Jan 18, 2025
Enen no Shouboutai
honestly, i have no words to say about this manga, after continuing from where the anime left off, i got to say that am quite puzzled by the ending. i mean it left me with a bit more questions than answers but i wont dig too deep into that because i dont want to ramble. but if your looking for an action packed story with likeably characters and a nice mix of comedy here and there, than this story is definitely for you! oh? and out of the blue question but...do you think aruthur is still just chilling in space? i mean they never made
Jan 18, 2025
Mahou Shoujo of the End
as of Wednesday, January 8th I have officially finished the last volume of this series. just let me say this...this manga has definitely been a rollercoaster of highs and lows, and just utter emotion, plenty of times where I thought everyone was gonna kick the bucket and other times where I was genuinely caught off guard. This manga has been amazing to say the least, kind of hard to believe that I was gonna drop it after reading the first volume. SPOILER WARNING, anyway, I'll go ahead and point out that I kind of got lost in the sauce a few times while reading this
Jan 18, 2025
Sousei no Onmyouji
to put it simply if your looking for a manga with some action packed fights and a really good romance than this manga is for you. and this manga happens to be to the first one to bring me to tears, i love this manga like no other. and the ending was just Perfect! seeing benio crying while rokuro had this big smile on his face as they saw there child all grown up after being separated for 10 years had me in tears bro, i wished i got to see more at the end with Rokuro and Benio reuniting with everyone but i guess
Oct 1, 2024
So far am really enjoying this series, out of all the manga I've read so far this is the only manga that's managed to get a laugh out of me. It's a fun tale for all to enjoy, though I personally haven't finished the light novels as of yet. Where I live getting volume 16 and 17 is becoming more of a pain in ass than it's worth. And it's getting more annoying to find the right version of the series since there are so many different ova's, spin-offs, and etc. so am posting a review for this series simply to get some help, oh?