Oct 1, 2022
Kakkou no Iinazuke
Not Recommended
Kakkou no Iinazuke is just a plain average slice of life anime. You thought this was a romance show? well, it is but throughout this season, we only seen the characters do things that you usually see in slice of life then in romance. Do not expect any romance happening in this 24 eps anime because you will not get any. When it comes to Harem anime, what comes to my mind is 5-toubun no Hanayome. All of the girls have some kind of charm to them that makes the show entertain and feel competitive in a way that you will not sure who will
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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![]() Show all Jun 17, 2022 Recommended So, Rikei ga Koi ni Ochita no de Shoumei shitemita. Heart just finished airing and it was pretty enjoyable for the most part. To be honest, im so glad that i have watched this series because i didnt expect it to be good. Overall, this season is slightly better than the last just because of some reasons. I dont remember that much from last season but the fanservice for this season is really something else, they really went all out on this one ( probably just me). The one thing i was worried abt for this season was that i thought that they gonna only focus ... on the main couple and imo it will be a bit boring since its basically like the first season. Thankfully and surprisingly, this season they focus more on the side characters and im glad they have the chance to shine. Ibarada was one of the characters that i end up liking, maybe not best girl, because she was damn adorable and surprisingly she has her own problem and it sucks that they didnt really spend time on it since majority of us want to know more about her. Nonetheless, i was very content with the things that we covered in this season. Of course, all anime is not perfect same goes to this anime. The one thing that i found that is still an issue from last season is the comedy. Everyone knows comedy is subjective and for me, the jokes werent the best. Although, this show is not comedy but a romance so its not big deal. Another one is , maybe its just me, but the art style in this anime is weird or ugly, idk what it is abt me not liking how the anime looks but whatever its a minor issue that i have. I have praise on how this season really delves into the side characters and how they make them more relevant than the last season BUT this one character really ruins the enjoyment that i have for this anime and that is Kanade. Dont get me wrong, the things that she went through was very understandable and its probably a Japan thing but she literally ruins the mood for this anime with her overdramatic issue. Kanade, for me, is an ok character but in this season i really find her annoying with her indecisive on what she wants? I think she's just a confused teenager or just going through puberty (lol). She even said that she doesnt want to cause problem to anyone yet she's making her senior worry abt her. The problem is that the show is going in a loop with her character and with her not wanting to find a solution to this problem makes it an infuriating to watch. I feel like its not really her fault but its more on the parents, like what the actual hell are they trying to force their own daughter doing things that she dont want to and its annoying because Kanade is not a child anymore so she couldve politely state on what she wanna do. Welp, idk i didnt like her arc at all not because i dont understand but it took way too long for her to realise that she actually can be weird. Overall, this anime is good with minor issues.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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![]() Show all Apr 19, 2022
Tomodachi Game
Mixed Feelings Preliminary
(3/12 eps)
To be honest, im not disappointed at all. Ive experienced this type of shows before so im not too fused abt this show going bad or whatever. The thing abt this show is that, its called tomodachi game. You are meant to be invested in their relationship BUT the show decided to speed run all of that and just throw us into the first game. Like how the hell u gonna make the audience care if u just gonna do that in the first bloody episode. After 3 eps, i still dont care abt their relationship and still have no clue on
why they're backstabbing each other . The friendship, as of now, seems superficial.
