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Sep 9, 2024
** spoiler free, bief summary **
1. Let's start with the story. What's important is the content of the story being entertaining and luckily that is delivered. However the conflicts that trigger the events are the stupidest thing. Usually the conflicts are driven by emotions like hate literally out of nowhere. There are no real basis for the hate other than "you cant use magic" which is awfully not deep at all and that makes the story feel artificially constructed rather than natural confluence of events.
2. The art and animations are great and fit well in the school setting. You can tell they have spent time
animating it.
3. The music is also good. It matches the action and mood, but I wouldn’t say I’d go out of my way to listen to it.
4. Some characters are memorable, but their motivations are not believable. As for the main character, he is not confident, is a pushover, doesn’t grow, and while he is bright and knowledgeable, he lacks his own mind or opinions. Essentially, he’s the opposite of someone you would want to take inspiration from. However, there are bright sides when it comes to the positive relationships between characters and not conflicts. The relationships are the wholesome part of the story.
Overall, I think I was able to enjoy it. The weakest part for me is probably the main character, mainly because he’s just uninspiring, and I can’t say I enjoy watching characters who are losers at heart. However, although the plot isn’t impressive, I did enjoy the events a lot. It’s hard to ignore the obvious downsides, but what’s most important is that it’s entertaining, so I would recommend it if you’re bored. It’s definitely not in the 'must-watch' category, but it’s indeed watchable.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Jun 26, 2024
** Spoiler free brief summary **
The story is the strongest part of this anime, not only because of the plot itself but also because of the storytelling skills of the studio members. Some parts have been changed from the novels, which has upset some people, but I believe that the story structure in the anime, with only 20 minutes to deliver the impact, must be served differently, and they nailed it.
It is not something you will be bored watching. The anime does a great job with story structure, so you won’t be lost in what’s happening, making it guilty of being an anime masterpiece.
Animation is
not a topic I will spend too much time on. Animation has always been a strong part of Mushoku and remains strong even now. There is a CGI moment, sadly, but I prefer it over waiting a year longer for the next season. Besides, it did not interrupt the flow of the anime, so I don’t see any problem. Animation is amazing.
The music will be the part I will criticize, which is evidence I’m not here only to praise it. It is by no means bad, but it is not something memorable. I would say the music is pretty boring, even though it complements the story very well. I think they could do a better job because it could have made the moments even more memorable, the fights more epic, and the excitement more intense. The only thing that made the music pass the minimum requirements is their judgment on where to use it. They withheld the music where they should to deliver maximum impact and skillfully chose the moments to use it to experience the most intense emotions. My final words are: the music sucks, but it’s implemented in a very intelligent way.
The characters are extremely relatable and the reason you will be hooked on the story. They are very complex and have their own personalities to the point they could be the main characters in their own stories. The characters are special because they all have their trademark personality without it being their whole personality, which is unprecedented in the history of anime on this level and scale. Even side characters have very complex origins, reasons, and motivations. The characters in this anime are not characters anymore; they are people.
Overall, this is THE anime. I cannot praise it enough. They've managed to get me hooked even in slice-of-life episodes, which is quite a feat. There is not a second worth skipping, and the enjoyment never lacks. Obviously, I will recommend this anime to anyone. You just have to have the stomach for the main character's morals from time to time, as it can ruin the relatability and create a disconnect between the watcher and the anime. But that’s not my problem, and therefore, a perfect score it is.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Jan 26, 2023
** spoiler free, bief summary **
The story is mediocre and nothing very new, but this anime is a perfect example that even mediocre stories can be high tier when put in good hands. This anime thrives on well-made scenes, and even if the story is kind of stupid, they made it enjoyable through impactful moments. Storytelling is also well done, so you shouldn’t be lost in what’s happening.
The animations are pretty good, though I’ve seen better, but it doesn’t take away anything major. Simply put, the art and animations are quite a bit above average.
Music and sound effects play such a major role that it’s
unprecedented. This is how you use sounds and music to bring epicness to the fights. Normal conversations are not as good, but they know how to make fights spectacular.
The characters are not very complex, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing. They are easy and quite relaxing to watch because you know what to expect. I wouldn’t say they are interesting, though.
Overall, I am very pleasantly surprised. This is not what I expected from it. This anime was made by skilled people because the story is not that interesting, yet they made it quite engaging. I can recommend it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Jan 26, 2023
** spoiler free, brief summary **
1. Story is great in my opinion, but that doesn't matter because storytelling does not suit very well with it. There's like three story lines in 20 min episodes and in the end none of them has satisfying progress, which makes it boring quite a bit. I dont think forcing two or three complex story lines in one episode is a good idea.
2. Art is nice as always, although I think they could do better job with CGI and some monsters. In the end, most of it is pretty enough.
3. from music I'm getting some strong Star Wars vibes and
that wouldn't be so bad, if it would be used for epic or big moments only. There are some scenes where I think something lighter should be used, because from their music judgment, there is not so much of a difference between important moments and smaller. Overall I would rate music as good, but I wish they would use it better
4. characters are quite complex and I get why they need so much spot in episodes.
But are they interesting? - I would say yes but not every character shine in the spotlight. It's not so big of a deal till they are together, because they can compliment the story very well, but compliment the story is important sentence and you can feel it when they are separated.
