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Dec 24, 2024
Incredibly heartwarming film, I highly recommend it.
I love how this film manages to balance simultaneously funny, heartwarming, and dark. This balance makes each individual aspect hit harder than it otherwise would and just makes for a wild ride that's really fun to follow. The characters each have their own story that share similar themes that make the overall story feel tightly wound, I really loved the characters.
The film did take a little while for me to get on board with it though, but once I did I fell in love with it.
Please, give this movie a try, as I found it to be amazing.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Apr 25, 2023
This film gives 00 a great definitive ending, but it's execution is a little disappointing. It's still definitely worth a watch for people who watched the show, even if it's a little disappointing.
Watching this right after watching the 00 show, it's obvious that the show wasn't written with the intention of making this movie. The show was extremely tightly written with no loose ends, so this movie has to awkwardly contrive a plot just to exist. The comparison is pretty jarring and makes the film seem like more of an afterthought.
The music and visuals are to the same standard as the show, but with a
little bit of additional quality thanks to it being a film. The music is now done by a real orchestra instead of the show's midi orchestra, but it still feels consistent with the music in the show and the change feels pretty subtle. The animation looks about the same with mildly higher animation quality and detail, I really like how the film is consistent with the show in these aspects.
The story actually has some really interesting aspects to it, I like the idea of what it goes for and some of its execution is fantastic, but it's marred by poor pacing. The film has a pretty dull start, they try to capture the mystery of the alien species, but the way they set it up is really goofy and uninteresting. The mystery of it all improves when you know more and can see how fundamentally different the aliens are, funny how knowing more about them made them more mysterious. They spend too much time at the start of the film confusing the viewer instead of pushing the plot forwards. They introduce a new character who does nothing and then leaves the film halfway through, which was a waste of my time and the film staff's time for seemingly no reason at all. They show a bit of the world after the events of the show and how it changed, which was nice and they didn't dedicate too much time into showing this aspect off, it actually felt natural. The plot is also very predictable, I figured out the conclusion way earlier on than I feel I should've, this made me feel a lot less interested in the film overall. I will say though, that the way the show referred to the upcoming communications with aliens was much more interesting than the way this film portrays it, making this film feel like it didn't need to be made in the first place and there's definitely an argument out there that this film makes 00's story worse overall.
There isn't too much new in terms of characters, Setsuna and Feldt are the only characters with new developments here. I really like the way those two aforementioned characters are developed here is really well done, they gave them a new character arc that's short and sweet. The other characters are mostly the same as they were previously, which leaves more time for the rest of the film to move forward, but this time isn't used very well and the film feels slow and bloated. I do lie the character of the aliens, the mysterious aspect of them makes them more interesting.
Overall, the film has a lot of bloat, but it also has a lot of really interesting aspects to it. I can only recommend this film to people who've seen the show already because its a sequel, and it having the definitive ending for 00 that makes it worth a watch. I will say that I found this film quite disappointing compared to the show though.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Feb 24, 2023
Better than I expected, but it's still a compromised film. The animation is absolutely gorgeous and all the battles are intense and exciting. There are some really brutal scenes in this that add a lot to the intensity. The pacing is extremely fast and wastes no time in pushing the plot forwards. So much story is covered and there are so many things glossed over quickly as a result. I had few problems following the plot in spite of everything moving super fast, but one character's change just hit me out of nowhere and made no sense to me. This problem might be due to
one of the 2 skips I had on my DVD copy, making me miss two short segments. I liked the characters that got some development, but I really wish there was some more development for the cast, some characters just exist and feel like their arcs are unfinished when the film ends. Events also just happen, and you just have to roll with the punches to enjoy the film. Overall, this film manages to be really entertaining but is ultimately a compromised version of a story that was originally meant for a TV series and is lacking in depth, but I still think it's worth a watch for any Gundam fan in spite of all that.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Jan 2, 2023
I watched the English Dub film version of this and found it to be pretty disappointing overall. There are some things I like about it, like the 90s anime aesthetic and Hyper-Metal-Sonic, but those are bogged down by what feels like a lot of filler and lack of focus on its main plot. It constantly cuts to the president's daughter, Sara, who gets really annoying. I swear to god, she gets more screen time than Metal-Sonic, and they of course try to sexualize her for laughs, which comes across as gross and unfunny. I just wanted to see Sonic and Metal-Sonic duke it out, so
the parts when they actually fight are cool, but they should've gotten more screen-time and development for these sections. All the good parts are over too soon and all the uninteresting crap lasts for what feels like an eternity. I also felt like they didn't do Sonic's character justice, because he's kind of an asshole in this, he treats Tails like an idiot and falls asleep during a hostage situation. I know Sonic is supposed to have attitude, but he doesn't seem like the hero he is in the games. I also really liked the music, it was catchy, fit with the mood, and felt in line with what you might find in a Sonic game. It's only really worth watching for a select few scenes and for those interested in the history of Sonic the Hedgehog media, otherwise it's just kinda boring.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Oct 25, 2022
There isn't much of a point to watching this over the original OVA version of Stardust Memories. While I found this film very enjoyable, almost everything done well in this film was done just as well if not better in the original version. The only thing I feel that's done better here is the climax, which feels better paced due to it being in one continuous film rather than split into multiple episodes. Editing the OVA into a film results in much of the content being removed and this hurts the development of characters and the conflict they have to deal with. The first arc
of the film is also shown as a recap which gets the information across in a time efficient manner, but is extremely boring by comparison to the OVA's opening arc. The only scenario I can recommend this over the OVA version is if you've already seen that version which is what I did, this just allows you to blast through it again really quickly. Other than that, just watch the OVA instead of this.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Oct 10, 2022
The original Mobile Suit Gundam is an iconic show with a messy execution overall.
