This anime makes me feel happy in a way i haven't in a long time. This show understands that not everything has to be deep or three dimensional. It does absolutely nothing, and i love it for that.
The characters are dumb as hell, but the male and female leads are so cute it is difficult to care. In fact, the cast as a whole is filled with positivety that you can't help but enjoy.
The plot is where this anime really shines: there is none. Absolutely nothing happens for the entire series, and it is peak.
Don't go in expecting to think at all, because they
Jan 24, 2025
Jan 24, 2025
Domestic na Kanojo
If i'm being honest, don't watch this. You can find the opening on youtube.
The characters certainly are bullshit blazing. Male lead is a bit of a wierdo and loves his sisters yum yum. Female leads are sisters and love their brother yum yum. Not much to say here, very shallow at the end of the day. The plot... the plot... if you ignore the part where they are related you get something watchable. I do not recommend this approach, you will most likely feel like shit afterwards. The main outline of the plot is the male lead is in love with his teacher, but due to ... Jan 24, 2025
Uzaki-chan wa Asobitai!
Uzaki wants to hang out is like Nagatoro but slightly less insufferable. Watch this if theres nothing better to do.
Uzaki as a character somehow manages to have no personality and MAAAASIVEEE personality at the same time, which really adds depth to the character i think for sure undoubtably naturally as a matter of course. Average romcom, makes up for their shortcomings with two big massive bundles of fun! There are no significant plot points at all. She likes him, he's a bit of a brick. Personally, this anime is a little bit difficult to watch without imagining her as a chid. do with that information what ... Jan 24, 2025
I liked it when she spoke Russian, wasn't so big of a fan when anyone spoke anything else.
Unlike most romcoms, this show has some semblance of a plot. It's boring, but arguably better that nothing. Linear and straightforward, can't go wrong with that. The characters leave something to be desired, mostly in the depth department, but at the end of the day that isn't what you are watching for. Who cares. Not much to say about this one, sort of like water. If you are looking for something funny to watch, look elsewhere (not enough Russian). if you are looking for something engaging to watch, look elsewhere ... |