Dec 1, 2014
Tsugihagi no Kanojo, or Patchwork Girl, is a tragic story following Kokokudou Yuuga, a teenage male terminally ill with an ailment called Type-1 Fulminatic Diabetes, and Kurotani Rimu, a girl with an exceptionally weak heart. He has five days left to live. She has one month. Is five days really enough time for love to blossom between the two?
Story: 8/10
I was mostly satisfied with the story. I do feel that at the very end, however, that the writer dropped the ball, extending it beyond what, in my opinion, should have been the final conclusion.
Yet, because the first two chapters were so
well-written the end made me feel all the more dirty after reading it.
Art: 7/10
Nothing in particular to write home about. I found it neither exceptionally good nor bad.
Characters: 9/10
The mainstay of the short manga, the characters are what draw in readers. Yuuga and Rimu made such a good couple that I couldn't help but empathize with them.
In particular, Yuuga's internal struggles with his own mortality were exceptionally well-handled, and his actions make him by far the star of the show.
Yuuga's Father I thought was a necessary and well-done character considering the amount of time that he's seen for, yet I also felt that he was unrealistic. Such a sadistic person would never become a doctor, much less the chairman of a hospital.
Rimu, however, I have an issue with. She seems to be the fragile, weak girl in the beginning, but by the end does a complete 180, and gives meaning to the name of the series.
Enjoyment: 7/10
After reading the first two chapters I'd felt as though I greatly enjoyed the series, although after reading the third, not as much. I still found it a good and enjoyable read though.
Overall: 8/10
It's only three chapters, and it's a very interesting and thought-provoking read. As a word of caution, however, it will destroy your faith in humanity irrevocably.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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