I really had high hopes for this anime.
*this review does contain spoilers so you have been warned*
Lets start with the story. When I first started watching Re:Zero I honestly loved it. The first few episodes I was already planning to give this anime a minimum of an 8 score. But as the story progressed I realized that it is not as flawless as I thought. At the beginning of the story we already see our main characters dieing in horrible ways and the same deaths keeps on happening at a point where when a character death happens it doesn't surprise or effects the
audience at all. When a character dies and everything goes to shit we all now everything is going to be erased and we are going to start over. It just makes it really repetitive for me.
The art was pretty good. I really liked the color scheme that they used and some character designs were honestly felt really original and different.
Okay I think the thing I liked the most about Re:Zero is definitely the sounds. The soundtracks that they used were just so fitting and awesome. The op and ed were also over the top.
Now we are about the see the biggest downfall of this anime and the most important part: The characters. Honestly if the characters weren't as bad as they were I would probably rate this anime way higher but It was just so hard to watch this anime for me because honestly I could not give any shits about almost any of the characters. Let's see some of them.
For our number one most annoying character that made me want to drop this anime so many times: Subaru. I see most people liking him because he lacks overpowered superpowers but unfortunately he also lacks the brains. Subaru is probably one of the most unlikable character in all anime. Not only he gets more and more stupid each episode he occasionally throws stupid tantrums over basically nothing. He has a huge pride and keep on making the most unfunny jokes ever. When he basically didn't give a shit about what Emilia told him and decided to go to the castle and calling himself a knight and all- I just wanted to die of embarrassment tbh. This also really made me question the level of world building in this anime too. I mean in what kind of "royal selection important government stuff or whatever" can just a random kid start talking nonsense. Like how did they even allow that??? Also I got some issues with one of our dear candidates.
And this brings us to: Emilia (aka trophy waifu for our mc) She has no personality or whatsoever. Her only job is to get upset to Subaru (while being cute ofc cuz no one would like her otherwise) and then using her anime girl thighs to make him comfy for time to time. Oh yeah and be kind. Yup so that's her whole character. I am sorry but again I could not care less about her. Which brings another problem. Her being in the royal selection (I honestly forgot what its called so maybe it is called something different than that but you guys get the point) When it is asked what she is going to do for her people if she becomes the queen she says something like "making everyone equal" Which is interesting because we honestly haven't seen any political problems about this world at all where she would talk about equality. And also it just seemed so cliche to me. Soo yeah Emilia... she exists for the sake of being a waifu.
Now we do have one pair tho that I honestly loved: Rem and Ram. Not only they had incredible backstories. They actually have personality and character development. I loved their dynamic together and how much they care about each other. I feel like there is still so much more to them. I loved the scene where Subaru tells Ram the story about the 2 monsters and ofc the 18th episode. That episode Subaru had with Rem was just really beautiful. The heart to heart talk they had really touched me honestly. One problem I had tho was how fast Rem's feelings for Subaru changed. She hated him one episode and Subaru was nice to her once and now she is so much in love with him. And honestly her love for Subaru ruined her whole character. The moment she started liking him her whole entire existing have become to comfort Subaru with (again) her anime thighs. And also I hate how Subaru is keep giving hope to Rem. He is always talking about how much he loves Emilia and then another scene comes where he is acting like he loves Rem. Ughhh I just hate love triangles more than anything. Poor Rem deserves so much better.
Other characters were mostly other waifu and loli girls mostly. Didn't really care honestly.
The bad characters literally ruined my whole enjoyment to be honest. Especially when the only characters I liked were gone for the sake of being a waifu and fan service was really sad. And the fact that we had the follow Subaru throughout the story was just unbearable. The story also started as strong but again as I got to watch the new episodes it just kept on getting weaker.
This anime had a great premise but its just a huge mess with flat characters that look pretty.
May 8, 2021
I really had high hopes for this anime.
*this review does contain spoilers so you have been warned* Lets start with the story. When I first started watching Re:Zero I honestly loved it. The first few episodes I was already planning to give this anime a minimum of an 8 score. But as the story progressed I realized that it is not as flawless as I thought. At the beginning of the story we already see our main characters dieing in horrible ways and the same deaths keeps on happening at a point where when a character death happens it doesn't surprise or effects the ... Mar 25, 2021
Yakusoku no Neverland 2nd Season
I really sucks to say that the 2nd Season disappointed me so much. I LOVED the first season of tpn so I was really hyped about this season now I wish I never watched this season instead.
When the first 2 or 3 episodes started it was actually pretty decent. We got introduced to Sonju and Mujika and also got a whole explanation about what was happening with the new world that we are now introduced. But it all goes downhill from there. Especially when they arrived at the shelter I was really interested but it took them like 1 episode to get rid ... |