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Dec 11, 2022
Hey do you think a reference to something is a joke, have you ever watched lucky star and laughed because wow i know that thing! thats an anime i watched! then leave because you aren't funny and you've never been funny nobody has ever said you were funny and nobody ever will. If you're content with that life then fine but this anime isnt for you. This anime is about people who understand the structure of a joke, it's a set up then a punchline. And it does that greatly. But if you just think the reference is a joke then go back to watching
lucky star.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Mar 6, 2021
Can netflix do anything right? they take beloved IPs like Tenkuu shinpan, or Kengan Asura and turn the anime into trash. There is no doubt that the director had a long nose in his ear saying do this do that. Even the subs are incorrect.
First off, the character isnt Rika, onii-chan doesn't mean Rika. Now you as a seasoned anime watcher might think, ok who cares, we know that means Rika is her brother. Now consider that Netflix is a platform for normies to ruin and shit up anime. Nobody who is a normie will get that, and it's just such a basic concept.
The entire story does not make sense because the subs are incorrect. Who is Rika? Why would she even care? Well its her fucking brother.
Now this boils down into why Netflix anime is so bad and they will never get it. This was a flier, they threw away money on cuties, they honestly dont care about profit, this is just another one in the wheel of garbage they churn out. They will take a beloved IP, and they will completely fuck it up. Hey you liked Death Note? How about Light is an edgy teenager named Sean and L is some dumbass black guy? Hey you liked Kengan Asura? How about we make it in CGI and don't focus on fight scenes?
Netflix will never get it, they will never understand. When you have a long nose in charge of direction who has never watched anime what do you think they will do? They tried to make this show into lesbian propaganda, that is probably the only reason they picked it up.
It's trash dont watch this read the manga.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Feb 21, 2021
I've heard alot of good things about this manga and now that it has finally ended I sat down and read it all in one sitting, surprisingly this did not take much time even though there are 97 chapters the majority of the work is textless whereas some chapters of manga can take upwards of 10 minutes to read due to how dense they are CSM is the complete opposite.
The art and concept are very cool, never saw anything like it before. The problem with this manga is it does not at all live up to the hype I do not understand why its
so widely regarded as good.
The story meanders and is all over the place. I was finally getting into the arc with Reze and then I got completely lost, it's incredibly difficult to piece together what is going on and follow along, the writing is just all over the place it feels like entire chapters are skipped with how much the story jumps around. The conclusion of a massive arc with all the build up is done in the course of one chapter, nothing is ever appropriately explained, characters completely change motivations and attitude the rules set up prior are completely broken. One of the arcs has an idea and villain introduced in one chapter only to never be brought up again, if you removed the chapter from the series the it would have no effect on the work as a whole.
There was never a power dynamic set up or explained, there are no ways to judge the strength of any of the devils, and there aren't enough battles to even have the kind of growth Denji has in power. Above all else there are no stakes, there is no fear of Denji dying at any point in the series because he just always wins. Why? Just cause. Even bleach had some kind of hamfisted explanation for a random powerup, this manga doesn't even attempt to do that.
Ok so the art is great, maybe that is why people like it. Despite the art being at a high level, the design and layout of the manga make it difficult to even tell what is going on, there is barely any variation in the design of the devils so the fighting scenes are actually the worst part of this manga, its like trying to extract meaning from modern art which is some squidward looking chick bleeding and shitting on an easel. Couple this bizarre artistic direction with the continual skips and paradigm shifts in the story and it really doesn't become worth reading when you have the option to do something else with your time.
In the end, CSM is okay, its not a 10 and its certainly not a 1. It's just ok. I probably would have dropped it had it not been so widely regarded as good. Even memekina isn't that great of a character or even fleshed out in the story. Maybe part 2 will be more coherent, I will not be going on that journey though thanks.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Jan 16, 2021
Hey you're reading this review. Welcome.
You know what this story is about its an autist discovering punani for the first time. Chances are if you are reading this you are also autistic but the good kind. You dont make noises when you hear a bus run by, you just have the god hand ability of ignoring the doggiedoo mainstream media. No worries you are in good company.