Also, those 2 girls need stfu because bro idc for ur forced exposition. Literally, its obnoxious to see them talking over in these eps especially the pink girl bruhhh. This show might be good by the end, but honestly im not sure anymore. They have to make me at least think that they are friends but yeahhh. the whole suspense and mystery is not there anymore.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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![]() Show all Sep 25, 2021
Bokutachi no Remake
Mixed Feelings
oh boy... here we go
I was (moderately ) hyped for this show... well because of the big 'plot' on the poster lmao and tbf this season was very mid with exception for few animes that I've watched. I watched the first ep and thought to myself that it was somewhat decent but i still think that it could be good after few eps or so i thought.... And here we are, all wrapped up, and with my score, you can probably tell what I thought of it. The premise is interesting, but the execution is disappointing because by the end of it, u don't even know what was ... the point of kyouya going back in time other than use it as plot device?. Interestingly enough this show setting is in college, which is refreshing since a lot anime deals with high school story. Unfortunately, the college setting wasnt really use that well because when i watched it, it felt like im watching yet another high school harem , slice of life, wish fulfilment anime and its really sad tbh . At first, I didn't like how kyouya solving every basic stuff for his friends but after that, the show took a surprising turn where we see kyouya is in a devastating state after what he did to the platinum gen in one ep but fear not jesus kun was able to pick himself up and able to solve a company issue in the next ep. In a nutshell, this is a decent time-waster but ultimately disappointing. This show gave me a lot of stress and irritation to see how much love this show is getting, while im sitting here and wondering how the hell u think this show is great?. its so annoying to see on reddit, mal, yt or Instagram praising tf out of this show ( yes, im well aware that enjoyment is important but like i dont even see a lot of the ppl pointing out how terrible written this story is ) .Also, im not even watching anime to be objectively critical or whatever i just wanna enjoy anime but with this anime i cant even turn off my brain to tolerate some of the writing. Every time a new ep comes out, i always try my best to enjoy this show but bruhh some of the sloppy writing in this show gives me headache. also, the fanservice in this show is stupid and weird and also completely disrupting the tone of the narrative that the show trying to potray. The choice to make kaguya's va sound like a toddler is stupid because when a scene involving her talking something important, it makes me hard to not pull a face. Talking abt aki, why does maki look exactly like her mother? geez, talking abt taking laziness to another level. The problems that i have with this series: 1. the pacing or details This show could've been more than 12 eps considering how many things that they skipped over and how badly pace it was. For example, in ep 2, kawasegawa came out of nowhere starting to accuse kyouya that he's underestimate filmmaking and basically saying her team is gonna be better than kyouya's team. Now, this could've at least expand more or show us or tell us on why kawasegawa acting like this or maybe she just plain rude ( but i dont think thats the case ) or jealous because later on the story she became somewhat friendly or not the same person as she was in ep 2 - ep 4. Even if it was abt competition ,its still weird . Moreover, they didnt even show us how good her video was and this becomes a trend where the show just gave us the students perspective or comments or how they feel abt the video presentation . Lets go on to ep 4, this is where the drama starts or should i say melodrama, kawasegawa was asked by her sister to join kyouya's team but again they jump straight to a new semester and completely disregarding kawasegawa's impact on the team. We could've seen her bonding and building a relationship with the team and kyouya ,but no, all we got was a time skip and a badly written conflict between kawasegawa and nanako. Let me breakdown the situation, they had another film presentation and what a surprise they didnt show anything abt both kyouya and this student's team video. All we had was (again) the comments from the students saying that one of the member students' team did a wonderful acting but nanako's acting was a bit robotic ,again from the student's perspective. How can u expect us, the audience, to care what kawasegawa said to nanako, for all we know nanako's acting probably didn't suck because its a matter of perspective, one can say that aki's voice is annoying asf but the other will say that its terrible. That scene can be much appreciated if we developed kawasegawa , as a new member, being implemented in kyouya's team and as well seeing her understanding nanako ( especially her personality), because for her to do that is a humiliation for nanako and besides, they won the bloody presentation so for her to do that is hella dumb. (imo) They could've done one more presentation where kyouya's team lose because of the team not performing 'seriously' ( because they want to focus on that topic so much ) and it took eiko to step up and hit reality on the team but noooo. A proper build up can make the audience more caring abt that moment and make kawasegawa to not look like a jerk. Moving on, in ep 5, this is where i got respect for kawasegawa because she knew she messed up and had