This is a weird one, I mean the art style is good and the gore is cool, but there is one thing that goes through your head whilst reading this, why are naked people being executed for their graduation, like weirdly I think what's missing from this is context and plot, I know a bit weird to say that about a hentai, but I feel this could have been more interesting with some sort of more a developed back story.
But like I say judging from an artists point of view the drawings were nice and clean, the gore was bloody and graphic so I can't
Aug 12, 2017
Aki Sora: If ever you thought to yourself, hmm I feel like watching an anime about the friendship and the bonds of family, then this is what you've been waiting for, it is the wonderful anime about a family that is drifting apart coming back together, although the 2nd and 3rd is really where the drama comes in, but i won't spoil those for you.
In my honest opinion though, weirdly enough this show did have something going for it, once again the 2nd and 3rd are better as a story if you ask me, but the art style of this was nice and the sound ... Aug 8, 2017
Kill la Kill
I enjoyed it, doesn't mean you will, but you should give it a go, I kept putting it off, but after actually watching it I was pleasantly surprised, so through caution to the wind and give this bizarre show a go. You may enjoy it, but no matter what you'll probably question what the f**k is going on, and those are some of the most fun bits, enjoy. So apparently the review needs to be longer so I'll stretch it out a bit by saying that Ecchi can sometimes suffer a fate worse than early cancellation, it's when it forfeits the story for "plot", you
Aug 8, 2017
Nageki no Kenkou Yuuryouji
A show with so much to offer but unfortunately leaves you with more questions than answers, I reckon the last episode is what makes it fall flat, rather than wrapping the story up with a neat little bow like everyone was really watching it for, it jumps straight to a kind of Halloween feeling special episode, which whilst in itself was alright I feel that should have come after the gave us those vital answers to our questions, like is Hiroe's hair naturally blue or did she have it dyed, will she be able to reach her goal, what's her favourite soup, why couldn't she