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Feb 4, 2025
This anime is a unique case of where the first season absolutely stumbles over itself to barely make the finish line. Whereas the second season somewhere does a 180-degree turn, to make you think 'actually that weren't too bad in the end'. For parts of this review, I will split it into two sections for season 1 and 2 because I feel some parts deserve that clarification here.
Story - You're essentially thrown in the midst of a death game called 'Tasuketsu' where every night at a certain a question will be asked and depending on the answer a collection of people will die or survive.
Pretty simple premise, the problem with season 1 here is they seem to sort of expect you know why this is all happening. For instance, there are many scenes between characters where they are talking about what happened prior to the death game, their reasoning for what they are doing. There's many where I'm sort like okay, I don't really get any of this and a lot of it glazed over so briefly left in this weird moment of should pause the episode to look stuff up on the internet. So for much of season 1 imagine you just being a random person tagging for the ride, and you're pretending you know what's going on.
Season 2, on the other hand, is a lot better there are a few moments where flashbacks explain a few of characters motives, and the story conclusion rounded quite well in this instance. Another positive is that there's clear goalposts for these group of characters, whereas in the first season, a lot of it was just guessing what to do until the last episodes. Here they clearly define what each group's goal at the end of all this is, and the last few episodes make you wonder if certain characters are in it for themselves to potentially backstab the others.
Characters - Very much a mixed bag depending on whether you tolerate the first 12 episodes, as a lot of characters get better in the last 12 episodes with introduction of a new protagonist and other side characters. I think what originally hooked for the second season was the introduction of Raion Ouno, he is an enjoyable character to watch as he's a more manipulative character than the others. If you weren't a fan of Saneatsu as a protagonist from the first season then you'll be glad to know that Raion is very much his polar opposite.
Art and Sound - Overall it's very consistent throughout the two seasons I didn't notice any drop in production value on this side of things. However, this show isn't breaking any records, and expect to be appearing in any 'Best of' awards.
Enjoyment - Now this where things get a bit iffy for this series. The first season I wasn't a big fan of held on for the ride till season 2 hits. At that point, I didn't expect season 2 to be much different, however, I was pleasantly surprised by the change of characters and the pace and different focus of the story. So much so, that I would recommend anyone to give those last 12 episodes a go.
So you're probably wondering why I'm so indifferent even though the review is tagged under 'recommended'?
Well, if you're a person that can tolerate the mediocrity of the first season, I tell you now that the second season most certainly raises the bar by a few points, and it will be worth the trek through the swamp you just had to go through to get there. However, if you tried getting into it from the start, but just couldn't continue. I urge to watch/read a brief summary of the first 12 episodes on the internet somewhere, and then watch those last 12 episodes.
Again it's weird I have to say this but, I just this series is worthy of a recommendation alone on those last 12 episodes!
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Feb 22, 2019
I'm one of those anime fans that never really care about the fan favourites such as Attack on Titan, Naruto, Sword Art Online etc. And to be honest it's partly because of shows like this one that seem to keep going without a clear goal of where they want to take the story.
*Spoiler Alerts are possible you've been warned*
The story is essential about a girl/woman called Karen (I hope I spelled it right) she's concious about her height in real life wanting to be a short, cute loli girl to put it simply. So she tries out many games to create the avatar she
wants in another world eventually sticking with GGO (Gun Gale Online) rounds getting into two Squad Jam tournies (Squad Battle Royale) the last one tries to save a friend from committing suicide essentially. Now the story is all well and good but, there's no reason to care about what's going on partly due character development which I'll touch upon later. However, the biggest issue is pacing the show throws so many anecdotes at you in a short amount of time about the main cast that you don't really care because before you know it they're back to trying to kill each other in a tournement on Gun Gale Online. I personally feel the show needed at least 14 maybe 15 episodes to flesh out many characters backstories properly.
The art is still the same as previous Sword Art Online shows, however, I noticed that sometimes when the characters get shot blood trickles or splatters from their body and then next second the typical red and white pixel hit marker is visible. As far as I remember Sword Art Online II didn't have this issue but, then again I haven't watched that show in years so I may be wrong. Overall though the art design for characters and scenes are solid and what you expect from a show of this standard.
Not really much I can say for the sound design as it's pretty solid stuff the syncing of gunfire and explosions were spot on down to the background sound and voice acting of the characters like before it's at the standard you expect from a show like this.