the balls to confront nanako ahhh such a sweet moment but wait our beta mc ,kyouya, had to ruin that moment. im sorry but why in the fuk did u do that? who are u to say that kawasegawa didnt need to apologize? im actually baffled when that scene happened, he completely stole nanako's right and stole that beautiful moment. The first half of ep11 was weirdly pace that u are confused to how kyouya manage to solve this company's problem because we didnt see him contacting anyone or discussing with anyone abt fixing the problem in the last ep and somehow he gave a document ( out from his ass i guess ) abt this new engine. There's also a weird transition happened in ep 4, where it cut from kyouya in the share house to a cafe scene just like that. 2. Kyouya If u fully expecting to have something that u can relate with the mc or seeing the mc going through such obstacles to achieve his goal, yeah u will not get that with this anime .The relatable part of the MC starts and ends with the first episode where he is depicted as someone who has made mistakes throughout his 20s. After that, he ceases to be relatable and becomes Gary Stu/Jesus-kun where whatever problem is thrown at him, he magically resolves it(and before anyone says "he has experience from his old life", the problem with that is that, there is no "presentation/process" of him coming up with his solutions, hence, instead of looking like a genius, he comes out as someone with bullshit powers of problem-solving). idk how to describe it because throughout the show he show no weaknesses and his surrounding was sucking him off as if he was a reincarnation of god, and that's a big problem for this show is that the mc is too perfect that is too hard for ppl to root for him cause u know he's gonna succeed at it and it can be boring af. Can u tell me if this good? because later on the only 'mistake' that he done throughout this series is ruin the platinum gen ( i mean yeah that's big ) but really? the only way to make him a good protagonist is to make his character have many flaws and relatable i guess. He's adaptable, competent , op and many more characteristic of an self insert harem protagonist . Overall, he suk . idk if this is a good analogy but whatever, kyouya is basically where u completed a game and it showed that u got a bad ending and u remembered that there was a choice to either have a gun or a knife but u chose a knife instead. Usually, when a player completed the game, they will be given the ability to go back to a certain checkpoint or mission to redo or to try differently from what the player initially did and also the player will have all the abilities unlocked for them to use . Essentially, I'm saying kyouya is op because all he had to do is to choose art college and boom he have a 'perfect' life. All im saying is this show doesnt need time travel because in ep 9, where he got sent to the future by keiko, he suddenly able to do his job just like that without any confusion abt what he's got to do or anything, like the dude just stupid op. What was the point of the time travel? and mind u this dude only been in college for 2 semester and a half, i know he have experiences in the og timeline but come on. Im just gonna say that he's too lazy to find another job when he was 28 and then wuss like a little puss talking abt i wanna redo my life just to have a better future. 3. Romance I love romance story, i adore it but i have to say Mal should remove the romance tag for this anime, literally zero romance happened in this anime other than the kiss. Throughout the series, i dont see Kyouya have any sort of romantic feeling for all the girls that he met and he even said it. Literally, the decision to make aki and kyouya married was retarded, like there was never a proper build up or development in the romance department for aki and kyouya to even justified that they are married. Also, why do they ended ep 5 with a kiss and then the next ep not addressing anything abt that kiss? im sorry if a girl just kiss me, i will definitely ask her 'why did u do that?' and also what was the point of letting nanako witnessing the kiss? i though there will be a drama or something. i guess thats one more thing abt this show that makes it bad. Overall, the romance in this show serve nothing to the plot other than to please the 14 yrs old seeing their waifu end up with the mc. Zero progression in the romance part and stupid attempt to make as if nanako had a chance with the mc. Also, continue on the kiss scene was dumb because there is no real buildup to the romance scenes or context, (for God’s sake the main characters doesn’t even likes her other than admiring her art) which makes the scenes unsatisfying and coming out of nowhere. Dont watch this show for the romance because u will get none of it. 4. Time travel and keiko The time travel concept in this show is barely explored in any imaginable way and feels like it's only a plot device to works conveniently in favor of the protagonist. Questions like: "Why Kyouya? Why not Kawasegawa? Or Tsurayuki?" , "Who or what triggers the time travel?" and "Is a deep-seethed regret the prerequisite to be a candidate for time travel?" never occurs to the mc and its actually ridiculous considering how this anime trying to be realistic. Throughout the series, we never learn anything abt how kyouya got back in time and also why 'they' choose kyouya?,Questions like these, haven't been answered after 11 episodes, and if the final episode doesn't give us anything about the time travel, then it is sufficient enough to conclude that it's nothing more than plot device and it's just there to "satisfy" Kyouya's desire for change. the explanation is just