
The manga itself isn't horrible, don't get me wrong. It is not, however, very good plotwise. But really, I think this was designed solely to be a fanservice series. So probably no one is really reading it for the plot anyway. I mean it's just the typical situations that would probably happen if four
little boys really did work at a maid cafe.
There typically isn't a lot of character development either. It's nice though that each character is different enough personality-wise, because it makes the series a little more interesting.
The art was one of the more redeeming qualities of this manga. It's what I relied on the most for my enjoyment, since it didn't really have much else besides fanservice. The only problem I really ever had with the art was that the proportions weren't always correct. Otherwise, it does what it sets out to do: cute!
Overall, I don't think this series was really for me. I've just kind of...grown out of it. But if you're someone who like cute things, or traps, or fanservice of little boys, then this is probably for you!
P.S. Sorry if this review seems really slapped together or random. I just wanted to write a review for it since there weren't any!
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Jul 3, 2013
I had high hopes for this manga, to be blunt. I didn't expect it to be totally great and awesome, but this really wasn't even entertaining.
To start, we have the cliched sick child who has been sheltered his whole life. I didn't mind that part though. What I did mind (and really just didn't like) was the art style. I remember looking through pages and pages just wondering when I would see one whole, complete face, and it took quite a while. When I look at the pictures on the pages, I just feel like the mangaka was rushed and didn't finish the images.
The story
continues, and it starts out kind of promising, actually. Our mc, Kana, meets a boy who wants to show him what freedom is like. As you progress through the volume though, the story just starts to fall short. At one point I just got really frustrated because the mc is staying in love with this guy even though the guy treats him like crap! Like, wth?
I'm sorry but I just couldn't get any enjoyment out of this manga. The characters are cliched and the mc is just dumb, the art isn't good, I didn't really get what the plot was supposed to be, and frankly, I was confused through most of this manga.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Jul 1, 2013
First of all, I'm not sure if it's just taking a while to get the last 2 volumes of O/A translated, so I might not have seen the whole story yet!
O/A seemed fairly interesting at first, since I don't really get into the whole 'pop idol' genre of manga/anime. To be honest, this was a little tough to get into at first. I didn't really understand where it was going plot-wise, and the art wasn't really anything worth more than a "Oh, that looks decent."
But, it does get better! As you keep reading, you get to see more about Yutaka and her past, which is
rather interesting. She also has some very interesting relationships, and the later chapters are a little heartwarming, even. The humor wasn't totally my style, since I'm not really into potty humor at all. So, unfortunately, I didn't really get any of the comedy aspect of this manga, which I think is a major part of it (I don't blame the manga for this, though).
I think the characters and their interactions are what saves this manga for me. It seems like every volume a new character is introduced, and their usually likeable and give us a new view on the previous characters, and provide some development, which is nice.
All in all, this was a fairly average manga for me, with the exception of Harumi, who almost makes it to my favorite characters list. If you like potty humor and the pop idol genre, I think it's worth a read.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Jun 24, 2013
To be honest, it took me a while to get really into this manga. Probably because it's a bit like a harem, and I find it hard to enjoy those. Right from the get-go there is fan service, and that's basically what the first half is. It's not necessarily tasteful either, but even as a girl I could tolerate it.
Then about halfway through, you start to be able to get more involved in the storyline (although it is cliche) and characters. I honestly do like every single main character in this series, which is a new experience for me! The only thing that was saddening
was the fact that you don't get to see their full development, besides Kouta's.
The ending was a little abrupt for me as well. Not perfect, but definitely not the worst - and it brought out a few emotions from me as well.
All in all, this manga probably makes it to the top middle in my manga favorites. The art is great, the girls are cute, and for once, the main guy actually develops and isn't a total perv (too bad he's only 13). I would suggest this manga to anyone who is bored, doesn't mind a fair amount of fan-service, and likes a romance, even if it is a little predictable.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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May 23, 2013
First and foremost, I did not give School Days a 9 because it was a "good" anime. I gave it a nine because this anime has been able to make me feel very strong emotions that no other anime has been able to make me feel - frustration, anger, exasperation, and literally, sick. For an anime to make me feel that way, well, they must be doing something special.
It starts off as a fairly amusing anime. It seems so simple and lighthearted, but you can tell that there's probably going to be some love triangle business. Then about episode 5 or 6, shit starts to
get real. I won't spoil it, but it starts to get very upsetting.
As most other people have agreed, the main character is simply awful, personality wise. However, he's good at his role (being an asshole). I felt very bad for Katsura, because she has to deal with it through the whole time.
The art and sound were fine. Nothing amazing, nothing awful. I'm pretty sure this anime is only subbed.
I feel that it's much better to watch School Days with friends. We were able to share our frustrations and for the first half, we had a lot of fun. We made fun of the awkward overuse of sideways angles (there are a ton...).
Sorry if my review is kind of choppy and short, but I really think that if you choose to watch it (please don't...I'm definitely not letting my boyfriend watch it), at some point, you have to stand back and be able to appreciate how much this anime can piss you off.
Because seriously, fuck this anime.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Jul 10, 2011
Sukisho, for me, was great to watch!
I have to admit that the story was a bit, well, weird...I don't know if it's just me, but the first time I watched it I was pretty confused plot-wise. I mean, I knew they were test subjects and such, and that they had alternate personalities, but I didn't totally understand a few of the later episodes.
Don't get me wrong, the plot idea itself was a little unique and intriguing to me. It was one of the reasons I re-watched it.
The characters, while maybe not totally unique, were great! They all had certain traits that easily distinguished
them, and they all had animated personalities, so it was always a delight to watch. The children were all so cute too~
There is a decent amount of humor in the series, and I was almost always very amused at what was going on. The missions that Matsuri puts Sora and Sunao on were pretty funny c:
As for the shounen-ai perspective, there is a very decent amount of things that I fangirled over^///^ There is a lot of implication though, too, so you kind of have to use your imagination at some points. As the series continues you can tell that the two main characters really do care for each other, and in the beginning you will more than likely be rooting for them to just hug already ;D
All in all, while it has been a bit since I watched it, I only remember thoroughly enjoying it~
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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