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Jun 11, 2024
Finally.. how long has it been? Ever since the 1st ep of the ONA was released 7 years ago i have been looking forward to seeing the whole movie.. i literally watched the 1st ep on release day and it instantly got me hooked. At first i thought they'll release an entire anime but later i found out itll only be a movie... I dunno why i waited so long to watch the whole movie despite being so eager to watch but welp it is what it is...
I remember when i watched the ep 1 of the ONA i instantly fell in love with the
plot and the overall concept.. animation might be a little weak but aside from that i loved it..
Short Comprehensive Review
After all these years finally watching this felt so wholesome and nostalgic.. id admit, it had lowkey unlimited potential but failed to utilise it.. they sorta rushed it.. didnt do any world building... execution sucked.. story telling was weak... they didnt add details and couldnt explore the struggles and emotions of the characters.. and there were some plotholes here and there
If you are looking for a good time and hoping for a masterpiece then id say you should skip it for a later time..but if your here for some relaxed enjoyment and wanna watch something digestible and good without being too critical about it, then this is it...
You might be thinking.. if i pointed out so many flaws then why did i rate it so high? Well id say cuz of the sheer uniqueness of the plot and the themes they used... the characters were good and the plot itself, tho executed poorly, was pretty nice... it kept me intrigued throughout without being bored.
The first half of it was pretty strong. It had a solid start and the character introduction, initial fun moments, and the slight romance was fun to watch. However, It fell in the 2nd half and the ending was rushed.
As i said i watched the ONA 7 years ago and its been in my mind ever since because of the intriguing and unique premise and plot..that prolly played some role in me liking the movie as well i guess the build up nostalgia...
I might be a bit biased i dunno but it was a solid 8/10 for me based on personal enjoyment but if i were to rate critically id rate it a bit lower.. ending might be a bit confusing and left mostly unexplained but if you get over it then it wasnt bad..
I'll conclude by saying this.. it definitely deserves a try. Whether you like it or not.. its one of those movies that you should give a try atleast once.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Oct 13, 2021
No reviews on this wow people sure know how to overlook good stuff well I'll fix that
Underrated is one word that ill use for this MV and for Minami her songs are so good but she doesnt get enough credit and same happened to this MV tho it has 32M views on youtube but comparing it to other MVs, thats not enough
The MV was good with nice artistic black and white video animation along with beautiful voice of Minami
The MV follows a rather thought provoking story about a girl who creates a fake image of her to please others and how it slowly eats her
away within
It makes me think why do we change ourselves to please others? Why cant they like us for what we are?
Overall a nice MVs with good music decent animation and nice underlying message!
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Oct 12, 2021
Only 1 review im surprised so here ill contribute some and type a small but to the point review
This music video was just amazing i found it by accident the music alone had me hooked YOASOBI sure went in and delivered a masterpiece!
The music video gets a 1000 times more amazing when you understand the story which very few were able to get if you want to ask me then send me a message ill send you a detailed written story of what happened in the music video
The beat the voice and music it was all amazing the art was lovely and the story
was heart touching totally recommended it's small but will linger in your heart for a long time
Overall - 10/10
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Apr 25, 2021
"Catch me if you can Mr Sherlock" ~ William James Moriarty
We all are familiar with Yuukoku no Moriarty and its brilliance. We finally got a strong well built psychology after the downfall of the said genre in recent years Psychology fans like me can relate how much it means to us *sobs*
• Story: 9
Anyways back to the review. With season 1 ending on a rather random or somewhat under satisfying part, we all were left eagerly waiting for a season 2 to get us some more closure with the series and it delivered right off the bat! With a brilliant start to season 2, we
had a couple of new characters introduced and a new arc revolving around Adler Irene which was well built well-executed and so far extremely enjoyable
Character development was there. Mostly first 3 episodes focused on Sherlock Hilmes and his quest to capture the Lord of crimes. We had a little war of witts between our Mc's which as always was amazing definitely a great start looking forward to more!
• Art: 9
Jokes aside this many handsome good looking men in one anime is the first time for me lol Like every character here is beautiful! The art style is brilliant so far best this season if I were to choose the best this season Yuukoku no Moriarty takes the cake! Tho at times frames do seem out of it but they are neglectable
• Sound: 9
Taking on the legacy of season 1 we got a nice catchy ost along with on-point nice soundtracks
voice acting is done well tho ngl the out of blue English always gets me
• Character: 9
As I previously mentioned we had a couple of new characters introduced this season and more depth was added to our usual cast as well. With Sherlock being the focus of development. Tho the cast is rather big but well managed and nicely done we can relate and look at the story from either side it's up to us totally who to root for
• Enjoyment: 10
Oh you bet my psychology soul trembled throughout watching this and every second got me hyped really looking forward to more
• Conclusion TD, LR /• Overall 10
I might be biased some might say I'm overestimating the series and it all might be true it's up to the watcher to decide but we finally got a somewhat strong psychology anime and we should appreciate that. This anime has my full support and I hope it keeps getting better and better
So far tho it has delivered and stood up to my expectations totally deserves a watch you won't be disappointed
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Mar 25, 2021
"As long as i have life all i can do is fight with all my might" ~Subaru
First of all a salute to white fox for giving us 30 min episodes with amazing animation non stop!
