Feb 25, 2014
After reading My Heart Is Beating, I started this one on a whim and I'm honestly glad I did.
I really liked the story line as a whole; it wasn't as fast paced as others I'd read, but it went at a steady pace which mirrored the steady way that their friendship built as the manhwa progressed. The unique relationship between the two main characters is bittersweet and is very likely to pull a few heartstrings.
I actually fell in love with the art at first sight - it's so unlike the typical art style you see and consequently it's a refreshing change. The soft and
muted colours added to the dream-like feel, and the scenery is beautifully drawn. As a another person mentioned, there are slightly 'icky' aspects which are drawn (eg, snot, puke...etc...) but you soon realise that these all help build up the readers understanding of the character.
For some people, the art can be so different that it's a little off-putting at first, but even if you feel that way persevere with it, because the art and colours compliments the characters perfectly.
The juxtaposition of the main character and the robot is brilliantly done. I can't fault the character development either, although the personalities of the characters doesn't change much from start to finish, you can see subtle differences. As well as this, the manhwa deals with the sorts of issues that outcasts deal with in a high school environment, it's nice to read a manga where the main character isn't your typical hero.
This aspect links somewhat to the art, but the artist draws the expressions of the characters perfectly that is really adds to the feel of the character. You can really see what the character is feeling just by how the mouth is drawn, or the angle of the eyebrows.
I really enjoyed this manhwa, so much so that I read it three times in a week. It's the sort of manhwa you can easily put aside for a moment in order to do something else and come back to. But it's also the sort of manhwa that you have to sit back and think for a while after you've read it - I still think of it sometimes and every time I read it, there's always something missed the first time I did.
Should you read this?/what I liked:
Yes. With it's beautiful art style and gradual build-up to a climax I would recommend this manga who enjoys an unusual romance manhwa without all the 'mushy' stuff that comes with it. But as I mentioned earlier it is bittersweet, despite it having romance in there it's much deeper than a simply high school crush. So I should mention that as well as being a romance, it also hits the tragedy genre on the head.
What I disliked:
I did feel like the ending was a little rushing compared to how steady the manhwa started out like - it sort of felt like there was a slow build up and then everything happened at once and consequently I would have liked to have felt a bit more suspense towards the ending, because of this I rated this manhwa a 9 in total as opposed to a 10. Despite saying this, this is my personal opinion and it could be said that others felt that the rushed ending added to the feel of the manhwa as a whole. But even if I knew beforehand that the ending was a little rushed, I still would have read it because it's so beautifully done and the characters are both engaging.
There are some aspects of this manhwa that may trigger some people; it doesn't list it in the synopsis on any site where you can read this manhwa online and consequently there have been a few people who have been shocked. Without giving anything away, this manwha does deal with bullying (both physically, verbally and mentally) as well as addressing the consequences (both small and drastic) of bullying someone. I just want to put that there in case anyone feels uncomfortable about reading a manhwa that includes aspects like that.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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