The life of young high schooler Kanade Amakusa has become a mess ever since he got cursed by a very humor-sensed god... His school reputation is a lost cause and on top of that he has to deal with a group of beatiful, highly unusual girls....can he get rid of his curse while dealing with them ? Let's find out !
Ore no Nounai Sentakushi ga, Gakuen Love Comedy wo Zenryoku de Jama Shiteiru or Noukome for shorts is a comedy with hints of romance anime. For those more experienced in the anime world may I warn you it also has a considerable degree
of harem and ecchi... no nude scenes, but if you are someone that cant stand ecchi I suggest you pass on this one. For those not experienced in the anime world let me translate the last line for you, it has a lot of girls and BEWBS (yes, I am one of those guys that writes BEWBS, deal with it), again no nudity, but you will see quite a bit of jiggling, and even a occasional panties shot, also the advice stands, if you dont like BEWBS, try another anime buddy.
Allright, all that being covered lets dissect this one, shall we ?
Starting off with the plot, Noukome can be tricky in this point and here is why, it has a standard "pre-setting" but it adds a unique twist to it, which makes the plot unique enough to not be passed as just another harem school life anime.
WUAAAAAT ?? what do you mean "pre-setting" and all that other stuff ??
Calm down young padawan, I will elaborate... Here is the deal, the orginal setting is pretty standard, we have the clueless main male character, surrounded by bishoujos (Pretty girls for the non-addicted to animes) and he is leaving his terrible school life while dealing with those previously mentioned girls (HOW TERRIBLE). Standard am I right ? yeah, but luckly Noukome adds a spin to this overly done plot, and it is the Zettai choices, or absolute choices , or the awesome voice that says ERABE !
This great little twist is what makes Noukome a not so standard anime, it creates a variety of unique situations, that we dont normally see in these types of animes and the effect of those scenes is almost always extremely comical.
BUT WAIT ! what the heck are those choice-erabe-zettai thingly things ???
Ahh well remembered my friend, I have to expain it to you dont I ? Very well, the absolute choices are, as the name suggests, choices that randomly appear in the head of our dear MC, if he does not choose one he gets a massive headache until a choice is made... It goes like this, lets say Kanade is going to Gamestop to buy that GTA 5 he saved money for during 2 whole months... Ahh he can already smell the blood of all those innocent civilians he will murder in the game... Anyway, once he gets there, he is about to grab the cd and BANG ! A voice in his heads ressonates sayng ERABE ! (which means choose by the way) :
A- Buy the GTA 5 and at the second you leave the store break it in half
B- Spend your money in that Ben 10 game right next to the GTA
And then he has to choose one, or the pain doesnt go away. Simple right ? Of course the choices are not always that bad, and sometimes they are extremely absurd, or vague... It has to be accounted though, that no matter how insane a choice is, once it is chosen it will happen no matter what.
Allright, dude has to make crazy choices, got it... What about the rest ?
Mooooving on then, Writing and directing ! who doesnt love all this technical bullshit ? I know I do... Anyway, the writing in this is pretty solid, the plot naturally goes in the writing, and as I said before, it is a pretty good plot, the character conversations and interactions are really good as well, we got some acid comedy gold right here folks, but more on the characters later. Another great point in the writing lies in the art of making fun of himself, yeah thats right we got another of those animes right here people ! I noticed recently it has become a trend to be self-aware and make fun of your genre, and especially of genres cliches... and you know what ? I love it ! it is extremely funny for the most part, and I dont think it has been overdone YET. That covers the writing I believe, to the direction cave ! pananana ~batman theme~
The direction is pretty standard, there is no crazy wild shot or anything like that, but it does a nice enough job. Thats it, not much else I can say about this one, sorry.
Ok, technical boring shit that no one gives a damn... Done ! next please.