stupid, how can a man got travel back in time ( he even said before that it was impossible ) and not even bother to question abt this phenomenon that is happening to him ( or at the very least tell us that he did try to investigate but didnt get anything that is useful but in the mean time, he just need to move forward) and even the second time, he didnt do nothing to question abt keiko sudden appearance and as well as how he got back in the future instead he just live his normal life just like that and able to adapt to his new job . He's a 28 yrs old man, shouldnt he know that someone's future will change if he interrupts someone's past but i guess he didnt care that he got back in time. Also, why did his goal change? he goes from i wish i can go back in time and choose art instead to he's here to help the platinum gen, whatttt???? im so confused to his logic, look i guess he's a bit retarded that he took awhile to realise that aki was a member of the platinum gen but like shouldnt u be thinking that they will become famous in the future so their problems will be sorted by their own but instead he tries to help everyone. I mean i guess it cant be helped that he had to meddle their problems but shouldnt he strategies abt how to approach this guys problems and not to disrupt their future that much. Now, he got to face the consequences that he didnt meant to do and as well was somewhat innocent from the first day since he got sent back in time out of nowhere. Look, no one is asking for the time travel to be amazingly explained or whatever but pls make it logical instead of this crap. if the show make the mc awares abt the time travel and as well make the mc'c personality less generic, i would accept that but yeah instead we got this crap. Questions need to be answered here, who's keiko and why?oh well kyouya dont care at all since his look in the last ep just says it all that this show dont care if they use the time travel as a plot device. No normal human being will react like that . In conclusion, ill say that this show couldve been better if the EXECUTION was done right and if they make this a 24 ep show and make the pacing be decent. Truth be told, this is a mediocre series and couldnt understand the positives vibe that it gets. I can see what the author is trying to tell but it turns out to be a huge disappointment, the Ln is probably better but idk. Overall, idm u enjoy this show but pls stop saying its great or a masterpiece or even good because its sure is not, it had some good moments and message but its fall flat by the piss poor pacing and story telling. If u want to watch some deep stuff, better off watching sakura sou or ping pong or even 3-gatsu no Lion than this garbage, at the very least sorata is a way better mc than this self insert mc. If u want to watch ppl make games, just watch saekano, they have better fanservices than this one. Thank god, its over.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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![]() Show all Jul 10, 2021 Mixed Feelings
For me, this is one of the most underrated and overrated show that ive ever seen. truly, don't deserve the love that it gets. People from 2010, im very disappointed because angel beats was released in the same time and defo was better than Rainbow. Here i was, thought to myself im seeing a gem but nooo. This review is just for the ppl that feels the same like me since in the forums and reviews full of ppls saying that it was good and underrated and etc lol ( SPOILERS DUHH )
There's a few characters that i liked and a few that i ... dont like that. im only gonna talk abt the seven members only since the others are just there for plot. Mario Minakami a.k.a Sakuragi 2.0 a.ka. i want Sakuragi inside of me, the start of the show i was like yeah u cool and i liked u but after fam he just want sakuragi's d so bad that he's willing to sacrifices his right hand for sakuragi like really (if u think that was heroic of an act yeah don't worry ill go in detail on that event) I understand that he sees Sakuragi as a role model but why is this show try to make him as Sakuragi's clone, like this dude literally sounds and looks like Sakuragi in the sec half of this series. how can a guy says to girl that he will beat her down and later on in like 4 to 5 eps says that he loves her like what yeah u could say that it was love at first sight or it was long ago when said that but like really? hahaha. To say the least, i don't like this character anymore Sakuragi Rokurouta, he's basically was create to be a role model for the prisoners. he's actually a decent guy but what i dont understand how did he survive a beating to his head, don't u get a concussion or be in a coma haha how strong are u? i mean i know he's a boxer but like really? throughout the story we didn't really know why or how he got into prison? All in all, i dont really have a say abt him because theres nothing to say abt him. in the end, idk lost a bit of respect to how he went out. Nomoto Ryuji a.ka colonel hughes ( he actually looks like him in the sec half of the series ) , tbh i didnt really dig his character that much since he was a dick in the beginning, he was like ohh i dont trust anyone but proceed to help joe to escape and as well as help ishahara to get sakuragi riled up. the reason for being liked that was ohh her mom get raped or offer her body to get food aand thats why i dont trust anyone, like dude come on u wasnt rich to beginning with. well, the story didnt explore onto why he didnt trust anyone other than her mom getting laid for money. Later on, he turns to an ok character for me since he did his things during the prison break and others. I dont like what