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Jun 23, 2016
Important note before read: English is not my native language.
This review can contain spoilers.
As somebody who enjoyed the original anime of NGE, I must say that the tetralogy of Rebuild had potential to show us a different way that the original anime may have taken in 1995 but it couldn't because of Gainax's bankruptcy situation in those years as NGE was going to be their last work. But, thanks to many people who supported the franchise with the summary movie Death and Rebirth, Gainax was saved and produced The End of Evangelion which answered some questions that the anime left unanswered and, why not? it
left some more unsawered questions.
When I watched the first movie of Rebuild I said myself: "Neh, more summary movies but now remasterized and with better animation", but when I watched the second movie I regretted and definitely ended loving the new movies.
Evangelion 2.0 was unforgottable: the animation, the character development (Rei's development was definitely the best of all) and a new interesting character, the soundtrack and most of the annoying mental jackets finally removed.
As somebody who hoped the third movie to be the best of all and wait uncountable days for the premiere and when I finally watched it after months of waiting, I said:
"What the hell were the writers thinking when they released this?. They even sponsored the movie in trains in Japan and this is the final product?"
This movie it's worse than awful: It is as if somebody had put your head in a washing machine, you had been slapped in the face, then somebody had ejaculated on your head, they've been given you a mint ice scream and before you'd realize they put it in your ass!.
Story: 3
The story makes no sense: The story is set 14 years after the Near Third Impact but does not even explain what the hell is going on. There are tons of plotholes, incongruences, continuity errors and canon-smashers everywhere:
-When and how was the Evangelion-01 placed around the Earth's orbit?.
-Why was WILLE founded to destroy NERV and why are they trying to destroy the organization that once belonged?.
-What happened to the Ayanami Rei that Shinji saved from Zeruel? Was she not with him into the Evangelion-01? Why he has gone out and she did not?
-The Impacts are now so frequent that they should be announced in the weather news.
-There have been many new Evangelions but they jumped the 7th.
-Why the Evangelion-09 does look as primitive as the Evangelion-00?.
-The Cassius Spear... eh? how many spears are there?.
-Kaji is still alive? In this continuity he have not yet done enough anything to get killed.
-It is my or NERV has now just 4 people? at least in the movie apart from Gendo, Fuyutsuki, Ayanami and Kaworu a soul is not seen by the facilities of NERV ... and there is not a fucking maid! Who maintains and / or build the Evangelions?? and above all, who pays the bill? (Could be Seele, but hey, is one of the things I liked about Evangelion, I mean the "realism" in this sense). In this everything seems to work alone, without anyone to take care of anything, and of course do not explain how they developed the Evangelion 13, the MK-09 and those flying Evangelions that are saucers with bug pins (yeah, they are EVAs, I've read somewhere).
-In this movie Toji's sister is introduced a little more... What has been of Touji and Aida? And by the way, what happened to the rest of the world? because what you see in the movie around the planet is a desert.
-The Nebuchadnezzar's Key... Is it a relevant object or the writers don't know what it is for and they think that we are fools thinking that we have forgotten that it exists?.
-How can Kaworu be the 1st and the 13th Angel at sametime? By the way, they have jumped on the 11th angel.
-The Evangelions do not needed external power supply? They have now infinite energy without a reason. If we remember, in the original anime the Evangelion-01 devoured Zeruel and assimilated his core and developed his own S2 Engine but in this movies, the EVA-01 did not eat Zeruel and it has not S2 Engine. Does now all the EVAs developed their own S2 Engine from the ass?.
-How and when was the 12th Angel placed into the EVA MK-06?.
-What the heck is that bullshit about the "EVAs curse"?.
Characters: 2
Oh man, the characters had a great development in the previous movie and this movie just ruined everything:
-Shinji had finally become an "adult" in the previous movie that could take decisions by himself and not let himself to be dragged everywhere by others... but now, he has returned to be the same crying baby with depressive problems as in the beginning.
-Asuka became a Big Boss 2.0. Nothing else to say.
-Ritsuko... is Ritsuko.
-Misato passed from being the only person in NERV to care for the pilots, to a screaming bitch who uses everybody for her own sake.
-Rei "misteriously" disappeared from the EVA-01 and a new and even more autist clone replaces her wasting all the development she had in the previous movies.
