Well I finished it moments ago so let's do a review.
STORY 3/10
I think there was meant to be a story in there at some point... I didn't really catch it. So anyway, this is practically big tits fanservice the anime. If you like this kind of thing then go ahead and watch it. Let's see... I have little idea as to what they are even doing and the parts I do know I don't really care about at all. They didn't seem to be to emphasized. Something about childhood friend dying. I don't really know.
Around the 7th or so episode they began to insert
Jun 10, 2015
Beast Master
I'm primarily an anime viewer and as such read few manga. I'm practically comparing this manga to anime I've watched regardless of how different the two are. Beast Master is one of my favourite manga/anime I've viewed.
STORY 10/10 Beast master was a really cute story and I was always in high spirits whilst reading it. I found the romance good and the setting for the story was different to what I'd seen before. It was also relatively short so it didn't manage to bore me even though I wasn't really used to reading manga. It actually left me wanting there to be more. ART 10/10 It was really good. ... Jun 9, 2015
Vampire Holmes
This was a work of art (Except for the art). Everything about this anime was outstanding (Except for the art).
Vampire Holmes was an amazing anime to watch. It was so much different than most others that I watched. This anime stands out to me. It's brilliance comes from the great animation (I know I said the art wasn't good, it wasn't. But that's exactly why it was so good) as well as the REALLY 'good' story. The completely ACCURATE subbing may have as well played a large role in my enjoyment. Throughout my approximately 10mins I was laughing hard enough to spew blood. The characters ... |