This manga recreates the feelings of ur first boner. It's not a sexual thing, its a primal urge to recreate. It's the biological imperative. It isn't a dirty thing. You just want to see some panties. You aren't a
weird gay freak molested by your teacher. You're a guy. You want to see some butthole. The main character is your avatar.
The thing this manga does great is it doesnt give you the reward right away, instead it builds, it gives you a story about whose coochi you are about to witness, it gives you every beat you need to know this is actually a good girl. Then it presents a challenge to the MC that overcomes it with his autistic powers. It boils down getting some poonani into a physics equation that us autists are going to murder. This manga is basically TWGOK without any of the gay stuff.
Its a fun ride and very based would recommend.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Jan 3, 2021
Are you looking to enjoy a story about dancing but one that doesn't include the HIV virus? Well my friend, take a look at this manga.
The story starts off great and with a bang, 20 chapters, I was firmly planted in my seat going through the pages without even touching my phone. The level of progression and pacing released dopamine hits, but then we ran into a problem. You see the content this story is based off of is just boring. I believe this is what caused it to be axed from shounen jump. The competitions are as follows, there are 4 dances
in the standard category and then 4 in the latin dance category. Some of these battles were exhilarating at first but then came the second round, where they do the exact same dances AGAIN. To top it off the semifinals and the finals include 5 dances each. So you are forced to sit through 26 dances to get fully though one arc. One competition... 26 dances! Not to mention there are separate heats for each dance. This caused the competition parts to meander on longer than necessary and I would be waiting for the story elements outside of the dancing scene which were enjoyable and fun.
The characters were tropes, the hard working loser type, the shy uwu girl. They were fleshed out with their own idiosyncrasies and became likable. Unfortunately the story suffers here because as a dance partner there is this intimate bond between the two individuals yet the story did not explore any romantic elements more so than just a few throw away lines. The unlikable tropiness of the characters was overwritten by clever comedic writing that made you want to root for them to win. There were some laugh out loud moments that you rarely ever get with japanese media. The humor and the moments outside of competitions made the journey worth the ride.
The art is mind blowingly good, especially the detail on the sexy dresses, I was popping wood half the time I was reading it and I am by no means a coomer.
In conclusion there was tons of love poured into this work, the amount of research and passion behind the dance contests and the fashion really shows. And keep in mind this guy is a mangaka so he has no athletic ability and has never done anything athletic. Unfortunately, the way dance competitions are structured is simply boring and provide no feel of escalation, that being said this work was likely one of the better ones dealing with the subject.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Mar 11, 2019
What we have here is a stylistic version of a trite plotline of monsters vs humans and the questions of good and evil. To me though this is the problem, the story was never interesting enough that there was a payoff. The whole thing was luke warm providing plot points that didn't escalate tensions, there were repeated moments where out comes were just erased in order to preserve certain characters. Miraculous victories for the MC and his group of friends for no reason.
I had this problem with Aku no Hana as well where I felt like the author doesn't understand human emotion, perhaps
he is cripplingly autistic and only experiences interpersonal relationships through media and stories, none of his own. As such the relationships of the characters don't come across as genuine and its hard to develop any emotional bond as the reader, which translates into the events that effect them not having the impact the author desired. Further the author blows his load in the beginning by localizing all the intensive action into the first arcs and he just bubbles out goo for the latter half and by the end he is curled in the fetal position still inside of you sleep farting at you.
We have several characters here whose motivations do not make sense in the context of the story, and we also have the case of a rule change for the vampires rendering the events of the first half null and void. It was like the author was backed into a corner or one day his editor who wanted to write a story herself called him drunk scream crying for a favor and he did it.
What saved it for me was the art, which was drawn incredibly well especially since the reference material for many of the panels in the book were non existent and had to be derived from the authors mind. Other influences that were clear are Starry Night by Van Gogh which made me keep turning the pages.
In conclusion, it was completely unoffensive like elevator music, didn't leave a lasting impact, didn't really excite me or make me feel anything, and overstayed its welcome after a while.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Feb 17, 2019
Sup fellow Gymcels are you looking for something to read between crushing reps and box at the gym? Well look no further.
Here we have a manga that is just mindless fun, no story no end goal, no character development, just a gag manga about working out. There is no real through line, each story can just be taken as an excuse to insert some kind of work out knowledge into the weeb population which we will need when we rise up.
