This is a review of Fate/stay night: Unlimited Blade Works. There will be no comparisons made to the visual novel, nor Fate/Zero, and no mentions of any spoilers.
"An essential aspect to creativity, is not being afraid to fail."
Story: 3/10
Unlimited Blade Work has an issue with presenting it's story in a coherent manner. It relies on huge info dumps placed awkwardly throughout the show. Instead of explaining things naturally, and figuring out certain events as they occur, or through the story. It makes the show seem lazy with it's story telling in that regard. You are constantly being explained things rather than actually
witnessing them. For example the first double length episode has only one purpose, and that's to explain the show to you. While you can state that getting info dumps are better than not being explained at all and being confused. All you would be doing is comparing two bad examples of storytelling.
Secondly there are largely noticeable pacing issues, and a lot of the time the reason for this is because the story needs to slow down to explain more things to you. One episode you will get a high action fight scene, with fast plot progression. Then the next episode you will be in the main character's house the entire episode forced to watch twenty minutes of talking at a dinner table about why things happened, or what is happening. Due to the poor pacing, many events seem rushed, while character motives seem unrealistic in certain situations.
What the show does well if anything. Is that it presents you a story, and finishes it with a conclusive ending. It doesn't go out of it's way to leave room for a possible third or fourth season. However there have been a number of side stories made, for the purpose of a simple cash grab. They don't directly concern the main series.
The plot also takes place in at least the first season, in what seems to be the required place in anime. A school. Why do things have to happen at school? It doesn't take away from anything, as no time is wasted actually doing normally school things, as it is simply used as a setting. However it gives of a lazy sense of story telling. It's as if the writer didn't know how else the events in the story could have happened while making sense (which a lot of them don't) without having it take place in a school.
Characters: 2/10
If the story already didn't have it's fair share of issues. By fare this show suffers the most with its cast of characters.
The main character gives off morals you won't be able to relate to. He will be constantly proven wrong with his way of thinking, but simply brush it aside not listening to anyone. For a main character who is supposed to care about others he sure doesn't listen to others in that regard.
The rest of the cast are used as simple plot devices to help, or stop the main character from victory. You don't ever feel emotion from anyone, as character development is often skipped out on to add more info dumps. You never know what a character will do, because you never really learn how a character feels and acts. That's because characters simply act how the writer wants them to. Often, nothing makes sense and you're left wondering why that character did that. Or how that character knew that.
Even the characters interactions with each other is poorly done. While dialogue happens, nothing is going on around them. They are always just sitting down talking, never doing something while they talk. Dialogue is done in the longest, and most boring way possible and feels like a chore to get through a five minute conversation. Many character sever no purpose as well, and are only there because they were in the original source material.
When you have this kind of a cast of characters. Put into a vast story as it presents, it's inevitable that issues will arise.
Art. 7/10
Everything related to art in this show is a bid of a mixed bag, but leaning towards the better end of things.
-Fluid and smooth animation allows for kickass looking fights and an overall nice feel.
-Backgrounds are detailed and look damn good.
-Character designs look a little weird. While the art style looks good in all other departments. Something about the look of people mainly the face is a little weird. I know ufotable ca. look better, because they did a better job in early Kara no Kyoukai movies.
-Fight choreography isn't the best, and relies a lot on aesthetics rather than creative fighting.
Sound: 3/10
While this show doesn't have the worst soundtrack it is rather forgettable. It also often feels misused. There were moments when I was thinking why a certain song was going on, which instantly broke immersion. One of the best songs was a song borrowed from the musically superior Fate/stay night, but with the different singer it still didn't sound as good. Openings and endings were skipped due to them sounding very unoriginal. They basically sounded like any other anime opening made today, which lead to it being forgotten.
Enjoyment: 2/10
I did not enjoy watching this show. It's very bad, and gives a forgettable overall experience. By the time this was finishing I was looking forward to the end. I do praise any anime that doesn't resort to fan service. I definitely praise this show for using a very little amount. When a show starts relying on that to get the viewers attention rather than the actual show itself, you know there is a problem.
Overall: 3/10
This show plays it very safe. It could have done many things differently, but it stuck to many anime cliches because "if it ain't broke, don't fix it". While that may be true to a certain demographic. There are many people looking for creativity in anime. A story that isn't afraid to do new things and showcase an original, memorable story. Fate/stay night: Unlimited Blade Work is far from that.
Dec 20, 2015
This is a review of Fate/stay night: Unlimited Blade Works. There will be no comparisons made to the visual novel, nor Fate/Zero, and no mentions of any spoilers.
"An essential aspect to creativity, is not being afraid to fail." Story: 3/10 Unlimited Blade Work has an issue with presenting it's story in a coherent manner. It relies on huge info dumps placed awkwardly throughout the show. Instead of explaining things naturally, and figuring out certain events as they occur, or through the story. It makes the show seem lazy with it's story telling in that regard. You are constantly being explained things rather than actually ... |