My poor little profile is under tons of construction so bear with me!
Name: Sage
Age: 21
Hair: Blackish
Eyes: Amber
]I claimed
Legato. *drools* ~ Banner by
I married
Ryoko! ~ Banner by
Username: I got my username from the song Genesis of Next by globe, a favorite band of mine. It's a song from Cyborg 009 (a show I don't much care for) but it's such a good song^^
Background: I was born in Finland in a place called Haapajärvi. It's not exactly a huge place, but from pictures I've seen, it's pretty^^ I was just born there, I didn't really live there for too long. My parents were living there for about two years when they had me. Then it was back to America. I'm fluent in Finnish now thanks to my mom. My mom is 100% Finnish and my dad is 100% Egyptian. I have darker skin like my dad, but I have more slavic features from my mom. I know it's an odd mix >.< My mom is an artist, but of course, NONE of those artistic genes were passed to me T_T My dad is an architect. Woo!
I love yaoi! If you couldn't tell :3 It's my anti-drug! I also love cats. I have a 23 year old tabby named Goobs. I don't know who named him! We adopted him at the age of 3 from abusive owners. Don't abuse your cats! >.< He's older than me though which is fabulous. He shows no sign of old age either. How cool is that?
Ach-hem. Anyway, I'm going to be a junior in med-school. I live in New York and have lived there for 10 years now. I used to live in the suburbs of Philadelphia. I seem to be drawn to big cities ^.^ As for my side job while I'm not at my college, I teach at a Dojo downtown. I'm a teacher of Bushido. I teach people as young as 6 years old and as old as ... OLD. I swear one of my students is 90. O.o It's so much fun though! And I wouldn't trade it for anything!
Quick! Change of subject! I like video games! Haha. XD Anyway. Video games. I love stratedgy games (gosh, I can't spell that word), and RPG like games. I enjoy the FF games lots! Of course VII is my favorite! X was sort of good, but X-2 was just rediculous T_T Anyway. YEAH, I don't know. Oh and good old Street Fighter. Vega is where it's at.
I also play musical instruments. I can play the piano, harp and flute very well. I have played harp since I was about 8 years old. My mother forced me xP OH MAN. Ach-hem. Hmm, let's see. I also collect lots of junk like marbles and coins >.< My room looks like a bomb exploded ALL the time. I'm not clean! But I'm going to be a doctor... I guess I should get on that!
My main inspirations in life are... my cat, and probably Baked Alaskas. Don't ask. A man never asks and a lady never tells.
Instead of having a favorite character list and all that shtuff, I'm just going to have a nice little 'current obsession' section in my profile:
Current Obsessions ^.~
[under construction]

MAL Adopt a Pet!
All Comments (12) Comments
Hey guys! We decide to bring back our club to life! We have made a pretty big list (with pictures!) of all couples we know HERE. Check it out please, and help us by NOMINATIG new couples which we haven't yet noticed.The list will get updated everytime a new canon couple get confirmed!
I used "Bradley Hand ITC" ;)
I want to join your club Adopt A Pet, and I already have a pet in mind I want to claim, but I don't know if he counts as well. The pets name is: Necoco. From the manga Love Neco (yaoi manga). Actually he's a pet robot, so I hope he counts as well.... *hoping*
I'll wait for your answer! =3 *happy*
NxtGenesis claimed Legato Bluesummers (by Anayu)