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Jan 3, 2023
A certain Anituber once said you know how sometimes you get that one anime just feels like it was made for you? I think this show is the case for me. I am a male individual to this day who still does inner monologue squeals during moments of romantic wholesomeness or emotional scenes. Blame my older sibling for making me watch K-drama with them when I was little.
This show did what Koi to Uso could not and fulfilled what felt like a certain emptiness in what I wanted to see from Love and Lies. It was a real shame because the concept of
that story was so brilliant. But when progression starts to become like a meaningless circle-jerk like what Couple of Cuckoos or Kanokari felt like to me, we start to see the cracks. Our male lead Jirou thankfully is someone who steps up occasionally during important moments and that is honestly all I can ask for. Jirou as character feels like a "two steps forward one step back" type of character, while Kanokari Kazuya is a "one step forward two steps back" kind of individual.
I love this show so much so that I have binged the show and manga in two days. The humor gets a good laugh out of me especially during the scenes where they just cut the music to silent. Hopefully the adaptational source being a monthly release means good pacing and storyline can continue, and that it is able to stick the landing as what another Anituber has said "the ending is paramount" meaning how it ends can heavily dictate how a franchise is remembered and viewed.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Jan 2, 2023
Witch from Mercury has a been a pleasant watch and is a semi-fresh take on the Gundam franchise.
It still centers around deep politics (mechas always need something to fight over) while adding some newer elements. I enjoy how our female protagonist isn't the initial emotionless badass protagonist that just knows how to fight really well, but rather a curious individual who is unfamiliar with society and how to form relationships. That however also makes her very susceptible to trickery in a world where corruption, blackmailing, bribing, etc. seem to run high, but that is why its been a great show that has been putting
me on edge. So far I can't trust anyone outside the two main characters as everyone seems to have underlying intentions (including the mother). Whether or not you find it silly with how their society is ran purely through duels, that's for you to decide. As long as they do not back pedal on their concepts (for example if they all of a sudden decide duels no longer mean anything) then I don't have a problem with it because that is just how this universe is ran. Even when things sound unrealistic, the key to making storytelling enjoyable is when they remain faithful to their concepts. Gurren Lagann has plenty of unrealistic world logic and physics, but many are willing to look over that fact because it remains faithful and consistent throughout.
I do think this show is absolutely worth a try as the protagonist is breath of fresh air that resides in a complicated society that is way past her head. Again not the usual Gundam protagonist that you are imagining, but is why I enjoy it quite a bit. It currently sits in the top half of the mecha genre for me for sure.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Dec 31, 2022
To be fair, I didn't know what I was supposed to expect after being disappointed with the manga's ending. However, I still wanted to watch the movie to close the cover on this franchise because I do enjoy the franchise and characters as a whole. There is a quote that Glass Reflection says often that always sticks with me, and that is that the ending is paramount. How a series ends can heavily dictate how you will remember a franchise and your overall impressions of it.
I can go on and on why this show does not do every quint justice in terms of romantic
development with our male lead, but if you read the adaptational source, you fully know what I am talking about. The film does not change anything, and while its probably for the best that they didn't stray away from the accuracy of the manga, it also reignited my frustration on just how poorly written the conclusion of Quintuplets went about.
Whether or not you're a fan of x quintuplet, I think that when we all first got into this franchise we were all under the impression that Uesugi was to choose one of the five sisters as a bride. This was how the story was marketed, and was the ultimate vision and mystery that captivated us and drove the very core of this show. What if I were to tell you that by the end of the movie, not only does not all of the quints get equal amounts of romantic progression with the male lead, but also it became a scenario where it was only realistically four choices? My problem isn't so much the final choice Uesugi went with, but the how illogical and unreasonable the choice was because it showed very little supporting evidence as to how we got there. There needed to be more time, but it was clear the author was desperate to wrap things up which also made the film follow suit. Overall, I can't say this film does the manga any better, but just that it finally puts a visual adaptation conclusion on one of the most popular wholesome harem series.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Sep 21, 2022
I genuinely thought this show was quite enjoyable.