Now the characters of this show is my biggest problem they're not bad but they're not good either they're just average. Some of them have back stories to flesh them out such Karen, Pitohui and M to give them a bit more character. Then arrives Fuko (I don't know how to spell her name but the main characters friend), the school girls and other characters are just meh you don' care about them as to be honest they're only there for filler. The biggest issue unless you haven't played Sword Art Online: FATAL BULLET you'll either 1) learn next to nothing about the characters except for some personal issues of some of the characters 2) learn next to nothing extra about them because you learn more about them from the game at least the main cast you do.
I may have given this show a lot of flak for little things but like I said at the start it's because of these reasons that I find little to no interest in popular fan favourites on this site. As I've already seen before posting this review viewers do like this show and I don't fault there's definitely fun to be had here if you like your Sword Art Online as I did quite enjoyed it places. But it's also a show you can easily miss as in my opinion adds nothing new to the already established anime shows.
Overall the show is a solid experience, however, don't expect anything new or amazing if you're a passer by viewer that dawdled like myself in the previous shows due to it's popularity. If you're a hardcore fan of the material I'm sure you'll find plenty to enjoy here.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Sep 29, 2017
All I can say is, 'at least he didn't rape her'. If you're into obsessive, weird sexual frustrated college boy's, sexually assaulting younger cute girls this is a hentai for you (to be honest it might as well be hentai).
Story 1/10 - Umm story? What story? Oh yeah the non-existent one, got to say though original excuse for cross-dressing *cough* *cough* 'girl magnet'
Art 3/10 - Seen better saliva and pre-cum in doujinshi hentai
Sound 2/10 - That girl has a cute orgasm
Character 2/10 - Cute, shy girl wins brownie points for me!
Enjoyment 2/10 - If only this was a yuri like I thought it was going to be, then you'll be getting more brownie points!
It even got to the point where I couldn't be fucked to write a proper review for this crap.
Enough said, I'm out of here.
Reviewer’s Rating: 2
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Jun 3, 2017
The story of Heavy Object revolves around two young soldiers in the military, Qwenthur and Havia. Originally they have their own ambitions they want to achieve but, that soon goes down the drain when they become Object killing specialist. The story is somewhat an interesting take as many military anime tell their stories from the perspective of ace pilots or badass soldiers, in this case though it told through one being a training to be Heavy Object specialist (Qwenthur) and a radio analyst (Havia). This gives it a bit more of an interesting take to the story seeing that Object's in this story are very
much like the Gundam's in those Gundam series, it goes into some pretty deep information about how both Qwenthur and Havia come up with their plans even if most of it is fictional. Another nice factor to the story is the comedy I can not recall how many times I just laughed my head off because of the situations they got themselves into, one moment they could be in a firefight with enemy soldiers then next they're engrossed with the scene of baby penguins. It may sound ridiculous at first but, as you watch more you come to like the comedy and the lengths it goes to ease the tensions. The best I can explain is if 21 Jump Street was remade in Japan but, based on two soldiers and in anime format.
The art is pretty good something you should expect from a studio like Kadokawa, the sceneries are done nicely as are the character models. The Heavy Objects however are a bit hit and miss sometimes they can look great mainly in fight scenes (and even then its just above average), it's because of the CGI but then I'm not even sure what I saw was normal animation or CGI. It's like the studio couldn't decide what they wanted to do there would be scenes that looked CGI then they'd look like any typical animation. Even some of the environmental effects such as water and explosives can look weird like out of a video games in many cases.
The sound was pretty good, the sound effects of the weapons were nice from the massive howitzer like cannons on the Baby Magnum down to the Indigo laser weapons even to simple assault rifles that the infantry use they sound like they should do. The voice acting was very good, I watched the dubbed and usually I don't do that unless I'm really behind or just want to catch up on some shows, so in my opinion you won't have any problems with the dubbed version. The opening songs are great both done by the band ALL OUT the tunes are very fitting for the show.