-Kaworu: By far, the writers did something in this movie with Kaworu that they could not do in the original anime, the manga or End of Evangelion movie: The characters pleases everybody. Seriously, is attentive with the protagonist, has a sense of humor, he is the only one that explains things to Shinji as well he comforts him.
-Mari was overshadowed by other filling characters having minimal presence in the movie.
-Gendo... is Gendo.
Art: 6
The 2D animation is great but, I felt the excesive use of CGI really unnecessary.
Sound: 8
The classical composition with pieces of art from Beethoven fit correctly with the scenes. He stills being one of my favourite compositors of all time. Sadly, the music was not enough to save this movie.
Enjoyment: 3
I almost fell asleep during the film, all I waited during an hour and half was the end of the movie or at least some answered questions.
Overall: 3
I don't recommend this movie not even to the greatest fans of Evangelion. If you watch the first two Rebuild movies, STOP! and don't go any further from 2.0. Consider the ending of 2.0 as the true and absolute end and forget completely that there is a third movie.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Feb 26, 2016
I'm not lying, this will be the best "masterpiece" of all anime you will ever see.
These japanese are geniuses. Why spend billion yen in excellent animation studios, writers and directors of quality if they can best be filming a lot of clay people transforming their food in the stomach into something more "exquisite"?.
When I saw this "masterpiece" I felt my life finally completed and I would never need to achieve my goals in life. I would rewatch this "masterpiece" again and again all days of my life during the morning, the afternoon and the night to clear up my mind.
One minute is just what you
need to open your mind. You will not find another "masterpiece" in the anime like Shitcom.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Nov 27, 2015
This review can contain some spoilers.
English is not my native language so, excuse my grammar errors.
Well, I finished this OVA the same day I finished the anime of DW. Now, where shall I begin?
This OVA presents us Senji (aka Crow) as the main protagonist and it focuses in his past. Pretty interesting, huh?.
Sadly, this was nothing but a complete filling OVA. There can be some scenes that are not filling but almost all the OVA was it.
There are many characters that do not appear in the manga, although some of them were created to give more depth to Senji's personality and relationships, most of them
didn't add anything to the plot and left the main story as inexistent. Keigo is the perfect example because the main antagonist of the OVA it should have been Ikazuchi Akatsuki. If you readed the manga you will realize that Ikazuchi was the main responsible of the dead of Senji's comrades and his imprisonment. However, all Ikazuchi's time on screen was overshadowed by Keigo leaving Ikazuchi as a background character that did... nothing. Because of this, the part where Senji was accused and imprisoned is not shown.
I think Senji and his comrades were the only thing that prevented to give a lower score to the OVA.
Overall: 4
This OVA promises but fails. You can consider it just as a "wasted potential" OVA. Watch it under your own risk.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Nov 6, 2015
Warning: This review can contain spoilers. Read only by your own risk.
Dragon Ball blasted this year, with a new movie, a new anime series and officially declared May 9th as Goku Day. But we came to talk about the movie.
I'll start by saying this: I liked the film... until the part where the beatings begun, there after the movie was falling to my taste so much that came to my mind the idea better get out of the theater.
But before dwelling on this boredom that caused me the film, I will say what I liked:
-Art: 8.
The animation of Battle of the Gods was very
good, but still could not help feeling that there was "something" that did not fit the picture. Now in F, animators greatly improved animation, for example, in the last film was little hair thing organic Goku not sit here.
-Story 5.
Actually, seeing the synopsis briefly were giving, were some things that left a bad taste, but since seeing the film, I thought some of them were well excused and doesn't left you with the idea that Toriyama had forgotten his own canon. But beware, they maybe covered the issues that concerned me before seeing the film, but does not mean they have committed other horrors that I will explain later.
Anyway, now it comes what I did not like.
-Sound: 5.
At first, the music. I don't mean that it is bad, it is non-existent! The music was not heard, and you had to distract a bit from the movie to see if you heard something. Throughout the film I heard only two songs, and one of those was the theme of the movie who kept shouting "Frieza! Frieza!" like twenty times in the chorus (which by the way is not nearly as good as Hero FLOW).
-Character: 4.
Another thing I did not like was the choice of the leading cast to fight Frieza. I understand that 18 has been stayed home to care for her daughter, I applaud that also the fact that Chaos and Yamcha to stay hidden out there to not be killed and a new meme of Dragon Ball.
