Story 1/10 until chimera`s arc and 100/10 chimera`s arc
characters/artstyle: 3/10
Animation: as any other anime
Sound/OST: 3/10
Enjoyment: 1/10
Overal: 9/10 (Komugi was able to make me change the 3 that I was going to score and changed it to a 9).
I want to say that I hated 90% of the show its actually boring, sometimes the narrator actually explain what you are watching, imagine having a person telling you exactly what you are seeing on the screen, that is so annoying to the point I wanted to quit the show, all the training is pretty much useless because when the characters grow up is when they
fight or similar(with similar I mean when they experiment something like a game or a dangerous situation), I saw the show because of every single of the modern critics try to make an amazing story like demon slayer as trash and they compared it a lot with this shounen so I wanted to understand why and this is my final review to HxH.
Story prior the last 2 arcs of the anime 1/10
There are not specific spoilers but it has a few kind of spoilers!!
With that in mind, this show is slow, annoying, out of the 150 they introduce so many text that everyone will forget about 120 out of those 150 episodes you will feel like reading those large books your teacher made you read and analyze shows that you will never ever read again and you are obligated to read because you have to pass. Well that is pretty much 90% of the anime, slow scenes, the first arc that was longer than the average season of an anime was cut into a 1 episode later on the story, shows the real importance of the arc narrated in 20 episodes and that could have been cut into 1, the plot consist in showing to the reader that there is no good or evil there are only people on hunter x hunter but certainly they did not need 100 episodes of 25 minutes to tell the viewer that but to be sincere it is an old manga, watching it right now feels so slow, Gon the main character is an annoying kid so probably you will hate him sooner or later, but the intention of the writer is that you understand that its just a kid (that would make sense if we didnt know that other characters with the same age or around act more like mature kids or not even like kids so at the end it doesnt matter). He will be growing trying to achieve his goal (asking his father why was it amazing to be a hunter that he left him) like any other character but he will do that in 100 chapters, you can catch Gon and Killua`s story pretty much skiping a head each 3 episodes you see you can ignore 10-20 and you probably miss nothing I mean if you do that you can skip other things like kurapika`s story or hisoka`s perspective but for the Gon perspective and what it respects to the reader that does not matter specially because the other character stories will never end because the manga will not continue due to the nature of the end in the anime.
Story of the last 2 arcs: 100/10
spoilers!!! or kind of.
no matter what have happened before this the show for the first time in 100 episodes decides to show us the real shounen, now Gon has a new trainer called Kite a trainer that will really help him to achieve what he wants, a villain, friends and the taste of life (not those unnecessary test we saw before, he learn what is to be weak, what does fight means, what if feels to lose your way and more) probably with watching the episode about what is nen and its variances and a few episodes of the first arc you can totally be able to continue on this arc ignoring whatever have happened before, out of this arc there are a few episodes that are just too much text and again there is a narrator that tells what is happening on the screen, but this time shows the perspective of how a human, a hero or a legend can turn the light and the beauty to the dark and how the most darker monster can become a light of beauty for the woman the monster loves and not like on the beauty and the beast, that relation has narrative has character development and contrast because as the monster becomes a human the human becomes a monster in a few episodes of course its an old manga so it has unnecessary and annoying moments but it is 100% worth to watch at least this arc... but there is a last arc and probably the reason why the author will never end the manga he created the most powerfull enemy ever seen and also a cute girl that has the power of killing any human just with her sights and told the reader that those are just common things in another unkown place of the earth but, I do not see any continuation because that means that any thing on that place can easily destroy the world taking into account the last 2 characters of the story of course on the manga they know that and they still plan to travel there but to be honest if there is a place where exist something that is way more powerful than the most powerful creature in existence makes it obvious the author will not have a clue on how to end this and he pretty much decided to continue the story for the fans he gave an ending to the main story, to gon and he left a ton of characters that can be the main character the only thing is that now the villain is everything on that place and everything there is expected to be light years stronger than any person on the manga so how he will end that, of course he cannot do that.
Overall the chimera`s arc is worth to watch no matter what have happened before and if you want to understand the background this show have a lot of text Naruto and one piece are more dynamic and taking apart the fillers the overall story has more enjoyment but I do not believe I have ever seen something similar to Meruem and Gon parallelism.
Gon: I hated it.
Hisoka: should be the main character, the only thing is that I do not know his role, he is not the antagonist nor the protagonist nor nothing pretty much he is just there to tell how exited he is about Gon and to protect him also to say that he will kill him... someday... but no more than that he is amazing when he is on the scene influences a lot to the story and that is why I say that this should have been a main character.
Kurapika: its the avenger of the series he only wants revenge and his power is like chains to destroy the people he hates he has his own story I did not care either because If I take him out of the anime nothing changes my opinion.
Leorio: This guy is literally useless, it reminds me of sakura: I will protect my friends all that I`ve ever done is nothing but I will... sure I swear...
Killua: Killua its an amazing character the only thing is that he is like hisoka I dont know if he is a villian a hero a kid or just a friend of Gon due to what happened at the end I though he was going to be with gon forever but not even that.
Meruem: Best character on existence he covers a villain, a hero, a romance, a philosopher, a single human and he does it perfect.
Komugi: I love her.
The rest... well... I do not remember them and about the art I dislike it completely but take into account that the art is subjective that could no matter to another people or you may like them.
Sound: The only thing you remember is the scouts song that is played every single time in the first episodes if someone like this aspect, I recommend go and check yuki kaijura to hear a real composer of a shounen.
Enjoyment: 1/10
I suffered a lot watching this I fell asleep a ton of times because if there are only 20 episodes worth, 5 of them are fights and 100 are unnecessary trains and tests I mean, literally 20 episodes of Hunter exam just to begin... so if you come for the fights forget about it this is like reading a book with drawings on it.
Overall 9/10
I really mean that the chimera`s arc is worth 100% if you like shounen, shoujo, seinen, character development, amazing narrative, an impressive ending the only thing is that we have to forget that there are other arcs different than the last one as for the people that ask why it is not as popular as demon slayer or naruto or dbz is that there are 100 episodes that could have been writen in 10 and for an objective point of view it is better to go straight to the point and have a good/great story than talking too much making the people quit but with an outstanding ending.
Aug 15, 2021
Hunter x Hunter (2011)
Story 1/10 until chimera`s arc and 100/10 chimera`s arc
characters/artstyle: 3/10 Animation: as any other anime Sound/OST: 3/10 Enjoyment: 1/10 Overal: 9/10 (Komugi was able to make me change the 3 that I was going to score and changed it to a 9). I want to say that I hated 90% of the show its actually boring, sometimes the narrator actually explain what you are watching, imagine having a person telling you exactly what you are seeing on the screen, that is so annoying to the point I wanted to quit the show, all the training is pretty much useless because when the characters grow up is when they ... Jun 27, 2021
Kill la Kill
Myself and the anime:
Kill La Kill its actually amazing, it is hard to say it when you are a person who watch a show simply because aesthetics. Biased on how the art style of this anime sucks I was expecting to give it a 1 and just ignore it, BUT... General: This show is great although the plot, the nudity or the art style may seem like another stupid show it handles everything else right, even if the plot its dull and it is about alien cloth and simple revenge the anime plays other roles on deep topics like ambition, frustration, hard work, anime amazing fights ... |