The characters in my opinion are really enjoyable I love Qwenthur's snarky attitude when it comes to being a know it all about Object's and Havia's badass attitude to various situations, in many ways they are also similar both want to quit the military as soon as possible to achieve their ambitions, both have the hot's for most women and both just want a easy ride in the military. However it's their two varying attitudes to the situations they get themselves in that makes the two characters work as they're jokes and conversations bounce off of one another as if you were watching just two normal guys in the real world. Milinda (I hope I spelt that right haha) is a likeable character I'm a big softie when comes to Kuudere and Dandere characters so don't be surprised if I praise those stereotypes a lot. She has her serious attitude in fights which sometimes can get her into some pretty heated conversations especially with Juliet and her adorable side when she's just being herself around Qwenthur. I would talk about the other characters more but, I'll just say characters like Froyletta (I hope I spelt that right too) are also enjoyable to watch bringing her own comedic and story value into the mix. There are other side characters however, they either have so little screen time to really get a feel for them or they just die really quickly. And that's one thing this show has a habit of bringing in characters that give you a false perception that they have a bigger role in the story. So get use to either characters dying or just disappearing from the show entirely.
Although there are a few nit picky things I have said it is still and enjoyable show to delve into especially for it's characters and set pieces for the story.
Overall it is a very good show, it offers a bit many genres such as comedy, mecha, military etc. However if you hate those genres you're not going to like this show. They did seem to leave it on a cliff-hanger so if there is another season I would be to watch it on the other hand considering Heavy Object is an original anime we might not but, one could only hope!
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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May 24, 2017
This review may be shorter than the one I normally do but, I will try to give as much info as I can without spoiling the story for you.
The story revolves around Maou a former devil king from another world Ente Isla after a failed campaign of conquest in that world he retreats to Earth where he discovers he doesn't have enough magical power to return, so both he and Alsiel try to live everyday normal human lives as they try to find a way back whilst finding themselves in various predicaments. As you can tell the story doesn't go out of its way to
tell something like Highschool DXD does, in fact most of the story just revolves around the funny and ridiculous situations that Maou and his friends get themselves into. The series is more a less Demon/Angels with more slice of life thrown compared to other shows like it. There are many moments where you'll find yourself laughing at what happens, and thankfully the series goes out of its way to put it characters into as many enjoyable funny situation but, rightful ones at that. Many shows out there try to throw to many comedic moments into their shows to the point where they just aren't funny to laugh at, thankfully Hataraku Maou-sama does it right by mixing in a nice blend of comedic value with a serious story to it. On the note of the 'serious' story sometimes it can be lacklustre to see scenes featuring Ente Isla or situations on Earth that revolve around the decisions of the other world however, these scenes far and few between, and most of them are enjoyable to watch because of the comments and actions of the main characters.
The art is good it follows your typical anime art style which holds up well, in the fight scenes the blend magical powers are nice to see but, those scenes are either too short or too few to really bring out the splendour in the art. On the other hand when scenes of Ente Isla are shown that is where the art truly shines, the sceneries may be simple most of the time but, they're brought out by a great mix of colours in the background to make it pop on your scene. And the auras that surround both demon and angels make for a nice hazy but clear design that makes it a bit quirky to look at.
The sound there's not much to say about it really the sound effects for magical powers aren't new they're much the same as most shows that have magical powers. The soundtrack isn't mind blowing to behold but, it's not bad it gives many scenes that nice little touch to make them a bit more lively. The voice acting was good except maybe a few scenes could of had a bit more meaningfulness to them to bring out more scenes more effectively. Where the soundtrack truly scenes is it's opening song which is a great track to listen to.
The characters are enjoyable to watch however, don't expect the show to break any stereotypes here it just does a great job at bringing out the best for its characters. Maou is a likable character for once he's a devil king with intelligence not like some who have no idea or just go with the flow so it makes for a nice change of pace. Emilia is likable too, to be honest I'm not a fan of tsundere's in general as I stated my dislike for one somewhat similar stereotype in Gundam Unicorn however, when it comes to tsundere's in comedies that a direction thing and thankfully Emilia is one that I like. Chiho is another likable character as she's a cute character and makes scenes more lively as she does have that feature about her, she does have somewhat of a tsundere nature towards girls that like Maou but it's a really miniscule level. Suzano I don't know I couldn't really bring myself to like she's not a bad character she just doesn't really bring much to the table for me, she's relatively talkative in a tedious sense most of the time, but that's just personal opinion. Finally Alsiel and Lucifer are basically to me the funniest of the main cast, seeing that in my opinion they have the best scenes (that doesn't mean the other characters aren't funny though). Alsiel adores Maou a lot as his king respecting him with the utmost sometimes it leading to some amusing encounters between him and those that bad mouth Maou. As for Lucifer he did start off as a villain but, he eventually turns into the typical offish laid back teenager of today getting up to mischief over the web. There are a few other characters in my opinion I don't think they're important enough warrant going into detail about.