"Hey Yamcha, have you seen...?"
[Insert here Yamcha Death Meme]
"What?! But if we're not even fighting!"
But what the hell, Toriyama?! What are Roshi and Ten Shin Han doing there?! Roshi stopped being support since the saga of Piccolo and Ten Shin Han two after, when Nappa used him as mop.
The next downside is that this film use information that it's not on the series or films. At the start of the frame we see Jako the Galactic Patrolman.
Now, I'm sure everyone here knows that Jako is the protagonist of a proto pseudo-prequel manga Dragon Ball. The problem here is that many of those who watched Dragon Ball did not read that manga, so when Jako appeared and mentioned Bulma's sister ... not only the children said What? But also many of the adults who accompanied them.
The problem with Jako is that it is just a meaningless pretext to warn the appearance of Frieza, when that same role it could have made any character that can detect the ki, because when Frieza went to Earth for the first time and Future Trunks kicked his ass, all the warriors could even feel it even when I was still far away. As someone said: "The reference is only good if everyone understands", and outside of Japan I think the vast majority did not understand the reference that Toriyama put.
-Enjoyment: 4.
But ... this is Dragon Ball, and as such you can not ask for a perfect and error-free argument. Dragon Ball needs only two things to be good: good comedy and good fights, and the film complies with that in the first half of the film, good comedy and the action sequence of the few Z warriors gathered against Frieza's eight thousand troops is great, but when Goku and Frieza show stellar transformations of the film, the thing starts to stink.
I have no complaint about Golden Frieza, Toriyama knows explain it without sounding ridiculous. What was a complete stupidity was that of ...
"I am a Saiyan God who became Super Saiyan"
¡Tori! Really there was no need to create a transformation for the transformation of the last film, which incidentally the transformation is useless because Beerus defeated it in a matter of seconds.
It would have been Goku this time could control the Divine Ki, as far as I was, in the last film he did not control and therefore Beerus managed to use him as mop, so Goku could demonstrate the power of this transformation he could not in the last film could have been a good reason. This new transformation seemed no more an excuse to sell more toys and DLCs in videogames. Tori, I never thought you'd fall so low to the point doing pure nonsense with your franchise as Kuramada just to make easy money.
After the bad shot of the Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan is passed, one would say "well, at least now the fight will be good". Nope. The fight is boring. In Dragon Ball Z and movies of this, we know that Goku (or whoever the protagonist) will win, but when it comes time, the enemy is infinitely more powerful than our hero and that's exciting to see when Goku can finally win. Here throughout the fight I kept saying "No, Frieza will not defeat Goku".
The height of the ridiculous is the way that Frieza takes advantage in the fight against Goku ... making one of his minions to shoot him in the back with a laser gun! I need to say how ridiculous was that? If it had happened when Goku was in normal mode it would have been passable, but they shoot when in Full Power Mode, when that transformation has endured more powerful attacks coming from Frieza in Full Power Mode.
In the last film we had people complaining about how ridiculous it was Vegeta singing in an attempt to calm Beerus, well, now where's those same people complaining that according to Toriyama, to beat Goku only takes a pistol and grab him neglected even though is at its most powerful transformation?
And I don't want to continue with what follows: A Deus Ex Machina shoehorned only to rob Vegeta's glorious moment, that when he finally is going to fuck the motherfucker that made him miserable his childhood just after Vegeta has saved Goku. Tori seriously, do not do that, do not create a badass moment which justifies have held half an hour of crap, and then you wash your ass in the last three minutes with it (literally).
-Overall: 4
In short, what is my final verdict on the film? This: it is a typical movie Dragon Ball Z added nothing to the plot (which has been forged since the previous film) and it was only fan service for those who do not like the previous film under the guise of "is a lot of comedy and nothing of Dragon Ball".
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Apr 26, 2015
English is not my native language so please excuse my grammatical errors.
When I realized than Sui Ishida wrote part of the story as an alternate route to show us the story he couldn't put in the manga where Kaneki goes with Aogiri I had hopes than this season could be great. But sadly, Pierrot decided to make some "changes" to the story of Sui Ishida and in the end we only had a bastardized version of Pierrot.
