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20th Anniversary My MALentine Story
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Dec 20, 2023
An intellectual goth's dream right here.
Everyone I know calls this show "One of the most underrated anime", "A hidden gem", etc. And overall I did like it. Do I think it's like the best thing ever? No. But it's a cool show.
The concept right off the bat is real high brow. Like this isn't a show you put on in the background while doing dishes. You gotta focus to know what's happening. Usually those kinds of shows aren't my thing but this one was cool. It's a great mix of very dark concepts and dry humor. Even the times where things were more
graphic were never over the top. The cast of characters is pretty small but it's a good blend of personalities and there really wasn't anyone I truly hated. Everyone had something I liked. The music also was great. Not just the theme song (Although picking such an upbeat tune for a show where people are playing bar games to death is kind of strange) but the scene music too was killer.
But I was never really "hooked". Like I enjoyed watching it but I wasn't dying to know what was going on. And the art style at times was a bit off putting. IDK if it's the studio or just a choice but it wasn't my cup of tea.
I think if you like more dark and thinking shows, this is a good fit. But it's not for everyone, and that's fine
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Dec 10, 2023
I am not lying when I tell you that watching this film healed a deep wound in me.
The art in this film is stunning and breathtaking like all Ghibli films, but there’s a new style to it. It’s almost like a touch of softness from pastels or water color. It adds a wonderful dimension that’s unlike previous films. The use of music, especially in place of characters speaking is a new choice that had me on the edge of my seat every time. I felt that if I had made a noise I would’ve broken the characters focus; that’s how powerful it was. And
of course the scenes with swelling, thunderous vocals with music are just incredible. The plot line is meandering in a way that captures your heart throughout the journey. A wonderful cast of characters that are able to walk the line between gripping drama and fantastic comedy. Every single emotion will be felt.
But what puts this film at the top, and I do not say this lightly: I genuinely felt myself being healed of a deep emotional pain while watching this.
For some personal context my father loved Ghibli films, and many of my best memories are discovering movies with him. He passed away a few years ago and my mother has since found someone new. I have a lot of turmoil and trauma surrounding it, but my mom is happy with this man so I bottle it up and smile.
And without spoiling too much of the film, watching this film was almost like a way to recapture watching with my dad. I could almost feel him sitting with me in the theater enjoying every second. And throughout the events of the film I could feel my pained and bitter heart soften. It was as if I was beginning to work through and accept some of the struggles I had kept deep in for so long. No this film didn’t cure my troubles, but it did make me feel less alone about them for a while.
I implore you to watch this film with nothing but intrigue and excitement. You will not be disappointed.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Nov 6, 2023
Now this is some goofy romance right here.
I am obsessed with the whole "arraigned partnership but it's okay because we end up falling super hard for each other but more importantly we become better people for it" trope, so when people started recommending this show to me I was in. And overall I do really enjoy this one. The art style is one of my favorite parts. It's so soft and simple and just makes you feel so cozy. And I love watching all these characters I kinda hate at the start grow and change into wonderful people. A part of me sees myself
in Tamahiko; the way they depict disability and mental illness is very realistic. He believes he can't do a lot because everyone around him constantly thinks he can't do anything, so what's the point in continuing living? It's a very raw and powerful thing to show so honestly in an otherwise lighthearted show. But they do it very well in a way that made me want to keep watching. And I commend the creators for it.
The one part that was a little rough was the absolute whip lash in the first couple episodes. The tone shift from "Active unaliving talk" to "Uwu teens in love" happens in like .3 seconds which is a little stark to see. But it mellows out more as the show continues and honestly adds to the comedy so don't worry too much. If you are a bit more sensitive to those kinds of topics just be careful in the beginning.
Overall if you life goofy romance or historical stuff this is a great pick.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Nov 4, 2023
This movie is so unbelievably strange.
Let's start with the positives; it is a pretty good film. The art style is captivating, especially with the use of light and shadows throughout. It's a beautifully fantastical world with so many twists. Watching the characters grow as they interact with each other is really great. Overall I did enjoy watching it.
But there are so many scenes where I felt like I had to physically stop the film just to comprehend what the heck is happening. Just rattling off there's a scene where a little adorable cat is eaten by a creature in a really gorgeous and
tear jerking way, the main characters get eaten, there's a giant hole in the middle of the earth, multiple people die like multiple times like it's nothing, and that's just the tip of this very confusing ice berg. By far the most confusing is the adult dude (I forget his name) because I don't what his deal is. The whole movie is really just trying to figure out if he's a good protective figure to the others or a creepy adult that needs to be kept 50 feet from the nearest school.
Basically no matter what you're going into this movie blind. At no point did I know what was going to happen next but by the end I was satisfied where I ended up. If you like more mythical films like the Cat Returns, Tales of Earthsea, etc you're probably gonna enjoy this film.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Oct 17, 2023
WOW Do I have a lot of emotions about this
I'm fully convinced if you work for MAPPA you don't ever sleep because before I can even talk about the body of the show I first have to talk about the art. The use of color is breathtaking and the animation is so captivating. Absolute stunning visuals, you will not be dissapointed.