Watched the last episode just a couple of minutes ago and here i am writing a review
Gotta say this season truely delivered each episode had me on the edge of my seat every episode executed perfectly and qas banger. This season truely surpassed my expectation if you loved season 1 then boy be ready to be amazed cuz this was even better
Tho we all know re zero is known for
the "depression and suffering" this season was anything but that.. Yep you heard that right.... it was more based on the character development story progression and hope.
Story: 10/10
As we all know the story of re zero is amazing straightforward and interesting with next to no loopholes tho it might not be everyone's cup of tea but for me tho it was amazing and it was adapted just as good the pace and execution were just amazing specially in second half plot progression waa there hype was there and most importantly the re zero excitement and unpredictable plot twists where there
Character: 10/10
Oh boy this season introduced many amazing well built characters and added depth and development to old one's. The best thing about re zero is their characters which unlike other isekai animes are relevent and likeable!
Sound: 10/10
As we all are familiar with the amazing sound tracks and osts of re zero as expected this season brought more to the list with beautiful on spot sound tracks and good ost sung by the same person who gave us the amazing opening 1
Art: 10/10
Imma be honest season 1 lacked in the animation department it was that bad but nothing special either it seemed lifeless but the this season improved so much the animation is wayyyy better white fox really worked hard the animation seemed alive and lovelier then ever
Conclusion 10/10
Loved it i would seriously miss re zero lets all hope season 3 will soon be announced either that or another 4 tough years of waiting awaits. Well my fellow weebs next time we unite will be when re zero season 3 us out good luck lets all live to witness it!
Lastly the "daijoubie" of emilia in last episode man that was cute!
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Jun 27, 2020
“Are you having a normie moment?” ~Ishigami Yuu
That's us Kaguya-sama fans to all those not enjoying it.
The battle of love between the idiotic geniuses tried to answer the age-old question of "If two tsundere fell in love would they ever find out" is back at it better then ever with season 2.
• STORY: 9/10
The story offering a premise so simple anyone can get behind it but captures the attention of the reader with its funny and entertaining mind games which make the viewer wonder if these characters are stupid or genius!? The answer to that only comes out as a "YES" cause it matters little
if they are smart or not they are adorable and as the age-old saying goes:
• ART: 9/10
The art style of the anime in comparison to the manga is a bit different and can feel unnatural at the start to manga readers but it's hardly a bad thing as the obvious advantage anime has over the manga is that the images are moving which gives the animators room to truly mess around with the background and character movement that truly breaths life into some of the otherwise more plain manga chapters. Tho for non-manga readers this will be one of the best animation's they'll see character design and movements are good and the animation quality is amazing.
• CHARACTER: 10/10
The characters are arguably the best part of the whole series. Not only are the main cast of characters downright GREAT all the supporting characters are also GREAT pretty much each and everyone characters in the whole series is GREAT except for those who are obviously meant to be printed out pasted on a boxing bag and beaten the living shit out off. Everyone gonna go crazy over Maki when season 3 comes along you heard it here the first time (probably). She is a side character yet she has the potential to be the best and most liked girl that's how much characters are done well here, even the side characters have given nice details and made loveable
• SOUND 10/10
As we all are familiar with the amazing osts from season 1 this season brings even better with on point and lovable soundtracks to the amazing opening and ending which will leave you wanting to listen them on loop for hours!! Voice action is of top tier... overall the soundtracks literally makes the already amazing anime even better!!
• OVERALL: 10/10
At the end of the day, Kaguya-sama is one of the best rom-com anime to come out in recent times, and to sum up, all of that in a few words would be saying "It doesn't matter if you are a narutard, one-piece enthusiast, someone who says Boku no pico is the best anime of all time or a man of culture who knows the reference to all the Jojo memes out there... watch Kaguya-sama and you will without a doubt enjoy it greatly. And of course, Kaguya if you don't it just means you got shit taste"
Oh also at the end i'll like to say ISHIGAMI IS BUST GURLLLL!!!
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Dec 17, 2018
This is an absolute gem of a movie. Modern Dragon ball can't get any better than this. It was really phenomenal. Here a few key features of the movie
Story 9
The movie is divided into 2 phases. The "Past&The Present". The start of the movie is all about the history of the Saiyans. The movie does a half an hour long depiction of the history of the Saiyans. The past is mostly based on "DB MINUS" with a few tidbits from the "Bardock: The Father of Goku". The movie is more about broly. Broly was a
Saiyan with really high potential. King Vegeta being jealous of Broly's latent potential decided to send away baby Broly to a faraway planet "Vampa". Paragus(Father of broly) being betrayed by The King, vowed to find his son and one day get revenge on the king. The movie explains the ties of fate between Goku, Vegeta and Broly. The present section of the movie takes place after "THE TOURNAMENT OF POWER". It's about the encounter of the 3 fated Saiyans with each other. Pretty simple plot not too complex or anything but is really well written and executed pretty well!