Story: 3
Let's start with the most important thing: The story promised, with the participation of self Sui Ishida the first episodes could see some improvement as we saw the
last season. But as always we had the bad way by Pierrot who took things his way altering things like [insert here] wished, and finally we had a story more than loose ends left us even more holes in the plot. The arcs ends abruptly and immediately they jump to another place without telling us when did it begin the new arc. It's like Pierrot had said "Sui Ishida just give us a great idea, but we'll read his story shortly after starting it because after all when we start reading know where it leads and then we well do the rest with a few changes to his idea". Changes that eventually became the greatest of all the problems in this season leaving plot holes everywhere:
-Kaneki left Aogiri after some time, but why? That's not explained.
-What happened to Matasaka Kamishiro after the attack of Aogiri to the Ghoul Detention Center? That's not explained.
-What's about Irimi and Koma after the Anteiku Raid? That's not explained. If you want to know what happened to them read the manga.
The Anteiku's Raid Arc was one of the most important arcs in the story and Pierrot ruined each of the aspects about it. The entire arc was used by Pierrot as an excuse to throw us various fights with weird movements and you don't even know who is fighting against who. In the manga, this arc shows up more dialogues and story than fights. Kaneki's encounter with Hide and the mind corruption because of his kagune was one of the key factors that triggered his final transformation which led him to his final destination to meet Arima. Pierrot destroyed each of this factors and "softened" them becoming this part of the arc incoherent with the manga story. I think I need not say that the meeting between Kaneki and Arima was part of that, right?.
Characters: 2
The poorest part of this season were the characters. Almost all of them were overshadowed. Kaneki who last season had developed and evolved, here he don't showed no change at all. It seemed that he makes things just because and didn't have any specific target to meet. Well, let us suppose Sui Ishida had really planned to fulfill objectives had Kaneki, but we know that Pierrot always do things their way, and they put aside that part of the plot. Touka was the only character saved from being overshadowed, she showed up more emotions, frustrations and changes in her personality, this can be because she had enough time on screen. However, characters like Tsukiyama, Uta, Renji, Hinami, etc. appears just thrice in this season and almost all of them with three or four dialogues that last after a few seconds. The backstory of them was explained in the manga, here their past is completely unknown.
Sound: 8
Leaving aside the already often mentioned Opening and Ending Theme discussions, I will talk about the background music and from what I see here is noticeable that almost nobody has talked about anything other than the Opening and Ending theme. The background music is simply amazing, it has hints of suspense in certain scenes and other orchestral touches that will amaze you.
Art: 6
The colorization and backgrounds are well made, the atmosphere of each of them is perfect. But one thing that annoyed me is that censorship is still present, although he no longer was well as in the first season, on the few occasions I saw censorship was most annoying than ever: The censorship when the Yasuhisa sisters are stabbed with the knifes of Suzuya it's the most ridiculous censorship I've seen through the series.
Enjoyment: 4
Personally, I expected a good alternate history and more with Ishida writing it, but you can never expect anything good from Pierrot because they always want to do everything his way. In the end we only had a plot full of holes and a story that is unrelated to the manga.
Overall: 3
I don't recommend to the TG fans to watch this. If well the first episodes are some good, later the story turns drastically into a different thing making it impossible to take it seriously.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Apr 11, 2015
This is the weirdest and creepiest "Anime" short I've ever seen. I don't know if this can even be considered an "Anime". If you are looking for the worst things ever made in Japan, welcome to the bottom of the bottom of the barrel.
Story: 1
Don't expect anything from it, the story it's just about the daughter of a good family celebrating her strike and... that's all, nothing more. According to the genres tags, they say this thing is comedy, but I couldn't find anything about "comedy" or "funny" during the 3 minutes I watched this thing.
Art and Animation: 1
The characters are extremely weird, deformed and
indescribables. I couldn't find a definite form in their designs: Sayuri it's a strawberry-like thing with a big and a small eye, Mama and Papa are sausages-like things with many arms (?).
Sound: 1
Nothing to say, all I heard being said by the characters was disturbing and the music didn't help.
Characters: 1
What characters? They are just deformed and perturbating creatures doing nothing. This short has only 3 minutes of duration, so don't expect them to be developed or multidimensional characters.
Enjoyment and Overall: 1
If you don't want to waste three minutes of your life that you could use to do more important things, you MUST NOT watch this.
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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