There seems to be a large sentiment about this show for its initial misleading degenerate scenes of the first 2-3 episodes and albeit a very degenerate series title. However it very quickly becomes a developing story about two former lovers who explore what happened, what could have been, and would they could be in the future. No, its not realistic to today's relationship/dating standards; it's Anime. What I can tell you though was that I was able to get invested in how the two protagonists viewed each other in their own scope and their own reasonings and
mistakes for the miscommunication that went on.
I think the show did a satisfactory job in exploring both sides of the story. Finally, two characters who are more woke and self-aware than most romance anime protagonists and actually own up and take responsibility of their past actions. One of the two in particular made huge strides towards the last few episodes of the season, something that I am very happy about. I hope to see more progression like this in the future, and may consider reading it in order to find out.
Me giving this show a 7 instead of an 8 is also perfectly reasonable, but that would mean I would have to put all the degenerate generic love rom coms under it because I do think this show at least deserves a cut above the rest of those. Its not the premier romance anime that I would giving outstanding awards for, but it was enough to captivate my interest. They made me a fan of my stepmom's daughter is my ex.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Aug 1, 2022
I am not an adaptational source reader, and I can understand if coming from that you may have wanted more story and plot for the couple this movie centers on. However in my opinion from an anime-only standpoint I think this movie still fulfills it purpose on what message it was trying to get across - to show what Kyouko went through during her early life and how she overcame the feelings of loneliness when at one point it felt like there was nothing left for her.
The first 30 minutes is a quick recap of Kyo and Tohru, and I am actually okay with
that. I think if I ever wanted a quick dose/reminder of Fruits Basket and did not want to consume all three seasons again, watching something more condensed into these 30 minutes is acceptable to me. Yes I am aware we are missing the many other awesome characters that undergo development, but like I said this is a good bit-size refresher of the main couple. I myself cried a couple times during the recap sequence if that means anything.
Onto the actual new content, how I personally want to view it is that it is basically a normal Fruits Basket episode but slightly longer. If Kyouko and Katsuya were to have a background episode like the other characters did in the show, then this would be it. Again, I understand that it could have been way more flushed out, but I almost treated it as an episode of the show and to that thought it was acceptable. If I had one complaint of the show (and I know some people have a problem with age gaps but I personally don't) is that it is all intents and purpose a Cinderella story. Kyouko was at her lowest of the low, and Katsuya was conveniently there to be what she needed then and there. Katsuya was portrayed as the most ideal significant other - so ideal in fact I can't find any complaints with him. While I do hope that everyone out there who suffered from what Kyouko went through finds someone they can trust and share their burden with, this Prelude is the most idealistic of scenarios - hence a Cinderella story.
Kyouko's story taught a lesson that was painfully relatable to me and what it meant to live on even when it feels like the world is against you. Without going into too much detail I too have suffered from hurtful words from parents in the past, and at the moment it made me feel very lonely. On the flipside, Kyouko also said some hurtful words back which if you were the mother would also be hurt. It made me realize that sometimes both sides can hurt even if its not readily apparent, especially when Kyouko herself became a mother.
The most important lesson to be learned is when there are times when you feel alone and that you the world is against you, remember that there people out there who want and need you. Even if they are not readily apparent, know that you can live for others even when it feels like you yourself have lost everything. I thought this was a great lesson, and that despite the lack of abundance in overall plot the movie still manages to get this across in a very heartfelt and emotional way. If you're looking for a quick recap of the core relationship of the original Fruits Basket story paired with a backstory of Kyouko and Katsuya, then this is it. Again, I am sure a more flushed out version of this prelude would have made Fruits Basket fans feeling more content and satisfied, but I can say I am fine living with this as the message was still just as impactful.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Jul 25, 2021
My review is not to sell you on the specifics such as art and sound, but to sell you on the concept of the story and what makes it so darn good.
Bottom-tier Character Tomozaki is great because how relatable and how hard it hits home for me. The author wrote this story definitely understands the social contexts that teenagers and young adults go through. Growing up, from middle school and onwards we always see certain individuals always putting up a front; to make themselves look popular, pretty, and likeable. Whether it was the captain of a sports team or the president of your class,
there are always going to be people that go the extra mile to become someone that isn't themselves - in an effort to preserve a good public image.
