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Aug 3, 2022
"Naruto Ninden Series" are two seperate novels written as their were written from Jiraiya-Sensei. A must read for every Naruto fan. I mean the two books even appear in the main story and if you have always come to wonder what the hype of "Flirt-Paradies" or "The book Naruto's Name originated from" are all about lemme tell you they deserve it.
Story 8/10:
The Storys are both really entertainind and beautifully written. A good plot that needs to be adapted into movies. It gives you a feeling of nostalgia.
Art 7/10:
The Art of the Covers and first colour pages are nothing ground breaking and simple.
I like the yellow one a bit more and can't get enough of it.
Character 8/10:
The Characters are well written and even if there are some character traits that remember you of some characters from the main series they still are individual and true to them selves.
Enjoyment 9/10:
The Enjoyment was great. All I wished for and even more. Some parts even surprised me you could really say "wow like it really is written from a fictional person", although Jiraiya is real in my heart.
Overall 8/10
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Aug 3, 2022
"Naruto Jinraiden: Okami no Naku Hi" is a novel about Sasuke playing after he killed his brother and before the figth with Killer B. It's a nice addition to the main story and got me wishing to be a movie.
Story 8/10:
The Story is a must read for every naruto fan. Written in the perspective of Sasuke it pictures his grief over his brother just perfect. It made me understand him more.
Art 8/10:
The Art of the cover is awesome I just love it. I would rip it out and slap it one my wall. The first colour page looks quite good and breaks my heart
at the time.
Character 9/10:
The Characters are fitting perfectly inside this story. Sasuke's character arc which I thought was already got even better and feeled more completed. The other two protagonists reminded me of a what if Sasuke and Itachi would have grown up together.
Enjoyment 8/10:
The Enjoyment never dropped the whole read. Almost finnished it in one session.
Overall 8/10
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Aug 3, 2022
"Heroins Game" is about the princess of well-known fairytales fighting in a survival game and an idol. While the premise is really promising and a really nice first volumes, after a while reading it, it lost all of its monomentum anf felt like a whole mess.
Story 2/10:
The Story was really strong at the beginning and felt like a strong 8 out of 10. But then the second and third volume appeared and I just didn't know what the heck was going on. It could have been such a good manga. I would recommend this one just so you can see for yourself how to destroy
a great story.
Art 8,5/10:
The Art was really good (what a waste). With some really nice drawn panels and some astonishing illustrations. Just take a rendom panel and add to your wall they look beautifuk.
Character 7/10:
The Characters or better said the the princess are actually pretty well done - one in particular. What makes it even more a bummer that they all went to waste. Nice character arcs and everything you looking for.
Enjoyment 3/10:
The Enjoyment was meh. Had some good plot poins (the only reason I didn't gave it a 3), with some nice characters, Just the story line fell off hardly. Go check it up yourself if you are sucker for fairytales. But be prepared for what comes.
Overall 4/10
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Jul 29, 2022
"Demon Tune" plays in a city filled with magic and demons. Inside this city is a lil ninja boy who is searching for his lost father with help from a fairy. If you are looking for a lil story for breaks or busdrives this might be your thing.
Story 5/10:
The Story as its ups and downs. Up at the beginning and down at the end. The first? main-antagonist was very promsising at the beginning but turned out to be a plain plot device. The story had some really strong element and if it would have been more fleshed out with like 5 more volumes or even
more would turn out pretty well. Good concepts, bad implementation. It ends where the story starts to get very intresting.
Art 7,5/10:
The Art is pretty unique. With a cartoonish vibe and nice panalstructure it brings the right vibe for the story.
Character 5,5/10:
The Characters all had a strong start, but failed to deliver mostly. They were consitent, but failed to live up to their potential. The two main-antagonists could have been so much better. The main duo had its moments and was enjoyable at times.
Enjoyment 6/10:
The Enjoyment was like I previously said strong at the start but got weaker at the end. I was still curious how it all is gonna play out (the climax was alright) but just to dissapointed of all the lost potential to be more enjoyable.
Overall 6/10
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Jul 29, 2022
"Carole & Tuesday" is the manga-adaption of the so called anime. It's about two teenaged girls whith a passion for music trying to find their place in the world. If you haven't seen the anime you should go and watch it first, cause the manga is a held like summary with few manga-only stuff. If you have seen it and can't get enough of the story and characters this one might be for you.
