Jun 5, 2021
Tokyo Revengers
Okay so I'm gonna start this by saying that is a review done before the completion of the actual anime so its subject to change in rating. With that being said this series comes out strong. Tokyo Revengers came out of no where for me and I'm soo happy I decided to start watching it. A very likeable and relatable main character and pretty flushed out story about saving the people that matter to him. Its uplifting and wholesome at times. Powerful emotion that just makes you want to scream when something is happening that makes you feel helpless. Lots of emotion constantly being felt.
Oct 18, 2014
Shounen yo Taishi wo dake!
Some people in life strike out and find themselves alone. Such is the case for poor Hibino Ryouichiro. With his life not going anywhere he decides to take an entrance exam for an art school all the way out in Hokkaido (mostly because it was an easy test that he knew he could pass). Oh and I forgot to mention one tiny thing. Hibino has never had a girlfriend before let alone any friends. Hes just a outcast that figured he would start his life anew some where else. I can't hate him for that honestly. I'm pretty sure plenty of people out there including
Jun 1, 2013
Photo Kana~
I know there are only eight episodes out for this anime but I feel like this is actually a good time to review this hidden gem. I didn't really hear about this anime from anyone and really just decided to watch it because the art looked gorgeous. And no i'm not just here for the pretty girls... Story - Photo Kana is pretty simple. There isn't a whole lot to it and I think that suits it just fine. It's a story that unfolds before you that might be predictable but still enjoyable. The main character Maeda gets a hand-me-down camera from his father ... |