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Oct 10, 2024
Just not a good show anymore. I loved season 1. I liked season 2 but it had episodes I found boring. Season 3 is basically all the boring parts of season 2 but throughout the entire season. Very little action and a lot of standing around talking.
I don't care enough about the nations to watch it with interest. Most characters are shallow with their personality just being to suck up to Rimuru so they aren't worth sticking around for.
If I wasn't watching this as it was airing one episode a week I would have dropped it. I put the show on in the background whilst
doing something else for most episodes.
I hope the show can become entertaining again for the next season. For the anime adaptation they may have been better off skipping meetings/summarising them briefly so the show can progress to better arcs more quickly.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Dec 20, 2020
I saw this was getting a second season after many years, is decently rated on MAL and was on Netflix, so I decided to watch it. Why this is rated highly on here I don't know. The animation is good but that's about it, 2014 must have been quiet.
The story repeats itself each arc: Something is happening in the school, then a load of terrorists attack. These are the most unlucky teenagers ever as they keep getting caught up in terrorist attacks. The police are clearly hopeless as the teenagers have to deal with the terrorists themselves.
The final arc was all over the place, I
was too bored to play attention.
The characters are boring, I didn't care about any of them. The brother-sister relationship was really creepy.
Don't waste your time unless you like flat characters with a bit of action.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Feb 17, 2020
"Grow up loser!"
The ending ruined the entire thing. This short review contains spoilers.
The start was very rushed. I think it's around 10 hours long in the game and it gets 10 minutes. The death of the father is supposed to be emotional, but it's laughable. He was only in about two scenes before his dramatic death. It's so dramatic it's cringey to watch because there's no emotional attachment to his character owing to the short screen time.
Beginning the movie as a 'game' is also questionable. After seeing the ending I know why they did it, foreshadowing.
The middle, and the longest part of the movie,
is actually very good. It's enjoyable to watch, story is good enough and the characters are portrayed relatively decent. Throughout the entire movie the animation is outstanding, the best part by far. I'd recommend watching the dub on Netflix because you want to be taking in all the visuals instead of reading subtitles. The dubbed voice acting is good, voices fit the characters and have enough emotion. The music is classic Dragon Quest music.
The ending is ridiculous. The movie decides it's going to turn into Sword Art Online. It wasn't real and was just a virtual reality game all along. But someone has hacked the game and installed a virus! And just like Kirito, yelling at it solves the problem. The start beginning as a video games makes sense now because it was just a video game.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Oct 12, 2015
I didn't have too high hopes for this movie so was pleasantly surprised when I watched it as it exceeded my expectations.
Story 6/10: The story is a side story to go along with the series. You do not need to watch this movie in order to understand things in the show. It is an optional extra that I would recommend.
The basic story is Saki and Mai are going to perform in a karaoke contest when a new bad guy from Dark Fall interrupts this by invading the Land of Clocks and stopping the World Clock. This stops time everywhere. Only spirits and the Precure can
move but if they don't fix the World Clock in time they will stop too. So Saki and Mai travel to the Land of Clocks to stop him and help the clock spirits Minutes and Hours start the World Clock again so time can continue before it stops all together. The 'bad guy''s motive was to rule over the world in silence with just him there which is a bit of an odd boring motive but ah well.
Art 9/10: The art was a LOT better in the movie than it was in the show. I was quite impressed with the backgrounds and animation. It was smooth, well drawn and animated. Very visually pleasing.
Sound 8/10: I liked the sound. Precure generally has good music. This had a more orchestral sound to it, fitted the movie well.
Character 6/10: Saki and Mai were Saki and Mai. They did argue quite a lot throughout then realised how good friends the are ect the usual friend strengthening plot. The spirits were the spirits. Minutes and Hours were very cute and enjoyable. The new villain didn't have much backstory apart from that he was from Dark Fall and little development. He is what lets the characters down, just a generic unexplained villain with a bit unusual and boring motive.
Enjoyment 7/10: I enjoyed this movie a lot more than I thought I would. It was a pleasant watch that kept me entertained with decent enough characters, great animation and music. It is a nice little add on extra for the series. I have seen 4 Precure movies now and I have enjoyed this one 2nd most.
Overall I give it 7/10.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Sep 10, 2015
Just made me lose respect for the series (which is overrated anyway!).
Animation is very lazy but maintains the same bright and colourful style of the anime which I liked.
I can't even remember what the music was like so obviously nothing special like the opening of the show.
It was just unenjoyable boring fanservice for most of the time.
There's an entire episode that just body shames girls with flat chests which is pretty pathetic.
Not worth a watch, will lower your opinion of the overall franchise.
Reviewer’s Rating: 2
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Jul 3, 2015
Important: If you are going to watch this anime I would advise not watching the 4 episode ONA before as it contains spoilers. It's not exactly the same, but it's similar.
Now I am a fan of magical girl animes, so when I heard a new one that wasn't going to be dark, but more 'traditional', and being done by Gainax was coming out, I was looking forward to it. The more recent magical girl animes (aside from Precure and Jewel Pet, but who watches Jewel Pet!?) are taking on dark twists which I enjoy but it's nice to still see more newer 'classic' magical girl
I will keep this review mainly spoiler free, minor spoilers will be mentioned that happen in the first couple of episodes.
The Story(4): The story is original for a magical girl anime as far as I'm aware, but it's not original otherwise. It is basically ET with magical girls.
