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Jun 28, 2024
You really need to give this manga a chance! For those who enjoy stories brimming with cuteness and charm, it's a read that will warm your heart. This manga not only will bring smiles to your face but also leave your heart feeling warm with its captivating scenes and charming characters. The way the characters are developed, with their flaws and strengths well explored, makes the story even more engaging. Even though the plot may feel somewhat familiar in certain aspects, the delicate and expressive artwork perfectly complements the tone of the narrative. Get ready to fall in love with this story, as it has ...
Jun 28, 2024
Oh, what a lovely story! It's so warm and comforting right from the moment I started reading. I simply fell in love with this heartwarming and captivating tale of Mitsuomi and Yamato. The way the characters reconnect with their roots and discover new bonds of friendship and love is incredibly soothing.

The plot is just enchanting. We follow Mitsuomi, a protagonist who returns to his hometown after facing challenges in Tokyo. It's inspiring to see how he finds comfort and new perspectives by reconnecting with his roots and meeting Yamato, the sweet convenience store clerk. Their friendship evolves into something deeper in such a delicate and ...
Jun 7, 2024
Preliminary (10/? chp)
It's a true masterpiece that everyone should read. The sensitivity and care that the author has dedicated to this story are evident on every page. The narrative is so engaging and touching that it’s hard not to get emotional; I must admit it brought me to tears a few times.

This manga stands out for its ability to be deeply wholesome and moving. It uniquely portrays the life of a child raised by two fathers, addressing love and acceptance in a way that warms the heart. The story is filled with adorable and tender moments, making it irresistible and enchanting.

It's impressive how the plot captures the ...
Jun 6, 2024
Aioi Focus (Manga) add
Mixed Feelings
Charming and engaging, this story is a true gem for lovers of high school romances. With a refreshing approach to the classic dynamic between the studious and the delinquent, the main characters, along with the equally charming secondary ones, surprise with their quality, even in their brevity.

The narrative is simple, filled with amusing and captivating moments. The minimalist art has its own charm, complementing the story's atmosphere. Despite the light plot, it admirably addresses the construction of a healthy relationship, something rare to find in many works of the genre.

The romance between the other couple in the plot is also charming, even if it's even ...
Jun 6, 2024
This manga is a true discovery, providing a reading experience that captivates and engages from start to finish. The story strikes a balance between humor and tenderness in a way that grabs your attention, making you fall in love with each character. The art is beautiful and expressive, perfectly capturing the light and pleasant tone of the story.

For those seeking a fun and comforting read, this manga is the perfect choice, bringing a sense of joy and lightness. Even the boldest scenes, typical of BL, are presented with a touch of humor that makes them surprisingly funny and charming. At times, the narrative may seem ...
Jun 3, 2024
This manga is like a quick treat that brightens up your day. With a perfect blend of sweetness and boldness, this story is sure to bring a smile to your face.

It's the kind of read you simply can't put down, fun and charming, perfect for those seeking a pleasant escape. Recommended for everyone, from newcomers to seasoned fans in the world of BL romance.

Despite some questionable issues, nothing really gets in the way of the fun. After all, we're here to fall in love with the characters.

The artwork is beautiful, and the characters are so well-crafted that it's impossible not to be enchanted. So, if ...
May 31, 2024
In this plot, the male protagonist follows the classic tough guy profile, albeit perhaps with an exaggerated touch. While some may not be charmed by his demeanor towards the female lead, I particularly appreciated the dynamic he brought to the story.

The manga is a fun and engaging adventure, brimming with emotion and romance. The protagonist, a nurse smitten with a doctor, takes us on a journey of passion and determination as she seeks to win her colleague's heart, resulting in hilarious and captivating situations. Despite the simplicity of the plot, it's a read that certainly captivates.

The male protagonist, despite his distant and serious demeanor, reveals ...

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