I always disliked when schoolmates or friends were not "real" with me.
I think this show depicts this concept very well while maintaining a good amount of that usual enjoyable anime humor. There are going to be people who are going to be "fake" and will always be putting up a front when they're at school or other social gatherings. That's just the way society is - everyone wants to be popular and likeable. But then there's going to be people like Tomozaki - the bottom of the barrel, someone who does not care about their personal looks and public image. This show talks about the journey of how he finally strays away from this , and ultimately how he tries to change to become someone socially acceptable. With the help of Hinami, they treat life as a game where objectives and goals need to be accomplished and met. That is, if life was that easy and straightforward.
Our main character Tomozaki starts to question what he really wants in this game of life - to continue putting up a mask and not being true to himself, or to be someone that is genuine (well portrayed from an entirely different anime) where people can like him for who he is rather than him always following a script or template that he and/or Hinami had prepped beforehand. Why are we so obsessed and stubborn to just be ourselves in front of others? Do we fear what others think of us? Is there ever a point where we're just tired of putting up this mask, a fake version of ourselves? These were questions that the show got me thinking when finishing the show.
There are going to be people who think that Tomozaki as a character might be difficult or down right cringe to watch. But you have view the anime through the scope that he was a character that was a loner and lacked fundamental social skills. There are many times where he doesn't know if what he is saying fits certain social contexts or if he is reading the room correctly. He is bound to make errors, and he is testing the waters by trying to speak the right thing at the right time.
If you want to watch something that is like Oregairu but a little less poetic and a bit more fast paced and humorous, then I think you will enjoy this show. As mentioned before, I enjoyed this show simply because how well it depicts social contexts of the modern age, and it really hits home as I've seen it time and time again growing up and going to school. Don't sleep on this anime if you're someone who is fascinated by these types of sociology concepts.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Jan 12, 2021
Tonikaku Kawaii is essentially, a romance comedy scenario where it is all sunshine and rainbows. If you just want a laid back story about a cute couple doing couple things, then you are at the right place. With that being said, that is all you're going to get. Don't expect much of any conflicts, mishaps, or drama. It's a very "goody two shoes" romance show.
Personally, I like romance shows that involve some sort of conflict, as it really drives the emotions out of me and leave me wanting more. I want to see couples develop and struggle with confessing their inner feelings for one
another. Maybe because I've read/watched too many of these types of shows of this concept. Tonikaku Kawaii is basically none of this, but it doesn't make it bad at all. It's very light-hearted, and if you're ever in a bad mood this romance comedy will lighten up your day.
* very slight spoilers ahead*
With that being said, I am slightly annoyed how they did not go into detail behind Tsukasa's background identity at all. Being an anime only viewer I am not sure if this was straight up following the way the manga was, but not knowing a single thing about our female protagonist with exception that she wants to marry Nasa really leaves the viewer in the dark. Personally I don't care to read the manga to find out but I did wish as an anime only viewer perspective that they shed some light on her. They had 12 episodes to do it.
Thats it! Tonikaku Kawaii is a good watch for anyone who likes well, romantic couples.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Nov 12, 2018
Rascal Does Not Dream of a Bunny Girl Senpai at a glance can definitely be mistaken as a typical ecchi harem. The name and thumbnail picture certainly doesn't help with this. As a big fan of SNAFU my friend kept telling me to check this show out and I finally did. As of this moment only six episodes have aired and I have rewatched all of it twice. I don't regret a single moment of it.
For starters, I just want to mention Hajime Kamoshida, who is the writer for this story. He has written both Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo as well as Just
Because! which I have not watched yet. After watching this show I became in absolute awe on how well he delivers his concepts and characters. Sakurasou was one of my all time favorites, but he hits home for me once again this time with a realistic story about adolescence, environment, and unrequited love.