happened to him later on, bro why is the story makes us believe that he was the smartest among the group and proceed to be in loved and deceive by a prostitutes...srsly?why? theres no reason for him to stoop so low like that man and i blame the author for this, u create a character known to be the brains in this team and yet u make him look pathetic. SMH Yokosuka Jou a.k.a the man that everyone wants the taste of his d, i liked him but he was kinda cringy during the series but i let him off. His backstory is actually really sad, his parent left him and get disowned by his little sister ( which was annoying god damn it). So, he decided to be a singer to one day reunites with his sister. tbf, i actually dont have a problem with this character. he was the softest among the group, when u see him u dont think he was an ex prisoner lol. Maeda Noboru, same goes for this guy.. dont think he was a bad character. Tadayoshi Tooyama, i quite liked this character, his body suited with his personality. its quite ashamed that we didnt have an arc for him. thats madhouse's fault for not giving him one, quite sad to be frank. They wasted an ep for this next character tho, Matsu'ura Mansaku, literally the joke abt him is him being dumb and they thought im gonna laugh, yeah maybe one or two times but if thats what his character , then whats the point of his character? im not a big fan of him since he did nothing for the plot other than make the girl confessed abt what happened to Mario. The problems that i found from ep 1 - 12 - Why was Sakuragi in prison? even if his father kills himself, why did sakuragi in jail...i understand if he feel responsible for his death but thats not a reason to be in jail since theres no proof of him killing his dad so why lol his mom couldve done something instead she did nothing. im so confused well i suppose its a plot hole lol like theres no reason for this to be a thing. - Well i guess, he likes to follow his idol's footstep so he decide to get his right hand get absolutely smashed for no reason. this happens when sakuragi was month away from being a free ma, he got transferred to another cell for obvious reason by sasaki since they want him dead. Sakuragi knew abt this but accept it since theres no point in retaliate to them so this is where mario's comes in. He overheard someone in the cafe or canteen abt sakuragi, and that makes mario want to ask them abt sakuragi if they know anything. and i guess that scene makes sense u know u emotion get better of u, but still i dont understand why he punch his face lol. this what pisses me off, so soldier said to Mario think before u act and literally seconds after soldier said that he go up to the prisoners and wants to apologize for his actions which is fair enough but bro why in hell did u think that they will listen to u when u said punch me as much as u want but dont hurt sakuragi. For that he got his hand smashed lol - why do they treat injuries like it was a slap on the wrist, for example, in ep4, Sakuragi got his left or right ( i dont remember ) leg get hits by ceiling collapse. u would think it will took him at least a month to recover since well we dont know the detail of his injuries but it took him for a few days and u can see him doing heavy works. and no one forces him to stop like really. Same goes to mario dude got his right hand smashed but after a few days i think he's back to normal and to make it worse he uses his hands to carry sakuragi yeah he said he was light but bro really? and hitting the sandbag as well goddd - why wouldn't turtle report to the police for the corruption happen in prison after he got captured lol what are the risk if he speaks? like dude shout at the police to make a call like wow. the show didnt even let us know what happen if they told the truth to the cops? lol at least have turtle say it to the police, even if they denied at least we will accept other than doing nothing to bring the truth out lol - this is where i lost respect for Sakuragi like how can u die like a loser? my god i understand u didnt kill ishahara because that was smart but why in the hell u didnt knock him out? are u not a boxer? or are u telling me violence is not the answer for a situation like that? one more thing, when u get stab, your first thought will be ohh let me get this knife out of me first but for sakuragi he let the knife in him for awhile until the plots wants him to remove it lol like i dont like his deat*h wasnt befitting to the character that the author creates. - The force romance in this series is so pathetic. why in the hell would sakuragi fall for setsuko like they wasnt an indication of them being in love lol. i just dont understand...the girl legit saw this dude once and suddenly he falls in love? hahaha This show is such a mess but i dont understand cant see this yeah u could say i enjoy and tbf thats the important part but bro arghhh its actually really annoying seeing the 9's and the 10's and the discussion as well bruhhh haha This is the last part for this review, the character's arc Mario's arc Now, i said it already not a big fan of him anymore, by why in the fuk did they make him fall in love with setsuko? WHYYYY? im so annoyed just let the girl moved on, thank god she did but where was the connection or the romance between them? all i can see was setsuko friendzoning him lol. i think it was three eps for his arc and wasted on setsuko and him being in a jail but tbf for that i guess they want to tell us abt why he got into jail. i dont understand why they have setsuko like no reason so im not gonna go into it since its pointless. With the prison thing, it was kinda annoying since my guy didnt want to save his own