My enjoyment throughout the show was pretty high I don't remember having any low points whilst watching it just wish there was another season, if so I'd be happy to watch it. On the other hand though it's reached the four year mark when this show stopped airing so they'll be a continuation is debateable.
Overall the show is fun to enjoy and well worth spending a few hours to go through whilst passing some time, don't expect any grand story line like similar shows try to do. As long as you look at it like a slice of life of a devil king you'll be fine. I hope you enjoyed this review and thanks for putting in some time to read it!
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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May 22, 2017
Finally was able to finish Iron Blooded Orphans, I will write a review for the first season but, I thought get this one done and out of the way to begin with, there may be some spoilers so I have warned you. Anyway lets get to it.
The story is a obviously a continuation from last seasons final episode a few years have passed since the Battle of Edmonton, Tekkadan now has a reputation because of that and are now making a more stable living. However as the season progresses McGillis and Tekkadan eventually stage a revolution to reform Gjallarhorn due to its corrupt nature. The
main story is good I really enjoyed as it addresses the issues of children being forced to fight for freedom or a place where they belong however, there are those both Gjallarhorn and Private Corporations that don't want that to happen. So in a nutshell it's the type of story I'd enjoy. On the other hand the reason scored the story a 7 is simply they introduce ridiculous plot twists that make you have second thoughts about the actions of the last season such as bringing back characters that I thought be truly dead, having the main antagonist Rustal Elion (at least in my opinion he is) literally contradict everything he went through just to carry out McGillis' dream in a less violent manner. And the good for nothing piece of shit Iok Kujan to do stupid shit the whole time, to be honest it got on my nerves quite a bit. But may I add what happens to Iok Kujan all so satisfying to watch good job on that one Sunrise!
The ending is actually quite pleasant to witness as you see how everyones doing for the better that is. I would mention the most epic part in episode 25 but, you owe it to yourself just watch it and trust me you won't be disappointed!
The art as always from Sunrise is top notch as it should be, the designs of the mobile suit were great especially the Gundams themselves. Barbatos Lupus Rex looked great mimicking that of a feline beast what I mean is the structure of the suit itself not the added on armour regardless it still looks like a beast. Gundam Gusion looks great showing its overpowering size and arsenal in various battles and I have to say I've taken a liking to his scissor weapon that uses to crush people. There are others Gundams but can't remember their names those too look great pretty much every Gundam has its own unique aesthetic to it making it a delight to see them on the screen. The backgrounds look as great as ever in a Gundam show however I did realise time to time a few odd textures that may of been the pixilation of my video but, it's nothing to drastic that takes away from the experience.
Now sound may be the area where some Gundam fans might be swayed away from watching IBO, where as other Gundam shows have had a mixture of both conventional and beam weapons, in IBO it is practically conventional weapons only with maybe two to three episodes of a beam weapon upon a Mobile Armour being featured. Now if you're a Gundam fan that majority of the time likes hearing the sounds of beam weapons you're going to be disappointed here but, that doesn't mean the conventional weapons sound bad in fact they beefy as hell which is what I like when it comes to things like that. And to be honest most battles features melee fights if you love the sound of metal crashing against metal be it swords, axes or metal fists you'll be satisfied in this department. As for the soundtrack it has some the best high octane tracks especially during the battle scenes that gets your blood pumping, and the same could be said for the opening songs for season 2.
As for characters don't expect much don't get me wrong they're not terrible they're just not great as pretty much all of them don't have any character development except for may be Kudelia and Atra and few others. Mikazuki and Akihiro are still their quiet badass selves, Orga is still the determined leader to get his family to place they belong with a few emotional moments here and there, Shino still his smart ass self as always. A lot of people complain about the characters in IBO being boring and uninteresting but, the difference is the story doesn't require them to develop as characters which works in favour for such characters. As their role is to simply live a life by fighting for it regardless of the enemy unlike other Gundam shows like 00, SEED etc they need their character developments because the story requires it. Here that isn't needed like I stated earlier only a few need a bit character development such as Kudelia and Atra because their roles in the story require such a thing.
Despite a few niff-naffs here and there the show is still very enjoyable maybe not on the level of story telling like Unicorn, 00 or SEED but, there is still something here for every Gundam fan to enjoy until the next Gundam series is released. As it tells a simple yet very real story of child soldiers being forced to fight wars without free will to choose what they want to do, which is even happening now in the time we live in.
