This section is just about myself so please bear with me. The review is their just scroll down, trust me.
It might be a little late to say this since this movie has been out for about three years or so, but I have put off this movie for a long time but not because of the reason you're thinking of. I didn't neglect this movie because I disliked it, I neglected it due to an unimaginable attachment I had towards this series as a whole. To think that a show could make me this attached, make me so emotionally "unstable", bring me to state where
I literally felt every last teardrop leave my body. To me, watching this movie was like letting go of someone dear to me. While it sounds exaggerated. Well, it is. But it is very much true that this series has made me grow so attached to it that I can't bear to let it go. It's like leaving a part of me, it's painful. That said, I can't deny all the memories this show brought to me. It truly is a blessing to have watched this show from start to finish. All the tears, the smiles, happiness, sadness, everything, it will all stay with me until the very end. I am truly grateful to the people who made this series possible. From the bottom of my heart, Thank you and I love everyone of you.
Now about the movie itself.
It follows a girl named Violet Evergarden who was an emotionally detached soldier that settles into postwar life eventually finding out her very own "humanity"... but you probably knew about all that, you're planning to watch the movie after all, you've come this far. What I am going to right within this review is my thoughts towards the series itself and not just the movie.
The show Violet Evergarden animated by studio Kyoto Animation is nothing short of a wonderful and compelling story that pulls you into its world through its wonderful story telling and visuals. Sometimes the scenery itself is enough to tell you the story, and enough to make you feel melancholic or emotional.
I find it wonderful how each of the characters Violet meets each episode aren't just some random characters detached from the main cast, they are their own character. They breathe in this world, they walk, they cry, smile, They are an undoubtedly a part of this world. They feel like the main character of the episode they are introduced in, it made me realize that these characters aren't introduced for the sake of plot convenience even though it might seem that way. The writing of these characters make you invested enough that you care for them, you cry for them. Whenever I see their loved ones cry and smile for them, that is the time where I become attached and also the time where these characters feel the most "real". These characters made me realize that they themselves emphasize that everyone lives a different life from everyone else. Each new character introduced is a new life added to our hearts and minds and added to Violet's develpoment as a character. I think that the beauty of Violet Evergarden as a whole, lies not on it's stunning visuals or amazing music, but it's wonderful depiction of characters that tell a compelling and powerful story.
I feel like I have to write something about the main supporting cast as well, but I'll try to keep it short.
The main supporting cast is what you'd expect from them, they support our main character Violet and her development. What I find different is that these characters aren't just colleagues, but a family for Violet, especially Hodgins. He alone can be considered as Violet's "father" with how much he cares and how much he wants only the best for her. That scene in the movie where Hodgins looks to his left only to find Violet not by his side, broke my heart. I love the supporting cast and I'm sure you will too.
First of all, I extremely love stories that take you on a journey through life. Violet Evergarden is not a slice of life, or it isn't just a slice of life. It's a full history, a biography, if you will. A history of not just one person but the setting and many others as well. It is a full story of the life of a girl from the moment she was taken in by her major up to the moment they reunited, settled, and eventually passed leaving their legacies. It shows the ever-advancing world we live in, how each person changes overtime. It is a full life story of not just Violet's but everyone else as well. I can't really emphasize enough how good of a story this show has. It gives you a sense of wonder whenever you see Violet becoming more compassionate and understanding. You feel hurt when you see her struggle.
The ending of the series which is this movie, made me ugly cry the most after 2 years. I can confidently say that this was the perfect way to end the series and I feel that giving it more content would ruin the emotional buildup and ending. It was enough to finally see Violet and Major Gilbert be together and live happily ever after. It was nice to see the history of it all, How the first scenes of the movie were seen through the eyes of someone from the future, long since Violet's time. It gives you a sense of wondering, about what happened and how it happened, and how it ended. Seeing the CH Postal Museum made my heart break, because deep down I didn't want to accept that the characters I adored had passed. However it made me extremely happy that each of them got the ending they deserved in one way or another. The movie was a proper send-off to the series and honestly I can't really say anything other than "I love this show, from the bottom of my heart".
Letters in hindsight are probably something most people would disregard especially nowadays where everything can be done through the internet and everything is so fast-paced. However, upon many other things, this show does a great job emphasizing how important letters can be. They truly do work like magic, in the show's words "If you have trouble expressing your feelings through words, try writing a letter". I love the importance this show gives to letters. Like, Who knew a piece of paper could contain so much thought and heart? Upon writing this I've realized that "maybe I also want to write a letter". This show made me feel the happiness upon receiving or giving a letter and made me want to experience it myself.
After watching Violet Evergarden, I realized that this show is truly one of a kind. It's not just a slice of life or a just a tearjerker story. It gives importance and expresses how a simple letter can mean so much to someone regardless of circumstances or wherever they are. In just a simple letter, you can express feelings you can never express to others or express feelings you can't express to someone you know. The way the story conveys emotion in each of the characters makes you feel that they aren't just a character in a story, It makes you feel that their emotions are real, and the world they are set in to is real, that they themselves are real. Violet's story is more than what meets the eye, it is a story about coming of age and a story of letting go of a painful past that has left many scars, and learning how to cover them and letting them heal, Violet's story has shown that through simple interactions anyone can change. Her story shows us, and gives importance to, our lives and how we should treat our lives. Overall I think that Violet Evergarden is a wonderful and compelling show, the wonderful storytelling drags you into their world and some scenes will leave you speechless.While it is sad to let go of such an amazing piece of work, I am absolutely happy that I was able to witness the life and get to be a part of this world and this journey about a girl who sought the meaning of the words, "I love you."
Thank you for the memories.
Goodbye, Violet.
MY FINAL RATING OF THIS SHOW IS A 10/10 no doubt. If you want to take yourself on a journey through life, then you can't go wrong with watching Violet Evergarden. I recommend this show greatly.
Aug 13, 2023
Violet Evergarden Movie
This section is just about myself so please bear with me. The review is their just scroll down, trust me.
It might be a little late to say this since this movie has been out for about three years or so, but I have put off this movie for a long time but not because of the reason you're thinking of. I didn't neglect this movie because I disliked it, I neglected it due to an unimaginable attachment I had towards this series as a whole. To think that a show could make me this attached, make me so emotionally "unstable", bring me to state where ... Mar 18, 2023
I've always liked this show despite people saying it's full of fan service...well it is but I still enjoyed the heck out of it.
I've always liked the fantasy genre and a pretty good underdog story like "Rocky" and what is Danmachi other than an Underdog story of Bell Cranel, literal Zero to Hero. For the story, I'm not going to make it extremely long but... This season is a completely different experience from the previous ones. It leaves you an eerie feeling each episode like something bad is going to happen or someone's probably gonna die next episode with all the death flags they keep raising. ... Mar 11, 2023
Suzume no Tojimari
Three years came by since the last Makoto Shinkai Film, and I have to say the wait was incredibly worth it!
Firstly, I would like to say that to write a review about this film would be a challenge, especially for me, since It would take a lot of brain power to write an honest review without spoiling some scenes from the movie to prove a point. Anyways... Animation is a 10/10 The movie starts of with stunning visuals as expected from a Shinkai film and the overall aesthetic and beauty of each shot and frame can be seen throughout the entire movie. I don't know what they ... |