ass. although at first the prosecutor was prick well he still prick even after this, he ask him why do u punch a teacher? Sakuragi Jr. didnt say anything and his reason was he cant say it to protect the girl that got raped, my dude ur ass is abt to get in to jail again and the case was 2-3 years ago im sure she will be fine with it but in the same she dont care abt u which is dumb in itself since mario literally saves her. look i understand she got raped but cant they disclosed this information? like cant they just have her and mario and questioned what happened, like srsly. Nomoto Ryuji's arc This arc absolutely ruins him as a character. why in hell would he ever fall in love with a proustite? he supposed to be the 'smartest' but clearly not. all the three eps was literally his story abt his one sided love with that girl. smh. why not have him go to college since every time he was on the screen, the other characters mentions that he loves to study. so play on that by enrolling him to college and deals with circumstances of being an ex prisoner after that if u want to throw in a love story( because this story loves to make all the character falls in love somehow) go ahead, i wouldnt mind but legit why tho? haih. wasted potential and eps.... Tadayoshi Tooyama' arc well madhouse give us the biggest middle finger to the viewers by not giving us an arc let alone an ep. my god he was the best character in the whole god damn anime. couldnt they fit at least ep? why wasted an ep of cabbage (he legit did nothing, the joke in this was he's stupid so laugh guys). they couldve throw in his story in cabbage arc but noo.. wasted on this fatsoo ( no offense but yeah) Maeda Noboru' arc his arc was the best. no need to explain but well i guess lily's a hooker soo whatever Yokosuka Jou's arc hoenstly not bad but i want to rant abt his little sister. she was so ungrateful in ep2, i mean what so hard to say thank you in front of ur bro like he legit sacrifice himself just to meet u and u have the audacity to do that my god. after joe got captured, obviously he got punished honestly the disrespect that he got from meg was painful than the beating. so sad for joe man and fk MEG lol. and somehow she's alright later on, u expect her to be either skinny or in a critical condition but nope she's turn out to be alright. what letdown, in her description it said she was adopted by a inter gender sex offender and u telling she come out just fine. SMH. lets go with joe's arc, it was fine until ep 19 where this ep can literally summaries this show as a whole. how the manager goes from 'its too late' to ' u are trash'. makes no sense at all, like are ppl forgetting that the manager was with joe the entire time? idk understand her point at all ( go and check for urself even without context u still will find it weird) and the fight to save joe was ridiculous, the guy could've shot joe plenty of time but decided to be 'cool' and get himself rekt . also kawamata got shot on the shoulder but no one cares to bring him to the hospital, my guy literally dripping with blood but the manager was yup im not gonna call the ambulance or bring u to one lol. what is this logic mann i ramble too long, whatever man. PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, DONT WATCH THIS!!! AND PLS HIT HELPFUL BUTTON TO HELP SOMEONE INNOCENCE TO AVOID THIS ANIME LOL LIKE LEGIT IT GETTING 8.51 IS SO DUMB. If this can get higher than ex arm should get the same rating lol
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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![]() Show all Jun 30, 2021 Mixed Feelings
'What a mess of a show,my word'
If i could summaries this show with one sentence, it would be that lets go with the obvious things, Story: when i looked over the anime that will be release this season, i usually picked the one that interest me. by what i mean, is i look over their poster because i like to watch my anime blindly. so the first ep of this show just make me facepalm so hard since it defies logic ( well for me anyway ) how could u reject someone infront of a class and not get embarrassed. the funny thing is kuro still ... likes the dude i mean wth lmao. now, lets go to the actual story that ive gathered from this show. its a abt a boy name sueharu, a child actor that retired from acting due to personal reason, and follows him as he tries to pick which of his 'childhood friend' to be his lover. yup, thats it. there's nothing to the story itself like im so confuse to the point i dont even care when im watching the episodes. The story makes no sense since its literally in their title 'Romcom Where The Childhood Friend Won't Lose' and guess what all the girls are his childhood friends. Art: i mean it was okay but i do like the dance tho ( it was a pathetic attempt btw ) Sound: I dont even remember if they add sounds to their episodes... Charaters: my god, the characters are just flat and dont even have a reason to why they liked this dude, i could go on but u get the point... the only character i liked i guess is tetsuhiko. why i liked him.... no reason really i think his cool. Other than that, theres nothing to talk abt them since i didnt even care abt their existence, how can i liked them when the show just throws us many random characters 'supposedly' to be his childhood friend . Overall: Dont watch this anime. i do recommend for ppl that like to experience bad anime hahaha. Bottom line, i hate this anime since the show didnt even know what they want to be. oh yeah.... what ever happened to their cooking contest? i guess plothole lmao.... what a show
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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