Overall if you're a Gundam fan you should be watching this as it's a must watch in my list of Gundam shows. As long as you give it a chance to convey it's message you'll be leaving having a pleasant outcome told through a simple story.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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May 16, 2017
So this is the third Gundam that I have personally watched (to be honest I think I'm becoming addicted now haha) anyway like always I'll go through the essentials of what I am rating the show on.
The story takes place in the Universal Century of the original Mobile Suit Gundam timeline in the year UC: 96. Tensions are still relatively high between The Federation and what is now the Neo-Zeon as both sides are searching for the Laplaces Box which is said to change the very foundation of the world as they know it. I'm going to be honest the story itself is outstanding once
again achieving what makes Gundam so great, which is addressing moral ideals both social and political. Gundam Unicorn might well have the most complex but, intriguing story I have watched in a Gundam show. It really does keep you on your seat making you wonder what's going to happen next and I was pleasantly surprised many times. The only reason I gave the story an 8 is simply, Gundam Unicorn is my first outing in the Universal Century timeline so some mentions of previous events in the show left me a bit confused. However after watching Gundam Unicorn I have decided that I will watch Mobile Suit Gundam 0079 and others in the future.
The Art well to be honest it's bloody gorgeous you can tell Sunrise put their money into this for sure (that's not saying other Gundam shows is bad in the art department, it just means Gundam Unicorn is their best example), the effects of seeing beam weapons melting metal away is to say the least is mind blowing. Even the simple light shades of the Gundam Unicorn and Banshee themselves are just beautiful to look at. So if you're someone who looks for great art in their anime shows you won't be disappointed here.
As for the sound well that's pretty much the same as for my comments on the art on this show. The soundtrack is just amazing mixing in meaningful tunes into the right scenes, there's nothing that annoys me more when this isn't done right but, thankful that wasn't the case here. The voice acting was top notch as expected from the Gundam license. The sound effects for the weapons themselves are just amazing to her over the headset so I highly recommend you to watch the show with either headphones or headset.
The characters in the show are great as always. The main characters being Banagher Links and Princess Zabi, and I suppose you could also count Ensign Riddy as a main character as well but, I let you guys decide. Banagher is your typical child forced into a conflict he wants no part in, I agree it is the norm for Gundam shows but, what makes all those characters different are their actions and believe me what Banagher does is nothing short of interesting and in some cases making you want to root for him the entire time. At first I didn't like Princess Zabi mainly because of her stuck up and offish attitude now you could argue that is what a Princess is, and in some ways I do agree with that however, when Banagher on many occasions in the first two to three episodes tries to help the Princess only to be pushed away it gets on your nerves. Thankfully though her attitude changes as the show progresses actually showing concern and helping Banagher in anyway she can. As for the other characters they're all likeable in their own way with some lacking interesting backstories, to be honest that is really my only concern with some of the characters was that I just wanted more. I wanted to find out more about many of the side characters but, it's understandably hard when making only seven episodes compared to Sunrises usual 25-50 episodes in their seasons.
I really did enjoy the show, the only reason I gave it an 8 is the lack of knowledge I have for the Universal Century timeline and previous events and characters which hindered my ability to enjoy the show at it's fullest.
Overall if you're a mecha or just a plain Gundam fan and you haven't watched this show you owe it to yourself to do so, as you most certainly won't be disappointed. As for those who aren't so familiar with the mecha genre I urge you to give the first two to three episodes a go to see how you feel about the show, as you very well might find something here for yourself to enjoy.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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May 3, 2017
Episodes 1 to 9 *Yawn*
Episodes 10 to 13 *Okay things starting to get slightly more interesting*
The above is basically my very simplistic summary of my experience with Devil Survivor 2. But obviously I'm going to go more in depth about this show, first off lets begin with the story.