The jokes are a bit samey as there is only so much material you can cover but the art and the ridiculousness keeps
it fun and light hearted. The problem here is that some of the stuff in this manga is just flat out incorrect causing me to sperg about it on the artists twitter even though he can't read in english and I am shadow banned for calling out fake natties.
Treat this as it is, a light hearted boner inducing comic, not as a work out bible. If you are trying to get into lifting do research on your own don't get advice from chinese finger paintings.
tld:dr pretty SWOLE 7/10
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Nov 27, 2018
Ooof where to start with this one? The concept is decent, a multiverse scenario that is just ruined by an amateur studio taking the reigns. The frame will obviously stay on the same picture for 3-10 seconds at a time with slight alterations. The art is so bad and inconsistent that it completely takes you out of the experience. Because of the amateur studio the pacing is off balance as well, clearly they failed to meet their deadlines and the story suffers for it. The problem here is that the director had some amazing ideas, something like Stein's gate with alterations to the main timeline
via leaps to a different trajectory, but he was chipping away at it until the last minute resulting in a poorly shot fizzling pile of shit. It's a shame as one of this studios first original anime that it went so bad. I feel sorry for the voice actors and the staff that split off to form a subsidiary company that was not ready to produce an anime that shat this nightmare out.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Sep 27, 2018
Hot off the heels of Kodomo no Jikan, Kaworu's artistic ability has leveled up in a big way. If you don't know the artist who penned this manga suffered a major blow, after getting a big deal with a U.S. distribution company for her pedorag mag, they suddenly pulled shelf space when the contents of the second volume were made aware.
Now imagine being in this headspace and writing something like Bakuman, you see when Bakuman was written, Obata and Oishi had already reached the pinnacle of success, not only were they jump regulars but they had reached world wide renown with their series Death
Note. Kaworu sensei comes at this manga from a much more visceral place.
This manga reaches a greater depth of emotion, the protagonist is unknown to the reader due to changes in perspective and how the story champions different heroes at times. Every character is peripherally related to manga and even Kaworu herself is embodied in a character that complains about the injustice of the KnJ situation. It's written with much more anger, but there is a lot of love. Though the characters struggle and fail, the love of manga really shines through.
Though it may seem oversexualized, this is the kind of story the author wanted to write, as an answer to being banned in the U.S. the whole thing reads like a love note to KnJ with much better art and a faster pace. It's a wild ride with plenty of anime tiddy to take in along the way as gas. There is clever unexpected humor and even romance. Because Kaworu goes places others dare not to go the cliche character tropes can't be found here.
All in all 8/10 so far
tl;dr: Angry Bakuman with 2D qts
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Aug 11, 2018
Too often people confuse perversion and degeneracy with a demarcation of intrigue. This anime in particular deals with plenty of themes that stray from the path of God including homosexuality, killing, affairs, pedophilia, probably rape, but so what? In the end it doesn't make any sense.
If I had to guess the train molestor manga artist who came up with this story was trying to convey the idea that people are all fucked up by writing in characters who lead somewhat normal lives with an intense perverted quirk about them, like BnH for pedophiles. I don't think it works, their backstories aren't fleshed out
enough to derive a definitive conclusion at this point, but from what I've seen up to episode 5 is that their deviancy doesn't come from strong enough of a place.
The formula thus far has been to introduce another freak in each episode and you have a too many cooks in the kitchen situation that could be seen as a interesting and interwoven plot but none of that matters because from the set up you can already see the ending. The mystery box fails to contain its self and the plot is tracked on a cliched line where all the twists were noticed from the end of the first episode.
Also there is no real suspense each episode follows the same basic punches, you get a cliff hanger moment that gets resolved with no consequences, then the "sweet" portion, then they introduce another degenerate, then there is the "bitter" portion which ends with a cliff hanger that gets resolved immediately in the next episode.
Anytime there is momentum it gets immediately torn away and you get 15 minutes of boring daily shit that has no purpose seemingly, all the resolutions are nonsensical like the author didn't think of them before introducing the problem and just needed to submit some shit before the deadline. I guess I'm just trudging along at this point because the original premise was interesting but this anime actually just sucks.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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