Overall I think there are moments worth to watch, but it's not filled with progress, so naturally there are moments not so much worth to watch also. I don't think I can recommend it, but it's not bad enough to discourage you from watch it. I may change opinion and probably will when all episodes come out. Also, mind this review is for first 4 episodes and its early impression
Edit: It did get way better in further episodes and second half is like completely different anime. It fixed exactly what was wrong, but my review for fist 4 episodes stands. Now it's actually worth of recommendation. I'll give its 7/10 cause of bad start
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Apr 17, 2022
**spoiler free, brief summary**
1. Story is isekai. We all know what isekai is, so I wont spend much time here. What makes it exceptional in a wierd pleasant way is that this world is dominated by women.
This brings unusual chalenges and situations. Its highly enjoyable to see the main character find a way to success even in this world. Storytelling makes it easy to understand, you don't even have to focus much, just enjoyble relax anime.
2. I'm not quite sure if I'm a fan of mecha in combination with swords and magic. Designs are nothing new and nothing what offends neither.. Animation's are just
good enough, not very mindblowing.
3. Sound is not memorable. It does the job of complimenting the story from behind, but I wouldnt say it elevate atmosphere very much.
4. There are not so many characters, but the once they split focus on are not outright boring, which is nice, but they has not much depth. On the other hand, the one who carry the whole anime is the main character, he is just fun to watch. His cockyness gives the anime whole other aroma, which I really enjoyed, cause he is not tipical shonen moral crybaby police protagonist. His character traits works very well in this isekai.
Overall I appreciate how main character did find unique way to power and to me, it makes it interesting. Storytelling is not all over the place and that makes it enjoyable. I wouldn't say it's top tier anime, but it's an anime where you can just shut down and relax. I can recomend it, just don't expect high quality anime animations, music and stuff that needs money
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Nov 3, 2021
** spoiler free, brief summary **
1. I have never seen better storytelling than Mushoku has. Story is just good because there is not much happening so far, not some big deals at least, but the way they gide you through it, is what really shines. Humor here is not that imoral as in first part, so thats a plus.
2. Art. I will not spend much time here and just tell you that art is top tier awesomeness
3. Sound, don't get me wrong, openings are very awesome, but I really think they could do better job with sound in specific scenes and bring out the
epicness even more for fight particular. If you are fun of openings, you are free to enjoy, these are great.
4. Characters did visibly some mental progress and it's very enjoyable to see that. It is not very often when you see characters that feels like a real human beings and it's very easy to relate what brigs the enjoyment high up to the sky.
Overall this is must watch anime. I recommend it and it's highly enjoyable anime. Also I recommend some glass of vine to it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Mar 23, 2021
** spoiler free, brief summary **
1. Story was below average. Worldbuilding was near to zero, even tho there are monsters, knights and magic, we know nothing about and it felt like they has no purpose.
2. Art was colorful and nice. Animations was decent and there is not much to complain about. Nothing epic, but decent.
3. Sound was't bad, but it was forgetable. It didn't disturb any scenes tho so I'll say it's fair enough
4. Characters are not that bad and some of them are pretty good, but sadly, they wont compensate other characters, that are not that good. Main character is specialy bad and
it really feels like he is walking overpowered dummy. There is no limit to his stupidity and his only personality is over the top good guy.
Overall It's not good anime and specially not anything memorable, but if you are able to completely turn off your brain, then I guess you can enjoy it. I dont have this skill and so I definitely wont recomend it
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Mar 16, 2021
** spoiler free, brief summary **
1. Story is overall good, but they could do better job with introducing the new world of curses. In no means it's bad, but you're kinda lost at the beginning in what's going on. What I appreciate after I start orientate a little, is the potencional of this curse enegy. It's typical shounen, but that is not wrong
2. Art is also good and animations perfect, I don't like their uniforms tho
3. I'm not a fan of sound they made for classic scenes, but I must admit that the fight of Gojo was epic and mostly cause of sound
4. Characters are
pretty good, but not very interesting except Gojo. I don't really care about them yet, but we going the right direction slowly
Overall it's enjoyable and if you give it time, it can bring you scenes that are worth and i can recommend it
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Mar 13, 2021
** spoiler free, brief summary **
1. Story is good and enjoyable, but only thing it missing is little of worldbuilding. Story is mostly stuck in one city or in one room. Also I feel a little bit of filler scenes there, where you get the same informations from last episode what did't bring anything to the table, just slowing down the story.
2. Art is colorful and pretty. Fights are decently animated, nothing epic, but not bad
3. Sound is average and forgettable. Don't get me wrong tho, it's on point, but don't expect something epic
4. Characters are quite simps for Rimuru, but they keep
the anime enjoyable. They are not very complex, but thats not wrong if it fits overall the complexity of the story.
Overall I like it very much. It's not difficult to watch, relax anime what will make your day better and I can recommend it
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Feb 21, 2021
** spoiler free, brief summary **
1.Story is classic isekai, but that is not a bad thing, because they really can tell a story. It did hook me up immediately, every moment was important and not like most of anime, where canon episodes has more filler scenes then Boruto. But there is something, that really ruin enjoyment and that is oversexual "humor".This type of humor doesn't feel right or on topic and it's a shame, because everything else is really good.
2. Art is awesome, animations are top tier, colors are on point. I did not find anything, what I can describe as bad
3 Sound is
great and I can even say, it's high tier anime sounds. Most importantly the sounds are on point, but it missing a little bit more epicness to perfectio, because sometimes the sound can really bring out the epicness from fight's, but in no means I can describe it as bad.
4.Characters are also good. They made them not that complex and also not that simple, so you don't have to dive deep into them, for enjoyment. Their emotions feels real enough and I'm not saying this very often
Over all, it's one of must try anime .. The sexual "humor" is a huge downgrade, at least for me, but everything else compensate it. It's worth my time, so I recommend it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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