THATS WHERE YOU WRONG BIATCH ! HA ! there is more technical boring shit ! Its art and sound time, hurray ! The art in Noukome Is really damn good, honestly its the best, in my humble opinion, in this season, I could watch this thing just for the looks and I wouldnt even feel guilty. Of course I'm aware this things commonly come down to personal taste, I like colorful, pretty girls, judge me. Anyway,on the other hand the character design its not unique at all ( I Swear to god, Yukihira has the exact same character design as Koneko from DxD [but then again, I bet Koneko has the same CD as some other loli i am not familiar with]), but we cant expect much inovation on this front judging it is a harem-ecchi-school life anime. And of course the cliche designs contribute to the previously mentioned "making fun of yourself" jokes.
The sound in this anime is just ok... I liked the OP ~Idownloadedittomyiphone5minutesafterlisteningitandIhavebeenlisteningtoitnonstopeversince~,(lets face it, we all hoped every single time we watched this, that Youuji panties would show) but the season has better OP's and I've definetly seen better OP's in the past, but it is nonetheless a good OP, the ED was forgetable in my opinon, I liked when it would start playing at the last scenes of a episode but I didnt fully watched it one single time after the first episode. The OST, wasnt really memorable to me either, cant think of a track that stucked in my head or anything like that.
Allright, now we are done with the technicall shit right ? Riiiiiiight ??
NO, MWHAHAHAHA ! just kidding we are done, celebrate my friend ! But whats left then ? Characters and voice acting its whats left mate. Starting with characters, first we got Amakusa-kun, or Kanade-kun, or Amachii (my favorite), or random MC no one will remember the name in a few months... Just kidding Amachhi my man, you know I like you... Anyway, Amachii is, at first glance, a standard harem MC, but dont worry, he got some nuances to his personality, sure he is clueless, but not overly cluesses to the point it would annoy the shit out of me, like some mecha dude in this season ( YES, FUCK YOU ORIMURA ). Amakusa, not only does not annoy you much, but he can also make you like him, I shit you not, the situations this guy goes through are really tough sometimes (and funny), therefore a sentiment of empathy can be developed here (although it may quicly disapear as soon as Chocolat rubs her BEWBS against him). Speaking of devil, lets talk Chocolat, this retarded,food loving, big BEWBED, fujiyoshi ( a girl who likes when the D meets another D) who literally falls from the sky on the top of our oh-so-unlucky MC... And thats it I just completely described Chocolat, she is simple but she can win your heart, trust me, she got all that cuteness thing going on, and she can be pretty funny as well. (Also, beatiful character design, cliche but beatiful, this girl is insanely pretty).
Next we got the loli (If you dont know what is a loli, just google it, I dont want to try to define it here and be hated forever in this site, it is like defining tsunderes, just dont do it) that cant be missing in any any decent harem, yes we are talking about Furano Yukihira ! This girl was probably my biggest surprise in the show, as soon as I saw her in the OP I thought "hey, another kuudere (again google it) loli, good to see you Koneko-chan", but I'm glad to say, Yukihira surprised me, she is with no doubt the funniest character in the show, her acid ironic personality is something I rarely see in animes, specially in her type of character, and her humour was simply delightfull... she even got some twists to her character that I did not saw coming, not gonna spoil it, but it was really unexpected.
And finally closing our main cast, we have my personal favorite in the harem, Ouka Yuuouji, now this girl is just amazing, at first glance she is just a mildly retarded, careless, funny girl, and that alone would already made me like her, but she is DEEP man ! and not in a perverterd way allright ? wipe that little smile of your face you perv... Anyway, what I mean is she has a lot of layers to her personalty, I dont want to spoil it, but I will just say dont think your first impressions of her are her full personality... also may I add, she can be EXTREMELY cute... really I wasnt expecting som much cuteness from this girl, but hey I'm glad I got it (again, another cliche design, but really pretty, I could stare at Ouka all day and not be tired of it).
That finnaly concludes the main cast ! yaaaay ! Allright real quick mentions to some supporting cast characters : the sensei, i like her, she can be funny, the imouto girl... dafuq was that (still good though), and finally the moe (google it) girl... Just want to mention her because of her followers, that one recurring joke with one of the followers : HILARIOUS... clap clap clap, very well done.