Story 6/10:
The Story makes a really rushed start and at first I didn't really enjoy it. After the second volume tho I came to like it. Characters like Angela are written much
more sympatic and even tho the anime made the characters more depthful this summary gives you good glimpse of the surface.
Art 8,5/10:
The Art is doing a great job. Beautiful drawn panels with a good and flowly structure. You can really feel the music. After each song I couldn't resist myself and hear the real deal. It gives the anime justice and probably is the best part of the manga.
Character 7/10:
The Characters, even not as fleshed out as in the anime, are just as great. Our loveable Tuesday, charasmatic Carole and "arrogant" Angela are still good and at some points even more relatable than in the anime.
Enjoyment 8,5/10:
The Enjoyment always got me holding a volume in my hands. I already liked the anime so I was curious how a manga adaption would look like and it did a great job.
Overall 7,5-8/10
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Jul 28, 2022
(Includes mini-minor spoilers)
"Assassins Creed - Blade on Shin Jun" is an adaption of a PS game and is about two main character in different time periods trying to better themselves and the world aound them. Since I haven't played that one I can't say if it's a faithful adaption. But it actually explains the core of the world building just fine. You can read it without having any knowledge from the games.
Story 5,5/10:
The Story is quite alright and straight forward. You get a lil character arc, a lil devolpment. It can be confusing sometimes due to the many random timeskips from younger to older to
a bit older to a bit younger. It's a nice mechanic the mangaka used to show backstory but the way they implented it in the story is meh. It just made it more confusing since the storyline goes forwar even in the backstory events. There two seperate stories taken place simultaneously which is done quite alright. I cannot care for each of them cause they are really simple. One lil thing inside the story is done pretty well tho.
Art 4,5/10:
The Art is okay I guess. Poorly made backgrounds with okayish character design. Some of the faces just look the same. The panelstructure is actually good, nothing special, but good.
Character 6/10:
The Characters are actually enjoyable. I must admit tho that they are quite plain at times but they are wirtten consistent and doing there jobs. They act forseeable in a good way.
Enjoyment 7/10:
The Enjoyment was to my surprise quite high. I don't know why but I was always happy to read a volume. The story is simple, the art is simple, everything the manga offers is simple. Just turning your head of and read that is what its here for.
Overall 6/10
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Jul 28, 2022
(Includes mini minor spoilers)
"Made in Abyss - Anthology" is a collection of little short stories inside the world of Made in Abyss. Only read it after you have finnished the 8th volume of the main series. It's not a must read, but if you are a big fan of the main series and cannot wait for the next volume or chapter, then this one migt help to fil the gaps.
Story 4,5/10:
The Storys in the first volume range inbetween nice addition to totally weird and over the broad. It's kinda difficult to evaluate stroys from different mangaka, but I tried my best. Some of them are
just weird and superflous to put it in a nice way. The few good once even could be consideres canon, particulalry the once with a fresh trio. The storys for me are the weakest part and if there weren't the few good once I would have rated it worse and won't recommend reading it. So prepare yourself.
Art 7,5/10:
The Arts are most of the time really good. I even found myself question how it would appear if the series would have had a different illustrator. Some of the illustrator are well known so it doesn't wonder me. It might be the strongest part of this manga. I must add that one of the first coloured illustration looks so good I will never forget it. It shows Reg fighting against Bondrewd and wow what a good shot.
Character 3,5/10:
The Charcters from the main series in some stories are just fine. In the most of them the mangakas just made them weird in the weirdest way and ruined them. If you are curious how then go find out. The reappearing characters are a nice addition tho and I wish they would appear in the main series or at least in the following volumes. I have to correct myself this is the weakest part due to ruining the characters from the main series.
Enjoyment 5,5/10:
The Enjoyment was a okay. The art does the trick for me together with me really liking the main series. Some you can even consider funny. I haven't much to say cause it is just okay. Nothing special just a little time killer inside the world of made in abyss.
Overall 5,5-6
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Jul 28, 2022
Kakegurui Midari is a sequel to Kakegurui with Midari from the main series as protagonist or maybe even deutaragonist (she seems written as a pushing force for the protagonist). If you liked Kakegurui you will probably like this one. Midari already was a fun character and now we get to see more of her. I'd recommend to reading it after she appeared in the main story. Have only watched the anime btw.
