Total Recommendations: 3
If you liked
Bakugan Battle Brawlers
...then you might like
Metal Fight Beyblade
both animes address the same theme,spirit battle, teamwork,never give up on your dreams.
Anime rec by Nico04manga - Aug 29, 2023
If you liked
Yu☆Gi☆Oh! Duel Monsters GX
...then you might like
Bakugan Battle Brawlers
Is similar with Yugi world because they have monsters;cards;aventures etc.
Anime rec by Nico04manga - Aug 17, 2023
If you liked
Hajime no Ippo
...then you might like
Kuroko no Basket
Because both of them have the same theme,lesson.
Anime rec by Nico04manga - Aug 16, 2023