I watched the English dub and thought it was mostly solid. The audio quality is much better than the original Japanese voice audio due to the 20 year gap between them being made, but the voice performances are noticeably inconsistent. Some line deliveries are stiff and the actors seemed to struggle with portraying various emotions which was distracting when it happened. However, I stopped noticing these later in the series, I think I was to invested in the show to care about little things like that. It's still a solid dub, but
don't expect greatness.
The pacing is my main issue, it takes way too long for things to get going, especially the section on Earth, during which the show feels stagnant and almost aimless. I like the beginning, and towards the end the show really comes into its own. The finale to this show is not just one of the best parts in all of Gundam, but one of the best in any piece of media I've seen. I think the show getting cancelled early actually served to benefit its quality, the pace drastically increased to make sure the story finished in time, making for every episode to be exciting and and interesting with heartbreaking depictions of war on an unprecedented scale. This also means some things got cut down, like the character Challia Bull, who was very important in the novels being given only a small side-role which was disappointing.
The animation is another messy aspect of the show, it often reuses animation and looks awkward, but it can sometimes look pretty good. I think the explosions look great, there was a lot of detail put into them and it adds to the brutality of the show very well even if they're frequently reused. But there are times when I saw weird things, like the Gundam's hand not being drawn, the Gundam randomly having a different weapon in a shot, or the muzzle of the Gundam's beam rifle not moving with the rest of the beam rifle. There are specific instances where the animation looks pretty good, like when Amuro fights the Black Tri-Stars among other cool battles.
The characters are well done, they compliment the situations they're in pretty well usually. This is especially the case when the show gets dark and serious. You get a good feeling of how the war affects some of these characters, which adds to the feeling of how insane the One-Year-War is.
Overall, this is definitely worth watching if you think you can handle an older series with a slow start. This was also reedited into a movie trilogy that has a much faster pace at the cost of some depth in the setting and characters. I personally think the T.V. version is a little better, but the movie trilogy might be a better starting point because of the faster pace. Either way, I highly recommend you watch this series.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Sep 20, 2022
There's good in Mobile Fighter G Gundam, but it's drowned in a sea of copy-paste filler, which is a shame considering the potential this has.
I feel like there's two sides to G Gundam, the A-plot focusing on the devil Gundam and the B-plot with the Gundam fight. These sides do cross over, but mostly stay separate. The reason I divided this series in two is because the A-plot is way more interesting than the B-plot. However, for the vast majority of the runtime, the B-plot is the main focus and it's awful. This series mostly sticks to self-contained episodes, meaning almost every episode has its
own mini-arc started and finished. This can work well but, Mobile Fighter G Gundam insists on copy-pasting the same one-episode arc for pretty much every B-plot episode. It's a plague on this series that ruins the experience to see the same episode again and again, I felt my sanity slipping away watching this. It's not fun to be able to perfectly predict the outcome of every episode because of the use of clichés and reuse of the exact same plot with a different opponent.
I genuinely like the A-plot of this show for the short duration when it's the main focus, there's good emotion and theming that feel pretty transformative for the Gundam franchise. These sections also break the one-episode arcs, with more depth to the battles and characters involved. Unfortunately there's not too much to say about it other than that, because it's barely prominent despite being the actual story part of the show.