There is no strong plot apart from collecting parts of the alien's spaceship so he can go home. The alien has given the girls magical powers in order to collect these parts. Each episode sees them having to capture a new part or train their skills in a different random situation, whether it be in the Earth's atmosphere or space.
The lack of strong plot makes you think "is this anime going anywhere interesting soon?" and unoriginal 'lost alien' story really isn't that special.
There are also no monster of the week episodes because there are no monsters! It's the same random annoying guy attacking and ruining the girls plans every week (he wants the engine parts but won't say why). The ONA spoiled who the guy is for me but it's really obvious anyway.
Even though this anime is rated G it's actually pretty confusing to know just what is going on at times. It poorly explains things or flat out doesn't explain them. I get one main mystery is probably going to be explained near the end, but many things aren't. They use actual physics jargon to explain some aspects and treat the show realistically at times yet unrealistically. They just fly off into space, can talk there, breath there, don't freeze to death like it's normal to be in space with no problems yet use legit scientific terms at the same time. It doesn't really go.
The setting is a mess. In the first episode all of the girls go to different schools then they all suddenly turn up in the same classroom the next day and everyone along with them pretty much act like they have always gone to the same school. This is just explained by "Your fates are converging!" and that's it.
The Art(8): The art is pretty with bright and cheerful colours. It's your standard modern day anime art, like Sword art online.
3D animation (CGI) is used for some of the flying scenes. It sometimes looks off but is generally done well.
The Sound(9): The anime has good sound that fits it really well. Very atmospheric (they're in the atmosphere a lot of the time too haha). I really like the opening and ending themes too.
The Characters(3): This is what really lets the anime down. I'm not fond of any of the characters.
The main character, Subaru is only there to advertise cars. She has a generic mary sue personality "I can't do anything!!! oh now I can do everything!!!"
Nanako... doesn't have a personality. She is used as a translator and speaks for the alien almost the entire time. This this a shame because when she gets her own episode she is quite interesting.
Hikaru seems more interesting so far but not much has been shown of her.
Itsuki is a cute, kind girl who has been shown to have insecurities about something linked to her past without revealing too much. That's about it.
Aoi is interesting but is really rude to Subaru constantly telling her that she can't do anything and shouldn't do anything for the first 2 episodes which made me instantly dislike her. She has gotten better though. She's a bit of a cow yes, but at least she has a personality compared to other characters.
The friendship between the girls is there but it doesn't seem evidently strong compared to other series. The character development is pretty poor, I felt no attachment to any of them.
Enjoyment(4): The anime is cute and visually enjoyable. However you can't really enjoy something if you don't know what's going on some of the time or if you find the characters pretty bland! These really take the enjoyment out of it.
I feel like my scores average out as a 4.
Generally one of the most most important things about magical girl animes are the characters. They greatly lack in this along with the story, where you don't know what's going on as so many things are unexplained or done poorly. A show having good animation, artwork and music is nothing without decent characters, story and explanation.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Jun 7, 2015
Now I’d read lots of praise about this Precure series, but for me it really didn't live up to it.
tl;dr: Episodes without Kaoru and Michiru = average. Episodes with Kaoru and Michiru = good.
I found the story was too slow paced with little happening and not interesting enough. Apart from Kaoru and Michiru of course, their part of the story was the best. Unfortunately it doesn't focus on them all of the time. Precure stories aren't the fastest pasted in anime, but this series seemed especially slow and dull compared to others. The main story itself is generic - a big bad guy with various
minions trying to destroy the universe/worlds. There's only one plot twist right at the end. I feel other Precure series handled this better, especially Fresh.
I also felt like there was too much filler which wasn't the most entertaining. I think how there are only two main girls lets the filler down as there is only so much you can do with 49 episodes of the same two characters all the time. The filler wasn't up to the standard of other series.
The animation was pretty bad. Lots of derpy faces and poor drawings, but what can you expect.
The designs themselves are awful. Again, apart from Michiru and Kaoru. I really liked Michiru's as she reminds me of Will from W.I.T.C.H.
Saki and Mai character wise are a bit different from Nagisa and Honoka, but that doesn't stop them from looking like poorly done rip off fan designs. The first outfits you can put up with, Saki's second outfit however is terrible! The colour is greeny-yellow! Who thought that looked good!?
Another thing I disliked was that Saki and Mai just got beat up most of the time instead of getting stronger until the last few episodes. In other series the Cures actually get evidently stronger and beat enimies faster as time goes on. Saki and Mai just get punched down until the last moment of a fight when they fire their main big finishing attack. The fight scenes lacked compared to other series, but they seemed to be stronger cures in terms of their magical powers, they just didn’t use their fists enough.
The writing is very good. No main character gets more unnecessary screen time than another.
The characters themselves are good. I liked all of the fairies, Saki and Mai are likable (far from my favourite Cures though). The first villan is kind of dull and I hated Moerumba he was so annoying. I liked the rest of the villains. Ms. Shitataare is the best, she was really entertaining and added in good comedy. The series itself did make me laugh quite a few times.
Kaoru and Michiru however are by far the best characters, their development is wonderful and they are really interesting. I like them a lot more than Saki and Mai.
I know this review seems pretty negative, but this isn't a bad show itself. I just found the other Precure series I have watched to be better. (and no I haven't seen Doki Doki!)
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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