Adolescence is certainly not a topic that is covered often in anime (if not at all) and although I feel like they over exaggerate the concept of adolescence a little bit, the urge to always to be liked by others and to maintain a certain status really hit home for me. This reminded me of the days of when I was in high school of how everyone seem like "sheep" all of which who just follow the ongoing trend of today's culture. This always has bothered me as I was one of the few kids who distanced myself from those types of people. Fortunately for me I was still able to find a group of friends I could be myself with. Bunny Girl Senpai exemplifies this concept this so well and so effectively and I applaud Hajime Kamoshida for understanding how the culture is the way it is today. As a viewer it has taught me that people can be extremely self-conscious of themselves in today's social society, and are always striving to impress others at the expense of their own true self. Meanwhile people who suffer from adolescence, loneliness, and depression can be easily forgotten about but are in a need of emotional help and support.
I am going to touch on environment really quickly, and how it ties in with Adolescence. In Japanese culture,there is a term known as "reading the air". Although there is no direct translation to this from Japanese to English, it essentially is being able to figure out the general mood and atmosphere that is around you. What do people think about you? Are they thinking badly of you? Are they spreading rumors? Do they hate me? The amount of pressure from this social pressure is too much to bare for some. Some change themselves in order to fit with the rest of society, however others are too scared to even leave their front door.
Aside from this interesting plot, the characters displayed in this show is nothing short from amazing. The main characters undergo a lot depth and development all of which are logical and relatable. The passive-aggressive relationship between the main couple constantly keeps me on my toes as well as providing great comedic relief. If I could only learn the charisma of these characters, I would.
As of writing this the six episodes to me divides into two character development arcs, one arc for Mai and another one for Koga. Both of them were enough to bring tears to my eyes and I am thoroughly impressed how invested I was into these characters in such a short amount of time.
I seriously recommend re-watching this now or after it is completed. I picked up a lot after watching it the second time around. It can be a little tricky to grasp everything it is trying to throw at you, but once you understand it's concepts it is both fulfilling and rewarding. The psychological Japanese concept of "reading the air" and the concept of "La Place's Demon" made me very interested into looking more into what these terms mean. I advise you pay attention to every single dialogue there it is, as you will come out questioning both yourself, today's society, and hidden symbolic meanings.
All in all I absolutely adore this anime. It's been a while since I felt this "genuine" feeling from a show and it is both original and deep. It's been one heck of a ride so far.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Jul 28, 2017
I am telling you right now what im about to say is indeed biased. I am a huge sucker when it comes to romance, drama, slice of life anime. From a person who has watched countless number of this type of genre, this show has hit all the right points for me. I could not ship the two main character enough. The relationship the two characters had came off to me as very down to earth and relate-able. If you are into this genre, there is honestly no reason to not watch this show. From feeling anxious to fuzzy to sad, this show is
no doubt satisfied all my needs in the romance genre.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Nov 23, 2016
So I actually finished watching this anime around a half a year ago, which means I am not writing this anime at the time of my "honeymoon" phase (meaning I just finished it and loved it so much that therefore may make my review bias). One thing I have to say about this show is how well they wrote the story. Nagi No Asukara sets us a story of conflict between the people of the sea and land. Throughout the show we see that Hikari and his friends are accepted by some and discriminated by others. As if this conflict is not enough, we later
find out theres this giant love triangle (more like a love octagon) going on which makes it that much more conflicting and dramatic (some of us may find this part of the show a bit cheesy). Despite that, I felt like they handled each relationship/friendship quite well in this anime as they experience jealousy and unrequited love, both which are relatable in the real world. We are also shown how different each character handles jealousy and unrequited love, as we have people like Hikari who clearly shows his jealous personality while we have Chisaki who is humble and hides her feelings for the sake of her friends. Or maybe Tsumugu, a person who is not afraid to show his feelings but at the same time is mature about it. What really sets this show apart from other dramas though is the fact they bring in the concept of a generation gap. Even when time passes, will your love always be the same? Or will you move on with life and find someone else? Are they allowed to like someone of the other "race"? These are the questions that are presented to us throughout the show and can be closely related to some of us as in real life.
Even after half a year I still can not seem to find a flaw within this anime that really stuck out to me. I felt like each character had value within the show and served a good purpose to both the theme and the plot. People may dislike a certain character's personality/behavior within this anime, but thats only because thats who they are and thats their purpose within the story.
Overall I actually give this anime a 10/10 mainly because of personal enjoyment and my strong connection towards this anime and its characters outshines the small, small flaws (if any).
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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