Story 6/10:
The Story of Kakegurui was never meant to be something outstanding and so don't expect it to be different here. It serves its purpose and gives you some insights of the already known
character of Midari, which made her more human? Our protagonist is a really intresting and conflicted charcters to say it at least. The story probably will stay at a six, due to the concet and the way it was played out, which isn't bad I still enjoy reading it.
Art 9/10:
The Art just works. The expresion were made perfectly cruelsome. Really detailed artwork with panelstructures that lets you read it like being in a float state.
Character 4,5/10:
The Characters are only there for being there. They don't save any other purpose and are pretty forgetable, except Midari and Ayame. While these too are fun to watch the other appearing characters have no really a character or are pretty much the same. While I myself like this aspect, cause otherwise it wouldn't be Kakegurui, I can't rate it any higher. I've read series with much better characters to do that.
Enjoyment 7/10:
The Enjoyment is always there. Can't await the big plot twist at the end of every game. Somtimes it is forseeable, sometimes I found myself asking "How do you pla to come out of that one". It gives you what you asked for - more Kakegurui, more gambeles - and does a good job in doing so.
Overall 6,5-7/10
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Jul 28, 2022
(Includes mini minor spoilers)
Durarara SH is a prequel to Durarara and added hands to a already finnished drawn picture of snake evolving it to dragon. I have to admit tho that I've only watched the main series and haven't read the novel. Only read it after you have watched/read Durarara and found yourself craving for more.
Story 9/10:
The Story is just as good as the already awesome main story. It got everything you want from Durarara, from Myserty to Actions, from Gangs to Interactions, from fun trio to conclusion sections and most importantly Celty. If you love Durarara, you will love this too. It's written from
someone who already mastered his craft. Durarara SH (or Durarara SHorts as I like to call it) gives you new mystery, new Celtystuff, new insides of the whereabouts of our known characters (more or less), new characters/new trio, new Urbanslegends and a fun read.
Art 8/10:
The Art, even tho there isn't much of it, is very good. I would love to see the same art in manga form. I just wish there would be more of them and showed different scenses than choosen in the light novel. The covers are nice btw.
Character 8/10:
The Characters already had a good amount of development in only 2 volumes, with room for more. Can't wait to see in which direction they will go. The main trio is really enjoyable and fun to read about. The development of the already known characters are consitent and intresting. Who knows what this will lead to.
Enjoyment 9/10:
The Enjoyment always gets me when I hold a volume in my hands. What will happen next? When will this charcters appear? I just wanna know more and more of what Ikebukuro got to offer. I find myself in the same state as Mikado who just wants to be part of the unusual or Izaya who loves humanity.
Overall 8/10
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Jul 28, 2022
(Includes minor really minor spoilers)
Well if you like assassins creed games you'll probablly like this series. If you don't know them well you will probably like this one too. There is no need have any knowledge from the games, it'll just change the experience overall. Basically it's about a guy who loves to hide and kills people in the most cruesome way possible, trying to overthrow the currupt politicians, who also belongs to a secret organisation.
Story 6,5/10:
The Story, which there isn't really much of at this point, might be getting into something real good. It's warming me up for more and can't wait for the
next volume. If you know the games it won't be something new or special so I'm a bit biases, which means I already know how the story will work out eventually. If u you don't have any knowledge of you might dive into something new to read. For now I leave it at it 6,5, which might change in the future - positivly speaking of curse.
Art 8,5/10:
The Art is simply said eye candy. Combined with the good panelstructure it reads itself like a well paced movie. Man just look at it yourself you will love it. The characterdesign fits the tone of the manga and seems more logically then the games made the assassins look like.
Character 5/10:
The Characters are no different then in the games, which is why I gave it a 5 for now. The protagnonist is mysteries and withdrawn, while for now antagonists are the total opposite. I can't really say much about it and hope that they will get more depth in the future what I truelly belive will happen, due to the good start of the series.
Enjoment 7/10:
The Enjoyment was a good surprise for me. I've read two other works of a assassins creed adapotion, which were not so good to be nice. This one is really faithful and might lead to a new experience of the genre. I recommend to give it a try for people who know and don't know the series.
Overall 6,5/10.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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