A nice, strong start to a battle royale involving participants that represent an animal in the chinese zodiac. Everyone having their own weapon of choice plus some cool powers sprinkled in. Good visuals also, but that is all I can say. Because the series falls off once you notice a pattern.
In nearly all the epsiodes we get a long backstory of a character and then they die. Episode 1, 2, 3, 4, ect. They show backstory, they're gonna die. Fight scenes are hardly worth even watching. I only remember the last fight involving Bunny because of the weird zombie power he has. In addition to
May 15, 2023
The premise of this anime alone is insanity. An ecchi anime where the main character is turned into a cute dog. Place said character into your standard ecchi anime scenarios and you get a rare bread of "Shock Humor". The whole idea of this nonsense would make you think "Who in their right mind came up with this?" I'm sure they're sleeping very well at night. As they should be. Let's go ahead and add in the info that there are also uncensored episodes.
I found myself actually holding my head and facepalming while watching this in both disgust, shock, and amazment. A team had ... |