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May 7, 2024
There is a certain genre of Magical Girl anime with darker themes that arose in the wake of Puella Magi Madoka Magica's success; a genre that has developed a reputation for being shallow, derivative, overly edgy and generally lacking in quality. Magical Girl Raising Project is one such anime and it must be said that it very much lives up to the genre's less-than-favourable reputation. The anime has a fairly simple premise, centred on a death game which (as the title suggests) features a cast of magical girls. Unfortunately, the creators evidently failed to understand the appeal of either genre, resulting in a joyless unfocused ...
Jan 28, 2024
Horror is a sparsely populated genre of anime, which is a shame. A good horror series can offer creative concepts, a gripping story, compelling drama and moments of high emotion. Unfortunately, Angels of Death offers none of these things. Instead, this anime presents a mind-numbing barely-plot featuring a cast of characters the audience never properly gets to know and that not even the series itself seems to care about, thinly varnished with superficial allusions to Christianity. This is a series that wants be perceived as cool and meaningful and perhaps even deep, but which puts in none of the required effort to actually be so.

Angels ...
Jan 13, 2024
Mixed Feelings
Food Wars is an anime focusing on ambitious chefs-in-training as they vie for dominance at an elite culinary school, a premise that should surely appeal to culinary enthusiasts while also promising a high degree of competition, as is only appropriate for a shounen anime. The show's lead characters, Soma and Megumi, are likable and compelling enough, if somewhat basic, with goals that easy to understand and root for. The cast in general has enough quirk and personality to entertain, though the show does expect the audience to be invested in even the less developed characters with decidedly mixed results. The visual style of Food Wars ...
Nov 21, 2023
C Danchi (Anime) add
It's a shame that the horror genre of anime is such a sparse one, as the horror genre holds plenty of potential for creative concepts and compelling stories, especially when paired with its natural companion genre, mystery. Naturally, the idea of a mystery horror anime based on the works of H. P. Lovecraft, one of the more notable contributors to the horror genre, is a promising one. Alas, Housing Complex C can barely be called a horror or mystery anime. Its myriad strange writing decisions and nakedly manipulative presentation elicit far more questions than its barely-there plot and cast of barely-characters, and never to positive ...
Oct 30, 2023
Shiki (Anime) add
Mixed Feelings
Shiki starts with a solid premise: a small Japanese village experiences a sudden increase in unexplained deaths. Initially attributed to an epidemic of as of yet unknown disease, it becomes increasingly apparent that Sotoba is beset by the vampiric Okiagari. So far so good. It's unfortunate, then, that despite it's potentially interesting ideas, the series is lacking in a number of areas. It can suffer from confusing direction at times, raises plot points only to drop them later, disregards its own rules on multiple occasions and while the series offers graphic and violent imagery at times, it fails to instill a sense of fear.

The show's ...
May 28, 2023
On paper, No Game, No Life is an anime with a lot going for it. It's premise is inventive, providing the opportunity for creative battles of wits in the form of fantastical games. The setting, Disboard, is a far cry from other fantasy universes, a world of competition governed by ten pledges that function like laws of physics. The art is colourful, distinctive and generally quite pleasing to the eye. Unfortunately, while these may seem like the makings of a standout series, there is one major flaw at the core of the anime that outweighs them and taints any potential enjoyment that might be gleaned ...

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