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Apr 22, 2019
Ok, so... I feel very conflicted about this. The first arc is heartwarming. I even enjoyed a lot of the time skip.
However, the ending is such a massive let-down and cop-out that, quite frankly, you are better off watching the anime, enjoying the wholesomeness of the show and the OVAs and letting it be.
seriously, the anime I loved, which I enjoyed first. I came to the manga in the hopes of seeing Daikihi and kouki's mother getting together and the 4 of them forming a little happy family of lovable misfits. that seemed to be the arcing game in the long run. The time
skip jumps forward 10 years, leading to the story becoming an average, if slightly higher than mediocre Rom-Com. Kouki, the lovable ADHD wild child is in love with Rin while she insists that she sees him only as a brother. His mum can't bring herself to date Daikichi because their kids would tear the house arapt. This would have been the perfect time to have haracter growth, helping Kouki grow out of his childlike state, coming to see rin as the sister she thinks of him, the same way he already thinks of Daikichi as his father. This would have been a heartwarming tale of family, love, acceptance, growth and development.
alternatively, the story started with the death of a lonely old mand and a homeless child. It could have gone down the tragic route, where After Rin's big confession to her adoptive father comes out he utterly rejects them because he's her dad, and in his 40s, and she's 16 with some pretty f'd up relationships regarding parents She could have gone off to college and grown. She could have found a love, a true love, and started her own family, ending with Daikichi as an old grandpa with his grandkids, or even great grandkids surrounding him in his rocking chair in a scene reminiscient to those shown of hs own grandfather. There would have been a bittersweet justice to this scene, at least to me.
Instead, we have, in my opinion, a teenage girl who more or less coerces her surrogate father into a relationship with her and the final scene is her talking of how she wants to bare his child. To some this might be lovely. to me, not so much.
I left this feeling very disappointed in the author, in our culture as weebs (more than my already giant hatred for my own kind) and most notably in myself. I hoped for a sweet endng, like the finale for Yamada and the 7 witches. Happy families all round, no hurt characters, no hurt feelings. Sappy, yes. Happy? also yes. Instead I feel disgusted that I wasted several hours of my afternoon reading through this.
Do yourself a favour. Give the manga a miss.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Apr 21, 2019
I'll try to keep this short and sweet. we all look for different things in our shows, but Anohana gave to me everything I was looking for at just the right time I needed it.
As someone who doesn't deal very well with emotional expression, this show genuinely brought me to tears in the final episode. The themes of saying goodbye to the departed hit so very close to home with me, so perhaps it had a greater impact for me than others. However, Clannad, the poster-anime for tearjerking plot I found somewhat lacking.
For the person looking for a heartwarming bittersweet story of genuine love, self
descovery and character development, this show is once i could not reccommend enough.
merely judging the content, perhaps the story itself relies upon a few clichés and the artwork, though beautiful, is no Violet Evergarden or Made in Abyss. However, Anohana is going to take a perfect 10 from me and will remain so in my heart.
I adore the heartfelt and earnest nature of each character. the isolation each experience as a result of their guilt.
Please, go watch this show.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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May 18, 2018
Wasted potential sums this show up. The premise could have led to so much more if the story wasn't so mired is cliché and tropes so overplayed you can tell pretty much the beats of the story form the 3rd episode.
Honestly, this show is ok. Nothing special. Nowt to write home about. An overall lack of depth to any and all characters makes them feel flat, two-dimensional and difficult to become invested in.
The world lacks fleshing out, feeling hollow and empty. exposition is sparse when desired and when apparent is dealt with clumsily.
If you are bored then maybe have a look, but honestly
there are many shows out there that create a world similar to this, with the same time-frame per episode and yet still create an intricate, nuanced universe that you can't help being pulled into. TLDRN: Go watch Overlord.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Aug 20, 2017
I Love this story. It is probably just me, and I understand if you disagree. But I wholeheartedly love this story.
It is first and foremost, a wonderful story about 2 people who are incredibly flawed and through their mutual love for each other, actually begin to grow as characters.
This may not be for you. There are many tropes classic of a rom-com that are prevalent throughout the series that do begin to grate: the constant 'will they, won't they?', the seemingly contrived story arcs that constantly loop around the same themes...
Thing is, this is no different to pretty much every other anime, manga or tale
in general, regardless of medium across the board. If you can get past that, what you have is a kind, loving tale that will make you feel warm inside for days on end. Each character is humanised wonderfully and there isn't a single person in the story who seems to embody the 2d concept of the villain. Each 'bad guy' has motives, and understandable ones at that, and then once the hardship causing their actions is removed, they grow as a person! This is something that I want to see more of in writing. Human characters with an optimistic approach to life.
To me, the way that this story has made me feel happy and hopeful is like no other, and i'm not easily swayed by the media I consume.
If you enjoy Rom-Coms and are on the fence about Yamada, give it a go. Just try it. I'm not particularly good with my words and I fear that i'm doing a woefully poor job of explaining just why I love this manga so much. You might not like it, it might not be for you and I completely understand if that's the case. But just try reading. Just a little bit, ok? I recon you will be sucked in and come out the other side feeling just a bit happier :).
Ealdwulf, OfTheIronHills.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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