Art 9
The animation of this movie is out of this world. Toriyama and Toei Animation decided to change the animation supervisor and character designer "Tadayoshi Yamamuro" to "Nahiro Shintani". His animation is more fluid and gives a refreshing feel to the movie. There is a use of CG as well. In short, this is the best anime movie of 2018 when it comes to animation. Having animators from My hero academia, one punch man etc working on it. Also got Toei's best staff with the likes of Naotoshi Shida, Yuya Takahashi, Naoki tate and other great animators. The movie is one hour and forty minutes of pure " SAGAKA".
The movie director is "Nagamine" who produced one of the best episodes of super like episode 95 or the introduction of Ultra Instinct etc. The movie is directed really well by him. His storyboards were really amazing. The music is composed by " Sumitomo" who had his fair share of criticism from the fans because of his music at the beginning of super. His music in the battle of gods was pretty good but in this movie it's so emotional and captivating
Dragon Ball is known for producing some of the best fights in all of anime. And this movie is no exception. With the likes of Takahashi and Naotoshi Shida handling the main action parts of the film, the fight scenes are absolutely mind-blowing. Especially the final section of the movie where Shida brings his A game to the movie, Shida mixed with Shintani sheets produced some of the best fights in all of anime.
CONCLUSION..... overall 10
You should absolutely watch this movie. Not only its animated really well, but it also showcases some of the best fights of 2018, and it has great music too. Please go and watch this movie in the theatres. Its theatrical experience will blow your mind. Overall it's a pretty solid movie. 10/10 for me !!!
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Oct 14, 2018
Just a recap of the first 11 episodes.....
if you forgot about some major events from first 11 episode it will help you remember them......
what else can i say about a recap ?? Well a recap is just a RECAP of the series so it completely fulfilled what it was meant to be..
I had some confusion about some parts of original series because the story was very fast paced so i watched it......It was pretty helpful.....
It's up to you whether to watch it or skip it its not important.....It is only for those who had a hard time keeping up with the story it will clear
some confusion by making them remember previous events
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Oct 13, 2018
It was amazing !!! Extremely good !!
The review would be short but to the point i would give my opinion and feelings for the anime and the facts and truth about it too !!
Although i admit the story was pretty easy and straight forward....Plot armor was invincible and the plot was rushed at the first half AND the MC was not one of the best but still it was entertaining for me and in a sense epic the ending was satisfying the wars were amazing the side characters were interesting infact the side characters played a huge role to make this anime interesting!! the situations
like minor plots for arcs were good enough to make me watch it till the end...
It started good but slowly loosed the pace at the first half and by the episode 9 i was about to drop it (you will know why when you'll watch it) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)......but i decided to watch few more episodes....in the second half it picked up the pace the story line started to get more interesting and we saw some good development in the MC so i decided to watch it till the end and i didn't regretted it !!!
Some parts really gave be goosebumps overall it was really good i loved it
Overall rating- 8/10
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Aug 10, 2018
The anime was totally beautiful and heart warming....
It was full of emotions !!It's absolutely one of my favorite the ending was also very beautiful.....
"You don't know how It feels to be rotten for decades" Joseph
It has some dark and emotional aspects too it's not all good good and happy as it seems from it's name .......
characters: 10/10
There are numerous characters in the world of Mahoutsukai no Yome and all of them are truly unique with engaging back stories and impressionable dialogue. All characters are pretty good no one is irritating well atleast not for me..... Now you might believe that Mahoutsukai no Yome being a
fantasy focused story with dragons, magical beings and a talking dog-human would be anything but realistic; That is where you would be extremely wrong about Mahoutsukai no Yome as this narrative is both magical and all too real. Let me give you some further proof of what i mean by discussing several characters and why they could be comparable to many one of you reading this Mahoutsukai no Yome review.
Story: 10/10
Chise Hatori—our main female protagonist—is a girl that has come from dark beginnings and has endured hardship for what seems like the greater majority of her life. While we won’t spoil what Chise went through exactly—episode 22 and the OVA series explain it—her drama can be almost alarmingly like a person who is dealing with depression and self-hatred. The same can be said of Stella for example who gets into a fight with brother and in the process almost loses him to supernatural forces that take her angry words seriously. These characters are but a few who have relatable themes seen in the real world and it makes Mahoutsukai no Yome so understandable as many of us have gone through drama like Chise, Elias, Stella and even the antagonist himself, Cartaphilus.
Art: 9/10
Wit studio are know for some great animations they make beautiful art works...... We have Shingeki no kyojin , Owari no seraph , Hal , Kabeneri of the iron fortress as examples of their great animation works !! This anime is no different it has great animation work....The character designing is awesome the character movements are flawless and fight scenes are good too....
Sound: 10/10
As for the sound tracks there is no doubt this anime has one of the best soundtracks....I literally fall for the opening for the very first time i listened to it. It was awesome
Enjoyment: 10/10
This anime was a full roller coaster of enjoyment and emotions....It maintained it's pace through out the series without getting all messed up it was a masterpiece.....You would agree on this one once you watch the anime
Overall: 10/10
It was Great It was a masterpiece....It was one of it's kind a must watch recommended anime
I would definitely give it a 10/10
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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