Cells at work Code Black is the successor to cells at work but by taking a look at a very unhealthy body with a lot of awful medical conditions.
I definitely enjoyed this spin of series more than the original because it takes a twist on the inner working of a body and gives the shows environment a "Stay healthy or else" kinda vibe.
The art style is also a lot more serious and intense.
I feel like I actually really learned a lot from watching this show and I fact checked a lot of things they talked about because hey, why not and for the most part
Apr 9, 2021
Alright I'm just going to start off questioning why this show isn't getting very good reviews. I could be saying this because I haven't watched every single romance anime but for a show that is just purely romance/slice of life, about people falling in love and enjoying life and such I highly enjoyed it.
Ill start off by saying I didn't give the story a very good score because there wasn't really a story to be honest it's more of just characters being lovey and casual life living and that's fine. With the art of the anime and the animation overall it was 100% a 10/10 and ... Feb 12, 2021
2 Stars ONLY because it has a couple of clips from the first season which is great.
Writing a review just to say if you watched the show up until S2 E5 why watch this recap. Why make a huge special announcement for a recap. S2 is an honest joke of originality that isnt even good. WHACK. There is honestly no point into watching a recap of everything that happened in 5 episodes..oh sorry 6 including like the last episode of season 1. Why is this its own special thing either. S2 is almost like the characters honestly just lost some IQ points and now all of ... Feb 11, 2021
Dr. Stone: Stone Wars
I'm only writing a review for season 2 just because it honestly has gotten 100% better.
Not as in season 1 is bad, its absolutely fantastic. DEFINITELY GO WATCH IT. There has been not that many shows for me where I get super excited and hyped up for every single episodic release but Dr.Stone just always keeps me able to go about my day knowing I get to come home to it every week. Every single episode something is always happening. Make this thing, this, that, this. Whether something is being made or plots are being developed it always keeps you on your toes waiting for a project ... |