Dec 16, 2014
When I heard about this show, I was genuinely excited to watch it.
When the first episode came out, I was not impressed. Others loved it, but all I saw was a run of the mill fantasy anime with gore.
Story - 4 - The story is repetitive to say the least. Night raid goes on an assassination attempt, fight happens, gore happens for the sake of edgy, and some important character dies every few episodes because someone needs to die. You see, this anime forces itself to be special, but it doesn't try to be special. It forces its drama, but doesn't try to be
dramatic. Sometimes it works, most of the time it doesn't. And that's the problem. Everything feels forced. Drama feels like it's there not for drama, but to have drama. Death and gore feels like it's there not for advancing the story, but to have death and gore. And unnecessary fanservice is there for the sake of unnecessary fanservice.
Art - 6 - The animation is actually pretty good at times, and it's pretty solid. Concerning the settings and environment, there is nothing special about them. You can literally replace backgrounds with every other generic fantasy anime and you wouldn't be able to tell a difference. The designs for the soldiers are as generic as can be and the imperial arms can be too colorful and flashy at times. For an anime that's trying to be dark and gritty during fight scenes, the designs of the imperial arms don't help.
Sound - 6 - Sound effects are solid. Soundtrack is decent.
Character - 3 - The characters were the biggest letdown for me for this anime. Almost everyone is cliche cliche cliche, and they do jack shit to distinguish themselves from that. A positive is that they're smarter than your normal cliched characters, but that's the least you can expect from a "dark" anime.
Tatsumi is your naive "I want to be stronger" main character that everyone is supposed to sympathize with for the billionth time.
Bulat is your typical manly "big bro aniki" type of guy (Why do these characters always have pompadour hairdos?)
Leone is your cliched energetic chick who flirts with the main character because he's the main character and that's the only reason.
Lubbock is your cliched perverted friend-zoned "try to be cool but fails" character.
Sheele is your cliched quiet glasses-wearing dumbshit
Akame is the supposed main love interest (but maybe not?) and title character, who is coincidentally the least fleshed out of all the members of Night Raid that had their generic backstorys fleshed out.
And Mine.
The MOST CLICHED TSUNDERE one could think of. Her name; M-I-N-E, spells tsundere. She is the most cliched of generic of cliched of generic of cliched tsundere down to her appearance, her voice, her personality, and her attire.
The villains don't fare much better either. 70% of them are evil for the sake of being evil. Seryu aka Justice Bitch, is innocent one second, and insane the next. Why?
Dialogue - Others didn't seem to have a problem with the dialogue, but I did.
There is too much dialogue going on in the fight scenes. Its excessive even for a shounen, but this anime is trying to be dark and the constant dialogue doesn't work. And one might say, that excessive dialogue doesn't necessarily break the mood in fight scenes, and I agree, but it does here.
"uhhh, my wound is hurting from where I was stabbed earlier" (Character is shown to hold his wound) and then you get this type of dialogue x1000 over in every single scene. You'd think for an anime that's trying to be mature, they wouldn't treat the audience like they're 10 year old dumbasses.
And apparently there's a dialogue template, seeing as how much dialogue is rehashed over and over again with maybe one word that is altered each time. It's like mad libs really.
- "As expected of [Insert random name here]" each time someone's opponent does something powerful.
So in the end, my enjoyment of this series amounts of a 4/10 and an overall score of 4/10.
"As expected of [PancakesAndStuff] for wasting his precious limited time to write a review that most people will probably find not helpful.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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