The animation is fantastic for the time, even by today's standards it looks great for the most part. It adds so much to the series, even in this show's worst parts the animation stands strong. In spite of the great animation, the battles in this show manage to be dull. For some reason every battle plays out like a turn based RPG video game, where it never feels like two parties are fighting each-other, but rather that one beats down on Domon first and then waits for their next turn while Domon then uses his Shining Finger and wins. The majority of battles here play out exactly as I described, and it's not exciting no matter how much the characters scream at each other. The battles should've had much more depth and chaos to them, especially since most episodes are built around them.
I cannot recommend this show, I wish I could, but I can't stand the vast majority of this show. If it had more focused writing, this same set up could make for a great show. Unfortunately they wanted it to air for far longer than the main part of the story could hope to last, so they just wasted the audience's time instead to fit the whole 49 episodes.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Aug 9, 2022
Gundam Wing has a lot of issues, but I genuinely like many of its aspects in spite of them.
To start with my problems, the animation is not very good. It relies way too much on reused animation for battles, this makes most of the battles hard to differentiate from eachother and is my main problem with the show. I also would like to mention that there are two back-to-back recap episodes which are kind of lame, but the animation quality seems to increase for a few episodes after those. Some of the sound effects also feel overused, much of the time you hear the same
rapid fire gunshot sound effect for different weapons and it gets distracting. I also think that the main character in particular has a weak introduction, trying to focus on how cool he is which fell a little short for me, and I didn't like him very much until much later in the series. Some character backstories are straight up not here and you have to watch Endless Waltz or read the Gundam Wing: Glory of the Losers manga to see those. There is also an important plot point that should've been acknowledged more than one time near the end, it's properly developed in Endless Waltz, but that should've been more well developed at the beginning of the entire story like it is in the previously mentioned manga. This means you never understand why some characters are the way they are and hurts the story.
I really like the characters in this story, aside from the previously mentioned bad start for the main character. Treize in particular is great whenever he's on screen, but I do like all the main characters. They are the best part of the series in my opinion and make the series for me. The story is pretty good for the most part, aside from a few contrived moments, I think its very interesting in the way it shows wars with how it affects the world and the people in it. I also like the music, the openings are great and the music in the show complements whatever is happening while retaining a consistent style that feels unique to Gundam Wing. However, there's one song that plays towards the end that felt suspiciously similar to the theme from the Mortal Kombat live-action film which was a little questionable.
Overall, it's hard to recommend Gundam Wing, even though I like it. I find what it's going for to be great, but the execution is very sloppy.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Jul 28, 2022
War in the Pocket is a fantastic series that is hard to properly describe in a way that'll do it justice, it left my jaw on the floor multiple times during only 6 episodes. The characters are so well done, I especially love the chemistry between Bernard and Al, seeing them develop together over the course of this series is beautiful and they are the heart and soul of this series. The balance of lighthearted, childish aspects with the cold, brutal realities of war is beautiful it allows the more serious moments to have much more impact than they otherwise would and allows for the
characters to feel more like real people, as you see them deal with both silly and horrifying situations. The battles are near-perfection, nothing is romanticized, and this makes them feel believable. The mobile suits are terrifying huge and the battles are an uncompromising display of war, it also helps that the animation is gorgeous. I previously overlooked this series due to its short duration with only 6 episodes, but, those 6 episodes were some of the most well-paced ones I've ever seen, the runtime is not a problem, it's a strength. I loved this series, but I have one problem with it, the music sometimes doesn't fit the emotion of some scenes. I only noticed this in battles, but the music often is too lighthearted for the brutal showcase on screen, there are some pivotal scenes whose impact is lessened by the music betraying the emotions I was feeling from what was happening on-screen, thankfully this doesn't happen too often. If you ask me, this is an absolute must-watch for any Gundam fans who've skipped it or are unaware of it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Jul 25, 2022
A nice sendoff for the Gundam Wing series. Its animation is good, and really goes to show how much better the Wing show could've been if it didn't rely on reusing animation. While I've seen better looking animation before, Endless Waltz still looks good and leaves me with no complaints. I also found the story to be very enjoyable, it doesn't waste any time and feels like a natural continuation of the Wing series that feels complete and well rounded. I also would like to note that even though it's been over a year since I watched Gundam Wing I was never confused, which goes
to show how good of a job the filmmakers did at making this easy to follow, it also highlights how memorable much of the show is. The music is also really catchy, I already liked the original Wing series' soundtrack and this one doesn't disappoint. It's a very enjoyable watch, I'm not the biggest fan of Gundam Wing as a whole, but I still liked this nonetheless. I think if you've finished the original Wing series, you absolutely should give Endless Waltz a watch.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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