If you liked
Bokura no
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Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Kai
These series aren't alike at all really. But at the same time there is something that sort of reminds me of the other. While in Higurashi the characters are close they aren't so much in Bokurano. There is an hanging feeling of hopelessness and despair in Bokurano because of what happens to the pilots of the Zearth the same hopelessness and despair is easily found in Higurashi too.
If you liked
Kaibutsu Oujo
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Soul Eater
Both have a creepy gothic atmosphere (although Soul Eater stresses it more) dealing with monsters or evil souls. On the surface they don't seem very alike but if you liked one you might enjoy the other too.
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Both are very similar but different too. Some of the characters share same roles and strange creatures/monsters play a big part too. Both look sort of the same in style (but Mushi-Uta looks much nicer). One big thing is that Mushi-Uta is way better anime and Ayakashi is very gory.
If you liked
Rozen Maiden
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Kagi Hime Monogatari: Eikyuu Alice Rondo
Both about girls fighting each other to achieve something involving 'Alice'.
If you liked
Strike Witches OVA
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Sky Girls
Both feature young girls in a military-scene who fly through the air with heavy machinery doing their jobs. Also, both both started out as OAVs and have (or going to) anime series.
If you liked
Erementar Gerad
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Shining Tears X Wind
Both feature a large cast and a unique(ish) fantasy world. The females of either series also double as weapons. So that's fun too.
If you liked
Rozen Maiden
...then you might like
Kaibutsu Oujo
A boy is forced (although one is more willing) to become a servant of a bossy aristocratic type. More characters are added, first as enemies but the duo usually ends up befriending them.
If you liked
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Boku no Marie
They share lots of similar riles even though Marie is less child-like and mindless than Chi. But if you liked Chobits you might like My Dear Marie, both feature guys with robot girlfriends in ecchi situations!
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Shugo Chara!
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Sugar Sugar Rune
Both focus on a magical girl going after magical items that have effects on humans around them.
If you liked
Rozen Maiden
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Creepy, but in a good way. Cute, but in a fashionable way. Funny, but in a dramatic way. And just enough to leave you hanging on until the next volume.
If you liked
Rozen Maiden
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Saint October
They have (almost) the same character designs and atmosphere.