Pretty much Devil Survivor 2 is about a group of people attempting to survive and fight back against enemy demons, defeat seven Spetentiones (if I spelt that right haha) and prove themselves to an all powerful being. To be honest it sounds cliché but, it's one of those stories that are fun to tag along when done
right. And I mean when it's done right. The problem with this show is that it's boring as hell for the first nine episodes, they basically rinse and repeat five to six battles with Spetentiones. Now obviously the battles aren't copy and paste, in matter of fact the battles in this show are quite entertaining to watch. What brings the story down in this show are the lacklustre backstories of the characters and the non-existent side stories, you're left bored out of your mind until they get to the battles with the Spetentiones. What makes it even worse are the characters themselves but, we'll get to that later. If you want a glimpse at how bored I was for the first nine episodes it took me almost a whole year to watch them, yeah I know. Thankfully from episode 10 and onwards the story gets slightly interesting not very much though, the conflicting moral ideals of both Hibiki and Yamato peaks your interest and the ending sort of leaves you wondering what happens next other than that the story doesn't get much better. The show always seems to be rushed and missing essential scenes like you'll be watching one episode then in the next the interactions between certain characters seem to be different to previously as if they threw a huge chunk of content out the window between to episodes. On and end not for this section I also hear the show is based of a game, and by god I hope it isn't as average as this show because if it isn't I feel sorry for fans of the license.
Art wise, the show does good on the backgrounds aren't amazing but, not terrible either so you can feel thankfully that they got that part right. The character were okay however they weren't anything to marvel at unless you're me I did like Alcor's design of I dunno retro style whatever it was I liked it. On the other hand where the art style truly stands out is the battle sequences you're met with a nice spectacle of light shows I must say though sometimes it can be quite the cluster fuck so be prepared to lose sight of what's happening in some of these scenes.
As for the sound it was above average, I really liked the shows choice of opening song one of the few reasons I came back to finish the show off. However the soundtrack beyond isn't really memorable except for the battle scenes. Finally I do have to say that the sound effects for powers or fighting from demons was pretty damn good and I could say the same for the fights between humans.
Hahaha, now we come to the part where I was so close to giving this section a 2 or 1 for its characters but, I'll tell you why I didn't. One name, Alcor. He was the only character I was ever interested in, the only one I wanted to find out more about as he had an interesting back story granted it still wasn't amazing, however on terms of the other characters he'd be rated 7 or higher. It wasn't only that one reason why I liked him, it was because of his presence in scenes he made the other characters a bit more likable and interesting. He's basically the glue of cast that keeps it all together when he's on screen when he's not the show just falls apart.
There isn't much to say about the other characters except they're your normal everyday life people. On the other hand I have to make a comment about *I quote* the 'Boring Scumbag Duet' what I mean is Yamato and Fumi (I think that's her name at least) those two are soooo boring it got to the point where I wished they'd trip over a nail impales their throat. So you can hear the sounds of them choking on their blood in the background, their personalities were that of douchebags and I had a habit of sleeping when they spoke. Granted Yamato does get interesting a tiny bit from episode 10 and onwards but, not enough to warrant liking him.
Enjoyment wise it really depends on your expectations, if you go into this not expecting much it might be a fun show to waste some time. But if you're like me expecting a good show then you may be disappointed with what you get. If you're a fan of the Devil Survivor games (yes they're games and I hear they're favourable received in Japan) then none of this may affect you or sway your decision to watch this, as for me this is my first exposure to the license.
Overall the show is just average, it doesn't get better or worse just stays in that mid line the whole to time with a few dips up and down here and there. I would only recommend this on two situations 1) you have no other anime to watch in one of the anime seasons (even though there are betters shows to watch that you may not have seen. And finally 2) if you're already watching one or two shows in an anime season and you just want to past the time between them.
Ultimately I'm just viewing my opinion I can't tell you whether you'll like it or not, all I can say is check out a few episodes then decide.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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May 1, 2017
So here it goods my first review on this website haha. As I'm writing this I'll try not to spoil major plot points or any for that matter if I can, however I will leave a warning just for the readers discretion. Anyway onto the review.
To start Mobile Suit Gundam 00 is one of favourite anime that I have watched in the last few years saying that it doesn't come without it's flaws. Let's start with the story section.
Gundam 00 is set in the 24th century in which humanity is split into three power blocks called The Union, AEU and Human Reform League each of
these have their own space elevator that also provides with power from sun. All three worked in cooperation to achieve this technological feat but, relations between the three power blocks are still tense which has hindered humanity working together as a whole, which in turn have created pockets of small conflicts around the globe. The is where Celestial Being enter the picture to achieve their ultimate goal of a world without war.
