Aug 24, 2022
Shokei Shoujo no Virgin Road
I am not very picky with the anime i watch. The main thing for me is the draw in. I mean I'll watch all 13-26 episodes of an anime if i enjoyed the first few just see how everything wraps up. So onto this animes unique introduction. the main complaint ive seen about the show is the one i have as well. i read the the synopsis and was ready to have the "main character" there for the entire show. I lost interest the moment i realized the one thing he couldnt Null lol. i hope everyone else enjoyed the anime but it would take
Mar 28, 2022
Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun
To call this a romance is an insult to the genre. The only "romance" is between human and drawing which is pathetic as there were multiple relationships in this show that could've been built upon but they were all literally a joke the problem was no ones laughing.
The comedy aspect of the show was mediocre at the best of times as it generally relied on over the top ridiculousness, inflicting pain. outright stupidity or general ignorance. If you go into this show only as a comedy you may enjoy some or most of it. Though if even for a second you think of this show ... Mar 22, 2022
Ansatsu Kyoushitsu
I thought this show would be an enjoyable action anime. the action is pointless because there is no real outcome instead focusing on the students willingness to learn keep in mind the teaching is only half about assassination. there is NO KILLING in an a show about assassination. Other than this it could've been a great story if only they didnt go out of their way to not assassinate anyone. This shows true name should've been "Lessons from a creepy octopus" and that would've been more accurate.
for anyone who has watched the show and doesn't agree all you have to do is rewatch episode ... |