(No spoiler)
This show leaves me with the feeling that they wasted a good idea. And it's hard to organize my thoughts to write a review, because most of the time I want to say : that was god but...
The problem is this "but"
Story 6/10
I was really hyped by the beginning. Humans with a strange ability that prevent them to die... like a new path for human specie ? The pace was good, each ep was a reason to watch the next one.
And then I lost it. Do you know this feeling ? As if the story was already written and had to take the path
Oct 18, 2015
Arakawa Under the Bridge
That's the first review I write. I felt this anime was underrated. As I consider it as one of the best I had the chance to watch, it's kind of sad for me to read so many bad reviews.
Story As in many other animes, the first episodes are here to introduce the main characters and their relationships. The story doesn't go fast as the main idea in my opinion is to follow the subtle transformation of Kou, the rich kid living under a bridge. As he tries, more or less, to become part of these parallel society, we can see all the mistakes given by the ... |