This is going to be a combined review for the manga and LN since the manga is a faithful adaptation and for the sake of brevity I will be referring to this series as ID (Instant Death.)
This review will contain minor spoilers.
Upon first impressions ID may come off as a boring run of the mill isekai/OP protagonist story but it is actually a fantastic satire of the genera that keeps the reader interested with fun scifi and fantasy concepts and the mystery surrounding the main character.
ID is better viewed as a hodgepodge of scifi and fantasy concepts loosely tied together with a basic plot rather than a big connected story. The story goes by a formula of setting up 4 or 5 side plots based off different scifi and fantasy concepts, having them all merge together in one huge cataclysmic event before it gets resolved and the MC moves on. This may seem repetitive but it is executed well, even with the main characters overpowered ability you are still excited to see how things turn out.
However not all is perfect. The main plot is virtually non existent and only serves to give the MC a reason to move from A to B plus with so many side plots you are bound to be bored by some of them.
ART: 5
The weakest part of this series by far. There are some good panels every once in awhile but the art, especially in the beginning is very mediocre. The action scenes are particularly bad but most of the series is dialogue or exposition so that's not a huge deal. The artist does seem to be improving so that's a good sign.
Despite all of the side plots, there are very few main characters in this series but each has their purpose. Yogiri the main character without common sense, Tomochika the straightman who handles physical feats that can't be solved with Instant Death, Mokomoko the tech genius/spiritualist that provides exposition and Hanakawa the shameless loser who gets trapped in side plots and serves as a constant source of schadenfreude. While they do a good job filling these roles, there is no growth among any of these characters. They're decent but nothing special, with one exception.
As for side characters, most serve as executors for the scifi/fantasy concept they are supposed to represent rather than a fleshed out character, which was inevitable given how many of them there are and how the story has little compunction killing them off constantly.
The reason ID gets an 8 on enjoyment is because the best points of the manga/ don't fit into the aforementioned categories which are the subversion, of genera and mystery of Yogiri Takatou.
I said in the beginning that ID is a satire, but it is not the funny kind. The fantasy world the cast finds themselves trapped in is as fantastic as it is brutal. In a world where people split islands in half with their sword, the life of a normal human is held in little regard. In this dog eat dog world psychopathy is rewarded and the strong have no problem trampling on the weak for their amusement, for the weak have no choice to accept or face total annihilation from people who are worse. It's a bleak world but it could never have been anything else, it's a realist perspective on how a fantasy world would really look. There are plenty of other satirizations scifi/fantasy concepts in the side plots some funny, some serious and some being direct references to other media (i.e. girl who gets power by yelling in the tongue of dragons.) but they're fun to read nonetheless.
I'm not going to say much about Yogiri Takatou and his mystery to avoid spoilers, but unlike other super overpowered MC series where they just happens to be a much stronger version of everybody else (i.e. OPM, Overlord) ID handles it very differently. I don't want to give spoilers but I will say that learning about Yogiri's past and powers is my favorite part of the manga, its drip fed to you and there is very little exposition about it making the reader try and piece together themselves what Yogiri Takatou actually is and how seemingly insignificant actions or parts of his powers have horrifying implications.
If you were looking for a genera subversion with lots of fun little scifi/fantasy concepts I recommend giving this a shot.
Jan 16, 2022
Sokushi Cheat ga Saikyou sugite, Isekai no Yatsura ga Marude Aite ni Naranai n desu ga. ΑΩ
This is going to be a combined review for the manga and LN since the manga is a faithful adaptation and for the sake of brevity I will be referring to this series as ID (Instant Death.)
This review will contain minor spoilers. Upon first impressions ID may come off as a boring run of the mill isekai/OP protagonist story but it is actually a fantastic satire of the genera that keeps the reader interested with fun scifi and fantasy concepts and the mystery surrounding the main character. ... Feb 21, 2018
Devilman: Crybaby
Devilman Crybaby is one of the few anime where not only do I dislike it, I want to dislike it more than I already do.
This Review is going to have a few spoilers but there is no other way to explain some of the glaring issues at hand STORY: 2 The story of Devilman Crybaby can be broken into 2 distinct parts, before humanity learns about the existence of demons and after. Before humanity learns about demons DMCB is about hunting down demons to protect humanity whereas the other half is about the collapse of society. Had DMCB stuck to demon hunting I would probably ... Nov 23, 2017
I'm going to start my review off by saying Murcielago is not a manga for everyone. You're either going to love how ridiculous it is or you're going to find it off-putting. It's certainly an edgy manga so if that's not your thing I wouldn't bother reading it.
That being said, if you love ridiculous action, horror and comedy all mixed together you'll probably enjoy Murcielago. STORY: 8 The premise of Murcielago for the unaware is that serial killer Kuroko Koumori is spared the death penalty to hunt down people like herself. Murcielago tells it's story in arcs with each arc being a new "case" ... Nov 23, 2017
Shinsekai yori
Shinsekai Yori creates an interesting distopian world but it unfortunately runs into a lot of hiccups early on such as having a 12 minute info dump in episode 4. changing art styles for no reason in episode 5 and not knowing how much power it wanted to give it's characters. These issues go away as it goes on but my two largest issues is that some episodes feel needlessly long and rather than building up suspense they just delay what you want to see. The other is that it can be predictable at times building up to events that you could see coming a mile
Mar 20, 2016
Kanojo wa Rokurokubi
Since nobody has made a review yet I'll give it a shot.
(13 chapters released at the time of this review) STORY: 7 Kanojo wa Rokurokubi is about the everyday life of a teenage Rokurokubi, a person who can stretch their neck incredibly far. It takes place in a world where things like Rokurokubi and other strange supernatural beings are nothing out of the ordinary and live along side humans normally. Unlike most supernatural series, there is no bias for or against these individuals allowing them to use their powers freely and openly. There is no real plot (it's an SOL comedy after all) but the story does ... Nov 29, 2015
Denpa-teki na Kanojo
If you are a fan of things like deeper character development, rational thinking, realistic characters and mystery watch something else. Denpa Teki na Kanojo tries to be a showcase of crazy people, but achieves barely anything else
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Cons *Denpa Teki na Kanojo tries very hard to make it's characters seem insane, but doesn't give them a proper buildup which leads to their condition feeling forced. *It is filled with spontaneous plot developments that ruin the atmosphere (i.e. pulling information out of seemingly thin air or conveniently running into a corpse.) *The characters are often plagued with a lack of common sense abnormal even for the horror genera. ... |