Jul 11, 2024
Hunter x Hunter
I wish Togashi could contiune to manga. He literally left us with a cool and powerful chracter like Tserriednich. The story of Kacho and Fogetsu was so sad too, I hope Fogetsu and Kacho's nen beast can escape end of the arc... I really want to see those girls to escape I really wonder end of Succession Contest arc... Anyways, HxH is a very gripping manga and I fan of Togashi's art style. Sometimes so basic and sometimes so detailed. About plot, If I should compare it to other shonen mangas; HxH plot is worse than One Piece and better than Naruto. At
Jul 10, 2024
One Piece is a mainly story-driven manga, so while reading it don't wait epic fights. Personally, what I like most about One Piece is unlike most Shonens, it is not entirely based on the theme of friendship. There racism, slavery, Authoritarian Government etc... But I believe what makes One Piece one of the best manga is the fact we reading it through the eyes of bad ones. Y'know pirates are bad and Marines are good. Most shonen readers probably thought what we would see if we read it in the eyes of bad ones. I think One Piece is a good answer for