Starting this show you come for the action. It's an anime about ninjas and samurai and epic battles in an incredible fantasy setting. What you STAY for is Gabimaru being babygirl. 13 episodes of watching this child (Whatever age you think all these characters
are you are wrong I fully thought they were all adults but no I'm 22 and older than like 99% of the characters) and I want nothing more than for Gabimaru to live a simple, happy life.
There's such a great balance of dry yet adorable humor and intense emotional turmoil. I know a lot of people were talking about this show before I started it but I really did not expect to be laughing as much as I did. Yes you will be in tears by the twist in the last episode but even still I'm cracking up. There's such a wide breath of personalities and watching how they all interact is so much fun (I warn you know you gotta play by Attack on Titan rules for getting emotionally attached to the characters because if you don't you will be very upset).
Cannot wait for the next season. I might have to go and get the manga just because I need to know how this all plays out.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Oct 12, 2023
Probably one of the greatest Japanese films of all time.
A lot of anime/manga romanticizes Japan. And coming from an American viewpoint, we in the US also tend to romanticize it quite a bit. Always talking about how advanced the technology, how beautiful the scenery is, and how according to what we watch there's practically nothing wrong with Japan.
But that's just not the case. Like any other country, it has it's darker side. And this movie shows it. Discussing what it's like to be homeless, the treatment of gender queer people in mainstream society, the pressures many young people face, the unrelenting heartbreak of
life after pregnancy, especially when things don't end as well as you hoped they would.
This movie is gritty, a punch to the stomach, and will leave you in tears. It's the kind of journey a lot of movies, especially animated ones, just don't take you on as often. Visually it's beautiful, the art is so real and raw. The voices are great; I've seen in both dub/sub and there's things to enjoy about both so you can't go wrong with whichever you choose. I strongly encourage everyone to sit down and take the time to watch this film, probably more than once just to process it all. You will not regret it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Sep 20, 2023
Screaming crying throwing up hitting my head agaisnt the wall and doing it all over again at how sweet this anime is. I had seen it being hyped up for MONTHS before it started so I was already really excited.
I am not lying when I say this show blew my expectations out of the water.
Every single character is so interesting and makes me want to know all about them. From Kiyoka and Miyo to all the supporting characters. They are all really well written and the way the two main characters change throughout is really wonderful to see. The art is stunning; especially
all the emotion in the eyes. The use of light is also really well done. Each new episode had me screaming and blushing at watching the relationships grow. It's also a lot of fun to see the supernatural aspects come in. In the first few episodes they're mentioned but not touched on a lot, but by the end it's front and center and it's really cool. I can also definitely relate to some of Miyo's struggles, so watching her grow was almost therapeutic in a way. Like if she can, maybe I can too.
Also let's all be real the men in this show are GORGEOUS and I am in fact simping.
If you enjoy good storytelling or supernatural or romance or are just looking for something to make your cold dead heart warm a bit THIS IS THE SHOW FOR YOU! And personally I am already counting down the days until Season 2 comes out.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Apr 20, 2023
I remember seeing ads for this one in my other shonen jump mangas growing up so I figured I'd give this one a shot. The premise really resonated with me. I loved writing stories and even now I still draw my own comics. So I got the first volume and gave it a shot.
And yall I was SO BORED. There was just nothing really going on. The plot was super slow, none of the characters were that interesting, and just overall it didn't captivate me the way other manga has. I will say the art style was really nice; very crisp and gorgeous detail
I'm not trying to bash this in a mean way. I've heard a lot of people talk highly of the manga and the anime adaptation is well. Maybe I just didn't go into with the right headspace. So if you do like the premise and go in knowing it's gonna take a hot minute to get going, give this one a shot! It just isn't too my taste.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Apr 20, 2023
Let me preface this by saying I tried SO HARD to like this anime. The manga was written by one of my all time favorite mangakas of all time, I'd heard really good reviews of it, and it seemed like something I'd love.
And to be frank, I don't really have a clear reason WHY I don't like it. Objectively it's not bad. The comedic timing is spot on, the storyline is intriguing, the characters are wonderful (I watched dub bc J Micheal Tatum but I assume the sub is also good), and that opening song is an absolute CLASSIC.
But it just isn't for
me. I tried and made it through over half the season but I feel I just did not vibe with this one. Maybe it's because I've just seen a lot of straight romance animes, maybe it's something else. I'll probably give the manga a shot one day, but this one just is not for me.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Apr 20, 2023
I remember at the start of the Rona everyone online was talking about this show. So, 3 years late I finally decided to give it a try.
Overall it's a decent watch. The characters are fun and unique (Snack girl is the best character trust me). The art is well done, a lot of really nice cinematography. Having adult characters is always fun and I did get to see what law enforcement is like in Japan. And the plot twist at the end really gets you so I give them a lot of credit for filling this show full of twist and turns without feeling
too out of place.
But it didn't wow me. It met my expectations as a good show but didn't blow me out of the water. It was fine and I enjoyed myself but I think it was definitely overhyped (My guess is that it's 2 main male characters in a show with like 3 female characters in the whole thing so you know).
I will way what is worth the watch about it is the comedy. It has FANTASTIC comedic timing and humor. More than once did I have to pause the scene because I couldn't stop laughing. The best one comes in the fourth episode and it's simply beautiful.
So yeah give this show a watch if you're interested. It's not a waste of time by any standard, but it's not like the best thing since sliced bread.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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