THAT WAS SOME HUGE ASS TEXT MAN ! are we over now ??
Nope not yet, but I promise it wont take much longer ok ? Now the voice acting, the noble work of our dear Seyuus. For me this one of the most important aspects of any animes, it is as important as any conventional acting in any conventional movie, if I may say so. And Noukome is really outstanding here, all the main cast, and I repeat, ALL THE MAIN CAST has a terrific voice acting, thats not something I would say for most animes, now dont get me wrong, I am not saying most animes have bad voice acting, they do not, all I am saying is they usually have standarly good voice acting, with normally 1 or 2 seyuus that detach from the rest of the crew and really do a remarkable job. With Noukome however all 4 main characters, plus the Erabe voice guy do a amazing job. Ouka and Chocolat are dubbed respectvelly by Ayumi Tsuji and Kaori Sadohara, these girls did a amazing job proviiding all the cuteness their characters demanded, especially miss Kaori, Chocolat voice was incredible and since she doesnt have many animes on her curriculum I hope she starts to get more roles after this. Amakusa and the Erabe guy are dubbed by Toshiyuki Toyonaga and Jouji Nakata, respectvely again. This time the outstanding part comes in the comic situations, the smooth alteration of voice tone is done exceptionally well, if you did not notice really try and pay attention, it makes a world of difference. Finnaly the Yukihira seyuu, miss Yui Kondo... just another ridiculously good job, how easy she can alterate her voice tone is incredible, and I could pratically feel with my hands the irony in Yukihira voice sometimes... really well done.
Oh man you went all serious and shit over there didnt you ?
Yeah I take my dubbing seriously... But enough of that lets be silly again BEWBS !! Allright sorry for that, lets end this awfully long review ok ?
Final thoughts, Noukome was a pleasant surprise this season, it has enough charm and comedy to hold you trough its only 10 episodes... probably. If you listened to my warning in the beginning of this review, you know that if you dont like Ecchi you should skip on this one, it is good but I wouldnt say it is good enough to make me tell you 'hey endure trough all those BEWBS, it will be worth it"
If you do like it, or dont mind it, I say give it a shot, it is funny, a joyride and so short that even if you dont like it at the end you wont waste much time of your life.
Dec 11, 2013
The life of young high schooler Kanade Amakusa has become a mess ever since he got cursed by a very humor-sensed god... His school reputation is a lost cause and on top of that he has to deal with a group of beatiful, highly unusual girls....can he get rid of his curse while dealing with them ? Let's find out !
Ore no Nounai Sentakushi ga, Gakuen Love Comedy wo Zenryoku de Jama Shiteiru or Noukome for shorts is a comedy with hints of romance anime. For those more experienced in the anime world may I warn you it also has a considerable degree ... Sep 29, 2013
Servant x Service
Do you miss that always fun show "Working !" ? or maybe you would like to light up your mood a little bit ? Or maybe you just want to have some good old laughs... If you can see yourself in any of the previous scenarios, Servant x Service or simply SxS is what you are looking for.
Servant x Service is simply the most "sitcomesque" like anime I've ever watched, it resembles a sitcom in various ways, and I will demostrate that in the lines below. ( By the way, if you do not know what is a sitcom, it stands for situational comedy, and ... Sep 28, 2013
Before I start this review I want to make something very clear, I am NOT analyzing the adaption part of this anime, what I will try to do in the next lines is view this a anime as a something on its own, I will not compare it to the original work in any way, therefore this review is more guided towards people that have not played the original game.
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Hataraku Maou-sama!
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I decided to go with hataraku maou sama (hms for short) because it was the last anime i finished watching, so lets get started shall we ? Story (9/10) The plot in hataraku, although may seem as a cliche, regular story at first glance, (specially if this first glance is just reading the anime summary) its actually pretty original. Sure it has the ... |