Now the first thing I have to say about the story is that it does a great job of questioning ones moral ideals/beliefs. There were many times when I watched this asking myself 'is what Celestial Being really doing the right thing or not?', and the lack of knowing what Celestial Being true ultimate goal at the end this made it all the more interesting. The journey from start to end for this anime is quite something not only for the main plotline but, also for the side stories which give valuable insight into some of characters personality and why it's like that. However I say some for reason, there are a few clichéd backstories which we've seen many a times from previous Gundams shows making you sigh at the lack of creativity. Other backstories are pointless to know about cause they add nothing to the story, or they sound interesting just never develop on the idea. An example of this Colonel Sergei Smirnov backstory about how he got his nickname all you ever find out in the end is that he only got from using a fancy tactic in battle? So yeah be prepared to be disappointed for some character backstories. Others for instance like Aeolia Schenberg's you can understand the lack of the backstory because the mystery behind his creation for Celestial Being but, when it's others like Smirnov I do expect more haha.
The Art in this show is beautiful for the time it came out in many cases even surpassing shows in 2017. The designs for the Gundams themselves are stunning and in many cases more memorable than ones in recent Gundam shows like AGE and IBO, all of them having unique capabilities. For instance, Exia is designed for close quarters combat nicknamed 'The Seven Swords' for a reason (and trust me you'll know why :P), Kyrios transforms into a Starfighter allowing from high mobility both in and out of atmosphere, Dynames excels in long range combat using sniper projectile weaponry and finally Virtue is pretty much a tank with big guns that transform into the more mobile Nedlah. So you can see why many Gundam fans praise the Gundam designs and their unique combat style.
The backgrounds are as you expect them to be in any Gundam show good rendering, not over clustered with pointless things and just simple to see what's happening in the surrounding world, however don't expect jaw-dropping detailed environments. Just appreciate the good work put into the background to make the mobile suits and characters themselves stand out.
Now for me sound has been quite the 50/50 thing for me in Gundam shows, in Gundam Seed I was disappointed with the sound of the plasma weapons (you could also argue the fact that it came out just at the turn of the 21st century but still) on the other hand I was pleasantly pleased with the heavy metal of traditional firepower from IBO. In Gundam 00 though the sound for firearms is great and sound like they should except for Exia's for some reason they just sound a bit off sometimes but, I have got to say though the sound effects for the slicing and dicing of Exia's swords are top notch to be honest as a whole every melee weapon sounded great.
For characters I will mainly talk about the four main protagonists of the show, as there's just too many to go through like every Gundam show, Setsuna, Lockon, Allelujah and Erde. Setsuna is your typically character that doesn't speak much but, when he does you just have to pay attention. I don't know if its just me or not but, when Setsuna spoke I was just drawn in instantly because more often than not he asks and says some interesting things about why humanity does what it does during the season. The only annoying thing about him is why doesn't he speak more! Lockon is the more outgoing talkative member of the team, he likes to create banter him and his fellow members often stirring them up (in a good way haha) by commenting on the situation at hand. The thing I like most about Lockon is his presence in the show, just seeing him on scene you know he's going to do or say something encouraging.
Allelujah is a special here because there's two of him. What I mean is There's the calm and rather reserved Allelujah and then there's his kill crazed other self Hallelujah. This makes an interesting combination as on a few occasion they interact with one another through quantum brainwaves creating some funny yet badass moments of the show. To be honest many of the best moments came from Hallelujah himself as he just so unpredictable in what he's thinking.
Finally we come to Erde my least favourite character of the team but, still enjoyable to see on screen, he's the more calculated of the team wanting to fellow every by the book no matter what. This does lead to why he's my least favourite of the four because on two occasions he tries to kill he fellow team members because they didn't go by the 'book'. However this does make him the most reliable of the team, as on many occasions in the show the other team members abandon mission objectives for personal endeavours making Erde a trustworthy character knowing he won't betray or backstab them without a perfectly valid reason.
Also on a side note I wanted to express my disappointment in what happened to the two Trinity brothers hence the 9 rating (you'll know what I mean when you see it) damn you Sunrise!!!
As for enjoyment you won't be disappointed especially if you're a mecha fan like myself. If you're just a person who'll just watch anything that catches your interest then this'll also be a must watch if they asked me but, obviously it's down to personal preference. And if you're not a mecha fan, well I don't need to say anymore haha.
Overall the show is great with a few minor drawbacks that affected my experience in watching it but, not to the point annoying me, on the other hand though you may not have a probably with those things. Like I said previously I'd recommend this show to anyone unless you're not a mecha fan. Gundam 00 is simply a must watch how you perceive it afterwards is up to you. You could say that my review is unbiased as I am an avid mecha fan but, that wont chance my stance on that I would say this is a must watch.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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